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��â�š���£25 per day to drive an SUV in London


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Additionally, it's been proven time and time again that large vehicles are safer than small ones.








That's what I've always heard as well...








So why not buy a Hummer?








The point is, safe drivers make safe vehicles. If you don't trust other drivers, then why not buy the biggest freaking vehicle ever? Answer: You have to draw the line somewhere. The question is where.








@BTTF: I'm not saying everybody owns an SUV for trivial reasons. But if you live where I live, every other vehicle is an SUV. I've never seen one of them hauling anything other than a person in a suit/blouse/dress.

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There also tends to be the weather factor which contributes to the justification of having a SUV. Where I am, roads are very windy in some areas, and then we get snow/ice every year during the winter, and a SUV is really helpful for both traction and getting through these places (granted, I think some AWD sedans can do it too, but suvs are usually more powerful so it's easier to go up a hill).

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You large vehicle haters need to shut the hell up with your sweeping assumptions.








My mother drives an SUV, my father a truck. Know why? My dad hauls two catering grills plus tents, event stuff, etc. around EVERY DAY in the bed and brings along either a 15' trailer or a pair of generators. My mom does the same thing to a lesser extent with an SUV - ever try hitching something up to a sedan? Remember, there are people that actually legitimately need large vehicles for business, and I think my family would most definently fall under that category.








Additionally, it's been proven time and time again that large vehicles are safer than small ones. When I start driving I don't want to be stuck in a unibody, 10-year-old used piece of garbage. I want something big, so that WHEN, not IF I crash, I'm alright. Not to mention the fact that SUVs and trucks outnumber cars about two to one around here. I guess you could try and make a statement about how you contribute to the problem, but the bottom line is that since where I live has a lot of construction, fishing, and blue-collar employment, these kinds of vehicles aren't going away anytime soon, and you trying to persuade anybody otherwise is an exercise in futility.








But I do also hate tailgating soccer moms.








Your dad uses a truck for the right reason.








But did you ever think that while you may be safe in the SUV, what happens to the car that you hit?


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Additionally, it's been proven time and time again that large vehicles are safer than small ones.








That's what I've always heard as well...








My parents and I have always driven normal cars. We have never died on car crashes too.


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Additionally, it's been proven time and time again that large vehicles are safer than small ones.
SUVs are terrible to be on the recieving end on. They're safe, as long as you're inside. With modern technology, it's perfectly possible to build an affordable compact that will keep you reasonably safe in most crashes - except for the ones where you get flattened by five tonnes of steel of course.








We're not making sweeping assumptions. We're making reasonable statements about the effect of overly large vehicles on the traffic of central London. The bottom line is that the roads of central London weren't designed with your precious mobile fortress in mind. They're highly unsafe to anyone outside of the car (a.k.a. the rest of the 5.999.999.999 people in the world), they clog up roads and they're highly polluting.

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There also tends to be the weather factor which contributes to the justification of having a SUV. Where I am, roads are very windy in some areas, and then we get snow/ice every year during the winter, and a SUV is really helpful for both traction and getting through these places (granted, I think some AWD sedans can do it too, but suvs are usually more powerful so it's easier to go up a hill).








Driving in bad weather depends a lot more on the drivers ability rather than the vehicle. Last winter when the roads were covered in snow, before even the interstate was all that clear, I made it to work just fine in my little Chevy Cavilier. I have about 10 minutes of country road driving, which involves a lot of twists and turns and hills, about 10 minutes of interstate driving, which was still had a snow on it, and about 10 minutes of city driving, which involves a lot of stopping and starting. I made it to work just fine. On the way to work I remember seeing a few vehicles on the side of the interstate and in the medium. I remember two SUVs, at least. I remembered these because of people saying how much better they are in the snow. It took me longer to get to work than the normal half hour because I drove cautiously, and I made it there just fine.








Maybe they do help somewhat. The most important part is still the driver.



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@BTTF: Most of the haters are towards those who do not use their SUV for hauling anything other than people. Blue-collar employment have every justification for an SUV, for reasons you stated.








But having on just to take the kids to and from school. Or to take the groceries home from the store, owners like that need to DIAF or sell - no GIVE - their SUV to someone who will use it for what it's designed for.

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With regards to the safety and receiving end deal, like I said, where I live larger vehicles outnumber compacts at least two to one, no lie. Out of the 11 vehicles on my street with regards to residences, one is a station wagon and the other a convertible Mustang. The rest are SUVs or trucks. It would be another story if the ratio was remotely balanced, but it isn't. It's the standard. Having anything else would be substandard, and given the option between being on a level playing field with 80% of people on the road and being at the behest of those 80%, I'd say screw the 20% and be safe, as cruel as it is.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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With regards to the safety and receiving end deal, like I said, where I live larger vehicles outnumber compacts at least two to one, no lie. Out of the 11 vehicles on my street with regards to residences, one is a station wagon and the other a convertible Mustang. The rest are SUVs or trucks. It would be another story if the ratio was remotely balanced, but it isn't. It's the standard. Having anything else would be substandard, and given the option between being on a level playing field with 80% of people on the road and being at the behest of those 80%, I'd say screw the 20% and be safe, as cruel as it is.








80% of all vehicles in the US are not SUV's...that's way off. Wish I had a time to find a real number. There is a majority of sedans and compacts.








And since i have actually been in a sedan that has been hit by a Suburban, let me say this: My car had the front end completely blown off. I was trapped in the car for 25 minutes (with no injuries, thank God). The woman was yelling at me, because she had bought the SUV 1 hour earlier for the looks, and I had apparently dented the fender by being in the path of her illegal turn.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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The woman was yelling at me, because she had bought the SUV 1 hour earlier for the looks, and I had apparently dented the fender by being in the path of her illegal turn.








THAT is what I hate HATE HATE about most 'SUV' drivers. They don't buy it for its primary purpose; they buy it as a status symbol and they are arrogant.








People who use it for what it is meant to be used for - no problem.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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The woman was yelling at me, because she had bought the SUV 1 hour earlier for the looks, and I had apparently dented the fender by being in the path of her illegal turn.








THAT is what I hate HATE HATE about most 'SUV' drivers. They don't buy it for its primary purpose; they buy it as a status symbol and they are arrogant.








People who use it for what it is meant to be used for - no problem.








It's the illegal turns that bug me the most :P Turn into the closest lane, and SIGNAL!

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Hmm, I live in Nottingham and whilst we don't have congestion charges here at the moment, they are talking about introducing them. I think as regards the environment, it is a fantastic idea. From a personal point of view, it aint good because my parents drive a Ford Galaxy, but maybe it will make them consider a more sensible car.








The reason my Mum drives a Galaxy is because it has 7 seats and lots of space to fit shopping into (We eat a lot :-P Not overweight, just eat a lot!) Now, I have tried to make her see sense and show her that you can fit lots of shopping in a normal car, a Mondeo or something like that, but she's having none of it. Also, we very occassionally need to transport 7 people. On occassions like this there is no other option but to have a 7-seater car. It is these very few and far between situations that made her get it.








My real peeve though, is proper 4x 4 drivers, the kind that only actually hae 5 seats but are built like trucks nonetheless. Such people always seem to feel the need to park it off-road, even when there is a perfectly good parkin space next to the tiny bit of grass they have parked on! For crying out loud, all you people who buy an off-roader, actually go off-road with it properly, into the countryside, take it up a mountain, whatever, but don't try to get your offroad kicks by parking on the tiny smidgen of grass in that inner city car park, especially when the car park is half empty!!








My little rant over with :P

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I don't live in London but i've been there a lot, and i've travelled on public transport, trains buses and tubes at rush hour and it's not a pretty site. In fact it's horrible, crowded, smelly, dirty. Cold in the winter and too hot in the summer. If i was one of the rich city types who probably own the 4x4s then i'd probably pay the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã25 a day. Or get my company to pay it, (which a lot of them do) or simply come in very early in the morning before the congestion charge starts (which a lot of them do). My point? It won't dent the wallets of the people who drive the Chelsea tractors.








That said, I go to an independant school where there are a lot of rich peroxide blonde with orange tan or fat middle aged balding 4x4 drivers. I don't like to stereotype, but they're nearly all arrogant, they think they can park wherever they want, they think that stopping at pedestrian crossings is optional and just generally cause half the congestion at my school everyday. So yeah, if those things were charged at my school i'd love it.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã25 pounds daily is actually a huge sum of money. If you were to drive around in your SUV every day of the year (not at all unlikely, many people probably do so), you would have to pay over ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã9000 pounds, or about $18,000 american dollars per year. You could get a used 2006 Hummer H3 for that price, and that's just the DAILY price you have to pay, not to mention maintenance, gas...

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ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã25 pounds daily is actually a huge sum of money. If you were to drive around in your SUV every day of the year (not at all unlikely, many people probably do so), you would have to pay over ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã9000 pounds, or about $18,000 american dollars per year. You could get a used 2006 Hummer H3 for that price, and that's just the DAILY price you have to pay, not to mention maintenance, gas...








And this year about 4000 city traders are being payed ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã1m+ plus bonuses. Trust me, to some people it's pocket change for being able to drive their own car daily.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Guest GhostRanger


The woman was yelling at me, because she had bought the SUV 1 hour earlier for the looks, and I had apparently dented the fender by being in the path of her illegal turn.








THAT is what I hate HATE HATE about most 'SUV' drivers. They don't buy it for its primary purpose; they buy it as a status symbol and they are arrogant.








People who use it for what it is meant to be used for - no problem.








Looks don't equate status symbol. Yes, lots of people are trying to over-compensate for something by buying an SUV - but liking the looks doesn't equate liking the "status." You could just like how it physically appears...

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Guest GhostRanger
I know, but that's why I said most. Because that's the case here - it might be different however many thousand miles away where you are.








I've never lived in a big city so I really don't know how much of a pain SUV's can be in a setting like that anyway...

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There also tends to be the weather factor which contributes to the justification of having a SUV. Where I am, roads are very windy in some areas, and then we get snow/ice every year during the winter, and a SUV is really helpful for both traction and getting through these places (granted, I think some AWD sedans can do it too, but suvs are usually more powerful so it's easier to go up a hill).








Driving in bad weather depends a lot more on the drivers ability rather than the vehicle. Last winter when the roads were covered in snow, before even the interstate was all that clear, I made it to work just fine in my little Chevy Cavilier. I have about 10 minutes of country road driving, which involves a lot of twists and turns and hills, about 10 minutes of interstate driving, which was still had a snow on it, and about 10 minutes of city driving, which involves a lot of stopping and starting. I made it to work just fine. On the way to work I remember seeing a few vehicles on the side of the interstate and in the medium. I remember two SUVs, at least. I remembered these because of people saying how much better they are in the snow. It took me longer to get to work than the normal half hour because I drove cautiously, and I made it there just fine.








Maybe they do help somewhat. The most important part is still the driver.








I understand and agree with you on the point of the driver playing a large role in driving in such conditions, and I just realized that the main issue here isn't necessarily driving conditions when it comes to cities (I don't think London has the same types of roads I have here). My driveway for my house is a pretty steep hill, and when it snows/ices, the only car that is able to get up it easily without slipping back down halfway is the SUV, which is what i mostly put the basis on. When it comes to the real road, I think that extra bit of protection/assistance given with an SUV is enough if it means something between life and death in harsh weather conditions.

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With regards to the safety and receiving end deal, like I said, where I live larger vehicles outnumber compacts at least two to one, no lie. Out of the 11 vehicles on my street with regards to residences, one is a station wagon and the other a convertible Mustang. The rest are SUVs or trucks. It would be another story if the ratio was remotely balanced, but it isn't. It's the standard. Having anything else would be substandard, and given the option between being on a level playing field with 80% of people on the road and being at the behest of those 80%, I'd say screw the 20% and be safe, as cruel as it is.








80% of all vehicles in the US are not SUV's...that's way off. Wish I had a time to find a real number. There is a majority of sedans and compacts.








And since i have actually been in a sedan that has been hit by a Suburban, let me say this: My car had the front end completely blown off. I was trapped in the car for 25 minutes (with no injuries, thank God). The woman was yelling at me, because she had bought the SUV 1 hour earlier for the looks, and I had apparently dented the fender by being in the path of her illegal turn.








where I live larger vehicles outnumber compacts at least two to one, no lie. Out of the 11 vehicles on my street with regards to residences, one is a station wagon and the other a convertible Mustang. The rest are SUVs or trucks. It would be another story if the ratio was remotely balanced, but it isn't. It's the standard.








Not necessarily my country. Where I live. That's like someone from Arizona saying "man it's hot where I live" and then saying "No, it's cold in Alaska, which is part of the US!"








Where I live, it's pretty suburban to rural. We have LOTS of blue collar employment - fishing, farming, construction, contracting, etc. It's harder to pick out a car than a truck where I live.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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I say all of the city mums driving 4wd trucks (I hate the term SUV) is a good thing. They provide a constant stream of affordable second hand trucks when they sell theirs. A main advantage of a 4wd truck is that they ride much higher improving visibility greatly, you simply see much more.








The only thing which I do not like about 4wd is that many people do not know how to drive them properly, that includes many people who take and use them off road and most probably consider themselves expert 4wders. I spend quite a bit of time driving winding gravel roads in the mountains and the speed same people drive is just crazy. They are simply asking for a accidents. I guess, they do provide a source of spare parts when they crash.








With regards to the hybrid 4wd, they are no better then a modern diesel and in my opioin they are made for the soccer mums. Petrol engines and hence hybrid are in fact worst then a diesel because petrol engines produce less low down torque and are worst at engine braking.








Diesels also have a cooler exhaust which would reduce the risk of starting a forest fire. Diesels also handle water crossings better (unless they get water in their air intake), diesels also have better fuel economy (especially on the open road) then hybrids.

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I say all of the city mums driving 4wd trucks (I hate the term SUV) is a good thing. They provide a constant stream of affordable second hand trucks when they sell theirs. A main advantage of a 4wd truck is that they ride much higher improving visibility greatly, you simply see much more.








The only thing which I do not like about 4wd is that many people do not know how to drive them properly, that includes many people who take and use them off road and most probably consider themselves expert 4wders. I spend quite a bit of time driving winding gravel roads in the mountains and the speed same people drive is just crazy. They are simply asking for a accidents. I guess, they do provide a source of spare parts when they crash.








With regards to the hybrid 4wd, they are no better then a modern diesel and in my opioin they are made for the soccer mums. Petrol engines and hence hybrid are in fact worst then a diesel because petrol engines produce less low down torque and are worst at engine braking.








Diesels also have a cooler exhaust which would reduce the risk of starting a forest fire. Diesels also handle water crossings better (unless they get water in their air intake), diesels also have better fuel economy (especially on the open road) then hybrids.




Yeah, and they ruin the environment. SUV's are much less safe than normal cars, because they can tip easily. And how ore the Hybrid SUV's not as good as Diesel?

I used to have a link to my school's project to provide fresh water to a Kenyan Village, but the sig police changed the link to say something, which, if followed, leads to an "ahem" adult website. Let me ask you. Which do you think is worse?

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good, simply i totaly again and its miles to late for it i think. also why would anyone in a major city even need a 4x4 suv thingy if they dont live in the country or go up hills for fun? :?

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