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Cheerio Runescape!


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I have played Runescape for around a year now. I have been scammed so many times I dont understand why I keep falling for it -.-. I have also been hacked 3 times, not becuase I tell people my password, not becuase I get keyloggers, im just unlucky, and I think it was one of my friends.








Anyway,I have decided to leave Runescape. I no you are probebly thinking "What and idiot, who cares if some random is leaving". Well i decided to write about it just to sorta, get a little message out. I figured out i have a really really great life outside of a game. No i didnt play 24/7, I play around 3 hours a day. But I was playing to much last month, and i decided, Runescape is boring and a big waste of time, seriously, why do do things in this game that make as so bored! Why? Becuase we want to be the best. Hah, fat chance its going to happen, yes the game CAN be fun, but it has become boring to me, and filled with people that dont care about anyone else and ruin peoples day by just, being 'Idiots'.








I decided to sell all my things and buy a rare of some kind, or maybe two, and give them to a friend, i had lots of stuff, Cooked lobsters, yews,nats etc. I sold all of them and i had 16mill. I needed a few more Mill to buy something wearable, so I fished 20K lobsters. I was on fourms and got a buyer for 250 each. A whole value of 5mill. but, once again, it gets changed. I read the second trade screen (like i always do) and decline. Next person offerd 4.9mill and a whole load of items, i look at the items and i was happy becuase it added up to be around 5.5mill. I accept and accept again....He changed amount to 490k..Thanks, why do people do this? Oh well, just thought I would write this thread.








Thanks Tip.It for being an Awsome fourm to be apart of. (I gave the 16.4mill to my friend)








Sir Lang0 :thumbsup:

Coming Soon

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Apart from the scamming and hacking (which is your own fault), all the other things that you said I agree with. I especially agree with the boring part, and that the reason people play is because they "want to be the best". It's a part of all MMORPGs, that's mainly the thing that keeps you addicted for a game like Runescape.








That's just my view, so feel free to have your own view.








Not playing Runescape feels good, you've got a lot of spare time to spend. Good luck with whatever you're doing in the future.

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Does anyone here really know this guy? If so, your sympathetic words mean quite little, to be honest.








Please just pm your friends about quitting, and if you really feel the need to get the word out just put it in the quitting thread in General. Sorry, but I'm not going to lie, I don't care.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Locked~ Sorry to see you leaving but please post here : ***New***Leaving/Taking a break from RuneScape or Tip.it








I have since reopened this post since I failed to read the small print




in the sticky : :oops:




Note: This thread is optional for those departing permanently. If you




prefer to post an individual thread to notify others that you are quitting




altogether, it will be permitted.




Please accept my apology. :)


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:D finally its good to see you go you've always been the most annoying person on these forums, honestly this will be a much better place without you








P.S. i have no clue who you are








(im really starting to run out of material for these im quitting threads)

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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So you got hacked and scammed? All your mistakes, I lagged and got lured for 25% of my net worth, got veracs in under 2 hours as I had stuff to fall back on.




A day after being scammed for all my cash but 1 gp, i had 1.88m. I sold no items that were in my bank at the time of the scam (only nats that i made afterwards) and got no lucky drops. RC ftw!


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97% of all people that quit will come back to play again. RuneScape is a game with updates, it doesn't stay the same all the time. You will find that one day you will begin to start playing RuneScape again, and you will regret it because you have no money.








I'm sorry that you are leaving, but trust me on this, don't give your items to your friends. When you come back you'll be broke and have to beg for money. It may seem cruel not to give it to your friends, but trust me you are going to seriously regret giving your friend that rare.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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As evidenced by some of the gracious replies on this thread (by those who do not appear to have heard the phrase "if you having nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all"), you're not not going to miss much here on Runescape.








The number of anti-social miscreants, be they scammers or angry, pointless repliers, make the game hard for most decent folk to stomach for too long.








Good luck in your other pursuits.

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