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Everything posted by Quyneax

  1. Chimp ices are fun! Really people misjudge the difficulty, only every 5th ice is a bit of a challenge, and those are easy enough.
  2. Err, the towers are weapons, I suppose the height helps picking out the target all across Gielinor. Though why you couldn't simply go underground to avoid it, I don't know. Armadyl would like to have Bandos dead because Bandos is the least dedicated to peace of all gods. Why Bandos suddenly decided to fight Armadyl - probably because he thinks Armadyl is still unwilling to fight, and therefore an easy target.
  3. Drumgun will hit 200m divination in about 24 hours, probably. He's got 1.7m xp to go - his lead on rank 2 is almost 44m xp. It'll be interesting to see what's up next for Drum. It may be a good idea to gather some bonus agility xp in case BA gets nerfed.
  4. Hi! :) Hit 17m prayer and 14m fm (still using bonus xp -.-). Only about 47k bonus xp left now!
  5. Cricket is awesome, you can have tea (which means cake) while *playing a sport*.
  6. Blood barraging every task won't get you very fast xp. Most high-xp monsters aren't sufficiently clustered to barrage, especially the 2x2 monsters. Barrage dps isn't that great either. It used to be very good because off-hand barrage would do full damage. If you want to get the fastest xp, you want the highest-tier weapons, ideally seismic wand and orb (over 3b gp together), but dual ascensions also work (500m?), as do drygores (150m). You can barrage a few tasks, but for the most part stick to abilities, any combat style will do really. For mage slaying, full virtus (full slayer helmet over mask) with chaotic staff is nice, virtus wand and book is better but costs 250m more.
  7. You see both in the States, but according to Wiktionary, only grey is used in the UK (probably still mixes up enough).
  8. Finished abyssal mask! The 'double loot every 10th kill' thing got me a whip (4 total, for 900 abyss), but no abyssal heads so far :(.
  9. ... The link says .5%. Instead of 8%, it would be 8.5%.
  10. Gray characters usually are rare in fiction; they are a sort of half-way between white and black characters. ??? You're reading really low quality fiction... the whole point of literature is the grey character. The exact tint of grey may vary, but only an inept writer would have black and white only. Anyway, I don't think that the above discussion is all that relevant to the dimensionality of Bandos or any god. The question is: if I take away this characteristic, what's left? What is Bandos without his drive for war? What do we know about Bandos apart from that he wants war? He likes to cause it, but not necessarily between gods - mortals will do (as evidenced by the goblin tribes). He likes watching war, but do we know of any attack he's started? As far as I know, he always exploits existing conflicts and turns them violent. Is there any reason to suspect that Bandos aims for anything but turning competition violent?
  11. It is, that must be a weaker poison (or does kp still exist?).
  12. Armadyl wants *both* peace/nonviolence and protection of his followers, and those two are not the same thing - he will have to make choices, either lose followers or kill enemies. It's a classic opposition that is much less random than Bandos' 'idk just mayhem'. As said before, Bandos will never have regrets, doubts or anything if he stays as one-dimensional as he currently is.
  13. Bandos' intelligence or learning don't change that his character has no oppositions within himself, meaning he doesn't have to think about his actions - he has no regrets, because he only has to maximize a single factor. Bandos only wants violent contest, which doesn't require much nuance, especially with the gods already at eachothers' throats. He may learn and improve his mayhem-making, but he's not changing his motivation at all. Armadyl, for example, might at some point decide that the killing is not worth the protection it affords his followers, and retire as Seren did, perhaps in the Citadels, or he might go on a killing spree that he later regrets. The same goes, to various degrees, for other gods.
  14. I challenge you to retrieve the items you lose in PvP without risking the same again :D.
  15. Abs is a big risk though, I don't think it'd be worth using over polypore, that's another 14m per death you lose.
  16. Everything's fixed now, as far as I know, so wind surge is not better damage than ice barrage, as it's both weapon tier, but it's cheaper and less risky to bring only air runes.
  17. I do rather like the concept of Tuska as a symbiosis of an unintelligent god and intelligent scavengers. Compared to that, Bandos seems rather one-sided, and he's got a *lot* more official backstory.
  18. Spirit onyxes have 20/1000, which is comparable to a runecrafting pouch. It'd be nice if none of these gems degraded though... maybe make spirit sapphires obtainable from mining, and use divination to refine them into higher-tiered gems.
  19. It should be capped by the level of the staff. If you are talking about pvp, and there are several people on your side, and you are looking for cheapish setups, then you'll tradable ports armour (yes, it degrades to dust, but chances are you'll die long before that anyway), royal crossbow, godsword and polypore, so that's an advantage for ranged. Death Lotus is comparatively cheap as well. Fragmentation shot is an easy way to combo for a lot of damage, and you have decent enough ultimates with Incendiary Shot. Remember to use Natural Instincts to deprive opponents of adrenaline, especially shield users (Revenge, Resonance, Reflect - it's hard to kill them if they have adrenaline).
  20. Finished the Tuska mask! I got five pieces as drop (three tops, one of each tusk) and traded for the plate and headpiece. No phony mask buying for me! Also, airut are still good monsters.
  21. Not sure what you're asking. 5 attack levels is worth less than the difference between a godsword and a maul, if that's what you mean. You can find more info here: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Hit_chance At 99 attack you have +1212 from level (bit more from boosts, but okay) and +3031 from weapon (that's primal), so there you go. Spell-wise, just use the highest you can basically. Polypore strike requires 80 magic according to the spellbook, so that's not an option for 75-79. If using a 2h weapon, for pure dps, melee: Berserk is very powerful. If you are dealing with multiple weaker target, it may be better to use Magic for Chain, or Ranged for Bombard. It really depends on what you're fighting. In PvP, it's important to use the style your opponent is weak to, or the same style as your opponent. Shields are very good in PvP as well.
  22. I would think so, it's just a bob isn't it? Like the tortoise, it can't bank, so yak is still very much preferable, but that's it.
  23. For Nex, overloads are helpful on the smoke phase, because that still drains your stats, I believe. Other than that, you can use Ports armour and chaotic (claws, maul) + royal crossbow.
  24. Thanks :). Killing tuskans! They're alright*, finally a monster with fair defence (using chaotics off-task here, cba with drygores). Journal complete, which is easy, and 4/6 mask parts (one is double, but you can trade them apparently). Lots and lots of alchs and one sirenic scale so far. Hoping for triskellion pieces 2 & 3 sometime, or an elite or something. *Probably the nicest slayer monster now, with 15k+ health they don't go down too fast, chaotics still miss often enough, you don't need food or continuous soul split, and poison hits for 300-500 damage per kill, which makes it fun to use. I still maintain that releasing one monster like this is a bit random, meagre and an easy way to get a weeks update done, but it's at least a good monster. I'd rather have liked at least a crazy huge dungeon with all sorts of monsters, like Brimhaven or Taverly, and putting tuskans at the end or something (with shortcuts ofc).
  25. I was wondering if anyone could provide some max hits of attacks they put in right after they stunned the airut with Flurry or Rapid Fire. I hit a critical with assault that I think is very much impossible normally (about 6.8k, with dw chaotics, off-task), and it'd be interesting to know how much bonus damage you get from stunning them.
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