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Everything posted by deyan2

  1. In the basement you get replaced if you didn't listen to a random. Maybe it was very very busy around and you get a random but you just didn't notice it because it was to busy ;). Otherwise I don't know it either...
  2. Yes they are. I have more respect for el_popo1 for example then for the avarage 1800+ RS player.
  3. It's not alloud, it's accountinformation that Jagex doesn't want to show. Just like ours of playtime, Jagex won't show that either.
  4. That combat lvl isn't right :roll: :P. I'm affraid mauranius is gonna win maxing btw. Or do you think you're gonna beat him verie (and maxing withing 3.5 month)?
  5. It's his own fauld, and will he ever know that it was you who reported him? And who knows Jagex doesn't find evidence enough.
  6. Then point me the topic where it's not about england/america? http://www.rsnl.eu/forum/viewtopic.php? ... &sk=t&sd=a (7-12-08 that's about 2,5 weeks ago). Btw http://www.runescape.nl , they just sold it to Jagex ;). Ow and look at the 2nd page of reactions of the vid (on youtube), there you can see my reaction on it (from about 2,5 weeks ago).
  7. Gratz met prayer 90 en cb 125 pure f2p Verie !!! 14 lvls to go for maxed out... Kale is ook een goede F2per btw ;).
  8. Fog is the greatest game ever, or in every case for f2p. I think you just don't understand very well how it works, but in the top 10 fog are a few persons with a combat lvl from like 65 or something, so I think everybody got a chance.
  9. This is like very very very old news but ok... The http://www.rsnl.eu but they have sold it to Jagex because Jagex wanted to prevent that it could possibly become a hacksite. Btw before that moment they where also alloud to buy it but Jagex declined that because most Dutch persons are intelligent enough to understand English. I so hated that at the time: Because Dutch peoples are intelligent there won't come a Dutch version of Runescape :(... Anyway, the next language there will come will be Portugese/Brazilian, I hope you guys accept this as enough evidence: http://www.funorb.pt (pt = portugese) Yours, a Dutch person.
  10. Very very very old... But indeed, go get 75K (or 25K) trash from your bank and die and your friend will be some richer.
  11. Well I'm sorry, but in this case you can just as create a noobaccount with the name of the clan and add all persons that want to join the clan and use the noobaccount as a clanchat. I don't see any additional advantages in your idea compared to what's allready possible...
  12. As soon as there are requirements then that will stop a lot indeed. What if peoples start a clan with a offensive name or a name that links to a website, will those names also appear in the highscores? What about a skillerclan, can clans also ask requirements for totallvl, combat, membership or even mining lvls or something? Or even a maxlvl? (max cb 5 or something) What about clans with more then 100 persons? Are they just limited? What about clans that just add the top 5 and claim to be rank one avarage in some stats? I mean just add gertjaars and kick all other persons and you can claim your clan to be rank 1 crafting, firemaking and cooking avarage in the highscores, isn't that unfair? What scores can a clan achieve actually, how will a clan be be able to show that they are the best in highscores?
  13. How about limits (max amount of players that can join the clan or something). Will there come a highscores of clans? Won't there come one big amount of spam of noobs that want to join top clans?
  14. Naruto, do you agree with my idea? (see clanforum) I've posted that to one of the guys that can make connection to the RS-clanleadersforumpart.
  15. I think those amounts of hours can't be right at all. Lets say you played 21900 hours over 5 years, that should mean: 21900/5/365=12 That should mean 12 hours a day playing RuneScape, sleeping will cost you like 8 hours a day, your job or school will cost you like 6 hours a day, and lets forget about all other stuff in real life (holydays, party's, watching tv)... I think it's completely impossible to play this amount of hours, it will be more like 2 or 3 hours a day avarage. Now I don't wanna call loads of you guys nolifers or something, but I seriously can't believe that some of you have played like 12 hours a day for over 5 years.
  16. Yea right... Nevertheless what's the rant actually ? :roll:
  17. Yes I do. But some peoples also hate it when they are called "Nolifer", others actually see it as a compliment.
  18. Anjelikka totall 1390 or something I do not know this person at all, but I just found him when I was watching around in the highscores and he seems f2p to me ;).
  19. http://[Please Use QuickFind Code].com/c=6f1f63c2/[Please Use QuickFind Code] Suggested in September and even before that it has allready be suggested on a place most peoples can't come... ;)
  20. Here's the dutch one: http://www.runescape.com/a=142/affiliatesplash_nl.ws Here a very old message I posted a long time ago: The soure has been removed, but google never forgets something: ... cd=2&gl=nl That's about all west European country's there are exept Spanish (witch is a pretty big country isn't it?). If you type http://www.runescape.fr it will automatically link to
  21. Happens so much to me, I got a few screenshots of it 2. But during the match it goes shows the right person anyway after a while.
  22. Top 250 now :D ? Then it's just 153 lvls to go for me :D :P...
  23. I think only F2p with a totallvl of xxxx should be alloud, otherwise there will come noobaccounts spreading hacksite's in the forums ;).
  24. Same thing about flax, should F2p be alloud to pick flax? It will be more easy for noobs to make cash and I seriously don't know any member at all that likes to pick flax ;).
  25. Great idea, I support. Somehow I've said exactly this idea before a very very very long time ago... I don't have any evidence of it, but there's also posted a thing about this on the clanforums.
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