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whats the worst time you have had connection loss??


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yet again with many of my posts im not sure whether it has been posted before but i haven't seen it so there :P




whats the worst time you have had connection loss? either that or the most annoying time you have had connection loss?








for me when i was trying to line up my santa and mask set in a line for a picture than bang! connection loss...luckily i got a mate to cover for me who didn't have a clue how much the rares were worth :D


Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

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Hehe, you should see Inhanamies 4th PK vid, he loses connection during PKing and loses a whip because of it :oops:




But personally, i have never had a really annoying loss of connection, it happens rarely for me anyway, once every two months probably

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Well, nothing VERY bad, but I remember one time then the mysterious old man's boxes appeared and I got:




"Connection Lost. - Please wait, loading more boxes"




It was terrible. #-o




Luckily this hasn't happend to me yet while beating high level monsters. It might so I'd better get prepeared. :ohnoes:




Off-Topic: How was my previous post spam? All I did was having an idea of how to be able to play RuneScape without someone making fun of ur name.

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Well, nothing VERY bad, but I remember one time then the mysterious old man's boxes appeared and I got:




"Connection Lost. - Please wait, loading more boxes"




It was terrible. #-o




Luckily this hasn't happend to me yet while beating high level monsters. It might so I'd better get prepeared. :ohnoes:




Off-Topic: How was my previous post spam? All I did was having an idea of how to be able to play RuneScape without someone making fun of ur name.




when have i said your post was spam? :-k


Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

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lost guthan helm , spear , whip , obby set :oops: :wall: :evil:






i logged out , second i logged in i was in fallador with only guthan legs , body and d hally




Wow that's very bad, especially since the weapon gives high hi-alchemy value and even higher than some important barrows equipments. But why did you have both abyssal whip and TzHaar Shield?




Off-Topic: You replied "maybe a rule "spamming"??", doesn't that mean you found my post spam?

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Wave 55 fight caves.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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lost guthan helm , spear , whip , obby set :oops: :wall: :evil:






i logged out , second i logged in i was in fallador with only guthan legs , body and d hally




Wow that's very bad, especially since the weapon gives high hi-alchemy value and even higher than some important barrows equipments. But why did you have both abyssal whip and TzHaar Shield?




Off-Topic: You replied "maybe a rule "spamming"??", doesn't that mean you found my post spam?






no i meant maybe a new rule should be introduced "spamming"....


Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

Click here for our website - 110+ F2P Combat Requirements

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At blue drags... I had just left the safespot to pick up hide/bones. When I got back on, I had 14 or so hp left. I didn't have very valuable stuff on me (total of 600k or so and I would have gotten the three most valuable items). But my heart, my heart...

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Worst time was on my last pk trip with my clan. There were about 7 of us (lvl 80s) against 5 lvl 100s. I was doing great. I was maging and pouring fire blast after fire blash into them. No-one was attacking me, I had full food. Then I had a connection lost. It was only for about 15-20 seconds but enough for me to be in lumby when it ended. It was ok because I later pked a rune scimmy so I evened out.

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Legends quest. The first Nezikchened fight. On classic. I almost died. o_O

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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Fighting Verac. He got me down to half life.




However, I have had the RS client crash (Message pops up saying runescape[Caution: Executable File] generated errors :?) at the worst times. Worst one was at the monkey temple, didn't have prayer on BUT I managed to click on the stairs before the client crashed. Would have lost the greegree's and monekey bones <.<

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dced for a good 3 min during a fight in edge...managed to reconnect with 20 life? :pray:




and on one of my attempt on jad...dced for one of his attacks :x just happened to be the one i wasnt praying against :notalk:


Whip PKs: 11

Dragon Drops: 9 - Whip Drops: 20

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