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New player interfaces!


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I hate it! The new interaffce looks too babyish and dosent fit in with the game. i dont like anything about it.. period. Wanna know more specifically, then ask me what, but I cant be bothered to type them all.




I agree with you, I wanna press one bottom to see my stats, not 2. :shame:




That's the update you mean, right?

I don't get how you mean click twice... You just click on the graph icon...






I LOVE the update. Good job Jagex, maybe touch up the friends and ignore list buttons, that's all. Gj imo. :D

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I agree with most ppl who said the run button was too small


Though is it just me or do the different parts look dirty :?:




If you read Paul Gower's statement on the official forums (stickied in recent updates), the run button is actually larger than it used to be.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I don't mind the updates, I'll adapt.




lawl taito...




Youll get used to it. go get drunk and pretend it never happened.




i thort people had forgot about that?!




I was preparing to make a post that said "OFF TOPIC: Still sober Taito?" One of these days, you'll get that same message from me...


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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personaly i think it is going to be like eveyr new "graphical" update, the new prayer interface some peope liked, some disliked.




When the runescape website was updated many people said it was horrible, but after a certain time they got used to it, chances are jagex are not going to return the interface even if it is hated so its best to embrace change instead of complaining about it.

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personaly i think it is going to be like eveyr new "graphical" update, the new prayer interface some peope liked, some disliked.




When the runescape website was updated many people said it was horrible, but after a certain time they got used to it, chances are jagex are not going to return the interface even if it is hated so its best to embrace change instead of complaining about it.




Complaining ftw! ..any other time i'de agree with you, but for me, it messes with game play.




My sig ftw too! :D

92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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I don't like the new interfaces. It doesn't seem as organized as the old ones and is rather clumsy to switch between attack styles, and the friend list icons just seem childish :cry: May the old interface RIP

Currently P2P.


I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand.


Formerly known as: Ghstkill8, Serene Ghst, Genius Goats

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I don't like the new interfaces. It doesn't seem as organized as the old ones and is rather clumsy to switch between attack styles, and the friend list icons just seem childish :cry: May the old interface RIP




yay, my sig ftw! :D

92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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Overall it was a good update. Not entirely good, but good nonetheless.




Skill Menu - The bad news comes first. I hate the orange. The yellow was great, it contrasted well against the gray background and was easy to read. On the other hand, the orange is dark, tends to blend more with the brownish-gray background, and has less distinctive boundaries.




Weapon Interface - Well, I really do like the look of the new interface here. It's more organized, easier to read, and offers a MUCH more "concrete" special bar. No more guessing if it's at 25% or 30%, because it's all green. However, I do agree it is annoying to have to hover over an attack style to see what it trains. Lastly, the auto-retaliate update was good. I could never find it before anywho.




Equipped Items - I don't care if it takes two clicks to see the stats, I love this. The new view of the character, along with the ability to toggle items while in the screen makes this a very nice update. I would MUCH rather be able to change equipment while looking at my stats than be able to see my stats in one click.




Emotes - Err, well I'll admit it's not the best part of the update. I don't really like it too much myself. In the very least, it's a cute update, and the pictures are pretty!




Compass - It makes the game look more sleek, less clunky. I'm sorry if you can't tell which direction is which, but I'm sure you'll get used to it in time. We'll all get used to it in time.




New Bottom-Icon Organization - Well, after about 10 seconds of finding out what button / switch does what, I immediately took a liking to the update. Definately an improvement from the jumble of buttons we had before.




Rune Boots - For me, this was just as rewarding as the new interfaces. +2 Strength bonus is the same as climbing boots. Fantastic update, and I have myself a new pair of regular combat boots!




I'm sure I missed a few but these stuck out most for me. The biggest bummer for me is the Orange-Stats, but I'm sure I'll get used to those.

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For me, probably the worst overall update of the year.




The Attack Style page feels too compact now, it's all crammed together now and feels cluttered to me.




Bring back the yellow skill numbers! Orange may be my favourite colour but don't use it on the RS colour background!




I don't see the point of the equipment stats thing. The old one was better IMO. People only seem to like it since you get to see yourself in it :shock:




The new prayer symbol colour is weird! Yellow was better.




Why do we need another Lumby Teleport? Because it's free everyone will use it over the original. The 30 mins recharge is pointless. Lumbridge Tele is only useful for quests and they take more than 30 mins...




I prefer the old smiley faces for the friends lists IMO.




The run button in GAME SETTINGS? Explain the logic? Settings are things like Brightnessm etc. Not to select run mode.




Don't even get me started on the emotes. Ok so you can see what each emote does...nobody will ever really use them!




Of what I've heard of the area sounds...average...way too hyped up by Jagex IMO.




The skill tutors scattered everywhere makes Lumbridge "Tutorial City" and not really part of the game anymore. The point of a game is to be challenging and make the player think about how to do things...all these tutors everywhere takes that challenge away and I feel that the game has now been given too gentle a learning curve.




The only good thing I can really say about the update is the new Lumbridge Bank. It's good for those who don't yet have access to the Culinaromancers Chest, but once you do have access there really is no point to using the roof bank...




What Jagex should do now is add a skins option to the game settings. This allows players to switch between interfaces and pick the one they prefer, allowing fans of the old interface to be happy too.




I promise never to rant like this again.



Legends Quest Completed 4th April 2007 Combat Level 79


Visit my blog! The MrVegetable Diaries

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I hate the new interface. Form should follow function, and even if Jagex was going for form... they missed it by a long shot. The old interface was much more utilitarian, simple and sleek. I desperately hope they bring it back or give people the option of which interface to use.

Barrows Items: Karils Xbow x2, Coif


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Hate the run page, always click on emotes! :evil:




Don't like color of prayer, hate the orange skills!!




Love emotes page :D And the player centre part, where you choose what options you like.




Love how you can click on weapon style, and click retaliate options




Smiley isn't azn anymore :cry: < - lol




Love! how the tele to Lumby with no runes, great for new players, thanks Jagex :3>




Hope they change bank system next time ::'

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Hate the run page, always click on emotes! :evil:




Don't like color of prayer, hate the orange skills!!




Love emotes page :D And the player centre part, where you choose what options you like.




Love how you can click on weapon style, and click retaliate options




Smiley isn't azn anymore :cry: < - lol




Love! how the tele to Lumby with no runes, great for new players, thanks Jagex :3>




Hope they change bank system next time ::'

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Only on the button or the little man works, still considerably smaller. Not too inconvenient, but like I said, it's the only thing that really caught my eye.


[Admin Edit: Religious text Not permitted]

~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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If you want to run easily hold down the CTRL button when you click the mouse to move somewhere :)




All I ever use. It'll take some time getting used to I think. Jagex should really get the opinion of players before they release things like this. They may think it's better but we're the ones who have to deal with their crap!

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If you click on "show equipment stats" while walking, you will walk in the new open window.




If you are running, you will run in the window.


Nice! Can you try it whith emotes too?






Yep. I like doin' the zombie dance.

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well, the stupid new combat options gave me a def lvl :( and yes im a pure. I didn't misread or misclick, but I was in the arena dueling a guy. I was autocasting with ancient staff, then changed to dds to spec him. For some stupid reason autocasting is now like one of the other combat options and is in the same spot as the defensive position for dds. Thats messed up.

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