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Do you smoke?


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He isn't defending smoking, he is trying to staunch the flow of misinformation.








He smokes 50 a day but isn't defending smoking?








Kelem my fundamental question to you, to get to the crux of the matter would be this. Would you allow and/or encourage your children to smoke?








Im not the one who is likely to forbid anything, but i defintely wouldn't encourage them. You should have figured that out by reading my posts. My opinion on smoking (in non ritualized form) is that it is an expression of self destruction and as such shouldn't be frowned upon, but encountered with sympathy (don't know if that is the exact right word in english. According to the dictionary i mean sympathy instead of compassion. Sometimes the dictionary doesn't get the connotations right though.) So knowing my children to smoke would make me worry deeply.








thank you Anasthesia btw.








Okay then, i'm starting to come round to your way of thinking. I don't have a problem with the people who smoke, simply the mentality of "oh it's not that bad for you" which you don't seem to have. Expressions of self destruction are fine, i'd just prefer if people didn't have to self destruct around me.








called skin cancer




Most malignant skin cancers occur on parts of the body other than the head, just wear suncream, and the sun has more health benefits than if you were to stay away from it. But whatever.








we may need to eat but do we need to eat so that we are unhealthy, smoking may not be healthy (hell its far from it dont get me wrong) but by the same token most of the stuff ppl jam dam there mouths isnt either, ever seen wat a big mac has in it?








I don't see how that's an argument for smoking though. I agree, a lot of food we eat is junk and not healthy for us. I try and stay away from that food. But surely if we want to be healthy we have to draw the line somewhere and start cutting back on things like smoking, or eating junk food. You surely can't be argueing that we live unhealthily anyway so we may as well smoke?








umm, actually id say you hvae a much higher risk of dieing in a car. I became addicted to smoking because my parents smoked, but i cant blame them, because of the addicting chemicals in the cigarrettes smoking them does actually calm your neuron cells in your brain making you relax.








Calm neuron cells? Woha sketchy science. Even if you did have a higher risk of dieing in a car, it's a necessary risk to get around effectively. What's so necessary about smoking? Trust me there are much better ways to relax other than inhaling smoke. And anyway, i'm sure more chain smokers get lung cancer than non-smoking travelling salesmen die in car crashes.








we dont need cigarrettes we actually dont need a lot of things, think about all the stuff surrounding you, do you need it? properbly not








No, but my guitar doesn't give me lung cancer.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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we dont need cigarrettes we actually dont need a lot of things, think about all the stuff surrounding you, do you need it? properbly not








No, but my guitar doesn't give me lung cancer.








and ur computer uses electtricity which is more then likely created by burning coal which is screwing the world more then a ciggarette so u no w/e








there worse things out there then puffin a [bleep]



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Nope, to quote Ace Ventura 'Its a.....disgusting habit.'








Honestly I cannot see why people would possibly want to take it up. I don't particularly feel like I am missng out on anything by not smoking, I don't have to burning compassion to find out what it is like, why do other people take up the habit? Why, with all of the known current disadvantagtes, hazards to health and all other negativities to smoking, are people still taking up smoking? I sympathise with people who want to stop smoking and can't, because it is an addiction, but to anyone that wants to start, why?!








Its beyond me

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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Okay then, i'm starting to come round to your way of thinking. I don't have a problem with the people who smoke, simply the mentality of "oh it's not that bad for you" which you don't seem to have. Expressions of self destruction are fine, i'd just prefer if people didn't have to self destruct around me.








It's not that i woke up one morning and said to myself: "Oh, i feel like self destructing." It took a lot time of reflecting and looking inside to get a clear view on this. A lot of people have self destructive tendencies . Some eat themselves to death, some watch TV all night long, some play ridiculous online games 24/7, some drown themselves in work. Some look like they'd be healthy from the outside, but are boiling inside. Some step into their car with unconscious anger issues inside, that only beg to be let out by an accident. Either something with my perception is wrong, or the cities are flooded with feelings of frustration and depression. Sometimes it seems like the whole human civilization is self destructing. So yes, i'd prefer if people didn't have to self destruct around me to, but...








Cigarettes are just the [bleep]ing tip of the ice berg.

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No. Never. It's gross, and it kills you...








True it kills a lot of people but bluntly saying it kills you is incorrect. My grandmother has smoked all her life and has perfectly healthy lungs. Cigarettes won't be the death of her (though heart disease is fairly common in our family :uhh: )

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My grandmother has smoked all her life and has perfectly healthy lungs.








I can say with almost complete certainty that she does not have 'perfect lungs'. Each cigarette she smokes deposits a certain amount of tar inside her lungs, something which non-smokers simply do not get. If she hadn't smoked for years her lungs would be nearlly perfectly healthy with no tar deposits and she would have a greater lung capacity than she does now. Tar on the lining of your lungs disrupts the exchange of carbon dioxide/oxygen in the alveoli, decreasing the total surface area for gas exchange and reducing the efficiency of your lunggs.








Now tell me she has perfect lungs...

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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"I smoke. If this bothers anyone, I suggest you look around at the world in which we live and shut your [bleep]' mouth."








That's a ridiculous argument. So because the world sucks, we should let you do whatever you want and inhale your toxins into our bodies?








I don't see how anyone could possibly defend smoking. It's harmful, it costs money, and it harms others, even. It makes you smell gross, it tastes gross, and if you need it to relax you, then you've got problems.

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@ kelem_ryu








In Toronto, a lot of people die due to smoking. Likely around 100,000 a year. That may not seem like that much, but since Toronto inhabits only 2-4 million people, thats a lot. Guess how much polution kills? Around 100. I know about this, I just did a current events project on it.








on topic: I will never smoke. A family friend of ours died slowly from lung cancer, not good. He couldn't speak for 3 months. My grandfather on my dad's side died from lung cancer while I was -20 years old.








Smoking scares me :ohnoes:

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I know most people on here would of said they don't and I guess I'll jump on the bandwagon in saying how its the worst thing you can do in your life.








Both my parents smoke so I grew up knowing what ciggeretes are and what the bad effects are. At school I was never in a crowd of friends who smoked until sixth form. Then everybody smoked and most of my friends tried it one time or another. About half of them took it up but we never seemed to have any pressure to do it. We were a group who went out every Friday or Saturday night to a pub or club and drank way too much, but I have only ever tried smoking/drugs and never had the inclination to take it up.








Now I'm 22 I work in a pub full of smokers, I'm the only worker who doesn't smoke and my friends there all smoke, but I'm firmly set against taking it up. I don't mind other people doing it, I just wont take it up myself.

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I know most people on here would of said they don't and I guess I'll jump on the bandwagon in saying how its the worst thing you can do in your life.








Both my parents smoke so I grew up knowing what ciggeretes are and what the bad effects are. At school I was never in a crowd of friends who smoked until sixth form. Then everybody smoked and most of my friends tried it one time or another. About half of them took it up but we never seemed to have any pressure to do it. We were a group who went out every Friday or Saturday night to a pub or club and drank way too much, but I have only ever tried smoking/drugs and never had the inclination to take it up.








Now I'm 22 I work in a pub full of smokers, I'm the only worker who doesn't smoke and my friends there all smoke, but I'm firmly set against taking it up. I don't mind other people doing it, I just wont take it up myself.








The bad thing in that is that you're getting all the second hand smoke..which.(I think) is worse. But you atleast have good intensions ( no offense to those who smoke)








all that drug..alcohol..and smoking..i don't know it just seems likes something to avoid.

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@ kelem_ryu








In Toronto, a lot of people die due to smoking. Likely around 100,000 a year. That may not seem like that much, but since Toronto inhabits only 2-4 million people, thats a lot. Guess how much polution kills? Around 100. I know about this, I just did a current events project on it.











I'm not trying to imply that smoking would be the best thing you could do, but for the sake of argument: How could you possibly tell that those 100 people died because of pollution and ot more or less?








Also i want to point out another thing once again: Currently it's popular to jump on smoking and smokers. Yet there are a myriade of factors that decrease health significantly. My favourites are stress and noise. Some count in say electrosmog. Those are things nobody can defend against either. Maybe some people start smoking because of stress (i don't think that's exactly unlikely..)








I just want to make people count together all the factors. From a certain point of view you just can't point a finger anymore. You can't blame anyone. Putting silly warning texts on cigarette boxes might decrease the number of smokers by x% and therfore reduce the cost of healthcare by y%, but it won't change anything about the big picture. Despising people because they smoke won't make them quit. Feeling sympathy to everybody, despite their bad habits, despite "lazyness", despite "stupidity", despite whatever might change something. Yet again this is what might lead to all this political correcness nonsense, wich is bad imo, because it produces a emotional void of some kind. Idk.. it's just not that easy. World isn't black and white.








So a little conclusion: Smoking is bad for your health, i agree. Yet overly insisting on the "rights of non-smokers" and always pointing out the dangers of secod hand smoke is as absurd, as expecting a public toilette to be clean.

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"I smoke. If this bothers anyone, I suggest you look around at the world in which we live and shut your [bleep]' mouth."








That's a ridiculous argument. So because the world sucks, we should let you do whatever you want and inhale your toxins into our bodies?








I don't see how anyone could possibly defend smoking. It's harmful, it costs money, and it harms others, even. It makes you smell gross, it tastes gross, and if you need it to relax you, then you've got problems.








I'm sorry, I thought quoting Bill Hicks might help lift the spirits of this topic a little. Clearly it was a lost cause.








The Scottish (and soon British) government has banned smoking in all enclosed public places, but that doesn't seem to be enough to some people. I'm quite happy to smoke outside when I'm at the pub, even on freezing winter nights. If I'm outside, why isn't that enough for some people?

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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"I smoke. If this bothers anyone, I suggest you look around at the world in which we live and shut your [bleep]' mouth."








That's a ridiculous argument. So because the world sucks, we should let you do whatever you want and inhale your toxins into our bodies?








I don't see how anyone could possibly defend smoking. It's harmful, it costs money, and it harms others, even. It makes you smell gross, it tastes gross, and if you need it to relax you, then you've got problems.








I'm sorry, I thought quoting Bill Hicks might help lift the spirits of this topic a little. Clearly it was a lost cause.








The Scottish (and soon British) government has banned smoking in all enclosed public places, but that doesn't seem to be enough to some people. I'm quite happy to smoke outside when I'm at the pub, even on freezing winter nights. If I'm outside, why isn't that enough for some people?








Because whilst considerate smokers are fine, a lot of smokers who are asked to go and smoke outside when they are in a non-smoking building, do so, but they stand in the doorway so that you still get the smoke wafting in and out, and you still have to walk through the cloud of carcinogens to get in and out of the building.

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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"I smoke. If this bothers anyone, I suggest you look around at the world in which we live and shut your [bleep]' mouth."








That's a ridiculous argument. So because the world sucks, we should let you do whatever you want and inhale your toxins into our bodies?








I don't see how anyone could possibly defend smoking. It's harmful, it costs money, and it harms others, even. It makes you smell gross, it tastes gross, and if you need it to relax you, then you've got problems.








I'm sorry, I thought quoting Bill Hicks might help lift the spirits of this topic a little. Clearly it was a lost cause.








The Scottish (and soon British) government has banned smoking in all enclosed public places, but that doesn't seem to be enough to some people. I'm quite happy to smoke outside when I'm at the pub, even on freezing winter nights. If I'm outside, why isn't that enough for some people?








Because whilst considerate smokers are fine, a lot of smokers who are asked to go and smoke outside when they are in a non-smoking building, do so, but they stand in the doorway so that you still get the smoke wafting in and out, and you still have to walk through the cloud of carcinogens to get in and out of the building.








So start a topic slating inconsiderate people, and leave me alone.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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when i go out to drink I smoke. Usualy tobacco.








Thats the worrying part...








Not really. I never smoke anything harder than (the plant which contains THC that is legal in Holland). I know the health risks and I am able to decide that i want to smoke it or not. I would personaly legalise all drugs for many many reasons which I don't have the time to enumerate and argue properly.



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