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Woodcutters Guild


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I think there are a few problems with this idea:




-The combat req: keeps out all of the hard-working skillers


-The amount of trees: Come on, seriously. Jagex would never put such a massive guild.


-The PIN idea: stolen from me <.<




I made a thread with a bunch of ideas, but it got locked <.<


So I'll just post it here:


Table of Contents










---3.1-Woodcutting Features


---3.2-Firemaking Features


---3.3-Fletching Features


---3.4-Other Features


4.0-Map of the Guild/Other Pictures












I've looked over the Runescape Map and picked out 3 prime locations for a Woodcutting Guild:




Location #1


Southeast of Rellekka






Location #2


Karamja, North of Shilo Village






Location #3


South of Castlewars, if they extend that little land area a bit and scoot the Fairy Ring north or west






Location #4 (thanks Jamalboy)


West of the Falconry






Post any other Location suggestions you have!








These have to be thought-out, to keep out the Macro population of Runescape. I've seen suggestions of a combat requirement, but that keeps all those skillers out. So here's my idea:




--85 Woodcutting


--Enter your Bank PIN every time you enter the guild, no matter if you entered it at the bank or not.


--Possibly a short question every time you wish to use the bank in the guild, like "Are you a bot? Yes or No" or something similar.




Post any other suggestions.








This guild is going to be stuffed with all kinds of features that would benefit lumberjacks, fletchers, and all those pyros out there!




3.1-Woodcutting Features




Well, what do we give lumberjacks to make them happy? TREES! And lots of them! The guild would include willows, maples, yews, magics, and maybe teak/mahogany too! Here's a list:


Willow-9 Trees


Maple-5 Trees


Yew-6 Trees


Magic-3 Trees


Teak-3 Trees


Mahogany-4 Trees




3.2-Firemaking Features




I have a great idea about the Firemaking portion of the guild- The Incenerator! Here's how it works: You burn your logs in the Incenerator--you still need the same Firemaking lvl you would need to burn them with a tinderbox--and you get 10% Bonus Exp per log!!! But, of course, there's a catch. Every 10 logs or so, the Incenerator must be cranked via the crank on the side of it. And, because of the intense heat, the metal tends to wear. It can easily be repaired with some swamp tar though!




3.3-Fletching Features




It took my a while to come up with some fletching features, but here we go.


One thing doesnt actually give fletching xp, but it definitely relates to fletching - The Fletcher! He will make bows for you, provided you give him the necessary items. You will need the appropriate log, a bowstring, and money (400gp per shortbow, 500gp per longbow). And if you bring him the rare Dark Wood, along with 1,300,000gp, he will make you a Dark Bow!


Now for the part where you get fletching exp. A man named Freddy walks around the lobby. He is very interested in a new type of fletching. It involves making statues as offereings to the gods - Zamorak, Guthix, and Saradomin. But he isn't skilled enough to make them. That's where you come in. Talk to him, and he will lend you his special knife. The object of the mini-game is it cut as much mahogany (that is the only kind) and fletching a small statue to the god of your choice. You have 1 minute per game, and must wait 2 minutes after a game before you can do it again. For every statue you give him, you will receive 1 Fletching Point.


He also has a shop of rewards you can buy. There are many types of wood, even a special knife to craft your own statues, and the fabled Dark Wood! Rewards:


--Log(10)-1 Point


--Oak Log(10)-5 Points


--Willow Log(10)-10 Points


--Maple Log(10)-15 Points


--Teak Log(10)-20 Points


--Maple Log(10)-25 Points


--Mahogany Log(10)-30 Points


--Yew Log(10)-35 Points


--Magic Log(10)-40 Points


--Carving Knife-50 Points


--Dark Wook-1,000 Points


The Carving Knife can do everything a normal knife can, plus carve special statues out of mahogany. You can string statues you make on your own time and wear them as an amulet. Depending on the god you carved, the amulet gives different bonuses:


--Saradomin: +4 to all Def Stats, +5 Prayer


--Guthix: +2 to all Atk Stats, +2 to all Def Stats, +5 Prayer


--Zamorak: +4 to all Atk Stats, +5 Prayer


You can also hang statues in your chapel. The statue MUST be the same god as the symbol you have in your chapel. 48 Con Required. Hanging the statue will give you a +1 prayer bonus when using your altar (like the Nature Altar gives +2)




3.4-Other Features




Other things in this place include a bank and a water source. There is also Rob, who runs an axe shop. It sells all axes, excluding dragon, at a slight discount. Prices:


--Bronze Axe: 10gp


--Iron Axe: 40gp


--Steel Axe: 100gp


--Black Axe: 300gp


--Mithril Axe: 450gp


--Adamant Axe: 1,100gp


--Rune Axe: 11,000gp


The Rob can also fix all axes. Prices are the same as Bob.








Heres the map






This is a sample of the Incenerator. The (badly-made) crank powers it, and the pink area (also badly-made) represents the weakened metal that needs repairing.






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  • 4 weeks later...

ok the idea of a woodcutters guild is cool but it would be just plain stupid to have that pin idea.... Like i dont talk when im woodcutting, and what if theres no one around? You just going to be sitting there talking to your self? No thats what random events are for they are there to stop autoing. They appear when you've been doing something for a long period of time. But in order to stop autoing they can introduce a new type of event, like when one try gets chopped down it moves.

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Guest Evanhart1

I think the requirements are a little bit high. I think it should be 68 woodcutting, 1 fire making + (not a fire making guide so it shouldn't be a requirement) and 3 combat. Members only guild so no autoers. But I don't support because we don't need one. :notalk: There is enough trees etc. Only need guilds for crafting, and fishing and stuff like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree, I think it should be MEMBERS ONLY, sorry, but that would reduce the numbers of autoers there by quite a bit.


here, lol.






Just some things I think Would be better.




-The walls will be like the barbarian village.


-The entrance, will be a few trees, that you have to cut down in order to get in.


-You will have to do a short question in order to get into the shop. like when you wanna make a account for the forums, it will be an image like D00D13 and wiggly. humans will have no trouble with this.




I like the idea of having it south of castle wars, because that provides a quick bank, and easy way to get there. I also like rellica. (i'd make my house there, easy planks!)




Although i dont really like your idea for the design of the guild, I think it shouls beround/octogone.




-The "other trees" would be, well, other trees.


-And one more thing, TEAK AND MAHOGANY ONLY GROW IN TROPICAL CLIMATES, it would be unrealistic to have them anywere other then karumja, and oak/yew/willow/maple, and magic trees dont grow there(karumja)!


-maby another kind of tree, a specal kind, that would be very rare, and take an hour or so to cut it down. like A DARK TREE. oooOOOoooo would be used to make unstoppable bows, and fires that last for a few days.




-I think an 85 req is a tad to high, maby 70, or 73....




I will update the map.


{DeviantART}{Last.Fm}{Join Sublime GFX, great community for artists!}

Back to RuneScape, Again.Avatar by Brian The Great

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Thats ruining woodcutting.....




It would be so crowded noone would ever get much.




Simply bad idea




I DO NOT support

Click for My Blog



670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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thats why it would be A HIGH REQIREMENT TO GET IN!




and plenty of trees, that respawn fast.


{DeviantART}{Last.Fm}{Join Sublime GFX, great community for artists!}

Back to RuneScape, Again.Avatar by Brian The Great

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you should consider boosting the firemaking req. to 75 or so as opposed to 50. (Further prevent autoers entering, and makes it more exclusive)




[spoiler=Stats:]Updated December 22, 2011:


Total level - 1442 - 170M+ XP , Combat level - 115

Combat skills: Attack - 90, Defence - 99 (24.45m+ XP), Strength - 90, Constitution - 99 (16.42M+ XP) Ranged - 99 (13.32M+ XP), Prayer - 60, Magic - 99 (13.25M+ XP)

Non-Combat skills: Cooking - 99 (13.80M+ XP), Woodcutting - 99 (31.95M+ XP), Fishing - 90, Firemaking - 99 (24.82M+), Crafting - 90, Smithing - 90, Mining - 85, Runecrafting - 60, Dungeoneering - 85


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Yeah i like the idea but too get in ur should have to enter a code that they show u like on sites so that bots cant get in. Something like that should be used so that u can get in.

98% of the Tip.it Community has a signature. If you are one of the 2% that doesn't, put this in your... aww crap.....

signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If

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the trivia thing is an idea to deter autoers, but they can just get in and then macro. there should be some sort of thing necessary to bank repeated times or somethimng?



I need a new siggy, get round to doing it later.



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ya i think a wc guild wood be cool, and really helpful. woah. 60 willow trees.. :shock: the only problem is that you would need more than a little trivia at the beggining to enter :-k




I support you! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:



~i like it cuz it taste good!~



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The lowest to enter should be 75. Also, I support This!




<3: O'Ducky

~ HYT Chat Rules (Click Here): Read before entering the chat. ~


| Former Clan Chronicle Editor | Former Clan Improvement Member| Former TET Member |

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  • 2 weeks later...

Support, but why not other trees such as oaks and such? if its a wc guild, then I believe it should include those types on trees also.




Also, theres a little to many trees

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You have to change some stuff.






75 woodcutting.


50 combat level.


50 Firemaking.




Woodcutting guild:


5 Magic Trees (Only In Members Worlds).


10 Yew Trees.


20 Maple Trees (Only In Members Worlds).


30 Willow Trees.


40 Oak Trees.


50 Trees.


1 Bank.


5 Tree Farming Patches (Only In Members Worlds).


1 Larrys Woodcutters' Shop.




Larrys Woodcutters' Shop: (Infinite amount)


Bronze axe - 50 coins.


Iron axe - 250 coins.


Steel axe - 500 coins.


Black axe - 1,000 coins.


Mithril axe - 2,500 coins.


Adamantite axe - 5,000 coins.


Runeite axe - 25,000 coins.


Log - 25 coins.


Oak log - 10 coins.


Willow log - 15 coins.


Maple log - 110 coins.


Yew log - 350 coins.


Magic log - 1,250 coins.




The bank will be surrounded by trees which is in the centre on the woodcutting guild.

FTP player.


85/90 smithing. 12,000,000/100,000,000 coins.

Total hacked and scammed losses:

1 billion coins +/- (Not in today's currency).

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