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Barbarian Assault Gambling.... Post your bounty


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I spent 500 points gambling after killing the queen three times, I managed to get 45 bloods, nothing special.








My friend that I met at Barbarian Assult found a rune medium for 500 points, and his friend a rune pickaxe, also for 500 points.

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Rs Name: Red Dog 47




Points Spent: 500




Item(s) received:Dragon Platelegs. I was aiming for a dchain i clicked gamble and he said lemme see what i can fish out of here then all the sudden i see dlegs appear in my invy. You can bet what i did irl! :)

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Rs Name: Red Dog 47




Points Spent: 500




Item(s) received:Dragon Platelegs. I was aiming for a dchain i clicked gamble and he said lemme see what i can fish out of here then all the sudden i see dlegs appear in my invy. You can bet what i did irl! :)








:shock: Lucky!


269 QP | All Stats 60+ (except Summoning) | Barrows Drops: 8 | Dragon Drops: 1

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omg this minigame is great for mage xp, in 1 game (wave 1 ) i got about 5-6k mage xp, and it was completely free =D



click link to go to ganon95 productions

runescape requires a lot of skills, napoleon dynamyte would love this game

i am the proud owner of the quest point cape; all quests done 12/04/06

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i pwned the queen and i dont even have 200 points :cry:








im gonna look at this alot!








homwuch points fomr queen then?












extremeley few because the team was concentrating on keeping alive then killing runners


click my sig for my blog!!!

Thanks everyone for the sigs they pwn!

No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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You can get a D Chain?








*Cough*KQ Ruined*Cough*















not really the chances of getting a chain are almost impossible








soemone allready got d legs so d chain is not far away, and it's really possible....( looking forward to my own Dragon Chainbody \' )

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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This game is pretty fun. I'll probably do it over the weekend and go back to training. These gambles don't seem worth wasting your points. Maybe i'll try the 500 gamble out today. Already have around 227 points.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

97/99 Defence : 99 Fletching : 99 Woodcutting

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You can get a D Chain?








*Cough*KQ Ruined*Cough*















not really the chances of getting a chain are almost impossible








soemone allready got d legs so d chain is not far away, and it's really possible....( looking forward to my own Dragon Chainbody \' )








yes possible but in theyre own words...








"but if you want to have a chance to win anything like a dragon chainbody, you will have to gamble 500 points (you also must have defeated the Penance Queen to gamble 500 points). Of course, the odds of winning a dragon chainbody even then are comparable to the odds of Zamorak suddenly deciding to give up his evil ways..."

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