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The latest update stinks because ... !


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The crossbows are WAY overpowered now, as opposed to being WAY underpowered before. Quite ironic, isn't it?




Jagex is incapable of making anything equal. One weapon has to be way better than everything else and the rest of the weapons have to suck.

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i am not feeling the new looks of some of the things on runescape i like some of it but oh what the heck i'll get used to it infact i already am. lol. :D




I am from the Grammar Police, I have to arrest you, and you have a set date for the chair on July 14. :notalk:

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Yes, Jagex can't make anything balanced. I think they should start imagining that they themselves were the players.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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I hate the new bird graphics update. There are plenty of better things that could've gotten a makeover, but they went with birds and the mugger.


Joined RS2: Late May/Early June 2006

100 Combat achieved on June 30, 2007 All skills 60+ achieved on August 22, 2007

Quest Cape achieved on September 8, 2007, at 104 Combat

Check out my blog to 85 Slayer!

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The new bird and mugger graphics update sucks donkey dong <.< They shoulda done a muuuuch bigger one, with new banking system, official clan system, clan chat channel and auction houses -.-


Oh and Jagex? Look at all the weapons you're splurging into the game. Do you think a player would even USE Karil's Crossbow now that you've made rune crossbows so good? You think ANYONE is gonna use the Shadow Sword? It's barely as good as a black 2-hander, the ancient mace ditto. Too many different weapons that blow, give them at least rune quality, make Karil's Crossbow very fast to compensate for lower range bonus, give the crystal bow a special attack to compensate for lower bonus, give full Torag's, full Karil's and full Ahrim's specials that are actually USEFUL. Draining agility/run energy/strength once in a while? PUH-LEEEZE -.-


And then we'll start whining about something eeeelse... But that is the cycle of gaming, just listen to the players and use their suggestions, play-test it, release it, debug/rebalance it, rinse, repeat...

What can I say? I adore Battlestar Galactica, one of the few shows where human-build ships OWN!



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i hate it coz i dunno the definition of "high"my pal says 65 is high but...
65 is definately NOT high, it's actually pretty low. High is 110+.




OK not to be blunt about this.. wtf are you talking about?!?! ok i might only be lvl 93... BUT it took awhile to get here yea 110 is high... but i consider anyone around 95-105 to be high lvl... ffs :twisted:

ATM-combat 93, attack 73, strength 84, defence 64, prayer 53, range 62 and mage 59



GOAL-combat ?, att 85,str 99, def 60, hits ?....

prayer 75, magic 90, range 99

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i hate it coz i dunno the definition of "high"my pal says 65 is high but...
65 is definately NOT high, it's actually pretty low. High is 110+.




OK not to be blunt about this.. wtf are you talking about?!?! ok i might only be lvl 93... BUT it took awhile to get here yea 110 is high... but i consider anyone around 95-105 to be high lvl... ffs :twisted:




The first person was talking about 65 slayer.


the second is an idiot, and responded about combat.

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the only bad thing about the new update is the amount of people complaining about the new pc is they would just stop and think about for a minthey would see its much better well for 70 boat and much better for 100 boat the exp decease is almost full made up for in the fact you get 3 points and you get more exp per game then before if you are getting 4 points.


and one last points to go out on if you are getting points 3 or 4 times faster saving up 100 points is that much faster so you can get the 10%exp bonus on all your points



If you make a fire for a man he will be warm for a day, if you set a man on fire he will be warm for the rest of his life.


i like tigers

"if you say plz because its shorter then please ill say no because its shorter then yes"

"if you say trade please ill say screw you because its shorter then trading"

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the only bad thing about the new update is the amount of people complaining about the new pc is they would just stop and think about for a minthey would see its much better well for 70 boat and much better for 100 boat the exp decease is almost full made up for in the fact you get 3 points and you get more exp per game then before if you are getting 4 points.


and one last points to go out on if you are getting points 3 or 4 times faster saving up 100 points is that much faster so you can get the 10%exp bonus on all your points






jou get more point per game but the game last also much long because of the shields and thats y it slower then before

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Surprisingly the latest update to pest control was good. Now we won't have noobs on our boats woot!








Oh yea its so good. Thats why everyone quit playing and bought huge amounts of bones. The rise in bone prices attest to the miserable amount of exp you get in pc now. 23k exp per 100 which is 3x less than before for me and you dont even get progressively more the higher lvl you are like before. It stays the same miserable 23k. I was up to 70k per 100 and could get that 100 in the time the new pc would get 150 because the new games are so much longer and much less chance of winning. And yes I have played the new game quite a bit. Im down 50mil from the money I had to spend on bones because of this.

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update: It actually does progress on exp amount i got 23k at 87 prayer with 100 pts and now get a whopping 25k at lvl 90 prayer :?




The amount was so small I didnt notice it actually increased until I gained several lvls.

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The latest update stinks because......




Now there's more for immature people to complain about!


true everytime something new happens on rs every person around that doesnt like change starts complaining just block em off lol




:D :wall:

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