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Everything posted by Moad14

  1. What? Essentially, if most current RuneScape players quit to play MechScape instead, RuneScape will die. I doubt this will happen, I believe he was just making a point
  2. I would like to see these same opinions arise in the actual game. Many Tip.it-ers have told me my accomplishments are pathetic, so I refuse to believe that RuneScape is about "having fun" in most people's eyes. Apart from my mini-rant, I would like to add that skillcapes really don't matter; I've had fun with what I've done and will never bash others for enjoying to play the game their way.
  3. I was under the impression that party hats crashing was a result of Jagex. People also used to talk a fair bit about "frozen prices" on godswords; I assumed that was tampering as well. I don't purchase many valuable items, so I rely on what I hear from other (often ignorant) players. What exactly happened in those situations?
  4. This wins by far. Construction is loads of fun, one of my favorite skills. If I had more money I would get 99, even if that would bankrupt me I love it so much. Also, try thinking out your rant a little better next time. A mere two sentences shows the lack of effort and thought you invested before mindlessly hating on the skill.
  5. That is mostly true, but Jagex does mess with the prices of high-cost items occasionally. Gold ore however is indeed something we set ourselves.
  6. True, but perhaps black dragonhide leather requires finer stitching than green? That's how I always picture it anyway.
  7. Dragon looks like crud, costs far too much, and I prefer the prayer and strength bonuses of Bandos. Full Dragon would've been better before, the drops from the God Wars Dungeon have invalidated it in my eyes. I use Barrows armor though; it's so cheap and effective.
  8. Mmm, it blindsided me as well when I bought the ability. Train crafting I guess.
  9. Why did you attack my points then? :| It obviously goes the other way too, atheists proclaiming the ridiculousness and falseness of God. By the way, not getting back into the debate, just curious.
  10. Surgeon and staff are very different things. Just double-check with him/her and you'll be fine.
  11. Moad14

    Personality Test

    I was frightened by people who share my personality. Arnold Schwarzenegger Augustus Caesar Dr. Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow from Batman Begins) Hannibal Lecter (From Silence of the Lambs) Vito Corleone (Godfather) The scariest result of all was Katie Couric. :shock:
  12. I play for socializing and debates. Indeed, I choose neither of the options. RuneScape works like an IM for me; I can keep my friends just to the game that way. The last thing I need are all my RuneScape friends messaging and e-mailing me throughout the day. As to the debating, I talk politics, economics, and religion with anyone who'll give me the time. So, if you're interested... -points to signature- Nothing irks me like someone who demands respect though. When somebody in a Slayer cape (example only, I do not hate slayers) comes up to me and says, "Quest cape??? Lawl gf nub!!1" I launch into my pixel levels versus humans speech. Far too many people believe that because they had more free time to level their characters they deserve "respect" for their "achievements". :|
  13. I'd part with my account relatively cheaply actually. It'd make me some money and finally give me a decent excuse to quit RuneScape. However, I do not wish to see poor Moad14 die due to account sharing/trading, so I'll not part with her. Yes, we are separate entities. :
  14. Good idea, but there's a penguin hunting ClanChat, Riods2525, that's more up to date. Have you tried that yet?
  15. That's really uncalled for. Do you play RuneScape? Perhaps you need to find something else to do as well.
  16. 1. You probably didn't return in time. 2. You make it sound like a PvP World. If it was, then you need to read the rules of said worlds again. 3. If you lagged out...
  17. Most professors are actually understanding and decent people. I've only rarely encountered the egomaniacal type actually. If he doesn't grade the test however, you can always take it above his head. Good luck! :
  18. World 2 is always more correct than the Grand Exchange Database; I assume DenUsynlige got his information from there.
  19. This belongs in Help and Advice, but you could try this for a skilling outfit: Head: Black Cavalier Neck: Fury, perhaps a Glory Torso: Black Ele' Shirt Legs: Flared Trousers Shield: Saradomin Book Weapon: Depends on the skill Ring: Also skill-dependent Cape: Legends Boots: Your call, but I'd prefer standard brown Gloves: Another slot that depends on the skill Arrows: N/A
  20. Were you watching your friend talk to the "hacker"? If not, I can almost guarantee your friend stole your items to better his character. RuneScape is a cruel place.
  21. I get frightened every time I jump across the Wilderness Ditch. It must be something clinging to me from when I first began playing RuneScape.
  22. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080117065023AAoU5EJ And here are some of the statistics from the given site: I grabbed a statistic off this site as well: http://www.earthtraces.com/godsodds.shtml The perpetuation of any theory along these lines seems insane to me. I just wanted to share these. I'm obviously not convincing you, and you are unable to convince me. I'm stepping out now, hopefully on friendly terms with you all. Thanks for all the time you dedicated.
  23. Where do you believe we humans originate? Surely not macroevolution, the lack of evidence for that theory is laughable at best. [hide=Disclaimer]I say macroevolution is laughable. Obviously microevolution exists, but I have yet to see a species transform into one that is completely different.[/hide]
  24. Picture a hypothetical city where everyone and everything is two-dimensional. Were I to view the city from above, the inhabitants wouldn't have a clue I'm watching because they can't imagine what "above" even means. We work off four dimensions (to the best of my knowledge at least; correct me if I'm wrong), time being the fourth. I think most of the string theory hypotheses say there are thirteen dimensions, right? Why can't there be a God in a dimension that we can't comprehend?
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