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Everything posted by Imamonkey

  1. Thanks for clearing that up for me Kent. I felt like such a nub not understanding how you were making 1M an hour and I couldn't. Now I feel like one for not understanding how you meant it! I was just guessing your Snapdragons must have magical fairy dust on them or something! :P By the way, great guide. Peace out
  2. In -Kent's guide to Summoning mastery!-, he states "Always plant Snapdragons! They make 1m+ per hour!. Always." Now I realize herb farming can be profitable as it is a method I use myself. I fail to see how Snapdragons make 1m+ an hour though? Am I missing something here? Or is this a misprint by the author? Thanks.
  3. Thanks meme. That did the trick. I started to do that before. Don't know why I didn't? Suppose I should have tried before posting here. Nonetheless, thank you very much!
  4. Okay, so here is the deal. I go hunting and get me twenty stripy feathers from Tropical Wagtails. I then proceed to Al Kharid and tan a hide and make a coif. I then use aforementioned feathers on coif and have me one snazzy feather head dress! Here is where the trouble begins. I go to Pickupstixx or whatever his name is. I ask him to enchant a helmet for me. He then proceeds to tell me that I have no helmet which may be enchanted. So what is the problem here? Do I need twenty feathers from every type of bird that can be hunted? Do stripy feathers not work and it must be twenty from one of the other huntable birds? Thanks in advance for any help.
  5. I was muted for 25 hours for telling someone they had no nuts after a while when this player was acting like a total jack [wagon]. They were talking trash and then started to speak in Spanish. Although I am not Hispanic, I understand Spanish pretty well having grown up in a heavily Hispanic populated community. I told them they had no nuts because they felt it neccesary to call my mother a *itch in Spanish. I know the reason they did was becuase they figured I couldn't understand them. So it is okay to call someones a mother a *itch in Spanish, but you can't tell them they have no nuts after doing so. They reported me and I got muted for 24 hours. I think it is time Jagex mods learn another language before they decide to go around handing out punishments. Or at least investigate and find out what was said. I take it I can say whatever the [bleep] I want to as long as it is not in English?
  6. Okay, so I am doing M. E. Pt2. I pulled the collector and collected a second set of mirrors before I finished the first door and collected the mirrors and cyan crystal from the chest. So now that I figured out I didn't finish the first door, I go and finish it and now when I pull the lever it will not let me collect more mirrors to do the second door. I have two from the chest, but not enough to direct the beam to the second door or the yellow crystal needed for it. Surely there has to be a workaround. I mean surely a stupid little mistake like this will make it so I can't finish the quest?! Any help or advice greatly appreciated! Thanks for any help in advance. Edit: I am so sorry. I figured it out. I feel like such a nub now. I wasn't clicking on the right spot so it was not giving me the option to collect. Man I nubbed out hard!
  7. I don't remember now how long it took me to get it. I do remember it seemed to take more time just getting the bronze one than it did all the others put together. I almost called it quits before I got the bronze. I finally got it, and as said, the others came pretty quickly. Just hang in there, you will get it.
  8. I can't help myself. If I get in trouble it is worth it. You sir, I would like to shoot my cannon straight into your groin.
  9. That's a hard question to answer, especially being on f2p where there isn't as much and everyone is different. This isn't probably the answer you are looking for, but sometimes I just have to quit playing for few days or weeks. I get burned out and have to leave for a while. Then when I come back it is fun again. Sometimes you just burn out and need a break from it.
  10. Ray, give it a rest. I agree with you to a point. I wouldn't want to power mine to get my mining up. That is not the point though. This person is asking the quickest way to power mine. If they want to power mine to get a level up, what is it to you? You sound like a Nazi. As mentioned. People play for different reasons. People enjoy playing different ways. I fail to see how this person wanting to power mine and do it in the most effecient way affects you or your game. This is Help and Advice forum, not Rants.
  11. You can call people idiots and morons but you can't call em a dork. Lovely.
  12. Other people are the exact reason I bought a cannon. To even out the playing field. If you can't beat em, join em.
  13. That annoys me too Shadow. I do emotes occasionally. I find any emote annoying after a while though. Not just what you mentioned. I don't know why, but when people just sit there and do emotes over and over it is annoying. But I have come to this conclusion. There seems to be a lot of people on RuneScape who strive to be annoying. I think some people get more enjoyment out of annoying other players than actually playing the game.
  14. Agreed Frosty. I was thinking pretty much the same thing. Been thinking it for all the years I have played. These pathetic souls could make as much or more money. More than likely more if they would just go do something for it. On top of that, they would be training up a skill and getting better at it, thus being able to make money faster or in better ways eventually. This begging mentality has always baffled me. Edit: Thing is, they would probably make the money quicker by actually doing something for it instead of begging for it.
  15. Similar to what I mentioned in my previous post, I had someone earlier today/yesterday threaten to report me for being a bot. Been up for about twenty hours, so days run together. Haven't played RS in about five hours though. Anyhow. I have seen people that were bots training melee before. It can be rather obvious after a little observation if it is a bot. But seriously, can a bot alch, pick up bones and bury them. Run around sniping and safe spot like a person while ranging? Maybe they can, I wouldn't think so though. Some people are just looking for reasons to report people. I know OP is on the level and am pretty sure not that way. They seem to have more sense than these people that show up, been where you are and already talking about reporting you after only being around for thirty seconds. But I just didn't feel like talking to this person. I am real anal about the first thing someone says to me. And when they say it, I will not talk to them period usually. I know this is slightly off topic, but I get it a lot. Because I don't talk a lot. But then a lot of people, the first thing out of there mouth grinds my nerves, even though it really shouldn't probably. So, being as there are so many idiots on the game I get that threat a lot. To be reported for being a bot that is.
  16. As I believe someone else has already mentioned, and I agree. What does honor have to do with it? The way I see it, on a PvP world, everyone is like a monster. You are there to kill or be killed. Regardless if you are minding your own business and peacefully cutting yews. You go to a PvP world because you think you can get more yews for example. Other people are there to kill people. You are fair game. You moan about it because you want it to be easy. You attempt to make pkers feel shame over it so you can have easy going. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. Hearing people whine about it gives me half a mind to go hang out at training spots and attempt to kill skillers. :idea: Edit: If you seriously think about it, if pkers left the skillers alone, then places such as the yews at Edgeville would become just as crowded as on other worlds. So you have your choice. Deal with more woodcutters or deal with people out to kill you.
  17. I don't think anyone said anything about skillers not playing on PvP worlds? More to the effect of stick a bottle in your mouth when get killed instead of whining about it.
  18. I have been known to play for 24 hours or longer. But not days on end at a time. You can usually tell if it is a person or bot though. As mentioned, some of these bots just act in a way a person wouldn't tend to. I have been accused of being a bot plenty of times though because I don't talk. I can't stand this. Sometimes I feel like there are people on the game just trying to come up with ways to get rid of other players. Whether it be they are just jealous, or just drinking to much hater-aide period. Sometimes I just don't feel like talking. Sometimes I just don't feel like talking to that particular person.
  19. I have never been a pker. My opinion. Everyone on a PvP world is free game. It has nothing to do with honor. It is for people to fight/kill other players. The way I see it, the only reason someone would say it is cowardice or such is because they won't to be able to say for instance chop yews without competition from other woodcutters and make the pkers feel bad because they can't do it. Nonsense. You take the risk to have a less crowded spot to train/make money. Don't get mad because other players are doing exactly what the world is there to do. Quit whining because you expect it to be easy and you find it isn't. You go on PvP to skill, you accept the risk that goes along with it. From a non-pker. Don't talk trash about pkers that are doing what a world is designed for.
  20. I get chicks asking me to be their bf all the time...because my pixels are so hot :!:
  21. I thought I heard something. Oh well, musta been the wind.
  22. I said nothing of it being a conspiracy. Ffs. But funny how I can almost always beat out someone when I range. And can get beat out a lot by rangers or mages when I melee. And I think a lot of others will agree with that. Lord forbid you have to choke on your pride and go back on your latency theory. Not saying that doesn't have an effect on it. But this happens consistently day in and day out to a majority. So it is possible that there is some kind of priority in there somewhere. Not saying there is. But years of an observation by many, not a few, would lead to thinking there are other factors besides connection and how much the player is paying attention. But I do understand you know it all. There is no way your facts are just that, the facts. There is no possible way it could deviate at all from what you said. Why you ask. Cause your word is law and final. and just because you roll like that. Edit: Also, why do people feel the need to quote so much in this forum. I can understand when your replying to a post on another page on the thread or even several posts back. But seriously. When you are replying to the last post, I think most people can usually follow without so many freaking quotes. Does everyone here doubt everyone elses comprehension and the ability to follow dialogue?
  23. I want to know one thing. How do you cater to a pure then if Jagex hates them or is unfair to them. Just how do you cater to someone like this. Instead of just throwing out a random [bleep] without some hard proof Jagex hates them, how do they cater to you? Kinda like I have said before. I won't us my combat skill to help out a level three if he is getting slaughtered. I will sit there and watch him die. Bless his grave. Now why would I use a totally useless skill to help someone out? Why you ask? Well obviously to them combat is a useless skill. So why would I use my combat to help them when they themselves find it useless. Now I help out multiple people daily I don't even know. I train in an area that is fairly heavily visited by people on a quest. And a lot of them do need help. Hey, even if there combat is low, I gladly go out of my way to cover their backside because at least they obviously took the effort to get some combat levels. Are you catching my drift. You chose that. Edit: Besides, what is so special about a level three? I assume OP is level three by the name. Be original for once in your life. Everyone has a level three. Do something different.
  24. Ffs and lol.. I skipped clear from page 2 to here. I couldn't take it anymore. It appears there is only one person it the whole game who knows everything and pays attention. What is wrong with all these meleers not paying attention. I mean an observation that I have seen over and over boils down to nobody in the game is just paying attention? So, you know who I am talking about. You know all this to be fact, your high faluting dazzling bs and all. So you know for a fact there is nothing it in the coding or something that does give range or mage and advantage at first strike? I am not saying there is. But having looked around, you really need to come down to the planet. So you work for Jagex and know that there is nothing in this coding or something. I mean observations by the majority of players go against your bs. So seriously, tech talk sounds good, but.........Quit trying to be so damn impressive all the time and come down here with the rest of us on planet earth. I would joke here now or something, but we all know there is no place for joking on TIF boards, now is there? Lighten up. Btw, I have been training range the last several days myself. Yes, I hate training range and mage. Mage does have some pretty cool spells once you start getting it up there though. Especially when you have all three spell books. Both blow goat balls as far as training if you ask me. Edit: you know the old saying? "If you can't dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with BS". You do a good job at working both sides of that one. Before long no one will even be able to rant anymore without fear on a lesson in particle physics or something else off the wall. Anytime I want to improve my connection I will just range, cause I obviously have a better connection whenever I do.
  25. This may sound like a stupid question, but I am going to ask anyway. If you have done the quest, can you get your kill count on F2P?
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