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Everything posted by Zimbu

  1. Looks like Outliers is one of those books that try to come into big conclusions based on a small number of examples. Also, you can just search for "If you've read this far, put" to get the keywords. This should be in OT.
  2. Zimbu


    The same way you got it during Fremmenik Trials. Use a knife on a branch cut from the swaying tree east of Rellekka to obtain an unstrung lyre, then attaching spun golden fleece. You can buy more golden fleece from Lalli for 1k. Lanzig and Freidir also sometimes drop the lyre.
  3. The amount of people fishing in one spot has no effect on the catching rate or the probability of the spot moving.
  4. I have to use my Dad's Laptop when i Play RS. He has some program on his PC which allows hiw to acces it from any other PC. This way he is awle to acces his PC from anywhere. I think its like a key logger program. I think my Brother keeps activating it when i'm not around and i ussually forget to check. So that way he figures out my pass. You could always use a virtual keyboard when typing your password. It would be a little bit slower if you have a max lenght password, but it would keep you safe from a basic keylogger. Bank pin for the win.
  5. The damage done to the beast will not reset if you die. I suggest the quest guide on RS Wiki as it seems to have a lot of tips: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Summers_End
  6. What exactly were you doing? I'm pretty sure most activities are safe with mousekeys since you're one of the few people I know to have claimed to be banned for it and many people use them. It would be more useful to have have a warning about the specific activity that gave the false positive on JaGEx's bot detection. I'm sorry for your vacation. Maybe you could try IRL? I heard it has better graphics. Also, at least they didn't permaban you. :thumbsup:
  7. This guide should contain all the info you're looking for: viewtopic.php?f=180&t=787782 You should at least buy battlestaffs from Zaff and MTK in addition to what you mentioned. Penguins are also helpful.
  8. Zimbu


    http://www.scape-xp.com/runescape-high-alchemy.html http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Calculators/High_alch I used rune picks and rune full helms as f2p. You can easily get them at min+2gp.
  9. You need to use the "trowel" instead of the "gardening trowel" to open the barrel near the tent next to the panning site. Talk to the examiners at the Digsite exam centre to get another one, or if you have finished the quest you can get one from the Varrock Museum tool rack. Use vial with open barrel to get unidentified liquid for 25 damage per drop, show it to the archaeology expert to get nitroglycerin for 35 damage per drop. (You can also get the 65 damage per drop chemical compound by mixing ammonium nitrate, arcenia root and ground charcoal into nitroglycerin.)
  10. -Masks and santa hat are dropping/going to drop, I'm going to pick one up if they keep dropping for a few more days -You can buy rune full helms easily at min+2gp. It's the best helm in f2p and you can alch them if you get tired waiting for a pvp update -Super strenght pots, anti poison ++, and astral runes look good imo -Merched items sometimes drop below average price after being dumped, cactus spines and toadflax have done this. Toadflax is already rising quickly, but you could get unfinished potions at a good price
  11. You can search all of the users posts if you go to his/her profile page.
  12. You've had discussions on this subject before on tip.it forums. Last time it ended with this: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=779837&p=6382048#p6382048 I hope you try to keep this promise so that you don't turn other threads into spamfests.
  13. What do you mean shed light? Is there something about the guides that puzzles you? http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?p ... l_tree.htm
  14. I guess you will be cutting the wildy/spirit realm magic tree. You should give some info on how many brawlers you have and how you will be using them. (Spirit realm isn't wildy so you probably won't use brawlers there. Will you be using sc tools in both wildy and spirit realm or just wildy?) This guide has great info on brawlers: viewtopic.php?f=113&t=780792 I have no idea on exp/hour.
  15. Do you still get the teleport block chat option with Cromperty after the quest? I don't think you can get there if you don't.
  16. This was still on the first page: viewtopic.php?f=200&t=793129 Untrimmed prayer looks good.
  17. To answer the java related question, no there is no reason. to explain (if your curious) jagex probably uses a "int" to hold xp values, which is about 4bytes long, and can contain numbers from about -2billion to +2billion, so 200mill is nothing compared to what you can stuff into an int. But would any majority of people want to get over 2 billion xp in a skill? You can have tenths of an experience point, for example stringing a ball of wool gives 2.5 exp. mmmcannibalism has it right. They could have made 214748364.7 exp the max amount like 2147483647 is the max amount of gp, but they cut it off at 200M.
  18. No problem and yes, you can do that. It's quicker to make the money with a regular method and bolts are faster exp though. I could buy junk easily if I wanted to. Thank you, this is the kind of information I was looking for. Does anybody know better methods? Prehaps some NPC trading item that is somewhat stable?
  19. How many bows per hour can you fletch?
  20. What are the best ways to make junk and how much junk value/hour do the methods yield?
  21. -Crude wooden chair offers more exp per regular plank than other regular plank items -At level 15 you can make stuff out of oak so you no longer need nails, tool store 1 supplies saws and hammers as well so that can be useful to build out of oak -Tears of Guthix would be good exp
  22. You could PM some people who are active on both Tip.it and truthscape forums. Some of them are bound to have the email still in their sentbox or qeltar might have his email on his truthscape forums profile page. I went to truthscape forums and recognized a_local_guy and Esper Jones of active tifers. Idk if qeltar is still checking the emails if the whole site is shut down though. These people could also make the post on truthscape forums to let qeltar know that there is no way to register.
  23. Guide for brawler gloves: viewtopic.php?f=113&t=780792 I think it would be quicker that way.
  24. I couldn't open the spreadsheets. It's telling me that my account doesn't have the rights to open the documents. Are you sure you're sharing the spreadsheets with all users? I like the idea of this guide. :thumbup:
  25. If you have a few thousand euros/dollars sitting in your bank, then you can consider investing it in stocks. A mock portfolio is a good way of seeing how good you are at investing without actually risking money. GE merchanting doesn't prepare you for investing in the stock market in any real way though. This is Runescape Help & Advice so it's the wrong forum.
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