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Everything posted by warren211

  1. Although I do think this is completely messed up, i also realize that it's not like this is the first time animal cruelty has happened, and it will always happen. And I'm amazed that some people have the audacity to fight for animal rights more vigorously than certain human rights. We have a lot more in our world to worry about than a dying fish. There would be a lot more crusading against the Chinese, except the US is in extreme debt to them anyway and we can't afford to get on our bad side, lest we have an enemy that we owe money to in addition to having to fight against. When President Obama "postponed' a meeting with the Dalai Lama over peace and Tibetan human rights, because the government didn't want to upset China, the issue was in the news for about a day or two before people forgot it. This dying fish in China has more people that care about ITS well being than the wellbeing of the Tibetan people. How can humans criticize how people treat mere animals when we don't have the guts to stand up for fellow humans when THEIR safety is being intruded on?
  2. I don't see why the modern magic spellbook even needed an update. Nobody asked for it. And the fact that its members only doesnt help. Mage was already pretty damn good in pvp in members, and virtually no one is going to use these spells in fights. I mean, why use a lv 95 mage fire spell that can hit 28 when you can pk with a lv 94 ice spell that does 30 damage AND freezes the guy? Seemed completely unnecessary to release these spells. F2P is what needed a desperate mage upgrade. With a max hit of 16 (compared to over 30 of meleers) and virtually no defence bonus, mages are incredibly easy targets. in 1v1s over 100 combat in f2p, maging is suicidal. Believe me, I've maged 1v1s and clan fights in pvp for many months when i wasnt a member. In clans mages are the first to die because of their low def and threat of tbing/binding (by the qway, binding sucks in 1v1s). In 1v1s, meleers either take off armor or will bone you through your robes and their armor won't matter much anyway. To date I've only won 1 fight with a full runer at 115 f2p combat, and that was only beause he had the decency to run when he was totally out of food (not expecting me to carry bind) but when he was binded and under 10hp and dead for sure, he teled. It's insanely hard for mages to get ko's in f2p 1v1s without relying 90% on another attack style for the ko's.
  3. Nobody takes internet insults literally. if you do, there's something wrong with you. but everyone gets the message behind them. I can't think of many off the top of my head. But when I'm pking and someone accuses me of being cheap (and I can assure you I never try to be unfair when pking) and says "l2pk", I usually just respond by saying I am new to pking and i'm indeed learning2pk by attacking noobs like you [you being the person who said l2pk]. It usually shuts them up. But seriously though, I consider all of pking to be a learning experience to me because I actually need to learn to pk properly, so them telling me "l2pk" isn't an insult at all.
  4. Like someone else said, I'd probably go to everyone I knew and tell them how I really felt about them, no matter how good or bad, just to prove to myself that i could and leave no one in doubts about my relationship with them in our final moments. And I'd fill myself up on delicious unhealthy food, since my health wouldn't matter in hours to come anyway.
  5. I have a bunch of things to say about this issue and i'm not sure how to word them into one fluent reading, so I'll just write them out in a bunch of segments and hope you all can draw enough conclusions from them. Several of the past few posts only prove that capital punishment is vengeance, not justice. If someone was a serial killer, does killing him do ANY justice for the victims who are already beyond this world? I mean, how do they benefit? How do their families benefit? At least in jail, justice has been served guarenteed (provided that the right person was jailed of course) and for all you suffering-hungry kids out there, the criminals will be suffering if they're put in there for decades or even the rest of their lives. They do no good to anyone when they're dead. In jail, they have the opportunity to see the wrongs of their lives and right them. Many famous people have found the right way in prison, like Malcolm X who found God (through Islam) in prison and became a renowned civil rights leader (albeit he did have rather violent opinions on how the civil rights movement should be done, he still became a martyr for his cause in the end). If a criminal is executed, he can't do himself or anyone else any good. We common people can't even agree on the purpose of jail and capital punishment, so how can we decide if capital punishment is better in any situation? Is the purpose of jail to rehabilitate the criminal, or to punish them, or to segregate them and their dangerous actions from the rest of society? And is the purpose of capital punishment to efficiently remove dastardly, criminals from the world, or again to punish them? Some of you may say that both imprisonment and execution have a bunch of purposes combined into them, but in that case we would have an even bigger issue over when exactly to use capital punishment vs jailtime since their purposes fluctuate so largely. And finally, capital punishment is irreversible. Therefore, if the wrong person is tried and executed and new technology of the future proves him innocent, its too late. A decade ago former Governor George Ryan of my home state Illinois made a statement after 5 people were released from death row because new evidence proved them innocent. He spoke that he would never allow capital punishment in our state for as long as there is even a sliver of doubt that they could not have done it, no matter what the evidence amounts to in their trial. Governor Ryan was later caught in a corruption scandal, but even a person like him who lost his political morals still had the sense to see that death is never the perfect option for accused criminals.
  6. Wow, all those tiny little updates have added a HUGE load of convenience to the game. Slayer is now a lot faster. you don't need to waste time between monster kills to check how many you have left, you can get tasks three times as fast when you return to your slayer master, and gargoyles are no longer annoying as hell! And the alching update... its about time! Many times have I come close to alching my sgs or my whip. One guy i saw was alching in pvp and tried to put on his dfs when he got attacked (i dont know why he didnt have it on in the first place) but instead he alched it. Now all these accidents will be avoided. I'm sure there will be a lot more people alching in the fight pits with fighting gear since they can't lose their uber valubles anymore.
  7. I think we're underestimating human intelligence by a lot here. It seems like just because these things seem improbable for ancient peoples, that would mean that outside forces had to help them. We all know Egypt and Greece were beasts at expanding knowledge of medicine, math, science, geometry, architecture... who said they had to be the only smart ones? We need to give these ancient tribes more credit for their advancements instead of belittling their achievements and calling it alien work. These people were a LOT smarter than we are today, because they had to discover new things and set the pathway for future educational advancements. All we do is read what the textbooks tell us about how they did it and practice using it. Sure, i'll admit science and medicine have come a long way since then, but as for everything else it seems that the only newer discoveries and revelations are just simplified or expanded versions of what we already learned from the ancient peoples.
  8. I'm just glad the man is alive so that he couldn't kill himself to escape the punishment. Usually all of these shooters who crack under the crap people give them end up taking their own life after taking dozens of other innocent ones, and never get to face the punishment that would have been in store for him. Now this guy can be alive to suffer all the punishment for putting the load on others to carry the burden of persecution he's been suffering from.
  9. Even though I have very little interest in the sciences, this is still very interesting to read, using a dud virus (i forgot what the word was for this) to destroy another virus. I know they've done similar things in the past, but I think this is the first time I've seen HIV used to kill a brain-destroying virus. very fascinating.
  10. Thehate doesn't have a space in his name. I'm still in awe at that Snake Slava guy... that story of him is impressive. Achieved a 99 twice before anyone else achieved the same 99 once? Pretty dang cool.
  11. I usually use "thee" when the noun that follows begins with a vowel (thee apple, thee end). it sounds more right to me than "thuh apple, thuh end". As for a, the only time I use ay is when i need to stress something (usually the number of a thing) like if I say to my friends "our teacher gave us the answer to a test question today". "She gave you the answers to the questions??" "AY question".
  12. warren211


    Wow, when I saw title, I thought this was one of those threads that would say "you are now aware that you are manually breathing". Now I'm manually breathing. Thanks a lot, self. Anyway, I never knew there was an actual name for your breathing condition. I mean, the only time I breathe through one nose is when I'm sick. But now since we're talking about nasal congestion, I've always been curious, why/how does the body always keep one nostril moderately clear during sickness, while the other is totally clogged up? I mean, why don't they both block up? Is the immune system really that strong that it will keep one nostril clean so that you can breathe safely without risking suffocation (even though you have a mouth)?
  13. warren211


    I recently discovered how bad of a bargainer I can be. I'm glad I don't go to flea markets too often. A few weeks back me and my friends went to a heavily populated Indian area of Illinois where lots of flea-market type bargaining takes place. My friend was looking for a phone there. But I found that I felt sorry for the guys he was bargaining with for phones. They sounded so convincing that they needed the sale, and that their product was of extreme quality. I know its usually bs, and that the last person you should trust for info on a product you plan to buy is the seller himself, but I still could not help but sympathize for him. Maybe he gets loads of sales like this, or maybe he really is desperate for money to support himself. But I know my lesson now: never go to flea markets, I'll probably end up losing LOADS of money rather than saving it from bargaining.
  14. Slayer quite surprised me. At an average of 20k-30k per hour, i would think it would be a close race between rc and slayer. But I guess more people are mindlessly cannoning every task to save time for a little extra exp, or everyone just wants that sexy black cape. Eh, that sort of ruined the prestige of the cape in my opinion.
  15. For me, I was training agil with brawlers in pvp before 3-iteming and the 76k risk was changed, so I was able to gain ep and skill agility with brawlers and d mace (mace was risking and was over the 26k risk limit). When I died, for some reason I kept the mace instead and lost my brawlers. It turns out the mace and brawlers alch for the same price, and even though the items kept on death page promised me i'd keep my brawlers and lose the mace, the opposite happened instead. I was crushed.
  16. I'm a practicing Catholic, and from the teachings i've received, Genesis isn't a history textbook. It's not to be taken literally, nor is the rest of the Bible, because if it was to be taken literally then the world would be a mere 6000 years old, and fossil evidence has shown that is clearly false. But the human author of Genesis, like the author of Revelation, used a hell of a lot of symbolism in the writings. The 6 "days" of creation are are not 24 hours. After all, God lives in eternity. Time units are meaningless. Each biblical Day in that book could have varied from a split second to 65million years in the human scale of time. And since no one has yet found the conversion formula for eternity to time units, this explanation seems pretty reasonable. The Bible itself isn't a history and science textbook. It is for dealing with matters of faith and faith only. I'm amazed that people treat the Bible as what it's not supposed to be (a textbook on the sciences), then easily disprove it as false because it's "facts" are flawed, and then believe they have crumbled the foundation of the Christian faith. Unless you're a fundamentalist, or someone desperate for a way of disproving the bible when clearly you can't fight science facts with faith facts, the Bible is not something to be taken literally on matters such as the history of the universe.
  17. As at least two dozen others have said, nothing will happen. There will probably be some news of a minor flood warning on the west coast or some busy shorline part of a country, and everyone will freak out believing that a tidal wave will wipe out the entire coast of whatever country there is. I'm sure there will be some simple-minded people who will do something drastic believing the end of the world will finish things anyway. There'll be a few people committing crimes or blowing all their money on random indulgences thinking that nothing will matter anyways when the world ends. And all eyes will be on Australia because they experience every day of 2012 first. But like all doomsdays of the past, once it's over and nothing has happened, there will be "recently uncovered" evidence of ANOTHER apocalypse and people will have an excuse to freak out again.
  18. Colorblindness (Red-Green). As you all probably know, the colorblind gene is an x-linked chromosome. Females need both of their X chromosomes to have the colorblind gene in order to be affected, while males only need their 1 x chromosome to have it in order to be affected. My mom got one colorblind gene from her father so she was a carrier and was not affected, but she passed that gene on to me and so I was inflicted with the annoying disease (or disorder, or however colorblindness is classified. it's not serious of course, just very annoying). Neither my brother or sister have it so I was the unlucky one I guess.
  19. why are people callin it controversial at all? Sure, some of the runners up had better graphics, but runescape has millions more players than those other studios will ever have. People attribute jagex's win to it's massive fanbase. That's correct. believe it or not, the company with the most fans who will vote them are usually the winners of these types of awards. if they want to avoid the controversy of a "popularity contest", they should make the award selected by a committee rather than the players.
  20. the current curriculum is fine as it is, we can't just keep updating the education system just because technology does too. I've already heard of kinterdarten and first grade classes who were required to bring calculators to school. excuse me? calculators? what on earth is a child that age going to need a calculator for? They'll never learn the concepts behind mathematics which is exactly what is needed to move on to higher levels of math, all they're going to know is that pushing a certain button produces a certain number If you ask me, calculator use should not be implemented into mathematics education at all until algebra, as it already is in most places. Especially in honors level classes where the calculator doesn't prevent the learning of new concepts but rather just speeds up concepts well known already, such as how to multiply. But for quadratic equations and things? no, you should be tought the mechanics of it before you even touch the calculator. The calculator should be used only AFTER the concepts are well-understood, and so it only saves time during calculations rather than prevents you from understanding how math works.
  21. Along with major double standards and sexism and generalization of gamers, and not to mention the fact that china is already screwed up when it comes to the internet. Wtf indeed, but then again this isn't the first time china has tightly controlled things unnecessarily.
  22. I've played since jan 25, 2005 and have 176 days and 12 hours of playtime. Calculator says i have spend 8.4% of my life since 2005 on runescape, and 3% of my entire life. On average that means i played 2hrs a day since I joined runescape which is pretty accurate. I'm not sure where the "no life" boundary in terms of %life used on runescape is, but I think i'm ok for now.
  23. Yeah, my honors chemistry class celebrated mol day with a massive test :angry: . what a fun day it was. But out of curiousity, why do we celebrate it on 10/23 and not 6/02?
  24. One problem I saw in several duels is that when summoning is allowed but food is not, players could use unicorns healing power. This was a big problem in no-heal duels, because I fought players who were full hp even after a couple rounds because of their unicorn. I, on the other hand, could only try to suffice with whatever hp my bunyip and 2 sgs specs could scrape up.
  25. Who are you to say what the diaries are supposed to be about? There was bound to be some kind of content involving a 90+ skill eventually, and finally there is one. I have no noncombat skills above 86 slayer, and I couldn't care less about the insane requirements for diaries. It's about time Jagex rewarded players handsomely who took the time to level skills so high. Nobody is forcing anybody to do the new diaries, and players who do them only get a bit of convenience as a reward and no insanely overpowered content that ruins the point of doing anything else in runescape. If a player wants to level 99 in something just to be a show off, let them do it. I don't see how it affects anyone else. But now people arte complaining that they can't complete this aspect of the diaries just because of the requirements. Why should anyone be rewarded for completion if they don't meet the standards Jagex wanted? The elite requirements are additional to the normal diaries, and there are still 3 different levels for people who aren't comfortable skilling all the way.
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