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Everything posted by LitterBug

  1. How does burying bones affect how often you had to bank? Anyhow, what exactly are you looking to gain from this. Your posts/replies had made this a little confusing. -Range/hp exp -Prayer xp -Effigies
  2. According to the news, it should start at 12:00 pm BST - which is 7:00 am EST. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?iso=20110909&p1=136&p2=179 I think that if a mod changed the time, they would at least have the common decency to update it on the news page.
  3. TBH, you probably should be using the stout (m). Especially if it gets you to use up your inventory + your yak's inventory Smelting plate bodies are ~215k xp/hr (for addy - so I'm assuming this is without yaks) (Btw, smelting mithril plate bodies are about as fast as smithing addy 2h/platelegs/kiteshields at 175k xp/hr) TBH, you only need about half an hours worth of dwarven stouts (until you level and end up not needing them) I don't know how much stouts are off the top of my head - but you can always make pl8bodies until you hit 87 smithing again Then you can switch and work on 2h/platelegs/kiteshields This way you can save some money on the stouts
  4. You should be getting the bonus crafting exp. Whether or not it's worth it - is a whole different story.
  5. ...what you normally would to do prepare except things that have large time constraints You could go the GE and start buying stuff -if you need help buying supplies, maybe ask your friends/clanmmates/etc Start making unf pots if you're low on money but want to do herblore (you have 4 hours!) If you're not going to play for a while - I suggest planting trees along with paying the farmers and coming back in a day or so and start off with a tree run If neither of these suit you - you can always try doign a skill that doesn't require any money, i.e. fishing/mining/agility/dungeoneering/etc
  6. You'd want the prom pl8 body (although the primal pl8 is much better) Think about it this way - generally, mages are the ones that dehood you Since they're already magic based - you'd want to protect magic (and therefore grab range defense) Also, platebodys have a LOT better melee defense and no negative melee bonus
  7. Mages can be tricky cause they can a.) reduce your stats which is bad for GDs/room clearing but also if you just so happened to reach a door where you need a certain str to open :( b.) they bind you so you get stuck and attacked more
  8. You worry less but the concerns are still there. There's no real excuses in being negligent/take damage you can avoid without slowing down the floor. Whats your rsn and who exactly do you dg with? --- @OP, you can think of kiting ghosts in DG (or 360s when going for a fire cape) ghosts have a melee attack and a magic attack - if you're not right next to them, they obviously will only use magic. The idea is that you attack them and move one square away before the ghost attacks so you can pray mage and not take any damage.
  9. Where are you dying? If you're dying in puzzle rooms - can you do the puzzle room faster? If you're dying in GDs - are you safe spotting/kiting/etc to mitigate damage? Some other things to think about: -Are you praying correctly? -Are you taking off hoods for some rooms (if you're just running through them to open a door or something) so you're not dehooded in the room after that where there are like 10 rangers and 5 warriors?
  10. Your statement that it would be 5x as likely is not true, as there is much more xp between 75-81 then between 60-75 Have you bothered to actually look up the exp? Do so then come back rather then making pointless posts.
  11. ^While what you say is very valid, most people want guides on new efficient ways to train a skill. Or at least ways in which you can make skilling faster. If you're just saying -chop normal trees -chop willow trees -chop ivy That's not really much of a guide. Especially since most of this stuff can be found just by looking at the Rune Tip It guides Yeah, some people want to be independent and maybe mine their own ores, smelt their own bars, etc - but I would think a large portion of Tip.It is devoted to new interesting ways that cut down the time it takes to level.
  12. Slayer obviously isn't the best if you only want to make money or get charms but it does provide a nice combination of both. The reason everybody advocates training slayer is that there's really no easy way to level it. You should be able to get 99 summoning before 99 slayer (along with familiarisation at rock lob/wfs/black demons every week) and using your charms wisely. And if you train all your skills to near 99, you're going to be spending a lot of time on slayer while not leveling atk/str/def/mage/range/hp and that's kind of a waste.
  13. Yeah, I got a pair of boots (albeit probably pretty early) I only got one boot so far (after playing enough games for void melee helm + elite torso + elite legs + gloves + deflector) all on novice.
  14. My sentiments exactly. Now that they're here and aren't going anywhere - I've just decided to use them to my advantage. I couldn't have gotten turmoil without bots decreasing dbones from >7k to a mere paltry 3k
  15. Grats! All those skills are coming along so fast now D:
  16. 5% of what? From your numbers, it seems that wc with a strung rabbits foot would make it ~5x as likely. Not that I dispute this is anyway, but that looks like either a.) extremely small sample size b.) a very strange property to give the strung rabbits foot
  17. TBH, I've just been working around that issue. It seems that there's not much use in hoping for bots being banned. Yeah, it sucks that some of the best things in the game (black demons for slayer/frosts for money/etc) are so worthless now. What other option do we have? Other then to move forward and use them to your own advantages
  18. Summoning and run energy are barely used. Jagex said they changed prayer so they can release new content and people aren't okay with that? TBH, those who expect amazing updates are expecting too much. The current state of affairs isn't horrible, and there are a few small things that need tweaking. Changing the game too much would be unsustainable and would end up changing it far too much. It looks like Jagex has been making a lot of effort into making the game a lot more exciting. The minigames are giving out hybrid armor, temple trekking became a lot more doable, and quests are spitting out nicer rewards (No more running around for an hour for a measly 5k exp or something)
  19. That depends on how long you're going to play for. Obviously, the longer you play - the less its going to be. I'd take Grimy's number (in the case where it applies - obviously if methods require pack yak, I won't really use it as a basis) and take about 10% off the xp/hr rate just to be safe. This would require that you calculate the xp per hour and what you plan on doing for each hour.
  20. They were saying ~9 hours ish for magic trees to grow. Anybody have any info on spirit trees? Should I just log out and stay out til bxp starts?
  21. Can't you just count hit/misses with the weapon? If the hit of the weapon is a uniform distribution and we know the speed of the weapons --> won't we have accurate information? Of course, we're not accounting for things like overkill, etc
  22. Might be something you want to think about at maxed summoning if you already have void, getting the hybrid armors from PC will result in tons of extra tokens :(
  23. I wouldn't recommend skills like mining and hunter, because it's very likely that spots will be crowded all weekend. Agility might be a bit tough too with bottlenecked obstacles. That pretty much leaves fishing and woodcutting as your best options. ? This is for the mean time. I highly doubt people will power mining iron during the weekend. For Hunter grab some money and head to HH. Pretty sure other people's spawns rates won't affect yours. Obviously, rates are going to suck (without bear/juju hunters/etc) but you're goign to have to deal with it D:
  24. I think 120k can only be achieved with juju hunting potions (if it even gets that high)
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