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Google your RS name! Tell us what you find.


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I found:








the runescape forums...




There are ring tones with names including mine...




My name has something to do with emultors?




My posts on youtube...




Some strange projects I don't understand...


usually logged on,private may be on friends.

They call me...Noob!

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it came up about pursuing a serial killer when i searched my name. :shock:








couldn't possibly be me :anxious:








oh wait it was a book, and the reviewer had the surname bowey...


Drag drops: D legs, D spear, shield half, d med

Obby Drops: Shield x 2, knife x 2, maul

Barrows drops : none yet :(

Treasure Trails: Guthix Robe legs, Zammy pl8body, pirate hat, Robin hood hat!!

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I googled Scoobytrev and fouind the following




1) Someone was selling "scoobytrev" on the UK E-Bay




2) Found a website called ScoobyCity wtf?\




3) Tip It Forums Posts




4) Woah! My RuneScape forums G&A Post, that's an old one.




5) :shock: My Yahoo Profile




6) Posts about a RS Buddy Kit




7) O M F G Japanese E-Bay FTW




8) Mostly just forums (PPL JACKING MY NAME) E-Bay, and MY forums posts

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i googled zragd, i got some posts from tip.it, something about dilbert and sienfeld, and thats about it. i didn't aqctually go too the sites, but loked at the sample thing it shows. alot of the sites had alot of giberish with the word "zRaGd stuck in their somewhere.


Join the campaign for more F2P Bank space!


Did you really "laugh out loud" at that joke, or did you "chuckle quietly"? say cq next time, not lol.

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  • 4 months later...

here r my results:




1)A lot of tip.it stuff, of course.


2)Some Central Africa stuff....wath the heck!?!?!? iLIve in amerika!


3)Something bout a lake, i didnt relly understand....


4)Some japanese pages i couldnt read.......


5)Other weird sites i didnt even open.....




Didnt knowq that thew word 'litoua' was really something.....

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Got both parts of my name in a softball result


Many tip it posts that have TB@JT in it, go figure


Something about Billy Rose Jt Music


And many other that have either the JT part or the Mirage part, but non that have both of them together

Current goal: Getting enough prayer pots to finish my last four quests.


Come to the dark side. We have cookies and flashlights.



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Ok, I'm going to do multiple of my old accounts, old and current.




M_0__0_S_E (current)




  • A lot of mumbo-jumbo about Java.
    Something about Bill Gates
    Something about a Football Game between Louisiana and Texas
    Stuff about temperature and humidity
    Also, it asked if I meant "M 00 se




Trunksbomb (old main, level 94)




  • First item was my old blog
    My profile for TESource, a site for another game
    My entry in the RS High Scores
    A lot of stuff about TESIII: Morrowind (I modded for the game extensively)




Sir Xaeroe (old Prayer Pure and Skiller)




  • A post in the Clan Peacefull Forum
    My old blog
    And it asked if I meant "Sir Xaero"




Xaeroe (old Strength Pure)




  • Profile for some other guy using that name on another forum
    Matter of fact, they're all profiles of members from other forums using that name..


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Let me do that right now...




-Both my old and older tif blogs


-On my clan site Fatal Valor


-Something on draynor.net about goal siggys


-Something on RS Highscores

I engineered this thread with precise variables that I know would cause lul-worthy flames.


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1) Someone is named Bballchamp23 on MySpace; not me!


2) Tons of Tip.It Posts


3) Someone impersonating me on RSBoards <.<


4) Some of my posts from a Movies forum


5) Some comments on YouTube (Commented on some TIF peoples movies, mentioning my RSN)


6) On the Goal Signatures list from Draynor.net


7) On a RS2 Cheating site is says "Bballchamp23, noob beyond believe. AVOID!" rofl! :lol:


8) Affliction Posts


9) RSOF posts


10) RS Highscores




Only 2 pages on it :-s

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A lot of RSF posts, and I mean Lots


Some tip.it posts




For those not knowing what RSF is, it's A french Runescape fansite.



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1.the main thing that comes up is guitar player community sites that i used to go on a lot. Also links to tablature i've written.




2. tipit posts




3.runescape highscores




4.the bluelight.nu forums




5. My clan boards




6. Runecape alliance are talking about me for some unknown reason




7. Shadow legions have quoted something i said a while back on these boards.. what the context it is to their boards i don't know because i've never even heard of that clan.




8. My credit in the bestiary \'




9. reading and leeds festival discussion




10. my photobucket :uhh:



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I use this username for countless other sites...so i had 63 different things on my rsname. Most of them were for snowboard.com, tip its, runescape forums (dead topics), supercheats, and other random sites i have used.



Come, be my light.

Mingle with my darkness

May we mix to create

Our own twilight sunset

The dusk breeze

Spreading clouds

On our murky horizon


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