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Last Name?


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I was just thinking the other day about last names and marriage, and if I would take my husbands last name, or keep my own. My mother kept her name as it is a Polish name and she was very proud of it, I have the same predicament as I am very proud of my last name being it one with great history. My last name once owned a powerful dynasty in China, and my family still own large parts of land in Hong Kong because of this. I would even suggest my husband took my name instead of his.








So if I were to marry I would like to keep my last name, but having see my mother do this, everyone always assumed she was not related to me or my siblings (we took our father's last name), so instead I would prefer to double-barrel it. I plan to one day marry my current boyfriend, as does he, and his name is already double barreled, so he wants to drop a name of his surname and adopt mine.












So basically I just wanted to ask, girls, if you are planning to marry someday, would you keep your last name or change it to your husbands? Or indeed compromise with them double-barreled? Or would you want him to take your last name?








And guys, if you were to be married would you expect your wife to take your surname, or would you take hers? Would you be happy to have a different last name to your wife? Or just consider double-barreling the names?



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To me it would realy depend like my auntys took there other halfs name on my dads side and on my mums side it was the female...personaly i dont mind if the female preferd theres id take it but if she prefered mine id be just as happy i dont really care on someones name its whats inside that counts

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Double Barrelling is the way to go.








Say if your name was Smith and your husband's Ticonderoga, you would be Jane Ticonderoga-Smith.








Of course, normally I would suggest the patriarchical surname (or matriarchical if your culture suggests).


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Well, whichever my wife, when I get married, wants to do I wouldn't mind. Although I'd rather have her take my last name and not double barrel it.

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I would definitely keep my own name! To me it feels like (and I know this isn't the case, it's just the way I see it) men have always been considered superior especially regarding things like marriage. I would never take my husband's name if it meant getting rid of my own surname. It would feel like I

was succumbing to the pressure of a stereotypical family.








LeeLee says...




Are you sure you would rather take the name of your in-laws-to-be over your family's? (On second thoughts i suppose you see it more as your husband's name). But ultimately you should do whatever it is that you want to do. Don't succumb to pressures from anybody. Its your choice and your name. We all have our opinions but its your decision. :mrgreen:

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My great-grandfather stole my last name from a family he was living with for a while. Despite that, I'm still quite attatched to it. I'd want, and expect my wife to take my name.

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1.) What is your last name?








2.) Hong Kong was founded by the British.








But that doesn't mean it didn't have Chinese influence prior to the Brits visit. I mean, Chinese history goes further back than British.


Me doing staff.

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1.) What is your last name?








2.) Hong Kong was founded by the British.








Oh my bad, lol, I'm not too sure where the land is, I just know the relatives that own the land live in Hong Kong. My last name is Tang.








EDIT: The character of which is like this:
















(sorry for bad quality)



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If I ever end up getting married with my current gf it would definately be MY last name. I wouldn't want to get the same last name as my gf's dad. I don't want to have anything to do with that last name and wouldn't want my gf to carry that name over her whole life.




Oh, my gf agrees with this btw.

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To be honest, I'd expect my wife to take my last name, especially since I'm the IV and if I had a son he'd take my last name, which would mean my name would have to stay the same. Also, it'd seem femininst if she didn't take my last name, and I really hate femininists -.- (or at least their opinions). Especially my sister... she's like a mega femininist.








Basically, I'm Alexander W. _____ IV. My great grandfather, grandfather, father, and I all have the same name, as well as a few of my older ancestors. Any women who's arrogant enough to feel an extreme need to break that line for personal interest probably would be annoying as a wife, for me at least -.- .

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Theres a new craze atm with couples that instead of double barrelling you create a completely new names based on some combination of your current names. That sounds quite cool.



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Theres a new craze atm with couples that instead of double barrelling you create a completely new names based on some combination of your current names. That sounds quite cool.








Ha wow, I've never heard of that one! But trying to combine mine and my boyfriend's... Doesn't come up with anything too pretty, his being








Ragen Edit








Please don't give away personal information such as last names.








Rule 1.9 - Volunteering Personal Information Personal information consists of real life names...








Sorry! :XD:



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I'm fairly attached to my name (I've had it all my life after all ;) ) so I wouldn't blame a woman not being happy to change hers. I'm sure some kind of compromise could be reached though, probably with a completely new name based on a combination of our names, since double barrelling my last name would sound stupid.

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