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Are any of you addicted to RuneScape? I don't mean 2-3 hours a day, but waking up at 4 A.M. to play until work/school, then until sleep when you get back?








Post what you think about it, whether you are an addict yourself :uhh: , or know someone who is.








Me: No, I'm not an addict. The most I've played was 6 hours on a summer day, although now I'm addicted to CounterStrike. <3:

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Addiction is relative, but keep in mind many are also "functional addicts." This means their playing of RS is not a detriment (at least seriously) to work, family, school, meaningful relationships etc., but on one level they have lost control.








I would say that most players are at one level heavily interested borderline addicted, but this isn't inherently a bad thing. Think of it as being a fan of a band. You may go to their concerts, buy the cds, listen to them repeatedly, buy posters, tshirts, etc... but you most likely grow out of it eventually. This is a big part of growing up for anyone. We "get into" things in what is most likely an effort to figure ourselves out.








An addiction turns into one not only with time but also intensity. As you begin to lose touch with reality or begin to see those aspects of your life (work, family, school, etc.) take a hit, I would consider maybe stepping back a little.








Generally though, as people mature, they understand balance much better. That is, even though they may play this game even 10 hours a day at times, they do so responsibly. Perhaps it's the weekend, they have the day off, etc.








Anyways, just be smart how/when you play, common sense really isn't that hard to figure out. If you think you're playing too much, you probably are.








Of course parents think that anything done for more than 1-2 hours at a stretch is crazy... this is of course your fault. :wink: YOU made them crazy when you were born; just enjoy that anytime they give you too much grief. <--All in good fun of course! :)

RSN: Greedom1 | QP 248+ | Combat 116 | Total 1920+ | Skills 95 craft, 99 farm, 88 herb, 91 mage, 85 slayer

Values? What do they mean?

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Addiction is relative, but keep in mind many are also "functional addicts." This means their playing of RS is not a detriment (at least seriously) to work, family, school, meaningful relationships etc., but on one level they have lost control.








I would say that most are at one level addicted, but this isn't inherently a bad thing. Think of it as being a fan of a band. You may go to concerts, buy the cds, posters, tshirts, etc... but you most likely grow out of it.








An addiction turns into one not only with time but also intensity. As you begin to lose touch with reality or begin to see those aspects of your life take a hit, I would consider maybe stepping back a little.








Generally though, as people mature, they understand balance much better. That is, even though they may play this game even 10 hours a day at times, they do so responsibly. Perhaps it's the weekend, they have the day off, etc.








Anyways, just be smart how/when you play, common sense really isn't that hard to figure out. If you think you're playing too much, you probably are. Parents of course think that anything done for more than 1-2 hours at a stretch is crazy... this is of course your fault. YOU made them crazy when you were born, just enjoy that anytime they give you too much grief. (All in good fun of course!) :)

Very nicely said! =D>
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Nowhere close.








I am "hooked", but not addicted. If need be, I could quit with no problems. I enjoy the game, but it is all in moderation.




Translation: "I'm not addicted, I can quit any time." :anxious: .












( :P )

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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nope, not at all.








I play till I get bored, about an hour or so.




then I go do something else.




I can easily quit any time I want to, and take breaks anywhere from a few days to a few months, which ive done countless times.

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I'm not very addicted. What I mean is that I don't come home from school and hop on RS. But I would have a hard time quitting. Although sometimes I do have a stretch of a day or two where I don't really go out and just play RS. But then there are also times where I only play 1/2 hour a day.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

97/99 Defence : 99 Fletching : 99 Woodcutting

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Well, on weekends I play at least 3-4 hours I'd say, and I don't think I could quit easily. But on weekdays I have big moderations, and school comes first always.




But often over the summer I would stay up into the early hours playing, so maybe I am an addict, I don't know.

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i enjoy the game, but i'm not to the point when i'm staying up late or getting up early for it...just my usual time..Besides, who'd wanna miss arrested development re-runs on saturday night! =P~








anyway, i only play on weekdays so..

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im addicted as in a play a lot, almost every day, but im not addicted as to the point where i play 6-8 hours a day. i'll usually play 1-2 hours a day, maybe 3 on weekends.


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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I remember staying up till like 4AM on school nights when i first started playing. I had never played an MMO before and i found it really satisfying to get the little "congratulations, you have advanced a ____ level!" i got a little caried away, but after the MMO novelty wore off, I started playing for lower lengths of time.


Dragon Drops: D spear x 2, D skirt, D half-shield, D axe, D 2h

Barrows Rewards: Ahrims hood, Karil's Coif, half key x 6, D med, torags legs, veracs flail

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Greedom1 said it all. I play after homework and social things til sleep, so basically I put RS after daily life. I don't play another video game as often as RS, and I don't watch tv often (takes waaaaay too little effort, I'm more of a work for rewards person), and this game is like my quiet time, my stress reliever. But I wouldn't go as far to say I'm addicted.



There's cake through here, apparently.
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nope, i'll play halo before i'll play runescape.








ditto and i cant wait for halo3 but in the mean time ill just have to wait :cry: and runescape helps ease that waiting time tremendously :thumbsup:

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



[Hide=List of Drops That I haven't updated in Years but want to keep in my Sig anyways...]VISAGE DROP - 12/06/07

3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

Dark Bows: (11) Dragon Boots: (50!)

Whip Drops: (42!!!) Dragon Drops: (90+!!!!!) 2 D CHAINS!, 3 D Axe, 8 D meds, 7 left halfs, 7 D legs, 6 skirts, 8 Spears[/hide]

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I can quit anytime, I've already quit eight times :D


















































































































































































































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at times i am, im in australia and such i have 3wks of holidays left but after jan 30, i prob only been on an hr a week due to year 11 and working on my dune buggy, plus archry out of school.... good old compound bow...


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Me: No, I'm not an addict. The most I've played was 6 hours on a summer day, although now I'm addicted to CounterStrike. <3:








I'm not addicted to rs, although I used to be addicted a little. I used to play 4+ hours a day, not anymore. I used to be addicted to counterstrike to, but not anymore.



you know there is a place called outside, better graphics 100% pvp and no fee to play :-w
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I'm addicted, I probably couldn't quit if I tried and runescape works better for me than caffeine. I don't play at strange hours except when my parents go out to dinner parties/end of year parties and get back sorta early morning (1-2ish). Most of my friends play runescape so if I go round to their house we'll often quickly compare banks. I don't really know how much I play each day but unless I'm out or somebody else is on the computer or I'm watching T.V. I'll be playing on runescape.


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i play probly 4ish hrs a day some days and ill go like a week without playing sometimes. these days i really only get excited about good quests. so you can immagine how excieted(later very dissapointed) i was with contact. but i dont think that im addicted.








would an addictid man play rs or go rock climbing with a hot girl....








well ill let you know when i get back tommorow evening.

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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Eh, it's just another activity. I've learned to just let things pass. Like when I first found RuneScape (during the summer), I was getting up to 10 hours a day. Now, I've gotten all I can out of it. I still get on every few days, but I get bored pretty easily. I do, however, have my manage thy kingdom going, so if my interest ever sparks again, I'll have a fairly large sum of cash to fuel the fire.








Although I do disagree with RuneScape affecting your social/school life. People shouldn't take this game real seriously, as it is a game. They need to just play it when they're bored, or need something fun to do, but not as a replacement for socializing or doing homework.

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