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Well! The first step in a very long journey is complete. I have finally attained my first truely high level in the game, and I plan to keep going from here! I have defeated both Morden and Uular, finally, as it always should have been! Thanks very very very much to everyone who came and everyone who has helped me on my way there.


Special thanks to Chessmastuh, My Boggy, Frostbitee, and Hothang for all of their help and encouragement along the way :)


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SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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Go Saidin!




91 Rc is awesome!




\' \' \'


[spoiler=My 99s (7)]9,638th to 99 Fletching ~ 29th January 2007

737th to 99 Hunter ~ 2nd July 2007

910th to 99 Agility ~ 28th January 2008

59,467th to 99 Defence ~ 23rd December 2009

92,762nd to 99 Hitpoints ~ 26th June 2010

102,704th to 99 Attack ~ 29th June 2010

144,091st to 99 Strength ~ 29th June 2010


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First of all, congratz on 91 rcing.




But I must disagree with you in the opening post of your thread, the thoughts bit, I've seen many people complain about this "high" combat lvl requierment. I find it a bit childish from all the people who posted on the official forums. You said it yourself, you "only" train two thirds of the stats there, I might not be very smart but wait a minute, for a whole you need three thirds! What a quest cape shows is that you're a player who enjoys the whole game, that is refelcted by having all the requierments, and just by not having 1 it means you aren't worthy of the cape. Combat is a great part of the game and so is skilling, but a great player has to have both.




So anyway, gratz on 91 rcing again and keep up the runecrafting.


no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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91 Rc is awsomenessÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâò.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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First of all, congratz on 91 rcing.




But I must disagree with you in the opening post of your thread, the thoughts bit, I've seen many people complain about this "high" combat lvl requierment. I find it a bit childish from all the people who posted on the official forums. You said it yourself, you "only" train two thirds of the stats there, I might not be very smart but wait a minute, for a whole you need three thirds! What a quest cape shows is that you're a player who enjoys the whole game, that is refelcted by having all the requierments, and just by not having 1 it means you aren't worthy of the cape. Combat is a great part of the game and so is skilling, but a great player has to have both.




So anyway, gratz on 91 rcing again and keep up the runecrafting.




What if you don't want to be a great player, just a great skiller? :-k

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First of all, congratz on 91 rcing.




But I must disagree with you in the opening post of your thread, the thoughts bit, I've seen many people complain about this "high" combat lvl requierment. I find it a bit childish from all the people who posted on the official forums. You said it yourself, you "only" train two thirds of the stats there, I might not be very smart but wait a minute, for a whole you need three thirds! What a quest cape shows is that you're a player who enjoys the whole game, that is refelcted by having all the requierments, and just by not having 1 it means you aren't worthy of the cape. Combat is a great part of the game and so is skilling, but a great player has to have both.




So anyway, gratz on 91 rcing again and keep up the runecrafting.




What if you don't want to be a great player, just a great skiller? :-k




Thats my point, a quest cape proves that you're an allround player, obviously skillers aren't


no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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Just a little update that Saidin asked me to post. He's currently on vacation so if you haven't seen him around in a while he's doing ok. ::'


571st to 99 Fm Nov. 4 '06 - 315th to 99 Crafting Mar. 3 '07 - 3410th to 99 Fishing Sept. 18 '07

26378th to 99 Cooking Oct. 16 '07 -.- 99 Thieving Dec. 29 '07 - 1343rd to 99 Farming June 5 '08

1807th to 99 Agility Nov. 8 '08 - 3094th to 99 Smithing Feb. 14 '09

2012 total - 91 combat

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Go Saidin :D


[spoiler=My 99s (7)]9,638th to 99 Fletching ~ 29th January 2007

737th to 99 Hunter ~ 2nd July 2007

910th to 99 Agility ~ 28th January 2008

59,467th to 99 Defence ~ 23rd December 2009

92,762nd to 99 Hitpoints ~ 26th June 2010

102,704th to 99 Attack ~ 29th June 2010

144,091st to 99 Strength ~ 29th June 2010


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Well, I have finally returned from my vacation... sorry to everyone for not posting about it here, I was kind of rushed :(




I went to a few places, including one unintentional stop, but for the official record, my travels were to a magical place with mythical creatures (and don't believe anyone who says I went hiking in Utah :notalk: ). It appears I missed a quest release, and, since Tip.it already has a guide, I will not be producing one for this quest. Rather, I will be doing a quest solely for my personal enjoyment, which is the first time I've done so since Lunar Diplomacy.




It would appear I used up my Runecrafting resources in attaining 91, and as such I will be spending the next few days (possibly weeks? :ohnoes: ) regaining resources to do even more runecrafting.




I have always held a stance of being anti-buying-materials on a personal level (to a far greater extent than my general dislike for people buying levels - the largest raw material purchase I've made since I started playing [excluding essence] was either 65 harralanders or a large amount of flax). This still stands... mostly. I have decided that, since I've forsaken combat, it is rather hard for certain levels to be gained without any purchases. Most glaringly is farming, seeds for which are generally gained through combat or thieving. Since I have no plans on combat and very different plans for thieving, I will permit myself to buy seeds! This and Runecrafting currently populate the extremely short list of skills I'm willing to purchase materials for.




I will address my side of the Dream Mentor 'debate' in my next post, for now I want to do Grim Tales...


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SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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Poke me on MSN when you have some time, will you? Have a little thing for you.




Good luck on 99, you're my favourite insane person. <3:

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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hmm im sure you will be able to answer my question because you usually do :P ,but why if you only use youre own resources and dont buy anything other than that did you go for 91 runecrafting if youre gonna consider doing the same?


you have the moneytary income to get 99s such as prayer,crafting and constrction so what are you going to do with all those gps?




buy rares etc?


anyway goodluck with 99 runecrafting.lets see if you can beat uular again =P~

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  • 1 month later...

I admire you SaidinWot for your views on obtaining materials for skills. I feel the same. I cut my own yews to get 99 Fletch (getting 99 WC at the same time), and now I am Fishing to 99 and will get my Cooking cape the long way.




Goo Saidin, good luck with everything!!!




Shey <3:


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Now that this has been bumped, I guess I'm responsible for updating it. I did not intend to let it drift so far back (it was on page 12 before it was bumped, I have actually watched it). I have been watching it's location, but I've lacked anything to really say in here... I have no new levels since my last update, and haven't even crafted 10k ess since 91.




In the coming weeks, I intend to craft the remainder of my ess, sell it, and buy more (yes, a devious plot I know!). I will be celebrating my birthday ingame on the 4th of August, and might have a party, I don't know, but there's that announcement.




Thanks Shey for bumping this, greatly appreciated <3: I'm utterly amazed at your skilling!




Thanks also to ickdeep, and I'll try to remember to check out your blog later, but I'm going to bed after this post :anxious: (Though it would be nicer if your comment wasn't a spam comment posted in every single blog on the front page)




Thanks to goat, who posted below this, for whom I'm editing this post :wink: It certainly is a good moneymaker... if only I could actually use it properly.




Now a few issues to address:


Thank you blink, Val, iwa, trip, nabba, kohe, mEb, Fire, Potter, and Mil... I believe I forgot to thank you all for your congratulations :(




If krisc6 ever reads my blog again (I can hope <3: ), here's my answer: I <3: RC... a lot. 91 RC has been a goal because it's a huge step in the world of RC. Additionally, I like to give gifts to close friends, and RC has funded that and will continue to do so. The gp will be spent on ess and herb seeds as well as gifts. I will probably eventually buy a party hat if I can save up that long, but I don't know if I'll be able to... I believe party hats are gaining in price faster than life will let me RC!




I promised to address Dream Mentor in my next post in this blog... and that post has finally come. So here's my argument. I am 100% happy with combat requirements... when they are individual levels. This quest could've had requirements of 70 attack, defence, and strength, and I would've had no problems with it (aside from unhappiness at being incapable of doing it), assuming these requirements were worked into the quest's storyline.




That's my main problem with the Dream Mentor quest. 85 combat is a requirement with absolutely no place in the storyline. You can incorporate any combat level requirement into a quest logically - you need a certain attack level to wield a certain weapon, a certain strength level to push open a door, a certain defence level to wear an armor necessary for a ritual. All of these are ways combat requirements have been incorporated into storylines in the past. Dream Mentor has none of this. Sure, Cyrisus might have a line along the lines of "zomg u r hi enuf cmb 2 help meh!". I don't know. The reason I don't know is this:








No storyline saying "u rnt hi enuf cmb" - simply a notification that 85 combat is required to start the quest. THAT is my main annoyance with what Jagex did in Dream Mentor. Not that I was incapable of doing it as a skiller (though that annoys me... the combat required to do a quest should be set entirely by the difficulty of the monsters. If a monster is too powerful for someone without a certain skill set, someone achieving it without that skill set is definitely good). My annoyance stems from the fact that it's not even part of the quest, it is literally just a way to make the Quest Cape a high level item.




My other argument against it, for which I don't have nearly as much fervor:


The ability to complete a certain part of the game has ALWAYS been based on the difficulty of that thing (generally the difficulty of the monster invovled). A level 3 will never kill Jad (setting aside the fact that they wouldn't stay level 3 after they started the caves). Nor will one ever complete any quest in the game with a high combat monster. Jagex could have easily made the quest cape a high level item by creating a monster that's incredibly hard to defeat and keeping it hard to defeat even after new weapons and armour have been released. To go onto a tangent... Jagex's main fault with monsters is that they are created to be hard at a certain time in the game. From that point on, they are VERY RARELY updated to make them harder, even though more effective ways of killing them are introduced. If Jagex wanted to keep any monster in its status of being considered hard, all they would have to do is counteract the new stuff they introduced. Back on topic, this is all they need in a quest. Setting a combat requirement is just stopping people from finding out what the true combat level of the quest is. There would always be the exceptional people who do it at an amazingly low level, but generally they are few and far between. All Jagex needed to do was make hard monsters, not high requirements, to make a high level quest.


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SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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