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Tip.It Times Presents: Be vewwy, vewwy quiet���¢�¢â�š�¬���¦


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This week's Tip.It Times has been released. Feel free to discuss the article or post any comments. If you have any criticism, please make sure it's constructive! :D








Be vewwy, vewwy quietÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ we're hunting kwebbitsÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ




The Editor








It would be very nice if Jagex could arrange pre-release "guided tours" of its major upgrades and new skills introductions for the "Press", such as Your Mysterious Editor and other major fan site representatives. That way, when a new skill comes out, we could write about it straight away. As it is, between the crowds in the hunting preserves and the pressures...








Click here to read the rest of this article.

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w00t 1st post (not that special y'know)












i think hunter took me like 5 hours to get to lvl 20 bc of all the people (lvl 25 first day it was out) that were there, but it is massive xp



click link to go to ganon95 productions

runescape requires a lot of skills, napoleon dynamyte would love this game

i am the proud owner of the quest point cape; all quests done 12/04/06

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:wall: Missed 1st post again...











"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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Those links aren't working right now.




I read it off the main page though, and it was a pretty good read for someone who hasn't tried out much of the skill yet.








Sorry, cut and paste error in the links. Should be OK now.

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There's not much I can say because I am F2P, but the article on just merits alone was very good. The Editor helped a person to know how it feels to be in The Editor's shoes, as well as kept the article a tad humorous.








I'll look forward to The Editor's next article.








~Mr. D. V. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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Guest TaDaraCampbell

Just a few typos, really didn't like the griping and what-not :?




But of course you took a while to write this, so good job :D








(P.S.-What's this Real LifeÃÆââââ¬Ã¾Ãââ?)

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hunting is one of my favorite skills, mostly because it's relaxed and laid back, and you can hang, talk with friends while hunting, and even hunt with them easily. it's a great way for me to unwind. it's incredibly peaceful (for the internet :shock: )








great tip.it times article


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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pretty awesome article. now i know what to expect from hunting when i get back to members. good job Editor!

proud quest cape owner

here's my first post on the TIF (scroll to the bottom)

feel free to pm me, but do make sure that i know you're a Tip.It user (in other words, give me a HYT)


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I enjoyed this article for the most part and thought it accurately conveyed the concerns of most Runescapers who have partaken in the Hunting skill, however there was one portion of this article I took issue with:








It would be very nice if Jagex could arrange pre-release "guided tours" of its major upgrades and new skills introductions for the "Press", such as Your Mysterious Editor and other major fan site representatives. That way, when a new skill comes out, we could write about it straight away. As it is, between the crowds in the hunting preserves and the pressures of Real LifeÃÆââââ¬Ã¾Ãââ, it's taken YME a good two weeks to get enough time on the skill to feel able to give it a fair review. Of course we'd have to sign non-disclosure agreements, and not publish until after the release, but that would fine ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ we'd still be able to get the news to you while it's still fresh.








Now, I can't speak for anyone else who read that portion, but I found that excessively presumptuous and obtrusive of you, Editor, to even suggest that Jagex should allow you special privleges simply because of what you do here.








Firstly, last time I checked, Jagex isn't in the business of playing favorites toward prominent figures on it's independantly run fansites. Don't get me wrong, I understand the desire to be fresh and current, but that merits you no extras. Especially because, secondly, you're don't write any news for this community, in the way I understand it. I've always understood news to be a factual account of information. Albeit, much of today's reporting includes very slanted, purposely biased accounts of the events, but you're not even advertised as news. You write an editorial, which amounts to nothing more than your interpretation of Runescape goings on, the quality of which parallels many online blogs. So...you want special treatment because you write a weekly Runescape blog? Where's the sense in that?








The most worrisome thing to me though, is that you feign this selfless desire in previewing the Hunting skill, advertising your wish to bring a quicker editorial while neglecting other motives. I've read your other editorials, you're no different a Runescaper from the rest of us. We all would've liked a little sneak peek with motives ranging from passing curiosity to perhaps getting a jump on those vicious crowds you wrote about, but for you to take advantage of your position and use your contribution to the community as a means to impose these wishes through the thin guise of a noble cause is coarse at the very least.








I don't see why it needed to be included in your editorial anyway; I see the relevance to the content matter of the rest of the editorial, but I don't see the necessity. In this reader's opinion, you tarnished what was otherwise a relatively well written editorial.

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Overall a pretty good articale, highlighting some of the finer parts of the skill while still managing to give some downsides to avoid giving off a biased look.








I pretty much agree with all of it, I know when I first took a look at the bird hunting areas upon it's release I went straight to tracking when I saw the amount of people. And while Jagex probably will make it tie into other skills eventually, I personally wouldn't like that. Because pretty much every other skill in the game does that, so I think it's nice having a mostly stand alone skill with only a few minor benefits to the rest








Though I haven't tried falconry/salamander/chinchompa hunting yet, because when I first got 43 hunting I did want to try falconry, but it was so crowded there it was like 20 people to each creature so I gave up. Also, I've actually becaome quite a fan of pit fall hunting, and since from the types I've tried it seems the fastest experience so I'll probably stick to it in the long term, but I will at least try out the parts I haven't yet, since I am also a fan of birds of prey.








The only real part of the article I didn't agree on was saying Runescape is a mostly combat related game. It just doesn't seem right to me, there are so many more things to do, some being better than combat is some ways.
















On another note, I see you got Cloud as a result in the character test to Xewleer. Except when I did I answered it truthfully the first time. :D

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