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Does/Has Runescape Affected Anything In Your Life?


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Lemme see I now type over 200 wpm (not joking)
What does that mean? lol, i hear people talking about wpm's and stuff and i have no idea what it means :shock:




Words Per Minute. ;)








Same here... I used to typ 232 on my 10-finger typing exams.. That's 6 years ago, and I have only improved that since. So I typ even faster now, most peoples are amazed to see how fast I can typ :) But that I also due to Scripting PHP/HTML and programming VB.NET, c# and a little c++

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I was a professional pianist... I saw some one playing it once, so I decided I wanted to try. I then began playing so much I developed carpal tunnel syndrome. However, I played through the pain of nerve trauma until I lost all feeling in both my hands. This obviously affected my profession as a pianist and runescape player. I went to the doctor and when he looked at it, he lost all emotion in his face. I had damaged the nerves so badly that my pinky and middle finger on my left hand and my ring finger on my right hand had to be amputated. This devastated me, as my two favorite things to do had been so untimely torn away from me. I now had nothing to live for... I attempted suicide twice without success and when one of my band mates (a good friend too) heard what was going on, so he took me to counciling three times a week. I was almost broke after paying for counciling and I needed a job. I got a job as a Wal-Mart greeter (it was the only job I could think of that didn't really need hands). This payed enough to get me a very small apartment which was getting me along. I thought my life was really starting to get back on track. In a few months I was able to buy a car, and I was promoted at Wal-Mart so my pay doubled. Life was looking up. But one day as I driving along a notoriously dangerous roadway (2 lanes of traffic going opposite directions separated by 4 feet of shoulder), a presumably drunk drive swerved into my lane hitting me head on. Luckily for me, he was in a small compact car, while I had a fairly large pick-up truck. He was killed in his car as the airbags failed to open and he cracked his head open on the steering wheel. My truck was sent spinning into the next lane and another car hit me on the passenger side. The passenger seat next to me unhinged and flew at me pinning my right leg to the cupholder area between the seats. I began to loose feeling in my leg and I realized I had to get out of there fast or the truck might catch on fire. I pulled and pulled on my leg and I pushed on the chair but the seat wouldn't come off. Fortunately and ambulance arrived shortly after and using the Jaws of Life they were able to cut the seat off without harming me. But the damage was already done. My leg had been cut off from blood and oxygen for so long the nerves were fried and there was nothing the doctors could do. They amputated my leg that day. So I was stuck. My life was finally beginning to turn around and everything was going well for me. But I was stuck... Stuck with a bad apartment, 7 fingers, and 1 leg. Then suddenly everything went white, and I was sitting up in my bed. It was just a dream... It was just a dream...








But yeah, Runescape hasn't really affected me all that much. I'm pretty lucky because I've heard some horror stories (not as bad as mine) that were indirectly caused by Runescape.












roflmao, I was like "omg thats well bad" then you say "it was only a dream" I was like "Wha?!"





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Changed my life alot, some ways worse.








I only just passed my GCSE's because i spent time on Rs, I wouldn't advise anyone else doing there GCSE's to play Rs at the same time as 'revising'








I am now doing my first year of A-levels, And have made the right decision to quit RS.








Like i said before, If you are going through the stage of your teenage years or early 20's where you are studying for degrees, A-levels, PHD's whatever.








Quit Runescape right now.








There are much more important things to be doing.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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I now actually follow the teachings of Guthix irl. I don't believe in him or do herblore, but i do believ in balance and stuff. wierd I know. :anxious:








Thats freaky dude...your following the religion of 2 crazy paintball loving brits.








Thats not to say there arent some good lessons in RS but to follow the religion is ummm :ohnoes:


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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I and a friend made friends with this guy from Holland and he came over to see us last Summer. For someone you knew online to fly over and visit, and spend time like you would with any other friend makes it so much more real. And I'll never forget that weekend!




Also, it teaches you things. Not just that you need coal and iron to make steel, but also moral issues and conversations with friends that you make. And its amde me eat cabbage irl :)


Thanks Choas for the Avatar and Petry for the sig (You know who you are) :)

Optimistic Elder in Runescape's only cult, The Order of Cabbage.

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other than taking away mucho hours of my life, its changed my attitude towards stuff - in a good way. ive become more witty, thoughtful, and more concerned about certain issues about stuff. im better at making up points or rebuttles, not to mention fast typing skills. EVERY SINGLE PERSON will learn to type fast whilst playing runescape.








yes i agree!!!




and i became a real life jack of all trades

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I'm next to sure it has. When my life seemed like it wasn't worth it and I was thinking about suicide, I thought about how I wouldn't see my runescape friends and how I wouldn't be able to do so much.








Much like Tripsis and Stilev, I do the bare minimum and achieve pretty much the top grades in all my subjects (PE,Music,Visual Arts aren't real subjects, I'm not counting em :wink: ) I don't have many friends in real life and I am not very social because I am shy and I overthink situations (For example, I go over next to all possibilities of the situation which leaves me to not bother. :oops: )








My typing has improved ...A lot. I was frustrated being walked away from because I was too slow at typing, now I am renowned as a fast typer.








Runescape has inspired a lot of my Pixeling art as you may have seen but I am doing more real life/Non RS related images and I am also renowned as a Good Artist.








Runescape has taken up a lot of my life, but I spend a lot less time on it, and more here at Tip.It. :D








It gave me something to relate to with some Real Life friends which boosted my popularity (Very temporarily, end of primary school didn't work so well...We went to different schools :x)








It has also made me start saving up money early in my life. I currently have $990 AUD, I'm aiming for 1 grand before I'm 14.








Anyway, I'll wrap this up before I start to ramble. Yes, runescape has affected my life :?

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first, my typing skills improved. a lot. :D








second, Runescape has been my "study material" for our accounting lessons in TLE class (technology and livelihood education) when we first tackled on net income, net loss and such, i knew a lot because of merchanting on Runescape :P i also try to apply Income Statement and Worksheet with the expenditures and stuff i do on Runescape :D








third, saving money is important. :D








lastly, i learned so much about goal-setting. ::'

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I was a professional pianist... I saw some one playing it once, so I decided I wanted to try. I then began playing so much I developed carpal tunnel syndrome. However, I played through the pain of nerve trauma until I lost all feeling in both my hands. This obviously affected my profession as a pianist and runescape player. I went to the doctor and when he looked at it, he lost all emotion in his face. I had damaged the nerves so badly that my pinky and middle finger on my left hand and my ring finger on my right hand had to be amputated. This devastated me, as my two favorite things to do had been so untimely torn away from me. I now had nothing to live for... I attempted suicide twice without success and when one of my band mates (a good friend too) heard what was going on, so he took me to counciling three times a week. I was almost broke after paying for counciling and I needed a job. I got a job as a Wal-Mart greeter (it was the only job I could think of that didn't really need hands). This payed enough to get me a very small apartment which was getting me along. I thought my life was really starting to get back on track. In a few months I was able to buy a car, and I was promoted at Wal-Mart so my pay doubled. Life was looking up. But one day as I driving along a notoriously dangerous roadway (2 lanes of traffic going opposite directions separated by 4 feet of shoulder), a presumably drunk drive swerved into my lane hitting me head on. Luckily for me, he was in a small compact car, while I had a fairly large pick-up truck. He was killed in his car as the airbags failed to open and he cracked his head open on the steering wheel. My truck was sent spinning into the next lane and another car hit me on the passenger side. The passenger seat next to me unhinged and flew at me pinning my right leg to the cupholder area between the seats. I began to loose feeling in my leg and I realized I had to get out of there fast or the truck might catch on fire. I pulled and pulled on my leg and I pushed on the chair but the seat wouldn't come off. Fortunately and ambulance arrived shortly after and using the Jaws of Life they were able to cut the seat off without harming me. But the damage was already done. My leg had been cut off from blood and oxygen for so long the nerves were fried and there was nothing the doctors could do. They amputated my leg that day. So I was stuck. My life was finally beginning to turn around and everything was going well for me. But I was stuck... Stuck with a bad apartment, 7 fingers, and 1 leg. Then suddenly everything went white, and I was sitting up in my bed. It was just a dream... It was just a dream...








But yeah, Runescape hasn't really affected me all that much. I'm pretty lucky because I've heard some horror stories (not as bad as mine) that were indirectly caused by Runescape.












omfg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dude that was a amazing story, but as i was like "wait, if ihe cant type anymore than how is he typing this?" but i was relieved to hear that it was just a dream of yours, best of luck irl!


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The main way of runescape improving your life skills, is sellig items really, cuz u improve ur maths by working out the prices, and ur also have 2 sit there typing, which will improve ur typing speed aswell.




Runescape has made my typing much better aswell, which is good :P

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Not really, im generally the exact same person I would have turned out to be if I hadn't started playing Runescape.








I think when people look at RuneScape from the outside, and see how long it takes to get a level up, then couple that with stories they've heard about teenagers commiting suicide over games, they picture the people who play this game as anti-social people who have no lives because they must spend "soo much time" to get their levels up, they don't think for a second that we might perhaps enjoy the game for its meticulous nature.








This view of the average RuneScape gamer is compeltely false, because, although I am for sure there are some out there that RuneScape has changed their lives for the worse, there are still a larger number of people for which RuneScape has had a positive influence on, such as faster typing skills as many people have mentioned.








For me, Runescape has helped with my typing skills, and I think it helps me control my anger better. I think I can link the time that I stopped being a nuisance to teachers and a troublemaker to the year that I started RuneScape. Instead of yelling at someone who ticked me off in real life, I would just call some random person a noob (on runescape of course), and it made me feel better, even though I know that sounds sappy and impractical.








It was also a learning expeirience for me, I remember that I amazed my mom when I was (I beleive) 10 or 11 years old by telling her exactly how to make bread, from complete scratch. (From my nooby days of makin' & bakin' bread in Lumbridge. \'

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Well... time to point at people who have NO LIFE.




Rs should only give you somethign to do when you are bored, and for most people make them type faster, doesn't nessasary mean better, but faster.








For those people who say, oh, i got friends, yay, that is just SAD.








IT IS A GAME PEOPLE, you are gonna be so sad when you stop playing rs (it will happen), and you might, or might not look back and say wow, what a waste.








Go... Go achieve, not the next "sweet skill" but in school... and get a good job and get money and do whatever the hell you want after that, but this is a once in a life time chance, if you don't give it up soon, your life will go down the drain.




People say that computer games are like drugs, you are addicted, blow otherthings off for it, slack in things and think about this all the time.




That is not good, you will know when it is healthy for you.








so get off your computer and go be active.




I don't care... if you are atheltic, i am, but when I see you, when i see you later, and i got into X college, and you didn't, because you did not apply yourself at some of the most easy things in the world, because of the fact that you think that runescape, a game, A VIRTUAL GAME, that could be gone in a instant, is important to you.








Face the true, it doesn't help as much as hender for most people, now you are probably gonna say, well im not most people, changes are you are.








I am not saying not to have fun, you can have fun, but in less addicting and bad ways.








Why are you even reading this message if you are.... joined this forum..




to chat? to chat to people, you mostly don't know?




Because of a common addiction?




That is sick.

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Well... time to point at people who have NO LIFE.




Rs should only give you somethign to do when you are bored, and for most people make them type faster, doesn't nessasary mean better, but faster.








For those people who say, oh, i got friends, yay, that is just SAD.








IT IS A GAME PEOPLE, you are gonna be so sad when you stop playing rs (it will happen), and you might, or might not look back and say wow, what a waste.








Go... Go achieve, not the next "sweet skill" but in school... and get a good job and get money and do whatever the hell you want after that, but this is a once in a life time chance, if you don't give it up soon, your life will go down the drain.




People say that computer games are like drugs, you are addicted, blow otherthings off for it, slack in things and think about this all the time.




That is not good, you will know when it is healthy for you.








so get off your computer and go be active.




I don't care... if you are atheltic, i am, but when I see you, when i see you later, and i got into X college, and you didn't, because you did not apply yourself at some of the most easy things in the world, because of the fact that you think that runescape, a game, A VIRTUAL GAME, that could be gone in a instant, is important to you.








Face the true, it doesn't help as much as hender for most people, now you are probably gonna say, well im not most people, changes are you are.








I am not saying not to have fun, you can have fun, but in less addicting and bad ways.








Why are you even reading this message if you are.... joined this forum..




to chat? to chat to people, you mostly don't know?




Because of a common addiction?




That is sick.








^^^These are the kind of people I am talking about, narrow-minded people who beleive everyone is "wasting" away their lives on RuneScape. In all honesty, I don't care, if I wasn't playing RuneScape I'd have another game to occupy the free time I have.








It's called free time for a reason, we can do whatever the hell we want with it, and whatever the hell we don't want to do with it.

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It was also a learning expeirience for me, I remember that I amazed my mom when I was (I beleive) 10 or 11 years old by telling her exactly how to make bread, from complete scratch. (From my nooby days of makin' & bakin' bread in Lumbridge. \'








Yet even more evidence to prove that Runescape is educational. Nice one Dusty \'

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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Yea it has, it built and addiction, caused me to fall away from my family, have them constantly get mad at me for hours of playing. But still I enjoy playing.....hmmmm.... kinda wierd.

Quest Cape Achieved on November 14, 2007


Items Acquired

Crystal Pick and Hatchet

Berzerker Ring x 3

3/28 Barrows Items

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How has Runescape affected my life? Well I would say it lessened the percentage of my completed homework assignments.








But really, it has increased my typing speed by a lot. I used to be that, "E... Where's e? Oh there is is! Ok now where's l? Aha!" Well you get my point. It has definately improved my typing speed.








My math and business skills have also been affected. Merchanting and trading, learning how to make profits: they have helped a lot.








Now quests... I love quests. All of the puzzles make me think and I like that. Just from questing on Runescape, I have probably increased my problem solving skills and I can now efectively solve problems in real life with not much problem.


269 QP | All Stats 60+ (except Summoning) | Barrows Drops: 8 | Dragon Drops: 1

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Has runescape affected my life, im level 105 what do you think lol, but it's not too bad at all.








As for school It has not been affected at all, im still in orchestra, and symphony orchestra, and another orchestra...you get the point, and i still have a 3.5+gpa(weighted). I do what everyone should, get my homework done, then watch tv/get on rs, or do homework while training at experiments :wall:








Outside of school im in a few orchestras, only one of which is a non-honor group. I also have a girlfriend going on almost a year now.








Positively rs has increased my typing speed(as well as everyone else who plays the game)from like 80-135(highest i've hit)wpm. I've also gone from being a little above average in math, to being great, doing long division and multiplication etc...in my head. It has also made me quite a bit more social.








So has rs affected my life, yes. Has it been positive, well I would have to say yes to that as well.








Note: just passed my second year with this acc(my first acc)yay for me ::'








Edit: I HATE people who think that all high levels in rs have no social life :evil:








Addin:(Last one I promise)As for carpal tunnel syndrome, I had it BEFORE I came to rs, it's from playing :boohoo: 2-6 hrs a day, not playing rs a couple hours a week.



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Yes. I started doing drugs when I was 13 because it seemed fun. I ended up getting in trouble in school, eventually dropped out because all I wanted to do was stay at home and get high. To make a long story short, I got in trouble for drugs and got put in jail for 14 months. (2 days before I got arrested my main got banned) I have come back to rs, but rl things come before rs now. Im glad to have gotten my head screwed back on straight.

99 smithing rsc

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Well I can type awesomely fast now, I started playing Rs and I couldn't type like 20wpm (Words per minute) and I'm waay higher then that now :D I get comments at school from people when they watch me type :D

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