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Everything posted by Mayjest

  1. I'd be a court jester? But only in the month of may? Or possibly royalty - my name is an anagram of it!
  2. I have a question to those that bought their fury's not for the stats, but for the status symbol (I don't think anyone's said it outright, but a few have hinted at it). Why would you use a fury for a symbol of wealth? It's inevitable that it was going to go down in price - maybe not as fast as with the updates - but it was always going to happen. It is also so small on a person that most don't notice it. The entire point behind a fury seemed kinda stupid to me ludicrously large amounts of money for a not ludicrously large stat boost? I was willing to pay 1.8m for a whip because the difference between that and a d scim is more than minor... but a fury? Don't see the point. And to those complaining about losing money - if you were sensible, you'd have sold it as soon as the bracelet update was even mentioned. You'd then be able to buy it back this week for cheap.
  3. Looks like a decent month. Some decent updates that Jagex should do a competent job on. The Achievement Diary looks nice, but I'd prefer it if we could set our own targets as well. Say, "Get 50k total exp in a day" (yeah, I know that's not that much). Doesn't event have to have a reward, but it'd be nice to be able to set my own goals actually in game.
  4. If the combat had a direct teleport to Hero's or Legends, definitely combat. But as it doesn't, I'd say skills. But I'll probably still have any D stones I get made into glories.
  5. While it doesn't have a great effect, it can and it does. I remember around 2 years ago rares underwent a massive (for the time) inflation because people started posting threads offering to buy a phat for 1 or 2 million above the normal price. Obviously they'd never actually buy it, but it served to inflate the price temporarily. Of course, many conversations on the regular forums discussing the implications of the price rises (which were normally the way most people found out about them) didn't help.
  6. In response the first post, specifically about people complaining about updates? Getting rid of the Behind the Scenes would do nothing. I remember before behind the scenes started, people complained just as much. The behind the scenes originally reduced the complaints, as people complained at the beginning of the month when the stuff was announced. When it arrived people were expecting it to be bad. Eventually you will stop complaining, and stop caring that others complain. This is because you will eventually suffer enough disappointments in your life that you expect it everywhere. So you won't be pinning all your hopes on something mentioned in a Behind the Scenes. In the words of Bill Bailey: "I'm English and as such I crave disappointment."
  7. If, as someone said above, that being powerful gives you the power of flight, I'd go for that. As this is a game and you can't fly in it, I'd say neither matter, just take what you need for the purpose. Most of the time I wear nothing on my character to keep the weight down.
  8. I don't think it was a bad quest, it was a good distraction for half an hour... although I'm concerned as to the mental ability of my character. He's able to figure out some fiendish puzzles within quests (not this one :roll: ) but cannot see the blindingly obvious - that a follower of Zamorak promising him gold is not to be trusted! *sigh* And the chaos 'shortcut' is just a way of getting there without the wilderness and skipping 3/4 of the maze - you go down one staircase... that's it. Not as fast as the Abbyss, sure, but it's safer. And surely that's what people have been asking for? Jagex just did it to chaos first because that's probably the least popular one - and they want more people to do it. And has anyone worked out a reason why I shouldn't destroy the beacon ring once it's done with? Looks fairly useless to me.
  9. Smithing, because it was the one I wanted as my highest level when I first started out all those years ago... before I worked out just how difficult that would be ;)
  10. Modern. STILL haven't got around to doing DT yet and I see no purpose in the Lunar spells.
  11. I find that I just don't have the *time*. Quests are an effort, there's the time required to collect the items and then complete the quest, and I just don't have that time in all one block right now. When I want to do a hard quest (last couple of RFD still to do, and I haven't even done Regicide yet!) I leave about 4 or so hours to do it - and I like to complete them in one sitting, or I get confused when I come back. And I just don't don't have 4 or more hours free at once now. Give me a week when I'm back from Uni, and maybe I might get most of them done (if I'm not distracted by my new Wii).
  12. First Slayer task since the update - Molinsks, or whatever they are. Coincidence? I think NOT! There goes my plan of not going to the new city until tomorrow so I can stay away from the crowds.
  13. Quite a few. Especially a few years ago, when Jagex hadn't quite got their play testing quite right. Normally they'd release their updates at about midday (London time), and then bug fix whatever problems came up at about 3/4pm. I remember one particular time when a dueler figured out that a new tea (Guthix, if I remember correctly) didn't count as food in the arena, and promptly won millions in no food duels. That was probably the quickest set of updates (45 mins, max) i've ever seen.
  14. Same with eating and burying bones. I use that technique a lot while training.
  15. Never got a drop better than a rune full helm. Ever. Barrows has yeilded nothing. Have used over 6k tokens in the warriors guild. Still waiting for an Addy defender! I always seem to lose out on the ore when a lower mining level goes for the same rock as me. My Hellcat seems unable to kill the bleedin' King Rat despite me shoving food down it's gullet. And for some reason, when I get killed skilling in the wilderness and lose a couple of k worth of items/whatever I was collecting (unicorn horns, etc) I get annoyed and stop playing for a while. Yet dying during RfD's Monkey section and losing greegees for the monkeys, M'speak tally and all the extra bits of my armour (all things that are either expensive or truely annoying to recover), I didn't care very much at all. Of course, I haven't attempted the quest since, but that's not the point...
  16. As I've never run out of money, I can safely assume that at least one of the gp in my bank came from the original 25 from Tutorial Island. Other than that, probably one of the basic things, tinderbox, hammer, chisel, whatever.
  17. so...jagex is giving 80k free to everyone who had did the quest before this update? thats no fair lol... does that mean that i get my friend kill me now with the anchor, i can still do the 50k repair one more time? now repair > 50k ONCE! getting killed > 230k!! got the anchor befor the update > 230k + 230k -50k = 410k free! but you will loos the anchor Your math makes no sense His maths makes perfect sense. You spent 50k on the anchor last week when the quest came out. Die with it and pick up the coins. You're up 180k. Have it repaired that last time at 50k. Die again. Now you're up 360k. He just didn't count that first 50k you spent is all...
  18. The new anchor is merely a lot more expensive if you lose it... which strikes me as a tad odd. The reason why people used it for PKing was because it was cheap and strong, now the cost of replacing it makes it useless once more. But the precedent of dropping 230k instead of the anchor will possibly change alot of things - more untradeable items dropping money instead of the items?
  19. 1secownage, you strike me as the sort of player that I've come to call 'an annoying little twerp'. Because you choose to play the game differently to us and can kill a few other twerps with relative ease you think you're better than us? I'm willing to bet that you're the sort of person who'll hang around the seers village yews proclaiming the greatness of pures and claiming that you'd 'pwn' all of us if we were in the wildy... to which those of us with the level required to cut yews will respond with a resounding 'so? we're not in the wilderness. Come back when you grow up.' Pures, as they stand right now, are dead or dying. With each new update there is a new weapon or piece of armour that is not trade-able yet better and cheaper than the trade-able version - ruining the PKers profit. Not that there was much in it for a pure Pker anyway. Also, pures are designed to fight non-pures - it's the only time they have a chance. Against another pure, those extra strength levels are wasted, and it once again comes down to pure luck as to who wins... and which is willing to teleport away first. Very few pures are willing to go higher than level 20 wilderness - and there are very few non-pures hanging around down there. Pures only fight other pures right now, which means that all that time you spent into creating a second character was absolutely wasted, and would have been far better spent improving your main. Pures are also highly over rated in the first place. I've lost count of the amount of times someone tried to kill me at the green dragons before teleporting away shouting "Why couldn't I hit? I'm a pure!". It's called defence levels, those things you sacrificed to keep your combat down? I'm sure it works great against other level 40s, but against a level 90 you have no chance, even with your strength.
  20. Around about here I'd start accusing him of account trading. A level 101 not knowing that? He just bought that account! :P Wouldn't report him though. I have been accused of macroing many a time, mainly because I find making inane small talk with annoying 13 year old's beneath me. And I find the mentality of 'many accurate (if forced and manipulated) reports will get me Pmod status!' to be flawed. I am not a Pmod, I shall make that clear, nor do I want to be. But I can tell with a reasonable degree of certainty that Jagex respects me more than the 'normal' players. Any queries I send in get answered within a matter of days rather than months, the few reports I do send in get taken care of swiftly, and the bug reports I have sent in have always been answered (despite Jagex's claims that they very rarely respond directly to bug reports). Somehow, because I have kept my communications with Jagex sensible and above board, they seem keen to do the same. Of course, it could also help that I'm applying for the programming placement with them through my Uni course... :-w
  21. This is why I think there should be an extension to the Skill Capes. Ones that you can get depending on your total level. No emotes, and the stats advantage shouldn't be as good (maybe as good as legends?) but it would be a good way of telling how long people have been playing. Of course, not even total levels mean you're a nice person... maybe a friends cape - when 50 people add you to their list you can wear it? Or when 50 people add you to their ignore you stuck wearing a 'hated' cape - that you can't take off, only cover up? It would be like the basic clothes you wear underneath the armour and such... I'll stop talking now.
  22. I will run before I've even got to that point. I never attack anyone, and I do not wish to lose all but three items. I shall run and tele at the first opportunity. Unless some fool level 60 non-pure seems to think that my lack of talking at the green dragons means I'm autoing and an easy target. Then I just leave auto-attack on and watch him die. I have worked to get my items and I will not just give them away, I will do everything I can to keep them. If I am in the wilderness it is for any reason other than PKing, so I feel absolutely no regrets in making them waste their food/runes/arrows.
  23. ^ That would actually increase the supply of robin sets and hence reduce the price.. NOT increase it as you seem to suggest... Robin Hood hats, yes. But the biggest gain is a ranger set is the ranger boots, which have shot up, and which are in level two clues. I was quite surprised to get back from my break and find that the rangers I got from a clue right before I left were suddenly around 6 times what they were before.
  24. Well, it is a 'high scores' table, after all. The fact that in some skills you can be on it at level 30(?) is obsolete. Anyway, you've still multiplied your skill by a factor of 30. :P
  25. Erm, if the blood altar is beneath Drakan's Castle, why not just use the abyss? But I don't think it will be the new altar anyway. It's probably be some new way of levelling it. Maybe a minigame type thing?
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