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where did u hear bout RS?


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miniclip :XD:








started playing when i rived a email from them:




new game released: runescape!!








i played a week from miniclip,




then i saw there was a page called runescape.com...








after 3 months i saw more ppl of my family playing it... whithout i knew it :D




but ya i was far better then ikzelf100...








i owned him back then, and now i still own him :thumbsup:


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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A rl friend kept telling me about this online game called Runescape...I ignored him for a while then finally figured I'd just give it a try, since I thought I'd probably quit playing in a day anyway. That was 3 and a half years ago. :lol:

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My bro found out in like May 2004, when he was 11, lol. I watched him play it a couple of times, and thought it was stupid. Next day, I made an account called Bubblizer, died, thought that you had to make a new account when you died, and made a new one. My brother found out because one of his friends has nothing else to do besides sit in front of a computer all day :o

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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my first week in highschool taking a computer class. A friend of mines older brother played. (this was back in early September 2001 mind you)




before we knew it almost every guy in the class played it constantly and nobody ever did their work.








5 years later....









[combat level: 124][skill total: 1,800+][quest points: 260][Mining: ??]




Go Vegan!

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I first heard of it from a friend summer of 2004. Played that summer with another friend I didn't even relize it. Didn't think anything of it until the following spring when I saw in more detail my friend playing it. Decided to try it out, On mothers day 2005 Thinking I wouln't like it I just picked the first username that came to mine. (which should explain my rather random name). Like it forever on!

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I was playing a lot of web browsing games before Runescape. On one game that I played, a lot of people on that game were all raving about this game called Runescape including some other good downloadable internet games to, there was even a clan named after runescape to in the web game. So I thought I check it out. When I got to the homepage of runescape I started to get the feeling the game was done by some highschool boys that were really good at computer game programming lol. :D




When runescape started to load, I was like "Wow, I found a good 3D with no complicated downloads to do". And here I am now. :wink:








Of course I now realise that Jagex aren't just some clever group of highschool boys. :P

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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I was at a time when i was playing heaps of random online games, when i stumbled across Runescape (via miniclip), i created my account to see what it was like, assuming it to be another boring 10 minute game. I actually played for 10 minutes (completed tutorial island) thought that the game was really bad and "quit".








A few weeks later i was bored so i logged in again to pass another ten minutes. Little did i know then that those five minutes would turn into a year and a half :shock:

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a friend and I were playing moove. But was very exspensive to join. So we found pirates. Very boring and not alot to really do there. I made a friend there. I saw an ad for runescape. Clicked on it and found out my friend from pirates played there. I have played runescape for about 1 year now. And have not found any other game that gives this much for such an affordable price.








:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Come into my lair said the spider to the fly. And I shall have a nice snack.

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A friend told me about it, she said that she was a high leveled player on this game called runescape. She was level 25 :P. She gave me all her coins (25gp) and warned me not to die cause ill loose everything in my bank. I think the first time i died i almost cried only to find out that i only lost only 1 item. Good ol' days.

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