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Everything posted by warren211

  1. this guy just happened to pop up in varrock west bank! man, i haven't seen him in years. what was he doing there though? when I talked to him, he told me he hasn't seen me in a long time and then said the familiar "here, have some ob the good stuff" and gave me a beer and kebab just like old times. I think jagex is reintroducing nostalgia. any other explanations?
  2. Mint cakes =/= Spinach Roll. As Me_Hate_Libs said: Yes, mint cakes are just like spinach rolls used to be. I remember getting them as drops from Moss Giants and thinking, "I can't believe people actually try and pass these off as rares." Well, nowadays I most certainly can believe it. Mint cakes are utterly [developmentally delayed]ed, and I can't wait till Jagex changes Gnome Delivery and makes them common items. Maybe I'm the only person here who thinks mint cakes were a brilliant idea. They are not the same as spinach rolls. Spinach rolls were abused heavily by scammers back in the day who traded them for valueble items, claiming the roll was worth millions. It was more of a scammer's trademark than a merchant's. Mint cakes are completely different in that they are popular in the trade limit era (spinach rolls were from way back when trade limits didn't exist and many players didn't know the value of some items). The reason they exist is not to scam players (with a 60k trade limit, every 15 minutes, it's not the most efficient technique) but to circulate junk. The real merchants don't wet themselves over a mint cake because its uber rare. If at all, the reason they wet themselves for getting a good deal on a mint cake with junk, and then are able to add their own junk and turn around and sell for profit. No scamming here, just clever trading. So as a final comparison, how were spinach rolls used? Unsuspecting Player selling valueble item was offered a spinach roll by scammer who claimed it was worth a lot. Player accepted trade, tried to resell spinach roll but then discovered it was worthless (unless they managed to re-scam another player). There may have been a time where spinach rolls were treated like mint cakes, but that is beyond my knowledge and nowadays the trade limit prevents the scamming side of spinachroll-type trades. As for mint cakes, they are offered with large amounts of junk from a seller and the buyer receives the cake and the junk and can then add their own junk to resell. OR the mint cakes can be offered for highly demanded items like spirit shields in addition to a cash pile to supplement the mint cakes and get within the trade limit. So if a player offers 550mil and 3 mint cakes for an item, the seller of the item gets the 550m and can resell the mint cakes for incredible amounts with junk. I find it brilliant. Everybody wins, unlike the spinach roll where although some merchants could utilize it, many were scammed by it.
  3. Don't forget Salarin the Twisted, or whatever his name was.
  4. You might say every skill has an obscure, indirect connection to smithing, but that doesn't mean everything REVOLVES around smithing. The latter implies that the skill would be impossible without the help of smithing, which I don't think is true of ANY skill outside of melee skills. And besides, smithing is NOT the core skill by this definition of obscure relations. How does one train smithing that OP says feeds into everything else in Runescape? Getting ores. How are the ores obtained? Mining. Therefore, by OP's definition of revolving, the whole game revolved around mining.
  5. Let me quote the most famous verse of the Bible (this is from my memory so may not be perfectly verbatim): "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life". (John 3:16). As the Bible shows, God's requirement for everlasting life according to Christian's (FYI I'm Catholic, so I am only representing Catholicism in this post and not necessarily all religions, particularly fundamentalists) isn't to be sinless. It's to believe in Him. Now does that mean that Hindus and Buddhists won't get to heaven according to Christians because they don't believe in one all-powerful God? I don't think so; the religious ones still live virtuous lives and pursue true goodness (nirvana, whatever you want to call it). So, do people who pursue virtuous lives and still have faith in some kind of god go to heaven? Yes. Do people who believe in a god but still have some sins go to heaven? Yes, or else heaven would be pretty empty because I can only think of one sinless human who ever walked the earth, and He happened to be the Son of God anyway. Do people who reject all forms of God and yet still pursue a moral life go to heaven? This is where it get's icky, but I would have to say no. Flame me all you want (because obviously an atheist would care about whether I'd say they were going to hell), but I would think the greatest sin of all is to reject God himself (or whatever form of God you were introduced to). Even the most severe of sins like murder can be forgiven in this life and the sinner can go to heaven (in the Catholic faith there is Confession, I'm not sure about other faiths). So whether they had free will or not by the original post's perspective, they had a chance to be forgiven for it (at this point someone is going to be obliged to respond that acccording to OP's post, their decision to accept forgiveness would have already been decided. I have no answer for that, I leave that matter to what I've been tought about faith). But since I'm Catholic, I still believe in free will. I don't think God would create people who had no hope of salvation to begin with. That's one of the most fundamental beliefs of the Catholic church. If there was no free will, there would be no Catholic Church, so you're going have to try pretty hard to make me reject my entire faith and agree that free will is nonexistant. As for sins, Catholics believe in a place called Purgatory which is where moral people with some venial sins go to repent for them, and then they go to heaven. If you have a moral sin on your conscience when you die (a serious sin, like murder or adultery), you go straight to hell UNLESS you go to confession during your lifetime to repent. So, even for the most serious sinners, there is hope. On top of all that, God had His only son die for each and every one of us. It would have been a pointless sacrifice if he knew he was creating people to go to hell anyway. So, the only excuse not to go to heaven is if you totally rejected God, this not caring whether you go to hell and not having the option to repent for sins. So to conclude, I completely disagree with the belief in no free will and humans being created just to go to hell. It just doesn't register with me at all, probably because I've tried to lead a religious life and religion wouldn't make sense with those beliefs established. The mission of Catholicism is to reject those views and unite the world (Catholic mean universal in Greek or some other ancient language). So now for the icky, awkward question I know someone is thinking: in a Catholic's view, is there any hope for OP if he rejects God (since we are assuming God exists)? I think my answer is pretty clear. Let the flaming commence.
  6. What could they have done other than tightening security? They allow certain quantities of liquids, this guy manages to abuse that privelige to cause a fiery reaction. They perform "random" security checks (aka confronting every middle eastern man travelling alone or in a group of men, already resulting in a 1.5 million dollar lawsuit from a group of men wrongfully accused of terrorism and refused admittance from their flight). All they can do is tighten up security. As for the issue where the U.S Embassy ignored the father of the man in Nigeria, yea that's something we can improve on but that's hardly the fault of the airlines. They need to protect their business and reputation. If that means sacrificing comfort in return for saving lives, it's a choice they need to make for the safety of their passengers and their business.
  7. Avid slayers probably know the question already: in Kuradal's dungeon with a slayer task, is it more worthwhile to use a ferocious ring for the extra damage or a ring of wealth for the chance of extra money? I've always been slaying with a ROW until I finally got the ferocious ring as a drop, and since then all my Kuradal dungeon tasks have been done with a fero ring. But me and a few friends have been discussing... would wearing the ring of wealth for the chance of better drops (especially monsters like abby demons, metal dragons, and gargoyles in the dungeon) be worthwhile compared to the extra damage from a fero ring? I'd like to see the opinions of others on this, or if there is a confirmation out there that the fero ring acts as a ROW (it's all been speculation but I've never seen a confirmation that they act the same). I have noticed that clue scrolls are much rarer from all the monsters than previously when wearing the fero ring over ROW. Opinions? Personally I prefer the ring just because it guarentees an increase in efficiency rather than altering chances (which doesn't guarantee a payoff), but I'm just curious as to seeing logic from others. Edit: A majority of this thread points out that the fero ring is a better choice because it's positives can be observed, while the ROW is almost completely defined by myths and rumors (although experiments have been attempted). An additional question I'd like to pose (to prevent the thread from going completely one sided on the issue) is: if the ROW was confirmed to increase total profit by a specific chance increase (rather than the vague "increases chance of a good drop") or if Jagex powered it up to give a noticeable change in drops, what would it take for you to give up the ferocious ring? Are you all about monster killing effieciency, or does the money have an influence on your decisions?
  8. They already confirme that there would be a new skill before the end of 2010. People are speculating it will be Exploration because a suggestion on the forum was responded to by a Jagex mod that she would foreward it to the development team for consideration. Wish I had screenies, but I lost mine.
  9. I don't usually keep up with the trade fads, but I think the reason the cakes are so valueble is because merchants use them to circulate their junk. If you get ahold of a mint cake and you have a bunch of junk, you can instantly be rid of it by selling it with your junk for raw cash, and people who buy it can add the junk they got from you with their own junk and sell it for more, etc. It's just a big circulation trick for merchants. It's not like everyone's desperate for it because it's useful or anything.
  10. finally 99 str, 4 years in the making. Yeah, I'm slow. The level also got me 125 combat. I'm happy.
  11. The wars weren't even about "who is the strongest fansite" but rather "who could get their users in the overloaded server first". Seriously, the whole server was full 3 hours before the war started, a majority from tipiters, and not many other sites could get in even if they were prepared for war. It wasn't really much of a war. Unless we can find a way to get around the server limit, i doubt there'll be another war.
  12. Is this a serious thread? If so, people need to put more warrant in their post than "mass murder and neglect" and pointing at the disasters of the world. Believe it or not, God is above the legal system. He deals with matters of faith and the afterlife; its our job to make life on earth good for everyone. War, poverty, famine? Preventable if the well-off countries extend a hand to the struggling ones, and I mean doing more than sending 10 dollars a month because you teared up at the poverty TV commercials. Natural disasters? Personally I don't question his motives, because just because we can't see a reason doesn't mean it's not there. It was obviously the time for those dying people to move on according to God, who are we to tell him a human should have lived longer? And these disasters are just a reminder of how short our lives are, and that we should make life as good as possible for EVERYONE while it still lasts. Because we never know when God will decide time is up for you or someone you know, or someone you don't know but could have helped. And to respond directly to this thread, I obviously would not bring charges against God for anything.
  13. Religion seldom hurts people. People who abuse it or misinterpret it hurt people. This woman believes God is her defence. Wrong, she believes one overused phrase is her defense. "God will provide". I'm Catholic, and I know better than to be stupid when lives are at stake when things are totally preventable. "The Lord helps those who help themselves". That's not word for word in the Bible, but it's still very true. There's a difference between having faith and abusing it. God will provide when mankind is completely incapable of handling the issue themselves. Starvation can be overcome by the help of others, so God doesn't need to get involved (which is why it is the DUTY of well-set countries to assist the struggling ones). God's duty mainly involves issues on faith and the afterlife, not material things like food. There are starving children in Africa who struggle twice as worse as this family does, who does the woman think she is prioritizing herself before them saying God will come to her first when she doesn't even make the initiative to hunt for a job? Faith-abusing fools.
  14. No luck on the ring yet for me after finishing 214 greater demons in the dungeon. Meh, that was only 1 task, guess i'll get one eventually.
  15. This thread reminds me of a quote i saw on a tshirt once. "Feminism is the radical notion that women are people". Made me giggle. I support people who are feminist in terms of bringing women to equal standards of me. What I don't like is when feminists try to prove SUPERIORITY to men. Its just stupid. I totally support bringing women to equal playing fields as men if they want it that way, but I'm not going to bow down to Nancy Grace and her crackpot companions by saying women deserve to be held higher than men.
  16. Now the only sex he'll be getting is from his aggressive 600lb cellmate in whatever prison he stays in. But on a more serious note, this is why I don't support marriages based purely on sex, and sex outside of marriage. The man threw all his concerns away -- his wife's wellbeing and preferences, his children's future, his own future -- just for sex. I don't know what the guy was thinking. Did he really think his wife would continue to sleep with him after she discovered he basically gave her a death sentence in the form of a virus? Sex-driven Idiots these days...
  17. Why on earth would he chew gum dipped in citric acid in the first place? does it add flavor or something? and you'd think a chemistry student would know better than to eat in the laboratory and confuse dangerous substances and end up consuming one or the other. just another precious human life wasted on carelessness.
  18. It seems like recently the most safe-looking people are breaching security where terrorists fail. Last year in Chicago a kid around 15 years old managed to dress as a police officer and ride on patrol for the day with an unknowing officer. Everyone assumed he was a new recruit, he was able to get inside the police headquarters and inside a police car. Thankfully he didn't do anything bad, he just wanted a police adventure for a day. But what if it was a domestic terrorist or just a criminal? He could have gotten access to weapons inside the headquarters, killed police officers within their own building, and done all kinds of atrocities in a police car. Now there's this issue with Greenpeace. Don't forget the countless hackers out there who have breached major networks but not done any damage, just to prove it was possible? We like to pretend we have security. But let's face it, there will always be a way to get through everything. Greenpeace is just the latest group that brought attention to their views by doing something so controversial.
  19. I respect Lady Gaga as an artist because she's very different from traditional pop and romance songs we see today. That being said, I may not be a big fan of her music, but I definitely have respect for her style. She's downright dirty, almost disgusting, and very different from other modern songs, and that's the reason she's so damn popular. I'm sure record dealers are slapping themselves on the head repeatedly right now wondering why on earth she's getting millions for singing about poker, disco sticks, and babbling randomly in Bad Romance. It's the paradox of the music industry
  20. Well I just learned that Best Buy did this for Eid: http://www.quickpwn.com/2009/11/best-buy-eid-al-adha-ad-causes-disappointment-to-many-a0224.html. I was about to get very upset since they'd otherwise use "happy holidays" to avoid offending anyone, but then I read the note on the bottom of that forum from a community supervisor and was relieved. I think its about time a company started wishing holidays individually, rather than "happy holidays" as a whole. Good job Best buy, as long as you remember to include all the other holidays, you have my support.
  21. I'll start to the point: revenant drops are very poor, they need to be increased to make killing them worthwhile! Currently, revenants usually drop coins (if not nothing at all) and if you manage to smite all their protect item prayer off, you MAY get something better. The problem is: 1)smiting a high level rev can be difficult, use a lot of prayer, and you'll probably take lots of damage in the process using more supplies. 2) Revs have a tendency to dissappear in the middle of a fight, seemingly for no reason. If a long fight has exhausted most of your supplies, nothing is more aggravating than having it dissappear right before you can kill it, and wasting all your time and supplies instead. I am a VERY experienced rev hunter. I've killed dozens upon dozens of revenants, mainly orks, knights, and dark beasts. I've hunted revs in gear ranging from veracs, dharoks, ranging gear, bandos. I've even tried rev hunting in rune in f2p.In these fights, out of those who actually didnt tele from the fight and those that didn't run me out of supplies first and those that didn't drop nothing, almost every one of them dropped coins (and i smited them all of course). I've only gotten 2 loots outside of coins: a dragon long, and an amulet of glory. And yes, I am almost totally positive you need to smite to get a drop. If you don't smite, the only way to get a drop is to run the fight long enough so their prayer runs out (and yes they do have ppots) and hope they don't tele in the middle. And don't forget, they can poison in deep wilderness, they have all 3 combat styles, they can freeze, teleblock, and eat. And when they die, you have to be very lucky to get something good. That's a hell of a lot to go through for drops worth under 100k. There seems to be very little incentive to actually kill revenants. In f2p it's even worse since you can't smite and the gear has less than half the bonuses of good p2p armor. Fighting revs is pointless in f2p. All I want is for revenants to have an actual drop table, one that doesn't require smiting to access. I don't think that's too much to ask, it'll give people an incentive to train in the wilderness with fighting gear rather than fleeing gear. It will provide a good opportunity to hunt revenants as a sport with friends without burning too much money on supplies. Finally, it will give former rev hunters like me a reason to return to my old pastime, without worrying about throwing away too much money because the drops may cover it or give a slight profit.
  22. I think stealing creation is fine as it is. It gives pking a purpose in the minigame. Without spawn camping, the only time it can severely change the tides of a game is when pkers manage to down someone for thousands of arrows. Spawn camping does two things: 1) gives pkers lots of points for all the damage they do 2)shuts down the other team for a long time. If the team is trapped in their own base, they can't access resources, so they can't gain many points. If a group of sc pkers manages to take over the opponent's base, they pretty much dominate the game. One thing I find helpful to prepare for an ambush and survive it is to make a large supply of c4 or c5 daggers. If you know the opposing team is rounding up a killing group, start making those daggers or telling other players to make them. With a base full of high power daggers, everyone trapped in the base can grab a dagger and chase the pkers off. Believe me, I've ruined several clans of decent-level mages with just a dagger by myself, simply because their robes have no def and dagger eats through it. With high level players, you need cooperation from others for sure if you want to down them; thats where the team aspect comes in.
  23. I'm very glad this happened, its about time that people realized that cyber crime is just as bad as many real world crimes. It only took a dozen child suicides to get there, but we're learning the importance. It's great that this hacker who thought he was untouchable by the legal system from his computer is finally facing punishment for his crimes. Keep up the good work, jagex!
  24. I highly doubt this is a new platform in itself. I mean, Jagex is working on Mechscape right now AND keeping Runescape stable AND expanding the attractiveness of Funorb, it seems to me they are simply planning a very large funorb game, worthy of its own t-shirts and wallpapers, etc. But for mechscape, they trademarked all kinds of domain names, perhaps in an effort to slow fansites down from creating an easy-to-remember domain name that ruins all of mechscape. Naturally players will instantly turn to large population websites to excel in mechscape the moment it is released rather than doing a lot of work on their own. It doesn't seem like they put as much effort in protecting Runewizards, all they did was make sure they could create trademark t-shirts and goodies and are able to create the game.
  25. warren211

    Post counts

    To be honest, I do care a little about my post count. It's the closest thing to a ranking system in tipit (with the addition of ranks like "chicken feather" "moss giant whipper" etc that you obtain from postcount). I feel a tiny bit cool when a bunch of chicken feathers and bear furs try to have a discussion in a thread, and all of a sudden I, the mighty moss giant whipper, comes in with a long and insightful post that tips the balance of the discussion and raises my postcount by 1. I never post spam just to raise my count of course, I prefer to know that my 2.6k posts were nearly all insightful and discussion worthy, with very few 1-sentence answers unless they were absolutely necessary or I would be wasting time elaborating more on a point. I try not to be too cocky with my count because it is just a number, but it does matter just a little to me :razz:
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