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Everything posted by Sbrideau

  1. Sbrideau


    Yeah, definitely is cold here too. I usually like snow winters more than cold winters (yeah it's usually one or the other, we get much less snow on colder winters, but more snow when it's not as cold a winter as this year's). Somehow my car didn't have much trouble starting at -26 (-38 with windchill) so I guess I just have to clean the poles on the battery. All in Celsius.
  2. Sbrideau


    Lol everything is basic in my car, the only thing it would reset is the check engine light LOL. Already got the part I need to replace though, just too lazy to get the college Mechanic students work on it as of yet. And yes, I'm broke because Im a student so saving as much as I can is what I currently do :P.
  3. Sbrideau


    Yeah the water is why I never go under half a tank of gas in the winter even when I'm broke. And I usually get the gas at Sobeys which does have ethanol in it. The block heater plug was lost in an accident that happened before I owned the car, but it was never needed. Since I'm in an appartment I don't have a garage either lol. Guess I just have to hope for tomorrow, but I think it's the battery that's too old now, since it's the original and the car is 12 years old. When it gets warmer I'll clean the poles on the battery, might be what's causing my car to not react for the first couple of times I turn the key.
  4. Sbrideau


    For the first time my car almost didn't start at -24C today. It's supposed to be -35C tomorrow so I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't start tomorrow morning.
  5. Sbrideau


    This is the kind of temperature we usually get here although it's been much warmer lately. This is sometime this week that I took this picture on the Environment Canada website. Temperatures are weird this year but at least with this picture it looks like it's going to come back to the usual temperatures.
  6. Funny how I got the same captain but with better stats. Been doing boats since yesterday since I just understood how it works yesterday so I don't have much good stats, but then again I tried it first when it came out but never understood it until I actually tried playing it lol.
  7. I joke, but... "End Of RuneScape", perhaps? Wouldn't be surprised if someone finally managed to end Jagex's game somewhat. :twss: ~D. V. "I don't think RS is even fully Java 7-series Compatible yet." Devnull They only talk about the latest platform because it's the current one. Usually with Java if there's an exploit with the current version you can be sure there are exploits with the old versions. There's a reason it's updated so often, they find exploits in it every week. If you go on trusted websites such as Runescape, there are not risks to security.
  8. I usually play 2 games at a time, while still being a casual gamer. Usually it's going to be Rs and the current Call of Duty (until june or july where I go back to cod4). I still play some other games inbetween, but I don't have as much time to play games as I used to. And for the Rs example, I took a 2 year break so yeah I do take breaks from games from time to time too.
  9. There's always going to be exploits as it is with any programs. Heck we even get monthly windows update to fix that kind of exploits. Except when they're urgent to fix, then we get an urgent update that can happen anytime.
  10. I love this game much more than the others even with the delays in camera and ads. You know, even with those delays it seems like it has less delays than the other cod games. Also this is the first one since cod4 that doesn't lag for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyntHjL6T9Y
  11. Change the world you play on. That fixes it when I have this issue.
  12. Sbrideau


    Fan failed on my processor heatsink in my desktop.. Now looking for a new heatsink but I think I found a good one for a good price. Guess I can stop using the intel stock heatsink lol.
  13. What I fail to understand is if you think the game is lame, why do you bot and ruin the game for others that want to enjoy it instead of going away and playing another game that would be more interesting to you?
  14. Well I'm not sure, Rs is a java based game afterall so it's bound to take a bit more processor power, although I don't seem to get the issue you posted All_Bogs, I don't have low framerate in Rs with everything maxed graphics wise.
  15. Sbrideau


    Happy new year's everyone! I might be drunk tif'ing but I still watch how I write, my wpm might be 10 instead of 90 but I'm too perfectionist so I don't do that many mistakes while drunk. Best wishes for everyone for 2013!
  16. Me too. I've just turned 25, been playing since about 2004 and literally no one knows. Lol, I'm 25 too and only my brothers know I play Rs. Actually hadn't played in years and I've recently started playing it again, there's not that much of the old rs left in it.
  17. Information like that should never be shared on Rs either, there's a reason why a lot of pmods mute when people ask other people's skype username, and I'm going as far as to say that I agree with them doing that, as there are more dangers than just a ddos.
  18. And will the amulet last until after this event is done? anyone knows this?
  19. Agreed on Fish Flingers, you get a good amount of XP with it too, depending on how well you did during the game, and official world for it is 89.
  20. So far the sale doesn,t seem really attractive.. I'll wait and see what comes next.
  21. Why are you still on these forums if you hate the game?
  22. Any of you guys know if there's an expiry date on the bonus hunter XP? Like can it wait for a few months until I decide to level up that skill or something?
  23. Seen that surprise on youtube already. It's pretty epic.
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