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// Best Runescape Updates of 2006 //


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my top three are:




Lunar Diplomacy




Fairy Tale Pt II












they are the most frequent uses in daily playing that just make my runescaping a heck of a lot easier








but I also really enjoy pest control and the new treasure trails

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Recipe for Disaster, Updated Monster Graphics, Swan Song Quest, Area sounds and the mass macro removement.








Recipe for the 100th and 1 of the most challenging quests, monster graphix cause they look awesome well except for hillgiants, Swan Song cause finally theres a quest for us upper level questers to do, area sounds cause it sounds sick and mass macro removent cause....













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Recipe for Disaster = only difficult quest since i got all quest done and the barow gloves r cool








Royal Trouble (change to Manage Thy Kingdom) made the manage kingdom minigame better








Dragon Hatchet (increased speed) a really necesary update here :P

always buying;

uncut drag stones keys and half keys

snap dragon seeds 26k each good old times

spider eggs 700 each


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Construction - Fun and fast to level, lots of helpful things to make.




Lunar Diplomacy - More specifically, Lunar Magics, makes leveling Crafting a whole lot easier.




Capes of Achievement - Something to show off after you have gotten 99 in a skill (also cheaper and better than a Obby Cape!).

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1. HUNTER ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ it is my new favorite skill for two reasons: one, itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s infectiously fun, and two, itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s hugely inexpensive.




2. Pest Control ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ I bet this will win. Best combat training update to ever happen to Runescape.




3. FairyTale2/Fairy Rings ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ This goes hand in hand with Hunter, but even before hunter these rings made traveling Runescape much less expensive and much more fun.

has anyone considered the possibility that lauren1211 is homosexual? anyone, anyone at all?
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1.Pest conrol- enables you to get lev 126 in about 2-4 weeks instead of 2-4 months








2.Capes of achievment








3.Third age armour(Hello anyone reliaze that there is new armour :twisted: sheesh some ppl i know dont even know what it is its like there blinded. :shock:

When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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1. Construction (I just love this skills)








2. Lunar (So incredible usefull for crafting, farming and slayer! <3: )








3. RFD, the gloves really own!

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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definitly Construction as # 1




then recipe for disaster




then slayer blackmask/cave horrors(1 more slayer lvl...cmon i can do it! :XD: )












worst list: the pure ess split




black helm(h)---looks like a bucket lol




hunter-it just doesnt have enough rewards and after lvl 71 useless to train.




falconry is kinda fun tho :-k

Robin hood x1 - D left half x1 - Karils coif x1

Sara plate x1 - D legs x1 - Black mask x2

Zammy plate x1 - Torags hammers x1 - granite maul x1

Red mystic top x2 - Red mystic bottom x 6 -





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Area sounds




Stronghold of security




New prayers



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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Slayer masks




Achievement Capes




Cons skill


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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