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Could you take anothre person's life?


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I would to save myself.


and leave your family to die?your either adopted and dont care about this new family or ungratefull to your parents for raisin you..and both are sick and wrong




Yes, killing a person to save several people is both sick and wrong.





[Admin Edit: No naming names in a negative light]

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I'm guessing your parents don't love you?




As everyone else said, it really does depend on the situation. But for the stranded-in-the-middle-of-no-where-with-loved-one-and-crazy-torturer-with-gun-in-reach, I'd save myself, and my loved one. Self defence is the one of the real reasons I'd take a life, but there are plenty of chosen people i'd kill someone threatening to kill them/torturing.




<-- Oh, and 1k :D




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The only problem for me would be more physical. The sight of blood makes me cringe. Heck, the thought of blood makes me cringe. Also, if someone says they cut they're finger, my finger will start hurting.




Lucky for me, I don't mind the sight of blood.. I don't mind seeing someone who's tried something horrible suffer..






Once in a while I get depressed for no real reason.. As you can probably tell, I'm feeling a little down at the moment..

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Circumstances have nothing really to do with that fact that yes i could easily take another persons life.Theres no ifs and buts,its would you or wouldnt you,and I have to behonest and say that I could kill another human.Dont say"what if they were related to you etc" because the original question was "Could you take another persons life?".yes,yes i could.


I know exactly what you mean, its just ruining the whole game for everybody, this is the worst update since noobs.
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-To save, someone.


-Or to save myself.


-Or In war ect ect.


You took the words right out of my mouth. There may be another situation that I haven't thought of in which I would kill another human being, but those are the only reasons I can think of.

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I'm guessing your parents don't love you?




My parents and I have a great relationship. Infact, that's why I would be able to kill someone so easily. If someone were to threaten a loved one I wouldn't have second thought about hurting/killing them. I would do it as fast as possible.

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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I'm guessing your parents don't love you?




My parents and I have a great relationship. Infact, that's why I would be able to kill someone so easily. If someone were to threaten a loved one I wouldn't have second thought about hurting/killing them. I would do it as fast as possible.




The exact reason why I am all for the death penalty.


Me doing staff.

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Impersonally, with a gun or maybe even a knife-yes, I could. But up close and personal like beating a man to death with my bare hands or maybe biteing him to death, I don't know. I get a little squeamish in areas like that.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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I think the core issue here is that basic survival instincts beat morals any day.




A consciencious vegetarian (i.e. one who doesn't eat meat on moral grounds) who has had no food for a month is not going to ignore a pile of freshly fried bacon. I'm willing to bet there are no people like that in places where famine is common.




True. Any human and animal will do that.




@the main question:


I could kill and injure the person at the extreme conditions {if my family members are slain, my girlfriend, my childhood friend, or lover died, I was severaly wounded, If I survived from a torture, I was forced to murder someone to save a hostage life's, starvation, etc} even thought I will be scared and trembling with fear {just the fact of holding a gun or a knife.} Everyone else including me, won't be able to stand seeing someone getting killed by your own hands in anyway human ways as a civilian.


If I somehow succed to kill, then I will likely to kill anyone else easily after that {after the rush of adrenaline.}


Anybody could do the same at the first attempt and then gets used to their instinct and break their moral and norms.

-=Aznhuskarl=- Cleric

-=20Cent=- Juggernaught

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If mine or someone who I know's lives are in danger then yes.


If its a war then no unless they pose a direct threat to those listed above.




Their have not been any wars in American history that I would have activly partisipated in.

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I guess I can't really know until I were in such a situation... but gosh... I really can't imagine being in a place where I could kill someone. Except myself, which wouldn't take as much willpower because you KNOW yourself, or someone who I knew actively wanted to die.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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Just kind of following up on mad here, but I don't think I could actually take my own life. I'd be much too afraid.






Killing another person? I think if I needed to I could. I would probally act in the heat of the moment, there would be no time for me to think "is this morraly correct?"

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If it was guaranteed that there would be no later repercussions (retaliation, prosecution, etc)?




Yes, easily. I would rob the corpse, too.




If not?




I'd give it a lot of consideration, and try to find another way around the situation.




There are a lot of things I would do, but as a law-abiding citizen with a fair sense of self-control, I wouldn't do them. As with most people, though, my willingness to harm someone is inversely proportional to how much I like them.

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