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Lord Paul

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Everything posted by Lord Paul

  1. Thanks for everything, Ellac! Good luck with getting everything situated.

  2. QFT. At least you are still farming da papaya... I just started.
  3. I like it, Jagex. You make me feel as if you really care about me as an individual. I love [bleep]s sticking their finger in my face. :rolleyes: Though I admit they could be pointing over my shoulder...
  4. You can start here. Just remember that when you get to the point where you start making untradeable potions, it's better to make only those even though it's pretty expensive compared to tradeable pots. You'd hate to get 99 herblore and run out of overloads.
  5. Damn, that's an impressive AHK script. :o Is it just copying each day's total sum into a .txt then checking the current value against the last line? Very cool.
  6. Since it's 4AM, I've only allowed Meredith to edit it (I think so at least). If you have a gmail account, pm it to me and I'll add you to the list of people that can access it. It's a starting point at least. *shrugs* Waterfiends PC Edit: Searched their drop table and added some of their more valuable drops.
  7. I'm fairly certain that Runespan won't give any direct profit at all. iirc, a mod in last week's Q&A said something along the lines that profit will be left to normal runecrafting.
  8. Shoot me a link to it. I'm interested in it as well. My code may not be efficient, but it still works. :P
  9. Yeah, just write down the sum every day and graph it, but that's not automated. Easy enough to do, though.
  10. I don't know of any generic calculator offhand, but it would pretty easy to do a personalized one in Google Docs for ya.
  11. Swamp lizards would be your best bet then if you want profit. I think they are probably pretty close in experience, possibly better for the next few levels over oranges.
  12. Haha Stev, you have the cutest girls.
  13. The class itself is a joke. It's Intro to Computer Science II. I actually petitioned the professor to skip the prereq because it was Game maker, which is utterly useless. :razz: I was really looking forward to this java class, but damn. And yes, he has given us some code that doesn't work. The best is when he gets the kid in class who knows what he's doing to write his code on the board so that we can copy it word for word and then submit that. :shame: I'm sorry, but [bleep] you and your Ph.D
  14. Stupid professors that don't teach shit. Seriously, if I'm going to your class, don't just [bleep]ing put code on the board and have us copy it down and turn it into you; actually explain what the code is doing. That's where I'll be in ~7 hours.
  15. This basically. I did 90-99 at monkey knife fighters while watching a movie having one mouse button. It's crazy easy.
  16. Nope, you have to be "farming" sharks for it to work. :P Not really worth it as fishing sharks are terrible xp and money. I made a post about baron sharks here.
  17. Well if you are going to be banking anyway, superheating is a good idea. Goldsmithing gauntlets don't work on BXP, so you'd be better off smithing them right now. In case you didn't know, superheating does not interrupt the mining process unless you spam click 'superheat item'. As long as you wait for the animation to finish, you can superheat the ores that aren't juju'd away. But, it's not very afk, so if you want to bank everything, then yes, get a yak and urns.
  18. Welcome to the forums! :smile: Now I know that it is a possible to have a surplus of something and be a bad thing. :P
  19. Merching in f2p is obviously different that p2p, but I imagine Water can adapt easily to merching in p2p. I think he posted somewhere how much it cost him for all those 200m's in f2p, which he made by merching, iirc.
  20. Use Titan. And since each dose lasts 5 minutes, I usually take 12 doses, which is enough for the timer on my titan. You should also bring urns, although you'll probably want to alch/drop/superheat+drop otherwise you'll be banking too often even with juju.
  21. Yes [bleep] you world 84 and a few others. It's a pain trying to get on there so I can afk roktails. :thumbdown: It's hit and miss for me. Sometimes I go a few days where I can insta log on, and this morning I tried 4 times and it didn't work.:evil:
  22. Yes, you can use ABP, but if you are F2P you agree not to block advertisements. If you are a member, then by all means use it.
  23. Invest it! Too boring; I'd probably buy this car, which I read about in IEEE. It's a 458 Italia, and from what I can tell, I could snag one for 500k. With the rest of my money, I would buy a nice house and work on a kick-ass home theater and gaming rig. :ugeek:
  24. We all discussed it and decided that it wasn't worthy of being stickied anymore for the reasons that nodie pointed out + a few others. Since patch notes were released, this thread really wasn't receiving much that actually could be considered hidden. We didn't lock it because there still are hidden updates that don't make it into the patch notes. So keep on posting hidden updates. :thumbup:
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