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Everything posted by Kietaro1

  1. In classic no one really thieved by pickpocketing. It was all about chests and none was more profitable than the nature rune chest in Ardy. Not saying they made THAT much but it was killer profit back in the day.
  2. Judging from his signature, he does not speak English as his first language. He is asking if anyone has the Runescape logo as it has evolved over the years.
  3. This is wrong. Sorry, but once you hit max level all mages of the same spec have the same enchants, inscriptions, armor (if their raid progression is the same), etc.. Same with every other class. The only way to customize is with different specs, but even then, if you want to get into a serious raid guild, every class is going to be specced the same as other people in their class. Right now, any mage who raids as anything other than frostfire bolt is killing their dps on raid bosses. WoW's combat is nothing special either. Personally, I was a mage. You know what I did? Living Bomb, Scorch, Scorch, then spam Frostfire Bolt, refreshing LB and scorch debuff when necessary. It's just as repetitive as Runescape combat. My armory, in case you were wondering. I quit ~3 weeks ago because my guild had cleared everything but malygos and I was bored as hell of the game as a whole. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... ll&n=Kesar Mine was that of a comparative statement. In relation to Runescape, WoW's ability to customize armor sets and specializations is astronomical. You are correct though, most raiding guilds do have that requirement though you still have the opportunity to use other items, inscribe differently, different enchantments, chance to hit weapons, offhands, wands, bows, even down to specializations such as the paladin spec of Ret with holy and Kings only. Not many people spec that but Kings is useful to have. In other words WoW high end stuff is all the same (remember McDonald Pally gear?) BUT the opportunity for variety is always there. Kind of like a Holy Pally wearing spell healing boosting gear and the same pally wearing protection gear. He is still holy but can often manage the off tank spot. And towards your combat statement, PvM is ALWAYS the same but PvP is never the same. Players add variety that make it fun. Runescape is strap on best armor, pot up, find a target, click... wait, Spec and hope to heaven that you KO your opponent. WoW allows for many aspects of combat that allow for the variety that Runescape has. But like I said it is my OPINION that WoW has a far superior combat system. And to deny the differing level of variety in armor sets in relation to Runescape is just ignorant. Not that it is a bad thing, you are just obviously missing something important. I still love my java applet game and probably will play it till it dies but that does not require that I blindly defend it by ignoring the facts.
  4. Eh I play them both. They are such different games that I do not think that comparisons like this should be made.
  5. At Melos. It seems to me that your dad and his friend did not know how to play their class. Now do not take that as me attacking your dad but I would say that the majority of complaints regarding unbalance steem from people not being able to play their class. To parallel this into Runescape imagine the combat triangle that we supposedly have. Range>Mage>Melee>Range. In WoW it is similar but much more complex and based on gear. Now as you said, your father had the second best armor for a hunter. First we would have to look at his spec but that is way too detailed for this response. Instead let us just think of real life combat. A warrior in PvP on a good team is going to be geared towards Arms for increased damage. They may be Protection but I doubt it. These specializations increase the players ability in certain aspects. Imagine a skilled swordsman fighting someone who had never held a sword. Now on top of that we have armor types. Now imagine a warrior with a two handed sword, mastery of his weapon, and plate designed to thwart any offenses made against him. Then you have a hunter with a pet that is designed to take hits so the hunter doesn't. He is wearing leather and weilding a bow. Once that sword hits that leather, what do you think is going to happen? To contrast that however hunters have several things to keep them from getting hit. First other team members. A hunter is a back line class that should not be getting hit. That is what the other players are for. Secondly they have traps that are desgined to keep other players far enough away where they are not being hit. If your dad is spec'd Marksman he needs the other players whereas a traps Hunter would be alright by himself for a bit. And the mage... yeah he seems to not have any idea how to play a mage. I play one and can take down tanks like a dump truck over legos. With ice nova, ice block, blink, polymorph... yeah that just should not happen. In other words every class is designed to work in tandium with other players (i.e. raids, 3v3 PvP). Outside of this certain classes will be 'unbalanached'. In truth though this only seems true. Depending on Specializations, armor, and ability to play classes become war machines bent on the destruction of any class you may play. Since your dad is a casual gamer, I would take it that he does not have the skill that the warrior may have had. After all that warrior may play consistantly, everyday, all day like many of my friends do. Again not saying your dad nor his friend were bad, just that the others were that much better. Sort of like how Zeljovac can own me anytime we fight PvP even if I wear Torags and a whip and he wears bronze. He just knows the mechainics of PvP better than I do making it hard for me to compete. Same goes for WoW where I feel as though combat dwarfs Runescape in comparison. I doubt anyone can say that clicking and wating is better than frantically using moves, ice novaing, running, instant casting, bandaging, blinking, blowing cooldowns, reaquire new target, rinse and repeat. There is no comparison.
  6. As they have already systematically killed all of the other named NPCs in Warcraft, I am sure the Lich King will suffer the same fate. In truth it is better to ignore WoW as it has screwed up the storyline completely. Pre-WoW history is awesome. WoW lore is crap.
  7. Just buy Left4Dead and you will be set :D And Warcraft 3 is still the best game of all time imo.
  8. And I agree with you. However like I said, WoW is a much different game geared towards a different kind of player. For all intents and purposes, I am a skiller. I enjoy grinding and the feeling of accomplishment (but moreso the ability to do other things and play :P ). WoW however is a combat players dream though. And if you look at most Runescape characters, you will notice that their combat usually dwarfs their non-combat skills. Seems like the 95% of WoW should be 95% of Runescape... but it isn't.
  9. I would like to respond to your comments about WoW. First, you are absolutely correct in that WoW has the ability to suck players in and cause them to lose track of time, often with a demeanor of idiocy. You said in your post that you believed that this 'project' is on it's way out but I would reference this to show that you are wrong. Sure it is tedious and a main reason I play Runescape over WoW, but any game that makes you lose track of things is sure to have you coming back for more. Whether it is to kill some free time, take your mind off things like lonliness or boredom, WoW gives you the opportunity to escape it all, be sucked into a fantasy world, and allow you to accomplish things that have 'reward'. Secondly you say that WoW does not offer weapons that allow for individuality. This again is inacurate. With skills such as enchanting, jewel crafting, and inscribing a player can custom taylor their armor in more ways than there are types of armor in Runescape. Even more than that, every class has three trees to spec so as to allow for futher customization in that these will often alter defense levels. Though I feel this is just redundant, have you heard of a Thunderfury? Or 'chance on hit'? You ask about lightning bolts and attacking everything around your charater but WoW classes by themselves can do this. On top of that however, plenty of weapons in game give you a chance to do have a special attack do extra damage, root, debuff, etc. There are so many of these that if you were to give every weapon, armor, and ammo in Runescape special effects you still would not begin to dent how many there are in WoW. Thirdly trade skills are a joke. They take very little time to max. On top of that, characters take 2 months to max playing about 3 hours/night though in reality you will play more. And lastly, WoW combat > Runescape period. I play Runescape to unwind and I play it much more often than WoW, but when I want to fight something WoW will ALWAYS win out in the end. Bottom Line: I love Runescape; I have since '01 when it was the only game I could play over the internet. However WoW is a wonderful game as well. It is not the same as Runescape in any way other than the MMORPG aspect, BUT it is it's competition and one that holds the majority of the market share. If for nothing else other than the maturity of the average gamer, WoW is a much better game as far as combat goes. Runescape though has so much more to offer other than combat and that is why I enjoy it that much more.
  10. Oh hell yeah lumberjack is worth it. In the trips it takes to get one I got 200+ watermelon seeds, several god pages from the vyrewatch, a ton of snakeskin, talon beast charms, snail shells=construction experience, silver bars, bowstrings by the boat load, pure essense, and a ton of lobsters. Man you talking about money maker, yeah lumberjack was worth it. Took me about 5 hours to get. Then I get extra experience for woodcutting... what is the question here exactly?
  11. I was speaking in a general overview of the 132 million experience needed to close the gap. In other words, the player with the addy chain will have more experience with the 8 hour head start but the slayer with the torso will complete tasks faster. Faster tasks are more desireable to me than 8 hours of experience. Not to mention the OP based this on one of the best ways to train combat. Not everything could give 500k experience in the 8 hours it took to get the torso. Taking into account boredom, lack of focus, crowded worlds, banking if needed, and any other aspect that could interfere with this method of training (Murphey's Law after all) I would speculate that not many people could get 500k experience in 8 hours, especially melee training. I mean if that were possibe then people could have a 99 in a combat stat in 2 weeks. But that is way off topic sorry. Anyway my point was more of completeing tasks faster (xp in two skills making up for lost time) as opposed to 8 hours of combat training.
  12. So let me get this straight, you guys defending the efficient side of the torso being not worth the time never sit in game and talk to friends. How about clan events or community things such as MMSW or TET events? Do you ever go to Godwars dungeon? Ever done a quest? How about Castle Wars or Pest Control? Have you ever had one of your friends die at DKs and left what you were doing to open the doors for them before their inventory degraded? If you have, why not do the math on how much experience you lost doing those things? Or potential gains that you may have earned by doing an activity that makes hundreds of thousands of gold/hour (because it seems that is all you do, efficiency of course is best). In other words you seem to be trying to discredit those that spent time getting a torso because it is not the best way to get experience. To me you are making the game into more of a job than a game BUT if that is what you enjoy then by all means have at it. I understand liking to maximize time spent/xp or money gains. While not playing I will often mull over ways to fine tune my daily activities to make them faster or include more things. In the same regard you have to understand that players are not going to care about your math, your argument, or even documented evidence. They are going to play the game the way they want because they enjoy it. I do not have a torso nor have I ever wanted/needed one. I have mastered Barbarian assault in all the roles though, gotten the gloves, and many granite platebodies. I enjoy the game as well as an aspect of completion that I strive for in game. In contrast however, math and efficiency seem to control your gaming enjoyment. So be it. When other such as myself that enjoy other aspects present ideas contrary to yours, in order to be a good conversationalist, you must respect their ideas or they write you off even more. They shut down and ignore any points that you may present, no matter how true they may be. This carries over into many aspects of life but it seems the majority of our community have no concept of paradigms. Anyway I digress. Since you look for efficient ways to do things the torso is not worth it to you. To a slayer however, higher hits are more important than combat experience. They will often use super potions as well as piety/chivalry in order to complete tasks faster. As far as xp goes, sure the torso may not compare but if you are hitting 1 extra damage every so often that is 1 less damage that needs to be made thus quickening your ability to kill things. This in my opinion trumps the 132 million experience, even though that is a arbitrary number in my opinion, needed to even out the gap of time spent getting the torso. Within the realm of slayer where the torso is most often used, extra damage equates to less time on task and more tasks per hour, therefore more useful. Now if you sit in the dungeon below the alter in the wilderness just getting combat experience and cash, you are missing out on slayer experience and in my opinion THAT is inefficient. Xp in my opinion always outweighs cash and xp in two skills is better than one, regardless of how quickly you can get one or another. For instance, I have full lumberjack, ring of fire, flame gloves, and a strung rabbits foot. In the time it took me to get all of that (hunting levels for the rabbits foot, combat levels for temple trekking, temple trekking, firemaking levels, and the beacon network), I most certainly could have a higher woodcutting level BUT now I can level firemaking and woodcutting at a faster rate which appeals to me in the same way that the torso makes slayer quicker. Bottom line is you will always be able to argue one way or another as far as these things go. It comes down to how you want to play the game. To me the promise of faster slayer makes the alure of the torso much more important in my opinion. Sure melee experience may get lost in the fold but I waste more than 8 hours a week on helping friends, participating in group events, doing things that are not even decent ways to train, or completely wasting time and just chatting with friends in a Lumbridge sheep farm.
  13. but more importantly to the question: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Calculators/Miscellania 10 fish/5 flax
  14. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=772953&view=next
  15. How freaking lazy are you? I mean it is right there between edgeville and the GE and how many times a day are you there?
  16. I remember fishing in Karjama in classic, f2p. Then getting members and fishing in Brimhaven. The fishing spot was southwest of the amulet seller and the fish could be sold at the bar to the north. Made for some of the fastest lobby and swordfish fishing.
  17. While I realise this I think that you are missing my point completely and I must not be expressing mine as well. Basically without all the extra fluff what I am saying is why on earth would a player spend money to level skills when it is so easy to do it for free or small profit. Is time really that big of a deal for players? And yes I remember our discussion last time :P I guess I am really bad at say "Hey do not waste your cash on levels, there are better ways of doing it that cost you nothing." That is all I really am trying to say.
  18. You can look at it however you want. The fact remains, the player is getting 99s in a skill and either making money or paying very little for it. It is not confusing unless comments like yours are made. It is when people bring up where the profit comes from that confusion results. It is a game and the way that I look at it, if over time of doing whatever it is I find myself doing I make a profit then I made a profit. If I didn't I lost money. In other words the player can buy all the thing they need for the 99. Get the levels and lose ALOT of money OR take their time and make a small profit. Regardless of where that profit came from, the player still made money while doing whatever they were doing, cooking and fletching in this case. Not saying the money came from those activities and you will find that I never said that. Instead I said "~This should give you both fletching and cooking and a profit." Then again I am sure the poster cares very little about profit or where it came from. I was simply advising him to not spend money on these skills that he can get for very little or a profit, once again regardless of where the money came from.
  19. My reccomendation is as follows: ~Complete Royal Trouble, Throne of Misc, and Family Crest. ~Invest at least 750k into the coffers and make sure to keep the approval at 100%. If you invest the bare minimum (750k) make sure to replenish that each day as well. ~Make sure that it is on fish(10) and flax(5). ~Level fletching by cutting yew longs. ~Once you cut 11,975 yew long bow(u)s collect your resources from your kingdom. Depending on how quickly you can cut those bows, you maybe able to have enough flax to spin into strings for the Yew Long Bows. If spinning is not your thing, sell the flax and half the tuna to buy strings. ~Make sure to restock your Kingdom. ~String bows until you can make Magic Long bows (level 85), selling as needed to refinance more yew logs. Stringing the 11975 yew long bows(u) should give you 85. ~From 85 you will need to cut 106,840 magic long bow(u)s and string 106,840 magic long bows (53,420 strung magic long bows). Make sure to get your kingdom to furnish the cost of the strings, either by spinning yourself or selling the flax and half the tuna each time you sell. ~If you run out of money here as you should (magic logs are expensive) cook your tuna. Then sell them for double the cost of getting your kingdom to fish them for you (on average). Once you hit 86 cooking you no longer need the tuna so sell them all for even more profit. ~This should give you both fletching and cooking for a profit. My reccomendation is as follows: ~Complete Royal Trouble, Throne of Misc, and Family Crest. ~Invest at least 750k into the coffers and make sure to keep the approval at 100%. If you invest the bare minimum (750k) make sure to replenish that each day as well. ~Make sure that it is on fish(10) and flax(5). ~Level fletching by cutting yew longs. ~Once you cut 11,975 yew long bow(u)s collect your resources from your kingdom. Depending on how quickly you can cut those bows, you maybe able to have enough flax to spin into strings for the Yew Long Bows. If spinning is not your thing, sell the flax and half the tuna to buy strings. ~Make sure to restock your Kingdom. ~String bows until you can make Magic Long bows (level 85), selling as needed to refinance more yew logs. Stringing the 11975 yew long bows(u) should give you 85. ~From 85 you will need to cut 53,420 magic long bow(u)s and string 53,420 magic long bows (53,420 strung magic long bows). Make sure to get your kingdom to furnish the cost of the strings, either by spinning yourself or selling the flax and half the tuna each time you sell. ~If you run out of money here as you should (magic logs are expensive) cook your tuna. Then sell them for double the cost of getting your kingdom to fish them for you (on average). Once you hit 86 cooking you no longer need the tuna so sell them all for even more profit. ~This should give you both fletching and cooking for a profit. Here are some numbers if you care: Things you will need to buy: 11,975 yew logs at 470 gold = 5,628,250 53,420 magic logs at 1294 = 69,125,480 24,238 shark at 1011 = 24,504,618 Things your kingdom will provide 15,079 Tuna at 56.3 = 848,947.7 31,049 swordfish at 189.4 = 5,880,680.6 - though this would take 237 days :/ At first glance that looks expensive but let us look further. Step 1 Buy the initial 11,975 yew logs. Cost = 5,628,250 Invest in your kingdom and cut at least 748 bows/day (1 hour). In 20 days you will have enough flax to finish your bows. Do not cash out early and make sure to keep the money invested over 750k. This will give you 12,500 flax, 8,802 tuna, and 2,639 swordfish. Cost = 1,500,000 Results of step 1 Fletching level = 81 Total cost of Step 1 = 7,128,250. Step 2 Make sure kingdom is still going Next spin the flax. Fletch the bows. Cook the tuna. Results of step 2 Cooking level 84 Crafting level 64 Flecthing level 85 Total cost of step 2= nothing Step 3 Sell everything you have so far, keep the swordfish 8802 cooked tuna at 87 = 765,774 11975 strung yew long bows at 686 = 8,214,850 Results of Step 3 Profit of 1,852,374. (No longer spin bowstrings unless you want to...) Step 4 Cooking the tuna should have taken about 10 hours, making the strings-about 15 hours and the bows should have taken 15 (slow but steady pace). For enough tuna til cooking level 86 (no longer burn swordfish with gaunlets) you will need to wait 15 days so 2-3 hours/day would be a good time for doing this. This will give you 9,375 flax, 6,602 tuna, and 1979 swrodfish. Cook 6,277 tuna and sell the rest (325 at 112 = 36400). Results of Step 4 Cooking level 86 Cost of Step 4 = 1,125,000 Total supplies as of step 4 flax = 9375 bowstrings = 525 swordfish = 4618 Profit so far of 727,374. In other words level 85 fletching and 86 cooking for a profit of 727,374. Total time: approx. 1 month, 10 days Step 5 From the kingdom, you should get 625 flax, 440 tuna, and 131 swordfish each day. By selling the flax and tuna you profit 56383 though 1 day costs 75k. So 131 swordfish cost you 18617/day or about 142 each slightly less than the kingdom actually costs because of the profit of the other two. You still need 26431 swordfish that would take 202 days to get using the kingdom. Not plausible but more profit to be had if you are not in a hurry. Instead let us focus on the magic logs. Let us continue to assume that you will be playing 2 hours/day. Let us also assume that you can cut 1000 magic longs/hour so for everyday you cut 2000 magic long bow(u)s. You can cut for approximately 5 days before you get uncomfortable low on cash. Cut 10k magic long bows(u)s Results of step 5 Kingdom 3125 flax 2200 tuna 659 swordfish Fletching level 87 (4,173,594 xp) Step 5 cost = 13,315,000 Step 6 Buy 10k strings at 184 = 1,`840,000 String bows. Sell the bows at 1448 = 14,480,000 Results of step 6 Kingdom 3125 flax 2200 tuna 659 swordfish Fletching level 89 (5,088,594 xp) Step 5 and 6 cost = 750,000 Repeat 5 and 6 until level 99 in fletching. Once you get 99 in fletching use all of your swordfish to level cooking. If more is needed buy them from the GE until level 94. Then cook sharks till 99. This should still give you a small profit and sorry for not sitting down to figure it out all the way but I have to leave work, they are locking the gate :/
  20. I understand the lack of motivation for starting a new account but at the same time a level 3 skiller is quite an accomplishment as well. Specifically with those stats. I am a skiller and though my combats are decent at best I have always leaned towards skill goals instead of combat. If I could exchange my combat with skill levels I would. On the other hand Ultimateballr has a point as well. Balanced characters are much more fun in respect to the mulititude of activities you can do. Just in my opinion I would much rather keep the level 3 a skiller instead of leveling it. I guess though I should have answered your question instead of giving my opinion that was not asked for. As it seems money is no problem, I would level prayer to at least 47 before starting combat. I would also buy a stock of regular attack and strength potions. At lower levels I think that they are more benifical than the supers per gold spent. Burying bones is up to you as you should already have the prayer level. While leveling, level your attack to the next weapon first, then defense to the next armor set, then strength to match the others. Use 5% prayers until you run out and pot as often as is smart. Ultimate also gave you a good way of leveling though chickens have low hitpoints and I think that Varrock sewer is an excellent way to progress your levels. Fight the giant rats till you can use mith in both armor and weapon, then move to the zombies until halfway to adamant, then move up to the skeletons or thieves in the wilderness, once you get the use of adamant, move up to the Hill Giants making sure to get the muddy key. I think once you get 40 in each combat stat quests would be a great idea. A quest, though I cannot remember which does not require a slayer level to complete and gives you 5k experience giving you quite a boost to that stat. There are several others that give 5k and a few that give small amounts, I would complete them as well. From there I would take tasks from the highest slayer master availiable until you can complete Smoking Kills (85 combat and 35 slayer). This unlocks the slayer point system and is very helpful. While slaying make sure to make use of the Black Mask or Slayer helm. And from there it is really up to you. Good luck sir.
  21. Personally I would not do it. I would leave the skiller as is and start a melee character. It is awesome that you have the stats that you do on a skiller and combat would diminish the appeal of a level 3 with a construction cape. I am thinking of starting a new character and leveling combat without any skills to see if that is an easier route for skilling later in the game. If you do start a new account or decide the level this one I would be game to level alongside you.
  22. I have 86 or something crafting and I do not mind helping. Just add me and let me know who you are.
  23. I have tried to remember when I really started playing Runescape but for the life of me I cannot nail the exact time down. I know it was in my Visual Basic class I took the first semester of my junior year which would put it late '01. My first account was Skiwee which is the name that I use in everything from Warcraft 3 to Pokemon. It is my online alias I guess you could say. But I digress. I started playing in the free time that I had during class because VB has always been ridiculously easy to code for me. I made my character an adventurer and set out from Lumbridge. I cannot remember much but I know I picked up both the Cooks assistent and the quest where you make the wool balls. I fought goblins for hours and never really got my bearings in Lumbridge. Shortly after I came to tip.it (while trying to figure Vampire Slayer out). I am a skiller and skiwee was no different. A friend of mine and I would alternate mining and smithing as we worked our way into some cash. We worked hours upon hours mining, smelting, watching our characters dream of bars until we finally reached the point where we could make full mith. This during a time whem mith was still worth something. We were foolish and never sold to other players. We liked the constant ability to sell to vendors and did not like wasting time trying to sell to other players (a habit that still sticks with me though the GE has made things much easier). I spent much of my senior year and freshman year of college in Varrock southeastern mine or the crafting guild once I found out how well Gold sold in the Port Sarim shop. During my freshman year of college I got members and pushed for my goal of all quests done. I still crafted and crested the level 70 mark to be able to make Amulets of Power which sold for 10k each at the time. Glories of course were my next stop and 99 has always been my dream. I made my first million and failed my first class ever. It was then that I quit Runescape. I knew it took too much of my time and I needed to keep my GPA high enough to keep my scholarship. I continued school and learned to balance my time better. One day as I sat before my computer after a long night of Warcraft 3 I remembered my old Runescape account and wondered how things had changed. Dark Age of Camelot was growing old and I needed something to fill my time. I went to log in and found that my password no longer worked... I went to retrieve my account using the automated system but found that requests for my account were "no longer being taken" as they had had too many problems with it. I am not sure what happened but I do know that Skiwee is no longer in the highscores and the name is still taken... I sadly remade a character and started my long trek to where I find myself these days. I completed all the quests after Swan Song came out and have kept my log complete since, usually finishing quests on the day of their releases. I have a couple of 99s but that crafting 99 is something I still long to have. After starting over I felt like it was too hard a challenge to get it to 99 but I soon found that it was much easier to level these days. I achieved my 99s this year after taking a year break and now enjoy farming and crafting while talking to my good friends in ventrilo. If it were not for them I probably would not play as they make the monotony much more bearable. All in all I have enjoyed my time playing with few regrets. It has been good.
  24. Bow down before the master. Oh come now, jealous does not become you. You are just mad that I got to him before you. Also why is it that most people here always assume the worst in everyone? And yeah I guess this is just as much spam as yours was "P but you love me anyway.
  25. Contextually you should be able to deduce that he probably withdrew everything more than once. Hence the multiple clue scrolls.
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