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Ever been talking about an item then geting it as a drop?


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I was talking to Mini193 about obby capes. I said I'd only wear one if I got it as a drop. He thought i would give up. I had my legends cape til i got it and well a few kills later I got the cape.








Anything like this ever happened to you?








Can a mod please delete any posts about bones/ash. They are 100% drops and do not add to topic.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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The other day, I was doing my casual slayer. At the time I was talking to N0valyfe about partyhats, then I said "I need more glories..." He responds "Get a half key drop and have fun" The next Desert Lizard down... A Half Key.








I think he's magic. :shock:



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sounds like you were down there because he said you wouldnt get one then you put your time into getting one. and then you got it as a drop.








the whole "anything like this ever happened to you?" thing doesnt really fit as thats the entire reason you were down there. ok im gonna stop typing now before i get anymore confused :-s

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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sounds like you were down there because he said you wouldnt get one then you put your time into getting one. and then you got it as a drop.








the whole "anything like this ever happened to you?" thing doesnt really fit as thats the entire reason you were down there. ok im gonna stop typing now before i get anymore confused :-s








Actually I was a fight Pits the night before last. Logged in at the Thzaar area and decided to train. Obby Knife came so I decided to aim for a cape. Mini and I were talking about something else beforehand.








Wow three posts at same time. Scary. :ohnoes:


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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We were at a dag king trip, but we had a problem, there was someone already there and got prime on us, so i ran back up the ladder. But the problem was that I couldn't get down without Supreme/Prime nailing at me, Took like 30 minutes for me to finally get lucky enough to get down. First Rex I kill, D axe, second one, another D axe \'

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This is a true story:








Shortly after Stronghold of Security was released, I decided to get a Skull Scepter one night because I was bored. I grab my armor and 20 Lobsters (I didn't know what was down there) and head off to the enterance. I plow through the Minotaurs, Flesh Crawlers, and Cattlebepons getting all the drops easily. Then I get to Ankous. I go through all my food and still no Left Skull Half. I decide to kill one last one then leave. I say out loud (in real life) "This one better drop it!". I kill the Ankou, and boom, Left Skull Half \'

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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i was at dks with a friend about last week and we at ladder we had to hop because people there and we talking if we get a axe cause with a duo you get good shares so he get rex into safe spot while he ranges prime cause i go in kill sup then we both finish off prime then mage rex for rest of trip. First kill of day was sup and the only sup we killing and i get axe :P



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I got assigned dust devils (decided early on not to wate time camping there as the dragon chain was just to rare), so I went down there for like me second time ever. I had killed maybe 10 before this.








Well, I was talking to my one IRL friend about his KQ trip the day before, and talking about the chain with him. I also told this guy I met at PC that I could play the game with him because I was slaying dusties, and he started talking to me about a dragon chain also.








Didn't get one.........

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


3 down, 7 to go

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You will not believe this: I was talking about my prayer level, and bam!! Bones! Well, not really, I've really never gotten a drop above 50k.

mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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Back when Leester's and I were at barrows, I had a bad dry streak...




He says, get anything, I hadn't opened the chest yet, He tele's out. As he's tele'ing I say "Nothing" Grubble'ing anticipating my luck...Well it turned out to be a spear.








Another time when my friend Muggiwhplar and I were KQ'ing, he had just taught me how to KQ :3> , and we were fighting to get ourselves a world. So our KQ was half killed, and we were running back full bore, and I was yelling, "They can't steal our chain!!!!!!!!!!"








And yea...I got my first Dragon drop. :D

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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Heres another story that just happened. Its about a random event instead of a drop, but I still think it relates to the topic:








I'm doing my Fishing skilling (feathers at Barbarian Village, banking in Edgeville). Pinkbullet3 and Da Azn Pryde (two of my fellow Tip.Iters) are with me, and we're discussing Random Events. We begin talking about frogs and I mention how I collect the tokens and have 6 so far, and Pinkbullet says that he's only every gotten 3. Right then, I get a frog random. Scary :shock:

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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Happens all the time.












Also happened at abbies, was saying how much they hate me and that It's been aaages since I've had one.








Some Semi-related things:








I had to borrow some money off my friend to get a whip, I jokingly said "I'll get a half shield drop to pay for it" I get the whip and head to greaters for my slayer task, about 5 minutes later there's this red semi-circle on the ground =D








I was pking with a friend and we got ambushed in Multi (We were walking between Castle and graveyard, and well, so were another team, and they were bigger than us =P) Well, after I owned a few of them (Got 2 of them to tele, and it was like 2 vs 5 =P) my friend died and lost whip so I gave him mine. I had a clue in my bank and did that saying "This clue better give me a robin" and well, It did :D








I was at my friend's joke Runescape wedding and had my Grim reaper outfit on. Was pretending that I had to go reap some more people and said I was looking at my list and the next person was one of the people there. At that EXACT moment she got attacked by a swarm :XD: You couldn't have timed it better if you tried. That was probably my funniest ever moment in Runescape.

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Place: karamja volcano area next to gold ores.








was at talking to my friend irl on the phone, discussing how rare the left half of shield is. killed a skeleton (25) that wouldn't stop looking at me and there was a left shield on ground afterwards. \'

Asellus Girl



99 miner

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There was this time when I just got an obby shield, I started to think about how cool it was to get an obby shield and wondering if I would get another very soon. 2 more kills later another obby shield drops!! \'

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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