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My friend might kill himself.. what do I do?


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Its obvious he doesnt love this girl and think shes the one, hes just obsessed with her and couldnt imagine being without her.








Hes a coward, all people who think and commit suicide are.

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Its obvious he doesnt love this girl and think shes the one, hes just obsessed with her and couldnt imagine being without her.







You really think that's it? Because alot of people have been saying that too.. I don't want to tell him that but I also do. She's not worth it.

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Tell his parents. Now, now, now, now, NOW! If he really objects to that, tell your school's counsellor. They can talk with him and refer him COMPLETELY ANONYMOUSLY!








Trust me, don't keep it a secret! Tell his parents, or a counselor now! Don't talk with his girl! You are not a professional! Please, oh please get this information to a higher authority!








*I have dealt with attempted suicides several times in the past, and I get paid to deal with it now...trust me.*


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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he wants to kill himself because him and his girlfriend have arguements? man, get a grip... :s




he wont do it, if its really nessacery to write about it on his blog for everyone to see then he's quite obviously after attention.




Trout Slap -> Grow up

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To be honest it sounds like strong depression of a sort - self harm, irritablitly, feeling sad or "blue" etc. Get him to see a doctor is the best advice I can give. Then they will probably arrange a counsellor or a pshychiatrist. However, I am neither and I have reason to be baised at the moment, so it may just be attention seeking perhaps. I'm not sure.








Tell his parents. Now, now, now, now, NOW! If he really objects to that, tell your school's counsellor. They can talk with him and refer him COMPLETELY ANONYMOUSLY!








Trust me, don't keep it a secret! Tell his parents, or a counselor now! Don't talk with his girl! You are not a professional! Please, oh please get this information to a higher authority!








*I have dealt with attempted suicides several times in the past, and I get paid to deal with it now...trust me.*








I would advise you not to tell his parents. but persude HIM to tell his parents, otherwise you will have betrayed his trust. Talk to him more, and show concern, and that you want to seem him better. Whilst Barihawk may be a counsellor or something...my experience is from the otherside of the fence, shall we say?



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Umm, I don't think an online forum is the BEST place to look for answers to this question but your friend is definitely showing signs of suicidal behaviour (cutting himself, talking about suicide). Most people who want to commit suicide also start to give away their possessions, especially those which are close to them. I suggest you contact a psychologist at school, or a mental health clinic. Your friend may hate you for doing that but a friend that's mad at you is better than a dead friend.

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To be honest it sounds like strong depression of a sort - self harm, irritablitly, feeling sad or "blue" etc. Get him to see a doctor is the best advice I can give. Then they will probably arrange a counsellor or a pshychiatrist. However, I am neither and I have reason to be baised at the moment, so it may just be attention seeking perhaps. I'm not sure.








I would advise you not to tell his parents. but persude HIM to tell his parents, otherwise you will have betrayed his trust. Talk to him more, and show concern, and that you want to seem him better. Whilst Barihawk may be a counsellor or something...my experience is from the otherside of the fence, shall we say?








I've been through some nasty depression and I even had suicidal thoughts at one time. I never went through with them but I also didn't tell anyone because I knew I was strong enough to get through it. If he's only telling one person, he could be serious. Also, I'd rather have my best friend betray my trust and go to my parents than to let me kill myself. And visa versa, I'd rather have my best friend hate me than to be dead, leaving me here to remember I'm the only one who could have done anything to stop them.

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Funny, one of my friends also asked me to help her as her friend was seriously thinking to commit a suicide (teenage pregnancy - much worse situation than depression IMO).




The most important thing is to make him feel comfortable with his current life situation, like "you'll get over it, think what all you would miss from your life if you would kill yourself before you actually lived!".




The first very good thing is that he seems to be your friend, which means he has at least one friend. If you wouldn't be there, he would be dead already.




Anyways, remind him about happy and positive things of life and the world.




If situation gets too serious, don't mind if he starts to hate you. The most important thing is that he doesn't kill himself. When he gets over all this later, he understands how important you actually were to him.



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To be honest it sounds like strong depression of a sort - self harm, irritablitly, feeling sad or "blue" etc. Get him to see a doctor is the best advice I can give. Then they will probably arrange a counsellor or a pshychiatrist. However, I am neither and I have reason to be baised at the moment, so it may just be attention seeking perhaps. I'm not sure.








I would advise you not to tell his parents. but persude HIM to tell his parents, otherwise you will have betrayed his trust. Talk to him more, and show concern, and that you want to seem him better. Whilst Barihawk may be a counsellor or something...my experience is from the otherside of the fence, shall we say?








I've been through some nasty depression and I even had suicidal thoughts at one time. I never went through with them but I also didn't tell anyone because I knew I was strong enough to get through it. If he's only telling one person, he could be serious. Also, I'd rather have my best friend betray my trust and go to my parents than to let me kill myself. And visa versa, I'd rather have my best friend hate me than to be dead, leaving me here to remember I'm the only one who could have done anything to stop them.








I'm not going to try and "out bid" you on the "depression scale", as it is pointless and I don't want personal information about this online...however, I would never forgive my friend if he told anyone.



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Umm, I don't think an online forum is the BEST place to look for answers to this question but your friend is definitely showing signs of suicidal behaviour (cutting himself, talking about suicide). Most people who want to commit suicide also start to give away their possessions, especially those which are close to them. I suggest you contact a psychologist at school, or a mental health clinic. Your friend may hate you for doing that but a friend that's mad at you is better than a dead friend.








Amen to that. Many people are afraid to deal with a suicidal friend for that reason. But the thing is that you need to get the knife out of their hands as quickly as possible, even if it means jeapordizing your friendship. Hopefully, in time, they will come around and realize that you did them a favor.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I shall repeat the statement: In order to deal with suicide issues, find the cause of the problem instead of just trying to keep the consequences within boundaries..








That takes time. The amount of time you have is increased if you don't kill yourself. Hold of killing yourself until you can find and deal with the route cause (which is often unbeknownst to the depressive)



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I shall repeat the statement: In order to deal with suicide issues, find the cause of the problem instead of just trying to keep the consequences within boundaries..








That takes time. The amount of time you have is increased if you don't kill yourself. Hold of killing yourself until you can find and deal with the route cause (which is often unbeknownst to the depressive)








I never stated trying to hold back the suicide from happening is a bad thing did I?








Im just pointing out that help has to go way beyond that.

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Please don't suggest suicide hotlines either :|








Anymore advice








No. Stop being a socially handicapped kid and grow up. Go to a teacher or counselor on Monday morning and tell him/her about your friend. I hate people who cannot speak in real life and instead try to "get help on the internet."








Also: 1-800-SUICIDE, but you won't need that number if you get an adult to intervene.

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Tell him he's a selfish hack and remind him that he owes it to the girl to be man enough not to kill himself over such a petty thing.








He's not the only one who's ever had arguments with his significant other. A lot of people do it, and they didn't kill themselves. What makes him so special?

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I hate people who cannot speak in real life and instead try to "get help on the internet."








Also: 1-800-SUICIDE, but you won't need that number if you get an adult to intervene.








So you don't see any problem with telephones? :lol:


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People who whine about suicide NEVER kill themselves. They just want attention. People who truely wish to die just end it right away.











That's just blatantly untrue. Most people who commit suicide have told someone that they were considering it before they do. I know there are statistics out there, but I don't remember them off the top of my head.








I don't know where you heard those facts from, but the majority of suicides happen randomly. My school district has had 1-2 suicides per year, and all of them went without warning. That is why my schools have started teaching about suicide, which is also how i know that the majority of suicides happen without warning








The ones that threaten to commit suicide almost never do. Even so, they are usually prevented due to the fact that people are smart enough to talk to guidance counselors or parents








I had one personal experience with suicide in middle school when i, along with some of my friends, told a guidance counselor about one kid that threatened suicide. It was anonymous, so he never found out who told, but he was not angry about it.








People have already made the fact clear - any resentment (if any) that comes from helping your friend is worth it. Even if he is not serious, don't take the risk

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To be honest it sounds like strong depression of a sort - self harm, irritablitly, feeling sad or "blue" etc. Get him to see a doctor is the best advice I can give. Then they will probably arrange a counsellor or a pshychiatrist. However, I am neither and I have reason to be baised at the moment, so it may just be attention seeking perhaps. I'm not sure.








I would advise you not to tell his parents. but persude HIM to tell his parents, otherwise you will have betrayed his trust. Talk to him more, and show concern, and that you want to seem him better. Whilst Barihawk may be a counsellor or something...my experience is from the otherside of the fence, shall we say?








I've been through some nasty depression and I even had suicidal thoughts at one time. I never went through with them but I also didn't tell anyone because I knew I was strong enough to get through it. If he's only telling one person, he could be serious. Also, I'd rather have my best friend betray my trust and go to my parents than to let me kill myself. And visa versa, I'd rather have my best friend hate me than to be dead, leaving me here to remember I'm the only one who could have done anything to stop them.








I'm not going to try and "out bid" you on the "depression scale", as it is pointless and I don't want personal information about this online...however, I would never forgive my friend if he told anyone.








I'm sorry you feel that way. Maybe you'd rather be dead.. Not my problem. =;

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Well, as a general rule you can say that if they want to end up dead they'll manage on their first try.








If the attempt fails it usually means it's a cry for help... A desperate one.








However, waiting to see if they'll die on their first try isn't quite the way to go...

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let him












just kiddin








like i tell all suicide threads ~suicide is a permanet solution to a temporary problem








That's not even funny. Ever.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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