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Everything posted by quelmotz

  1. What defines me as a runescaper is my constant trying to get all skills to a balanced level. Unsuccessfully, of course. Due to my laziness. Train, train, train...only 12936 xp left...maybe I'll come back after a "quick" game of clan wars. After 1 hour...pah! I've got to get back to skilling. Crap! Its time to go. The next day, repeat after training about 2-3k xp... I get distracted too easily. But who cares? RS is a game. Its not like you HAVE to get all skills to a certain level to earn real money or something like that. I also love posting on the forums, but because I'm not a member, I can only watch all the debates in the RSOF, even though I really want to post. Of course, I'm too lazy to get 12.5M xp so I can post in the RSOF. I'm already discouraged from posting in the RSOF, seeing all the flame f2p players get. That's where tip.it comes in. Its a great forum here, with a much better community than the RSOF, which is filled with spammers, flamers, and a FEW mature and sensible people. And you just have to create a free account to post!
  2. Sorry, I wasn't referring to you, but to Sadukar123 and his team of supporters. Or, change your inability to read because I DID make changes. Too bad you were too busy attacking people. :roll: Inability to read? I already told you to go and MAKE YOUR STATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT SUGGEST CHANGES - GO AND MAKE THE COLD, HARD, STATS. Its very easy to criticise and say, oh, shortsword should have lower strength bonuses. BY HOW MUCH? -1 and -10 are all "lower strength bonuses". When you make your own stats, you will realise how hard it is. I know why you keep making excuses. You can't make a "good" version of the stats, and you are afraid you will be embarrassed. HELLO, GO READ MY POSTS, I DID MAKE STATS. HOLY CRAP, YOU CANNOT READ. Its not your post that sparked of the big heated dispute. Its that annoying idiot sadukar123 and some other guy whose name I've forgotten. I think it was something like LI33 or something, but you'll find it somewhere in the thread. Really hypocritical of you. You said on the main post that f2p was imbalanced and now you're telling me to STOP FOCUSING ON F2P? Nice fail. Seriously I'm sick of you telling me to argue elsewhere. Forums were made to argue. Fine, they weren't made to flame, but did I flame? "PRETTY MUCH" - how much is that then? Don't use vague words. A slight difference can make a big difference, if your mental capacity can comprehend that. Why is the longsword so rarely used then? Its more accurate and strong than the scimitar, and its speed is "PRETTY MUCH" the same as the scimitar. You do realize that every F2P update, yes, EVERY F2P UPDATE, affects P2P players? Quelmotz, don't even bother arguing. I have used rune weapons as an example, because there is no dragon shortsword, warhammer, or kiteshield. Don't think of this as an F2P update. It sounded like one because I am F2P myself and don't know much about the P2P world. And by the way, you DID flame my thread, and you did this in a rather nasty way. I shall have to say this one more time, stop arguing un-related things on my thread, or else I shall ask mods to come delete these posts. Don't feel bad, I hate flame wars as well. You know, people like Quelmotz who can't seem to calm down would just create more flame wars than others. In fact, those kind of personalities are the reason why we have flame wars. So don't feel bad about your post, I was just listening to your advice and adding them onto the first post. As for the alch values, I think they do and don't need a change at the same time. The reason why we don't is becuase we've got the GE now. Ever since it alching will just result in a loss of money. Changing the alch value won't do anything other than give magers/smithers slightly more money when alching. But then again, I would still change them a bit, because monsters occasionally drop these items (looking at you cockroach soldier). Hmm, perhaps I'll take a look at the spear again. But I am looking for something other than speed, a change in speed can overpower the weapons if changed incorrectly. The reason why I left the accuracy of the warhammer the same, it is because it is the most accurate. Even the 2H sword is inferior to the warhammer in that attack style. The reason why I gave the longsword a bigger boost in strength is because it will be obsolete if it is left as it is. Since I wanted mace to have better strength, longsword better have better strength as well. I don't flame your thread. If you WILL look back on the thread, I was just having an argument with zaaps1, and I made some stats to show him. We didn't flame each other, for god's sake. Then suddenly, your VERY VERY good "friend" sadukar123 and another idiot came and started making a lot of sarcastic comments and flame on my stats. So how do you expect me to retaliate? Say "oh, you're totally correct, I am so sorry for my ignorance" huh? FAT CHANCE. Sarcasm and flame deserves sarcasm and flame. You say a good deed deserves a good deed in return. So a bad deed deserves a bad deed in return. And that's exactly what I did. I would have stopped immediately if those people apologized for criticising my stats sarcastically. But they didn't. They continued the flame war and kept making a lot of sarcastic comments and criticism. That's why I told them to make their own freaking stats to experience how hard it is to do so before criticising. It is much easier to flame and criticise other people's stuff before experiencing and trying to do it themselves. I DON'T ARGUE ABOUT UNRELATED THINGS ON THIS THREAD. ASK AROUND AND YOU'LL SEE WHO STARTED THE FLAME WAR, AND IS PRETENDING TO BE GOODY-GOODY NOW, SUCKING UP TO YOU TO GET YOU ON HIS SIDE. So I have a bad temper, huh? Try and change it then. You say I "can't seem to calm down". Yes I can. I can cite a lot of examples for you to see, where I posted calmly and didn't flame. You know when I flare up? Its when IDIOTS start coming and criticising my posts sarcastically and flame. Look at the first few posts if you want. Did I flame or make cutting comments? No I didn't. Its those fools who start it. Don't always just blame anyone you can see before tracing the evidence back to see WHO started it. As I said, a bad deed deserves a bad deed in return. An eye for an eye. [bleep] for tat. So is there anything wrong with retaliating in the same way as how the idiot started to make sarcastic comments and flame? The freaking point is spears aren't supposed to be 2handed. :roll: Runescape is supposed to be based on historical evidence. Note I didn't say identical. I know its a game, at least there still should be some kind of logical reasoning behind the weaponry. So just because its a game, daggers can be 2handed, warhammers should weigh less than shortswords? Stop arguing about "its just a game". It is a game, but there still should and must be some logic behind it. Spears are light wooden sticks with a metal end on top. So is this as heavy as a 2handed sword or maul? NO. Wood is light. The small metal tip on the top isn't going to be heavy either. Spears ARE onehanded weapons, for god's sake. Jagex got it mixed up with PIKES. Pikes = long, twohanded spears, usually above 2m long. At that point the wood becomes too heavy to be used efficiently with one hand, so it becomes a 2handed weapon. Spears are long sticks (but below 2m or so) that are 1handed and used in conjunction with a shield. YEAH HEY HISTORICAL, I CAN EAT 20 SHARKS IN 10 SECONDS WITHOUT ANY CONSEQUENCES, AND IT HAPPENS TO BE HEALTHY LOL. Oh by the way, how do you expect to survive a crossbow when regular knights die in 1 hit. :roll: Holy crap, can you read? I said BASED (do I really need to do this to get your attention?) on history, not exactly the same. Please...you're a real hypocrite. Complaining about people not reading posts properly when you do that too. Eating sharks is "healthy" because all food have some kind of nutritional benefit, whether you like it or not. So its still based on history, just not particularly accurate.
  3. Sorry, I wasn't referring to you, but to Sadukar123 and his team of supporters. Or, change your inability to read because I DID make changes. Too bad you were too busy attacking people. :roll: Inability to read? I already told you to go and MAKE YOUR STATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT SUGGEST CHANGES - GO AND MAKE THE COLD, HARD, STATS. Its very easy to criticise and say, oh, shortsword should have lower strength bonuses. BY HOW MUCH? -1 and -10 are all "lower strength bonuses". When you make your own stats, you will realise how hard it is. I know why you keep making excuses. You can't make a "good" version of the stats, and you are afraid you will be embarrassed. Its not your post that sparked of the big heated dispute. Its that annoying idiot sadukar123 and some other guy whose name I've forgotten. I think it was something like LI33 or something, but you'll find it somewhere in the thread. Really hypocritical of you. You said on the main post that f2p was imbalanced and now you're telling me to STOP FOCUSING ON F2P? Nice fail. Seriously I'm sick of you telling me to argue elsewhere. Forums were made to argue. Fine, they weren't made to flame, but did I flame? "PRETTY MUCH" - how much is that then? Don't use vague words. A slight difference can make a big difference, if your mental capacity can comprehend that. Why is the longsword so rarely used then? Its more accurate and strong than the scimitar, and its speed is "PRETTY MUCH" the same as the scimitar. You do realize that every F2P update, yes, EVERY F2P UPDATE, affects P2P players? Quelmotz, don't even bother arguing. I have used rune weapons as an example, because there is no dragon shortsword, warhammer, or kiteshield. Don't think of this as an F2P update. It sounded like one because I am F2P myself and don't know much about the P2P world. And by the way, you DID flame my thread, and you did this in a rather nasty way. I shall have to say this one more time, stop arguing un-related things on my thread, or else I shall ask mods to come delete these posts. Don't feel bad, I hate flame wars as well. You know, people like Quelmotz who can't seem to calm down would just create more flame wars than others. In fact, those kind of personalities are the reason why we have flame wars. So don't feel bad about your post, I was just listening to your advice and adding them onto the first post. As for the alch values, I think they do and don't need a change at the same time. The reason why we don't is becuase we've got the GE now. Ever since it alching will just result in a loss of money. Changing the alch value won't do anything other than give magers/smithers slightly more money when alching. But then again, I would still change them a bit, because monsters occasionally drop these items (looking at you cockroach soldier). Hmm, perhaps I'll take a look at the spear again. But I am looking for something other than speed, a change in speed can overpower the weapons if changed incorrectly. The reason why I left the accuracy of the warhammer the same, it is because it is the most accurate. Even the 2H sword is inferior to the warhammer in that attack style. The reason why I gave the longsword a bigger boost in strength is because it will be obsolete if it is left as it is. Since I wanted mace to have better strength, longsword better have better strength as well. I don't flame your thread. If you WILL look back on the thread, I was just having an argument with zaaps1, and I made some stats to show him. We didn't flame each other, for god's sake. Then suddenly, your VERY VERY good "friend" sadukar123 and another idiot came and started making a lot of sarcastic comments and flame on my stats. So how do you expect me to retaliate? Say "oh, you're totally correct, I am so sorry for my ignorance" huh? FAT CHANCE. Sarcasm and flame deserves sarcasm and flame. You say a good deed deserves a good deed in return. So a bad deed deserves a bad deed in return. And that's exactly what I did. I would have stopped immediately if those people apologized for criticising my stats sarcastically. But they didn't. They continued the flame war and kept making a lot of sarcastic comments and criticism. That's why I told them to make their own freaking stats to experience how hard it is to do so before criticising. It is much easier to flame and criticise other people's stuff before experiencing and trying to do it themselves. I DON'T ARGUE ABOUT UNRELATED THINGS ON THIS THREAD. ASK AROUND AND YOU'LL SEE WHO STARTED THE FLAME WAR, AND IS PRETENDING TO BE GOODY-GOODY NOW, SUCKING UP TO YOU TO GET YOU ON HIS SIDE. So I have a bad temper, huh? Try and change it then. You say I "can't seem to calm down". Yes I can. I can cite a lot of examples for you to see, where I posted calmly and didn't flame. You know when I flare up? Its when IDIOTS start coming and criticising my posts sarcastically and flame. Look at the first few posts if you want. Did I flame or make cutting comments? No I didn't. Its those fools who start it. Don't always just blame anyone you can see before tracing the evidence back to see WHO started it. As I said, a bad deed deserves a bad deed in return. An eye for an eye. [bleep] for tat. So is there anything wrong with retaliating in the same way as how the idiot started to make sarcastic comments and flame? The freaking point is spears aren't supposed to be 2handed. :roll: Runescape is supposed to be based on historical evidence. Note I didn't say identical. I know its a game, at least there still should be some kind of logical reasoning behind the weaponry. So just because its a game, daggers can be 2handed, warhammers should weigh less than shortswords? Stop arguing about "its just a game". It is a game, but there still should and must be some logic behind it. Spears are light wooden sticks with a metal end on top. So is this as heavy as a 2handed sword or maul? NO. Wood is light. The small metal tip on the top isn't going to be heavy either. Spears ARE onehanded weapons, for god's sake. Jagex got it mixed up with PIKES. Pikes = long, twohanded spears, usually above 2m long. At that point the wood becomes too heavy to be used efficiently with one hand, so it becomes a 2handed weapon. Spears are long sticks (but below 2m or so) that are 1handed and used in conjunction with a shield.
  4. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!! Why are you guys even bothering to reply to some immature person who can't adapt to change and keeps whining about it? SERIOUSLY, stop it. This is like, the 10th or so thread talking about the same thing in essence. I just had to read the title and the first few paragraphs to know what this person is talking about. All these changes made by Jagex are for the better good, face it. You don't like the removal of the wilderness, the implementation of the wilderness ditch, the stake limits in the duel arena, etc. All changes will have some sort of negative effect. And Jagex has been wasting FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR too much time making updates for you immature, never content, unappreciative people. Look. They removed the wilderness, and have been putting in a lot of effort making the PvP worlds, bounty hunter upgrades, etc. Far too much time wasted on combat-based updates. They totally forget about skillers, etc, just because you combat-based people and unappreciative ones just keep flaming, spamming, ranting all over the forums. Seriously, GET THE HELL OVER IT. Nearly one and a half years after the updates, and there are still idiots like you whining. Who cares a [bleep] if you quit? The more of you unappreciative, never satisfied, immature people that quit, the better the RS community will become. Sadly, you are just too stubborn to get the hell out of RS. No one will care if you leave. You can rant, you can flame, you can spam, you can curse. No one cares. You say the grand exchange makes it much harder for merchanters to earn money. On the contrary, it makes it easier. Who wants to stand in a crowded bank and shout "selling 1000k of crap 1gp ea" for hours on end? With the grand exchange, you can just dump whatever you want to sell there, then set a price, and then go and skill, play minigames, whatever, and come back to see how many of the item has been sold. Also, the grand exchange has a database where they plot the price of items, so merchants can see how the price of a certain item has been fluctuating, and plan to buy or sell. Don't make stupid and ignorant assumptions, please. This new community is much better. You hate the new players. Sorry, but we hate you. With the wilderness removal and other stuff updates, most of the stupid immature people quitted RS. Its just a few stubborn people like you left. So why don't you just quit. We don't need you.
  5. Yeah. You said that the community has worsened and become filled with immature people. Why don't you stop stereotyping everyone as "immature" and "stupid". Sure, there will always be immature idiots, but there will always be mature people playing a game. What I can see is you can't adapt to change, so you just want to whine for the sake of whining.
  6. Carrying 1 billion coins in your backpack doesn't make you stronger but kicking a rat does.
  7. Sorry, I wasn't referring to you, but to Sadukar123 and his team of supporters.
  8. Why don't you guys just try to make your own stats then? Since you believe you are the best in the world, then just GO and make your own freaking stats and see how I criticise them...oh I forgot, you're so good and we fail in comparison, so we have no "RIGHT" to criticise your stats. Just go and try to make your own stats. Please... Experience and see how difficult it is... Instead of criticising. Seriously. Look at yourself in the mirror. If you're so perfect, go and make your own stats. GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. ok... daggers must have really sucked like [cabbage] then.... :lol:
  10. I disagree strongly with one of the points in "The Runescape Me". So you say magic is weak AND so it doesn't deserve an update? Just because some suckers can High Alch their way to 99, does that mean that 99 mage = stupid and because its so easy to train mage, mage doesn't deserve an update. Let me tell you this: NO Mage does deserve an update, regardless of how easy to train it. I could argue the same point for your beloved melee. All meleers do is afk training, so melee is easy to train = doesn't deserve updates? And btw, mage isn't easy to train. It costs a LOT of money to do it, far more than melee. So cut the crap. Mage does deserve an update. I'm not whining for an update immediately, or a perfect update. I want a good update to mage. Not any crappy stuff like FoG armor and other rubbish. Better spells for f2p.
  11. I'm worried that this spellbook might still be used for a "support" spellbook for meleers/rangers, not completely solving the problem of the underpowered SOLO mages. Still, its a good try.
  12. Nail in the coffin, Joe got it in 1 post. Nail halfway across the world away. Armors need tweaking. Sure. Daggers need tweaking. Sure. Warhammers? They are BARELY used. And making it even more worthless is going to help it how? At least the large strength bonus allows it to ko without unequipping your shield. Already got the Battleaxe for that? Maces? Seriously... You removed the prayer bonus, making the mace from the only regular weapon with prayer bonus to a weaker warhammer. Fine. You make your stats then. Even if I did I'd be smart enough not to remove the prayer bonus. I'd god damn increase it. Shortswords? WHAT THE .... No point making it pretty much the same as a Scimitar hmm? Its weaker :roll: Read the word "PRETTY MUCH" Longswords? Crap. It's only because the difference are too small to be distinguished. In Dragon they are both balanced... SERIOUSLY STOP SAYING DRAGON WE'RE TALKING ABOUT F2P HERE. Title: Balancing WEAPONS AND ARMOUR. Scimitars? Severely overpowered. See short sword. P.S. Don't mention dragon/whatever, we're talking about F2P here. Though I don't know why the OP made some changes to the halberds, spears, etc. We don't want to upset the balance, seriously. We are trying to balance things out...Why don't you try and create your own stats on how to tweak the dagger/armor and I'll criticise them? You can't, can you? I already did, too bad you were busy doing personal attacks on me.You didn't make your own stats. All you did was criticise. Criticising isn't making your own stats. Your lack of reading skills disgusts me. If you can't even bother finding it then it's no point for me to repost it. MAKE YOUR OWN FREAKING STATS THEN YOU FOOL. Title: Balancing weapons and armor. First line below the title. "I think f2p weapons are imbalanced" or something along the lines of that. Hypocritical idiot. Why don't you read properly? And you tell people to read carefully when you flame me for flaming you when you started it. To prevent a flame war from erupting, I'll stop here. Or else you'll hear a lot of things... Really hypocritical of you. You said on the main post that f2p was imbalanced and now you're telling me to STOP FOCUSING ON F2P? Nice fail. Seriously I'm sick of you telling me to argue elsewhere. Forums were made to argue. Fine, they weren't made to flame, but did I flame? "PRETTY MUCH" - how much is that then? Don't use vague words. A slight difference can make a big difference, if your mental capacity can comprehend that. Why is the longsword so rarely used then? Its more accurate and strong than the scimitar, and its speed is "PRETTY MUCH" the same as the scimitar.
  13. When was the rune 2h sword and rune battleaxe the best? I've been playing since late 06 and the scimmy always seemed predominant over the other weapons. But yes, I agree with you that it is time to power up shortswords, maces and warhammers. They've been left there collecting dust for too long.
  14. Add on "Purple Apron, Level 6. Assigns tasks that require level 80+ in skills. Level 50 working required." Add on " Yellow Apron, Level 7. Assigns tasks that require level 90+ in skills. Level 65 working required. Add on "Rainbow (?) Apron, Level 8. Assigns tasks that require level 95+ in skills. Level 80 working required. Aside from these things, this idea doesn't really makes runecrafting, etc that useful. Look at it this way. Once you reach level 99 in working, who cares about those other crappy skills anymore? And this will probably be one of the hardest skills to get to level 99, just draining money away from the economy by forcing people to powertrain useless skills. Once you reach level 99, you can just go and earn money by doing other skills since there's no special reward except the silly aprons and a bit of crap money that can be earned like 10x faster by selling the lobsters to the ge instead of giving it to the silly old shopkeeper. Yeah i guess 70+ is too little. But i'm not sure what you mean by that last paragraph. I was thinking of more things to do though apart from the shopkeeping thing once you get higher working levels What I meant was that when you reach level 99 in working, there will be no more point in training the other skills. Or maybe even level 70+ in working. Also, this doesn't solve the problem of useless skills, its just creating a new skill to train. Everyone will either train working to a certain level OR Not train working at all, as it just drains money.
  15. Nail in the coffin, Joe got it in 1 post. Nail halfway across the world away. Armors need tweaking. Sure. Daggers need tweaking. Sure. Warhammers? They are BARELY used. And making it even more worthless is going to help it how? At least the large strength bonus allows it to ko without unequipping your shield. Maces? Seriously... You removed the prayer bonus, making the mace from the only regular weapon with prayer bonus to a weaker warhammer. Fine. You make your stats then. Shortswords? WHAT THE .... No point making it pretty much the same as a Scimitar hmm? Its weaker :roll: Longswords? Crap. It's only because the difference are too small to be distinguished. In Dragon they are both balanced... SERIOUSLY STOP SAYING DRAGON WE'RE TALKING ABOUT F2P HERE. Scimitars? Severely overpowered. See short sword. P.S. Don't mention dragon/whatever, we're talking about F2P here. Though I don't know why the OP made some changes to the halberds, spears, etc. We don't want to upset the balance, seriously. We are trying to balance things out...Why don't you try and create your own stats on how to tweak the dagger/armor and I'll criticise them? You can't, can you? I already did, too bad you were busy doing personal attacks on me.You didn't make your own stats. All you did was criticise. Criticising isn't making your own stats.
  16. Yes, but there are limited charges, and if they bring an inv full of them they wont have room for food or anything. 10 charges per crystal. 1 charge per shark/whatever food. 28 crystals = 280 charges. 280 charges = 280 sharks/whatever food. 10 times the inventory space... Seriously OVERPOWERED.
  17. Nail in the coffin, Joe got it in 1 post. Nail halfway across the world away. Armors need tweaking. Sure. Daggers need tweaking. Sure. Warhammers? They are BARELY used. Maces? Seriously... Shortswords? WHAT THE .... Longswords? Crap. Scimitars? Severely overpowered. P.S. Don't mention dragon/whatever, we're talking about F2P here. Though I don't know why the OP made some changes to the halberds, spears, etc. We don't want to upset the balance, seriously. We are trying to balance things out...Why don't you try and create your own stats on how to tweak the dagger/armor and I'll criticise them? You can't, can you?
  18. Add on "Purple Apron, Level 6. Assigns tasks that require level 80+ in skills. Level 50 working required." Add on " Yellow Apron, Level 7. Assigns tasks that require level 90+ in skills. Level 65 working required. Add on "Rainbow (?) Apron, Level 8. Assigns tasks that require level 95+ in skills. Level 80 working required. Aside from these things, this idea doesn't really makes runecrafting, etc that useful. Look at it this way. Once you reach level 99 in working, who cares about those other crappy skills anymore? And this will probably be one of the hardest skills to get to level 99, just draining money away from the economy by forcing people to powertrain useless skills. Once you reach level 99, you can just go and earn money by doing other skills since there's no special reward except the silly aprons and a bit of crap money that can be earned like 10x faster by selling the lobsters to the ge instead of giving it to the silly old shopkeeper.
  19. That's the intended way the Combat Triangle is SUPPOSED to be... :roll: :roll: Throw snare, a few harder-hitting higher level spells in and f2p mage is more or less balanced. Now you realise it... :roll:
  20. In f2p. Yes. That's totally true. In f2p mages suck totally when they reach level 50+ Something needs to be done for f2p mage so they don't suck more and more as they reach higher levels. This is absurd. Totally absurd. You're wasting thousands of GP training something that will make you suck further? Anyone in his/her right mind wouldn't PURPOSELY train f2p mage above level 59. They will only gain levels from killing players.
  21. Saradomin is equal in force to Zamorak for god's sake... :roll: Goblins are weak, yes. Hobgoblins are weak, perhaps. Ogres are weak, erm... Jogres are weak, typo here? Mogres are weak, I suggest a correction. Cyclops are weak, seriously... Ourgs are weak, OMG are you mad?!?!?! Funny joke (not). I suggest you read more before embarrassing yourself. Err...The hell you talking about? Nothing would be here if there was no balance. For obvious reasons. The world can't exist without balance. No light, no darkness. No good, no evil. No heavy, no light.
  22. Since your posts weren't 100% constructive, then stop being hypocritical and telling other people that their posts weren't 100% constructive when yours aren't 100% constructive either. Fine, so you might think I'm a hypocrite, and does that give you a right to be a hypocrite and criticise me? I never denied the fact that warhammers should be 2 handed. In fact, I want them to be 2 handed. Its more realistic. Well, my suggestion currently is: -Dagger VS Claws -Shortsword VS Scimitar -Spear inbetween (this one is the odd one out) -Mace VS Longsword -Warhammer VS Battleaxe -2H VS Halberd I only nerfed the scimitar a little. I might consider changes so that the stats are equal to what the weapons are up against. Oh and if scimitar isn't overpowered, why are people all over F2P be using them so much? It's the nerfing the scimitar a little that concerns me. I can already tell you, f2p training is much, much slower than members, with the best gear that is reasonable to use. That means full rune with rune gloves, and a rune scimitar. The only faster you could get is corrupt dragon, but that's too expensive to be realistic. If you nerf the scimitar, even a little, it makes slow training even slower. As for why the scimitar is the most used, it's because it's the best. The same reason a whip is most used. Or a maple short. Or a rune crossbow. Only the uninformed use the others, because they are below par from the best. I don't care if Jagex makes the types of weapons equal. Just as long as they don't kill training for someone along the way. And, for the record, I'm looking at this from a point of view outside where it affects me. Not only am I a member, I also am a ranger, if I ever decide to go back to combat outside of quests. What I'm saying here isn't biased because something would happen to me if these changes occurred. I only nerfed the scimitar, because I wanted longsword to be the best. In most RPGs, they had longsword as one of the best weapons out there. Oh and keep in mind that I improved the rune longsword to make up for the loss of the rune scimitar so training won't be slowed down as much. (I use a rune longsword, not because I'm uninformed, because it's one of my favorites of all time, and it still gives good xp in the free world.) Oh, and why say people are uninformed when they do not use the best? Remember that personal preference plays a big role in choosing your weapon. People don't always have to pick the "best" weapon (which, for some players, isn't really the best at all), they can use other good ones as well. Remember that improving other weapons in the same category can make them on par with the "best" weapon, which I did. By the way, Quelmotz, stop it. Quit arguing with people that are actually correct. That is why I went along with sadukar123. Your stats are COMPLETELY wrong. Scimitar should not be speed 5, mace should not lose its prayer, and battleaxe should not lose its strength. So please stop arguing with my stats and other people at the same time. Capiche? I can argue if I like, and its none of your business. Ask yourself where you got the inspiration to create this topic. Sadukar123 isn't correct. He might be, in your opinion. So stop forcing your opinion on me. I believe he is wrong, so just because you think he is correct you can force me to stop arguing and not let me have my own opinion? Again, I said those stuff are my own opinion. I can create my own stats if I want, and its up to you to use them or not. I was replying to zaaps1, by the way, not giving you stats to add in. You can have your own opinion, and I can have my own. So just because you don't like it you can force me to change them and say they are COMPLETELY WRONG? Unfortunately, YOU are the one who is completely wrong in forcing me to change my opinions. STOP FORCING YOUR OPINION ON ME That's what I was doing when you came along and started annoying people. We're talking about balancing f2p weapons here... :shock: :roll:
  23. So not true. I believe she was one of the first god(esses) to bring her people into Gielinor, however, she was not the creator of Gielinor, but of the Elven race. You are right, these are Desert Gods. These are all members of the Desert Pantheon, or am I wrong? Did you forget to post or what? Or are you using what I said as what you say?
  24. I have said before in an old and dying thread that the Abyssal Whip was overpowered, but it got flamed to hell by a certain party (let's call him sadukar123, shall we, for anonymity's sake?). Don't make assumptions on certain weapons being overpowered if you never used them. Ok. Lets just forget about it, shall we? I'm sick of arguing with you about it. Back to topic, I agree that f2p mage is underpowered, and may I please direct you to the rants forum, click this topic "f2p mage and range underpowered" by yours truly? Not trying to boast, but if you want you can also see another thread under bugs and suggestions "contemporary S&Q ....(something)". Fine, I will increase all weapons to the scimitar's power instead, since it will instigate a lot of flame and rants if everyone's present weapon (the scim) was nerfed badly. Personal attacks? May I please direct you to the thread "f2p mage and range underpowered" and see WHO started flaming and insulting people? (unless your posts have been removed). By you long time ago. May I ask who started it? Do you realise that when you're pointing your finger at me, four are pointing back at you? Prove it. Nice, an arrow can penetrate armor easily. (correction, at point blank range) Please specify the range. I will not be amazed if a crossbow bolt or arrow can penetrate armor at point blank range. A warhammer can "crush" a PART of the armor? What the hell? It won't necessarily crush the armor (loot man loot!), but send strong shock waves THROUGH the armor, breaking all the bones inside and causing internal bleeding. Although not immediately fatal, it is better than a huge bladed axe in terms of penetrating armor. Battleaxes will not always cut through armor, it depends on the angle of the swinging chop, the person's strength and which part of the armor it hits. You won't always get a "lucky" hit and battleaxes are 2handed, which is a HUGE disadvantage. Don't tell me they're onehanded, you said "HUGE BLADED AXE" and you didn't mention "HUGE HEAVY WARHAMMER" or anything of that sort. Correction "NOT" at point black range. See Battle of Agincourt, Crecy. Crossbow might have been BANNED by Pope Innocent II FOR BEING INHUMANE, it kills a knight who trained for years with ONE SHOT. Longbow+Crossbow>Knights. You forget there's usually CHAIN MAIL underneath some armour, it will absorb whatever "shockwave" the hammer makes. Nice strawman, you compare two different sized weapons and declare you win. Fine. You might be correct on the crossbow, but you stated ARROWS in your initial post, and I was basing my arguments on that. Arrows can STILL destroy Knights. NOT just Crossbow. Do you think all knights are so rich to have chainmail under their armor? Most of them only have cloth under their plate armor, which DOES absorb some impact but not enough to protect them. Erm, most knights are nobles, nobles have lots of money to buy a chainmail. Also, you were the one who started comparing a ONEHANDED warhammer to a TWOHANDED battleaxe for god's sake. Don't be so hypocritical please. I said huge, huge does not mean it's two handed. I can't believe you blindly agreed with him. Seriously I don't make personal attacks for no reason. You can check out "f2p mage and range underpowered" somewhere around page 20 or so and see WHO started the flame wars and personal attacks by insulting and flaming me. And it isn't banned. I'm posting right now. I am careful. I am usually a nice person, its just these people (take note I didn't say "idiots" (which I would if I wasn't in a not-so-bad mood today)) who get on my nerves. I didn't specify anyone, don't make assumptions. Seriously stop denying the fact that you started attacking me first. Things were running well in my thread. I was telling a fool to stop posting unconstructive posts on my thread when YOU suddenly appeared and started attacking me, saying my posts were not constructive. Since when did I say all my posts were constructive? And you started it, so stop denying the fact that you did. Pointing out a hypocritical post is attacking? Review your definitions. Arrows can destroy knights, sure. And is that part of the question? We're discussing about melee weapons now, so please revert back to the topic. Sure, knights have money. Chainmail is heavy, so who'll be stupid enough to wear two layers of armor into battle, weighing them down badly. Why even wear armours at all? In Agincourt the lightly dressed British massacred the heavily armoured French. Huge = heavy =/= onehanded due to weight. Therefore huge/heavy = two handed. Depends on the person. You point out a hypocritical post? Why don't you stop pretending. You pointing out a hypocritical post about people's posts being unconstructive when your own posts were not 100% constructive either. Hypocrite. Yeah, armor is useless if you don't know how to use it. Skill with weapons and stuff are more useful. It depends on the person, but in general, most people will not be able to wield heavy weapons with one hand, unless they're very strong. Even so, they will attack quite slowly due to the weight, hindering it un-practical. Therefore, we can conclude the most heavy weapons = twohanded.
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