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When you're working, do you like being watched by others?


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Okay what I mean is, when you're making Signatures or other things runescape related (or anything art related), do you have people looking over your shoulder and stuff?




Cause if you're like me, you get people asking, "what are you drawing?" or "is that armor? why is it blue?" and even, "what the hell is 'runescape'?"




Well im in a dorm atm with several other people who come and go past my room and I kinda get that sometimes... -.-






Well its making me very self conscious atm... I can't get any work done at all sometimes... :-s






So question is, do you mind people watching you while you work, or do you prefer to work alone quietly?




Im just wondering. O:)




(PS, I didn't think this thread would work well in Offtopic so I put it here instead)

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I realy don't like it usualy.




The problem is I tend to feel the need to show them certain parts of the program, and all of the "cool" stuff. However, I usualy am just doing tweaks on something, or something boring. Either way I don't like people watching me. :oops:

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i prefer working quietly alone, well not really quietly, i like having my music really loud, but today i just went to playing runescape cause i was working on a pixel sig and my neighbor comes running in and jumps onto my lap, she likes doing this alot lol, but shes like " whats that? what are you making? did you really do that? thats not your work!" so finally i just went to runescape lol (btw shes a few months older than me and like 20 pounds lighter than me) i also i dont mind her jumping around on me what with me being a guy...

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Hehe yeah, my old computer at my house is at my living room too.




My brothers see me working all the time so I dont mind, butfor everyone else, I get a bit edgy. :uhh:






i prefer working quietly alone, well not really quietly, i like having my music really loud, but today i just went to playing runescape cause i was working on a pixel sig and my neighbor comes running in and jumps onto my lap, she likes doing this alot lol, but shes like " whats that? what are you making? did you really do that? thats not your work!" so finally i just went to runescape lol (btw shes a few months older than me and like 20 pounds lighter than me) i also i dont mind her jumping around on me what with me being a guy...




Hmm... Girl Next Door eh? :-k




Careful with your hormones buddy. :wink:

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Hehe yeah, my old computer at my house is at my living room too.




My brothers see me working all the time so I dont mind, butfor everyone else, I get a bit edgy. :uhh:






i prefer working quietly alone, well not really quietly, i like having my music really loud, but today i just went to playing runescape cause i was working on a pixel sig and my neighbor comes running in and jumps onto my lap, she likes doing this alot lol, but shes like " whats that? what are you making? did you really do that? thats not your work!" so finally i just went to runescape lol (btw shes a few months older than me and like 20 pounds lighter than me) i also i dont mind her jumping around on me what with me being a guy...




Hmm... Girl Next Door eh? :-k




Careful with your hormones buddy. :wink:





99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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i personally hate it when anyone watches me do anything. especially when i draw animals in rl (tigers and horses usually) people usually stop, look, ask what it is and what im doing (if ive only just started and the pic has no shape) or complement me. gets very distracting and makes me nervous for some reason.. :shock:


Featuring in my sig: TURT, ma pet turdle!


Thanks to- Runemetsa and Aijiru for two of the great sigs!

Avatar made by me

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I don't mind showing people where I'm at currently (current wip) if I'm finished working on it for a few hours, but I can't draw/work on art while someone is watching over my shoulder. I usually don't like when people come out of nowhere and ask "what are you drawing?", don't feel like showing something I didn't clean up since it usually looks like a big mess of colored coded lines.




Mainly because they'd get very bored at how many times I have to retry colors/lineart in a single tiny spot till I get it right, and I don't want anyone pressuring me to not worry about a detail and just move on so fast just so they can see what's next.




If it's a quick pencil sketch, it's usually fast paced so I don't mind people watching then.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Oh, pretty much everyone wants to be alone then.




I thought it was just me. :-k Interesting...

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I do not mind in pixle work, but I do mind getting distracted from real life art, it makes me loose my trian of thought because I do art very spontaniously, not using a set pattern for shading for drawing, so I forget where I was. I am fine with people watching though, as long as they say nothing lol

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with pixels and sigs it is ok, as they don't seem to interest anybody. But in real life, it gets really annoying when people come to look what I'm currently working on, so I usually just turn the picture upside down or cover it <.< .


I really don't mind to get my work judged and rated before it is completely done. I guess no-one wants to.



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Cause if you're like me, you get people asking, "what are you drawing?" or "is that armor? why is it blue?" and even, "what the hell is 'runescape'?"








i think with any type of artistic thing its annoying with people looking over your shoulder. Its just easier for people to grasp the idea when the art work is finished. And yes how can you get anything done when people are asking you tons of questions.

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i often find it anoying to have people looking over my shoulder when im doing anything really, unfortionatly i get that quite a bit (larger than avarage sze family and the computer is in one of the main rooms) but generaly they onlt look over when they want to go on. if they do look over my shoulder and i want them to go away i go on a forum or somming and they soon get bored =)




i have no problem with showing people finished work (unless i really hate it) but if theyre just standing there watching you it can often ruin the quality or whatever, sometimes i even find this if im making something for someone and theyre all liie "oh hows it going? can i see it yet? show me!" ugh, yeah so generaly i just dont tewll people im making somming for them, and only show thenm once im finished unless i know i can trust them not to be a total prat...




draweing on paper isnt so much an issue, however i still dotn like it, im im just doodling they come over and sopmetimes are like, ah thats crap! your rubbish! or whatever and that pisses me off, or lke if im doing a quality work they point out EVRY SINGLE MISTAKE and thet REALLY anoys me, its like, im not perfect, no one is, leave me alone!




if you have read all this im sorry, but you probably just wasted your time listening to me ranting on, unless you have alot of time, in which case i much apresiate people listening to me.




meh, ill shut up now, my arms hurts... o0






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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I work at around Midnight to 5 in the morning when people are asleep just to avoid stares. :wall:

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lol, thats um, rather extream...




i work between 10-11 pm. my net cutsa out at ten and then by 11 by dad is screwing at me, saying you shouldnt be up this late get to bed your really tired. meh, i am rather tired but still...


100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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i don't like it when people come to the computer to see waht i am workin on exept for my girlfriend :-w with paper drawings i don't bother... they are not that good so...




also its very handy i havfe a pc on the next floor, because almost evryone is downstairs so -.-





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i don't mind it when i'm drawing or painting.


i don't mind when i'm writing a composition of a song either.. well i dont actually write that down i just play and remember it..




but what i do mind is when people read the lyrics i write, i always slightly feel embarresed.


lyrics/ poets are rather personal anyway.




o and incase it might help somebody, for me being tired boosts my creativity.


when i'm tired and pressured i just write and draw my best stuff like crazy.

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when i doing work for my GCSE in art i stop or just cover my art work up if someone is looking, no idea why im just like that also the same with MSN conversation or atempting a pixel sig, i wait to my sis or dad is gone as i feel it none of their business what im doing

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When i used to make pixel sigs, I was really annoyed by people watching over my shoulder.




Thats less with photoshop, but I still get questions like: What are you doing? whats that? why do you do that? etc.




Or when my sister wants something I made (that she can use on another forum) she looks how the result will be, I cant concentrate that way either.



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I don't like it either, especially at school, sice i've got my own laptop in my room so i never get bothered there unless i'm late for tea :P




At school we had to use photoshop in history for a propaganda poster, and i finished first by a mile, and it was decent cause i actually know how to use it lol. But people always ask me to help and stuff, i don't mind but it ends up getting very annoying when the other students go to me first over the teacher :?




When writing music etc i like people there, especially if its in ma band, to see what they think etc


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I can't believe that people dont like it when people look over their shoulders, i love it.




If you ask me art is all about expressing yourself and thats exactly what i do, weather im painting, sketching, taking a photo or doing something on my computer i love it when someone comes up and watches me work for the following reasons




- An extra pair of eyes always helps, weather you drew an arm too big or a nose too small.




- I like to show people that may not know how to do what im doing how to do it, hopefully if they're doing something i can't do, they'll return the favor.




- It puts a bit of pressure on you, and thats when you work your best (well i do anyway). Pressure add's importance to what your doing, you want them to see that your good at what you do so you try that bit harder.




Art is an important part of my life, and because i have alot of people that are important to me i like them to be a part of it, wether its me drawing a friend, doing a painting of one of them or just showing them how to do something, it makes me feel good.




Black flat

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