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Donating blood?


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Well occasionally, Life Blood comes to our school and accepts people (staff and students) who want to give blood to do so as long as they are healthy and 17 years of age or over.








I've always wanted to donate blood, because I think that everyone who is reasonably healthy should, so when I first heard about Life Blood coming last Friday, I immediately went to the office and signed up. Plus, I've just turned 17 (last November).








So, today around 10:00, I went out to the Life Blood RV to give blood. Basically, for anyone who hasn't seen it, it's a large vehicle fully equipped with blood testing machines, and everything else needed to give blood in a hospital. I was there for about half an hour, answering questions about my health, and the other regular stuff. I didn't even realized that they had [puncture]ed my finger while I was answering the questions until the woman put a band-aid on it and took my blood sample to test for iron deficiency and blood diseases.








Then, they tried to situate me in one of the comfy donor chairs. There were four of them, lined up along the walls of the RV. They gave me a chair for donors that were donating from their right arm and couldn't find a suitable vein there, so I had to wait until a left-arm donor got up. After that, it took 2 nurses to find my vein. :P Then, they wiped it clean with sterilizing fluid and stuck the needle in. I have to say it was pretty painful because once the woman got the needle in my arm, she couldn't find the vein and had to move it around a bit. #-o








After ten minutes, and just when the woman was telling me that I was almost finished, I started to feel a bit light-headed. It got worse as she started pulling the tubes and needle from my arm, and I didn't even feel her remove the needle. She told me to try and get up slowly and as I did, I just blacked out. I came to with her slapping my face, asking me my name, and stuffing an ice pack on the back of my neck. She put another one on my forehead and my arm. Needless to say, I kinda freaked out some of the other donors and they were all worried for me. They kept me there for awhile, making me drink some water and relax. I have to say that they were very caring. ^_^ So, after I started feeling a bit better, they allowed me to go back to class with a new T-shirt and some chocolate chip cookies. ^_^ I felt light-headed for the rest of the day, but I feel much better now.








Right now, the only thing that's sore is where they [puncture]ed my left middle finger.












My arm is a bit bruised and hurt when I took the bandage off. But, it's fine now. ^_^












Overall, I'd have to say that my first time giving blood was truly an experience and I think that next time Life Blood comes to my school, I'll give blood again. Hopefully, I won't faint next time. :P








I have great respect for people who donate blood. Even those who want to, but can't. I was very glad today to see that the Life Blood RV was completely packed with willing people.








So, my question to you guys is of course, have you ever given blood? Can you give blood? What was your experience like? If you're not of age yet, do you think you'll donate blood when you get old enough?

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I gave blood last September at my school. They didn't bring an RV though, they set up everything in our small gym. I have very good veins and it didn't them any time to spot my vein. I chose to do it for a few reasons:




1. I like the adrenaline rush you get from the needle going inside of you




2. Getting out of Math class




3. 2 hours of community service for my AP government paper =D








I also got a t-shirt :)

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Needles don't hurt as much as they look, but HELL NO!!




















I'm sorry to all you people out there about to die because of my shallowness. :-w

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I can't give blood. I have extremely low blood pressure. I once had 20 mL of blood removed for a test, and I passed out before I could stand up.








its probably not the low blood pressure that makes you faint although I could be very wrong. My blood pressure is so low that the first time I gave blood they thought I was legally dead \'








anyway I give blood 3-4 times a year depending on what I'm up to. In other words as much as possible :D

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I've always wanted to. Last year the day to donate was march 8th and my birthday is on the 10th so I couldn't. I'm planning on going this year though.








I don't see why I wouldn't donate. It's safe and pretty quick and i'm sure they never really have enough of it. Plus it sort of scares the crap out of me and I like overcoming my fears. Last time I got it done (for some test) it was only slightly painful (more uncomfortable) .

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My family has a history of diabetes and I am at risk, so they won't take my blood.








Which stinks, because I am otherwise very healthy and would love to sell plasma for spending cash.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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The Blood Bank also came to our school around October last year. If I wasn't recovering from a chest infection, I would've donated blood. Thankfully I didn't though: I had an assessment that same afternoon and from the looks on some girls faces who did donate and their own testimonies, it wasn't a pleasant experience. One girl was 'stabbed' 5 times because they couldn't find the vein. In the end, they gave up.








Yes, "it takes someone special to donate blood" (ad campaign), but for those who can, it's rewarding for both parties. With the public health system atrocious as it already is, small things like this can really help.

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If I was allowed to donate blood, I would.




But I have some small disease;well not disease- Hemochromotosis. If I dont get enough iron I'll get sick, but i do, so yeah.




Something like 1in every 3 Australians will need blood given to them but only 1 in 8 or something actually donates.




So I would if I could


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So far I think Ive donated 6 times or so... Rules over here are:








- Over 18 years




- No new sexual partners during the past 6 months




- No risk-behaviour towards AIDS or STD's




- Not having had a tattoo in the past year








and some others...








In my case I think they drained about 400cc's




Doesn't hurt a bit... and I'd suggest anyone that can donate to do so.




You never know when YOU might be the one needing some.

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Nice one, thats a really respectable thing to do :)




I've considered giving blood before but can't for 2 reasons - not only am I absolutely terrified of injections/needles, but I have some genetic disorder or something that causes me to faint. Which kinda sucks, cos I would've liked to have helped out.

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