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Everything posted by quelmotz

  1. I care to disagree. I believe that (In F2P at least) Magic is not primarily used for combat, but instead used to supplement and make easier one's everyday goings in RS a bit easier. Take for example the most used magic in F2P, teleports, used simply to get from one place to another much faster, there's high alching; something used commonly to pro-long camping at monsters. Superheating ores isn't a terrible way to get low cost (or even profitable) mage and smithing experience. In fact, I would say that outside of Fist of Guthix, Magic is rarely used in combat at all. Also yes, it's true; training magic is F2P is quite useless past the level needed to High Alch and to teleport to all F2P locations. The only real purpose (in F2P) of training the magic skill to be be more effective when using it in combat, or when blocking against magical attacks. Do note that I am talking about Magic in F2P specifically. I respectfully disagree. Magic's main use is SUPPOSED to be combat, and it has a VERY VERY important side use, and that is to supplement and make easier everyone's everyday goings in RS. In recent years, however, magic has evolved (EDIT: devolved) such that the secondary use of it (though still important) has become like the main use, and also overshadowing it. This is due to the fact that f2p magic is useless AFTER lvl 50-60 combat and above and costs incredibly huge amounts of money for what it does. I think you mistook magic's main use to be to supplement and make easier everyone's everyday goings in RS. I don't blame you. It seems that the prevalent use for magic these days is to teleport, etc, not combat. Ehem. Magic is a supporting skill, but do the mage pures get any kind of loot these days? No of course not if you're a pure mage and haven't done any kind of quests..with your main you do get spare loot..But if you PK with a clan/team, Mages are asked to snare, teleblock, anything which prevents your enemy from doing specific actions. That's about it then. Magic is also the slowest of all classes. If Jagex WOULD tweak Magic so that you could hit much faster and accurate with spells when you achieve certain levels. Maybe you would get faster and accurate starting from 50-60, and it would be like the Runecrafting Multiple Essence table..2x, 2.5x etc. Rangers get much more loot because they are fast. Yew bows and Rune Arrows in F2P wouldn't hurt us rangers. And the mage would get the contemporary spell book (sees_all1's IDEA) and the accuracy-speed thing I suggested. So...you disagree that magic should be made a combat skill? Yes I agree that Sees_all1's idea is probably the best for mages. I also agree about the increased accuracy, but the speed isn't really that necessary (some people would say that it makes it easier for mages to do KO combos). Also, an increased level in magic should also increase max hit. It won't affect most Ancient Magick spells much, since they're so close to lvl 99 mage, their max hit will probably EDIT: I am a strong believer that magic MUST NOT be a supporting skill.
  2. Another idiot with crappy grammar. Really, what are these forums becoming nowadays? A garbage dump? This spellbook ISN'T, I repeat ISN'T just for f2p. There are many p2p spells there too.
  3. And the best part is, you don't need to introduce refined oil for burn damage, because fire arrows already exist. : Just need to give them a use by introducing burn. Really? Sorry, I didn't check out the item search engine...my bad :oops:
  4. Please...learn HOW TO SPELL. With such horrendous grammar, spelling, and punctuation, no wonder no one listens to you. Your near indecipherable arguments are crap. First argument about hybriding with melee is stupid. Fire blast won't always hit that high, same for baxe. Noob. SERIOUSLY. THIS spellbook DOESN'T even allow/help your stupid technique to "KO" foes. Fire Blast is in the freaking normal spellbook. Rune Baxe/whatever are NOT EVEN RELATED TO MAGIC! So a meleer hybriding with a dark bow can hit 48-48 and then charge up and use dharok's spec to hit 100+, so melee hits OMG 200 damage!!! Omgwtfbbq overpowered!! LOL. Second argument about pure essence is TOTAL rubbish. There's such a thing called a grand exchange. Please. On a side note: Lol, I'm a "respected" TIFer! :thumbsup:
  5. On the matter of them showing off, just ignore them. And please, 99 str/atk/def/whatever people also show off. So what if a skill is "buyable"? Does that mean it is easy? Construction/cooking/whatever is "buyable" = easy? No way. You still have to earn the money in the first place. And don't be stupid and tell me money is "buyable". Unless you RWT...and you'll be reported immediately if you do. Just because you can use gp to buy a level 99 in a skill, so its "buyable" and this easy?
  6. That's right. And you're correct in saying that. Each place does have its own unique attributes. And you're also right when you say different people will enjoy different places. However, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that it is impossible to update a skill so there is no "best" method. That's what the OP was talking about (or at least, I'm pretty sure). NO. The OP said he wanted "skills to link more to each other", make skills "harder", update skills so there are MORE EFFECTIVE ways to train them.
  7. Seriously, its a game. There will always be idiots like that. Its totally unfair to make such a judgment based on one particular idiot.
  8. Then how come killing most monsters are rewarding? It is still possible to make all skills/way to train a skill rewarding, though I agree, it is very difficult, but nothing is impossible. We have 4 variables to take in hand: Time, Monetary Profit, XP, Level Let's say for mining (example): Rubidium Ore: 125 xp per ore, valuable, e.g. 5k per ore, found near a bank, lvl req: 70 Emeraldium Ore: 200xp per ore, non-valuable, e.g. 2.5k per ore, found near a bank, lvl req: 70 Sapphirium Ore: 200 xp per ore, valuable, found far from a bank, lvl req: 70 Diamondium Ore: 200xp per ore, valuable, found near a bank, lvl req: 80 I cannot claim that these statistics are perfectly accurate and therefore the ores are equally good to train on, but you get the main idea. Also, there is the variable of personal preference. Some prefer xp to money, time to money, xp to time, etc. Most monsters are rewarding. All methods of training are rewarding. However, some methods are MOST rewarding, and ultimately they will dominate. Offtopic: If by rewarding, you mean profit. It is impossible to train construction and make profit. That's just the nature of the skill. Time and xp are the same variable, if you think about it. If method A takes 5 hours to do and offers 250k xp, and method B takes 3 hours to do and offers 250k xp, clearly method B and better, and if time/xp is the only consideration, method A is obsolete. Let's take your example. First off, I would like to say this is pure speculation. To be an accurate result you need much more info, such as market prices, mining time, and respawn time. Well first off, as far as I'm concerned mining needs no update. Maybe one to make it more profitable, but not one to make it faster. In p2p, the optimal xp/hour is over 80k. In f2p it's over 40k. Very hard to do, but possible. So if I get this right: Rubidium: Fastest xp, not worth as much as the others, and fast to mine Emeraldium: Less xp, but more profit Sappirium: Least xp, but most profit Diamondium: Even lower xp, but even high profit, but at an even higher level Is that correct? Well let me make up some numbers, for sake of argument. R: 70k xp/hour, no profit b/c powermining E: 20k xp/hour, 200k profit S: 15k xp/hour, 500k profit D: 8k xp/hour, 1m profit Clearly, the best option is Rubidium if you want to train mining. At 70k per hour, you get tons of xp. In just 1 hour of mining it, you get the xp equal to 8.75 hours of Diamondium. Sure you don't get 1m, but anyone can make 1m in 8.75 hours. (A rate of 114k per hour, which in members is dirt low.) Compared to Sappirium, you need only make 108k per hour. To Emeraldium, only 57k per hour. Clearly, Rubidium is the best option, and I think the members I gave are pretty realistic. Yeah, yeah. Everything I said just now was pure speculation. But you get the fundamental concept I am trying to get at. Lets say a X number of variables. X number of ores. Each ore has a specific place where it is attractive to miners, e.g. more xp, more profit, etc.
  9. I usually add most people, then when I find myself looking at my friend's list one day, I'll remove those who I don't have a deep impression or memory of. And my friend's list is never full, not even near half full most of the time.
  10. Good job by Jagex! For those who keep arguing about the system "not being able to detect a certain ABC bot or whatever", sure, there will always be a way to get around detection systems, etc, but at least we know jagex is trying hard to stop bots.
  11. He's got a point. If you're going to make a totally new weapon, how about a chain (that visibly holds runes in each link)? It can still be interchangeable like the original idea. Or a battlestaff with a orb attached or something?
  12. I suddenly had an idea. Refined oil (or any other renamed crap) could be poured onto arrows or something, and set alight. The arrows will do burn damage, similar to poison/disease. However, "flaming arrows" will not drop onto the ground after use for rather obvious reasons. Maybe you could have different grades of refined oil (or any other renamed crap), like "failedtorefineproperly" quality, low quality, medium quality, high quality, premium quality, pure. Different qualities of the oil could have different "burn damage" and also some grease require a specific quality of oil or above, etc.
  13. And I doubt they did. At those times, hard disk technology was very poor (relative to nowadays), so they probably won't have a record of when you get to lvl 99 in a certain skill, if I'm not wrong.
  14. Great idea! :thumbsup: Although some of the special abilities have to be tweaked (badly), and I agree that dragon swords shouldn't be given special treatment, I still think this idea is really good. Why not just make a totally new sword (pah, stupid swords - so overused)?
  15. FAIL. "Dumbed down"? In your dreams. Runescape has become a game needing more intelligence to play, not a "dumbed down" game. So there are a lot of updates that make it simpler for beginners to start out, but all the quests are becoming much harder to complete, and there's much more things to plan and choose, like in clan wars, fist of guthix, even how you are going to skill, how are you going to train combat, etc. Its not getting "dumbed down". Though I agree that nowadays internet games are all getting "dumbed down" in general. Too many stupid and pointless "shoot the enemy before they shoot you" games. Runescape is far from it. Seriously, learn to use proper English. There isn't a word "dumbed down" or "suprises", and many other mistakes too. Why don't you just gtfo. Since you can't adapt to all the changes RS has gone through, just gtfo. Seriously I need to copy and paste a large picture showing this message. SINCE YOU CAN'T ADAPT TO CHANGE, GTFO. Uh oh, we got the forum bada55 (stupid censor) here. First of all, the bolded part made me lol. "dumbed down" isnt a word obviously, its a two word phrase, that happens to make complete sense you idiot. And how the hell isnt suprises a word? Honestly? I just had someone whos 2nd language is english try to correct mine ha. Runescape has been clearly dumbed down, aside from some of the new complicated stuff you said, its dumbed down in every way. I dont even know why i have to explain this. Look at our damn trading system lmao. I guess you cant understand that we buy and sell for set prices 90% of the time (im referring to the GE). And if you dont use the GE theres still a trade limit. The only time you can pk is in set worlds, and in those worlds you can pk anywhere, so no need to even have wilderness in this game anymore. Besides decently strong monsters called revs that you can just run away from i guess. Not suprised though, to kids like you monsters hitting 15s with mage might scare you :( Why don't you shut the hell up? If you even have half a brain, you'll know "dumbed" isn't a word. Stupid idiot. "suprises" isn't a word ffs. Its "surprises". Seriously go to kindergarten please. Its NOT "dumbed down" in every way. WTF. You need to use your brain more. Do you even do quests/play minigames? If you do, you'll know that you have to use your brain more often. The GE doesn't "dumb down" things. Dumb idiot. It makes things easier for players. Who wants to stand in a bank and shout "selling sht 10k ea" for hours? You "enjoy" (my foot) challenges. Standing in a bank shouting isn't a "challenge". WTF. Haha alright, you got me on "surprise". But if you have half a brain, you'll realize this isnt a highschool english test, its a runescape forum, and saying something is "dumbed down" is just slang and easy to understand. I forgot though, your trying to act tough infront of your little runescape buddies on this forum, so you have to have little add ons like the ones i bolded to make you look awesome. haha the GE definatley has its advantages, but the price limit on everything is ridiculous. Dumb kids like you can no longer get ripped off, because jagex wont let the big bad players trying to rip you off do it anymore! The games great for you now, you can just skill 6 hours a day and when you try to sell your items you dont have to worry about getting outsmarted anymore. Now you dont have to cry to your parents/jagex when you get lured into the wildy for being too dumb to see it happen. Theres no such thing as wilderness anymore. Funny joke. I've never been scammed or ripped off roflmao. Only idiots get scammed. What I can see is that you're just trying to boast about your "intelligence" and you not getting "ripped off". You're the one trying to boast. Sure, its a freaking forum, but at least try to post properly so people can understand what the crap are you talking about. Its called inference and concluding... :roll: :roll: :roll:
  16. Agreed. For those idiots who keep saying "why do they choose to limit themselves this way" or whatever. Its their account. Its none of your business how they train, why they want to remain level 3, why they choose to limit themselves, etc. Their choice has absolutely no impact on you, except maybe some slight changes in GE prices, so you have NO right to criticise and discriminate against them. Its their account. Its their life. They choose what they want. Bot ai wonna kil bandoz and i wan gud statz cos i lik 2 kil dey nub This is what I'm seeing from the anti-skiller side >.> I'm not a skiller or "combat-er", more like a balanced account (sort of anyway -.- ). I don't support skilling. In fact I find it pointless. But I find it incredibly ridiculous and stupid that skillers are discriminated for choosing a certain path. Its their life, their account. There's no need for players to criticise and discriminate against them. You are... I am...what? I am stating my own opinion that I find skilling pointless, but I don't criticise people for being skillers. I don't say "You are a noob cause you skill!". *sigh* let's continue the debate after you finish 8th grade ;D There's a difference between discrimination and stating your opinion. Discrimination: Skillers suck. They are stupid, etc. They don't deserve respect. Stating opinion: I find skilling boring and rather pointless. However I still respect skillers' decision to skill because its their account, and its none of our business what they do. Well what's the point of any game? Not to breeze past it and finish for the hell of it. Sure Runescape isn't your average console game, but it follows the exact same philosophy. People get bored, and they want a challenge. Challenges are what make games fun. But yeah I don't think I'd ever spend time on a skiller. I'd rather spend time on my main, and I agree when you say it's a waste of time. BUT, I can understand why people would make a skiller, and it's only a waste of time if you're focused on one account and want challenges on just that account. Agreed. That's my opinion too. They say great minds think alike ;) You said what I wanted to say. Skillers want challenges, and its their account, their life. So why should these people criticise and discriminate against them for choosing a particular path to follow?
  17. Then how come killing most monsters are rewarding? It is still possible to make all skills/way to train a skill rewarding, though I agree, it is very difficult, but nothing is impossible. We have 4 variables to take in hand: Time, Monetary Profit, XP, Level Let's say for mining (example): Rubidium Ore: 125 xp per ore, valuable, e.g. 5k per ore, found near a bank, lvl req: 70 Emeraldium Ore: 200xp per ore, non-valuable, e.g. 2.5k per ore, found near a bank, lvl req: 70 Sapphirium Ore: 200 xp per ore, valuable, found far from a bank, lvl req: 70 Diamondium Ore: 200xp per ore, valuable, found near a bank, lvl req: 80 I cannot claim that these statistics are perfectly accurate and therefore the ores are equally good to train on, but you get the main idea. Also, there is the variable of personal preference. Some prefer xp to money, time to money, xp to time, etc.
  18. Great update :thumbsup: ! One of the best I've seen in months. But that's probably bias because us f2pers get big updates every few months only... :roll:
  19. The point of the update was probably to help skillers/anyone who trains skills (indirectly though). An update for those who trained skills was long overdue, so they probably decided to do this.
  20. Yes, im complaining about runescape. We are in the "rants" forum. And how was the game in any way 'obsolete'? Just because the game is more popular now doesnt make it better. Is lil wayne a better rapper than Nas? No, not even close, but hes alot more popular. I guess you cant blame jagex, because they are just in it to make money and thats it, but people like me are gonna complain and [bleep] about it whether care or not, and its probaly the latter. Yeah, Jagex should just release a crippled game that nobody wants to play except for a few people that can't adapt to change. That sounds like a good idea. Exactly. We won't stop you from wasting your life away whining and complaining about a freaking game. Go ahead. Popularity is based on facts and numbers and data. "Goodness/Niceness/whatever" is based on opinions. So who're you going to trust?
  21. Why the change of heart? Thanks for the "support" anyway.
  22. FAIL. "Dumbed down"? In your dreams. Runescape has become a game needing more intelligence to play, not a "dumbed down" game. So there are a lot of updates that make it simpler for beginners to start out, but all the quests are becoming much harder to complete, and there's much more things to plan and choose, like in clan wars, fist of guthix, even how you are going to skill, how are you going to train combat, etc. Its not getting "dumbed down". Though I agree that nowadays internet games are all getting "dumbed down" in general. Too many stupid and pointless "shoot the enemy before they shoot you" games. Runescape is far from it. Seriously, learn to use proper English. There isn't a word "dumbed down" or "suprises", and many other mistakes too. Why don't you just gtfo. Since you can't adapt to all the changes RS has gone through, just gtfo. Seriously I need to copy and paste a large picture showing this message. SINCE YOU CAN'T ADAPT TO CHANGE, GTFO. Uh oh, we got the forum bada55 (stupid censor) here. First of all, the bolded part made me lol. "dumbed down" isnt a word obviously, its a two word phrase, that happens to make complete sense you idiot. And how the hell isnt suprises a word? Honestly? I just had someone whos 2nd language is english try to correct mine ha. Runescape has been clearly dumbed down, aside from some of the new complicated stuff you said, its dumbed down in every way. I dont even know why i have to explain this. Look at our damn trading system lmao. I guess you cant understand that we buy and sell for set prices 90% of the time (im referring to the GE). And if you dont use the GE theres still a trade limit. The only time you can pk is in set worlds, and in those worlds you can pk anywhere, so no need to even have wilderness in this game anymore. Besides decently strong monsters called revs that you can just run away from i guess. Not suprised though, to kids like you monsters hitting 15s with mage might scare you :( Why don't you shut the hell up? If you even have half a brain, you'll know "dumbed" isn't a word. Stupid idiot. "suprises" isn't a word ffs. Its "surprises". Seriously go to kindergarten please. Its NOT "dumbed down" in every way. WTF. You need to use your brain more. Do you even do quests/play minigames? If you do, you'll know that you have to use your brain more often. The GE doesn't "dumb down" things. Dumb idiot. It makes things easier for players. Who wants to stand in a bank and shout "selling sht 10k ea" for hours? You "enjoy" (my foot) challenges. Standing in a bank shouting isn't a "challenge". WTF.
  23. Agreed. For those idiots who keep saying "why do they choose to limit themselves this way" or whatever. Its their account. Its none of your business how they train, why they want to remain level 3, why they choose to limit themselves, etc. Their choice has absolutely no impact on you, except maybe some slight changes in GE prices, so you have NO right to criticise and discriminate against them. Its their account. Its their life. They choose what they want. Bot ai wonna kil bandoz and i wan gud statz cos i lik 2 kil dey nub This is what I'm seeing from the anti-skiller side >.> I'm not a skiller or "combat-er", more like a balanced account (sort of anyway -.- ). I don't support skilling. In fact I find it pointless. But I find it incredibly ridiculous and stupid that skillers are discriminated for choosing a certain path. Its their life, their account. There's no need for players to criticise and discriminate against them. You are... I am...what? I am stating my own opinion that I find skilling pointless, but I don't criticise people for being skillers. I don't say "You are a noob cause you skill!".
  24. To err is to human. Nobody is perfect. Don't tell me you don't make a single grammatical or spelling mistake. If you're going to criticise my comments on grammar, at least get your own right. To err either 'is to be' or just 'is', not 'is to'. Fair point, yes I could send in corrections (and for the purposes of this response I'll ignore your own mistakes above), but as a reader that's not my job. It's a little like saying J.K. Rowling doesn't need to bother about grammar in her Harry Potter books because the readers can just write back with corrections. :P In my opinion the corrections should be made before 'going to press', especially given many of the errors in this week's articles would be easy to fix. The only reason I comment on errors is because I feel they detract from my reading experience and in fact can often completely ruin a good post. Hah. In your face. Do you think I wouldn't have checked out that the real idiom is "to err is human"/"to err is to be human"? I was just making my point. "To err is to human" is a mistake. So what? I mean what the hell? We're all humans. We make mistakes. Its not like we are perfect.
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