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Everything posted by Imamonkey

  1. Been a while but I think you can just use tinderbox on burners with the marrentil in your inventory. And you do actually have burners, right? They are not put there when you build the altar. You have to build them separately. Two completely different objects.
  2. Imamonkey


    I personally chose melee because I am more of a hack and slash type player. Nothing to do with which is dominant. I will choose hack and slash over everything else in any game I play. Always have, always will. Maybe you just aren't a true mage type player. Maybe you are clotheset hack and slasher and don't know it. From my experience in this game I fear mages over any other combat style. So I think you are just wanting to fix what ain't broke in hoping said attempt would make dominant without a doubt over other styles. And you keep bring up meleers having to use range equipment or this or that. Exactly, they are having to adapt and use equipment not intended for them. I suggest you adapt or continue to suck at maging.
  3. I will keep that in mind. Of course I am sure I will have to test the theory myself. You know how that goes.
  4. Thanks Dank, I was kind of thinking along those lines. I wasn't really thinking about how many it was going to take me. I made this post this morning before I left the house so I figured I would have a couple of replies by the time I got back home. I don't know why I was thinking it wouldn't take long like you said, but after you mentioned it and I checked the skill calculator I figure it would take me at least a month playing pretty hardcore everyday to achieve it. I imagine I will set my goals at one to two levels at a time with said strategy till I achieve it. I may not be able to play very much and it will more than likely be f2p when I can after about a month anyway. I figure I will spend my time more wisely doing things that are gonna benefit me more due to upcoming circumstances and having to be f2p. Making runes for teleporting and superheating and such and a few other loose odds and ends to tie up. But now I go my plan for when I make the go and don't have to ask then. Thanks I suppose people can still post, but I think I pretty much have my game plan together.
  5. Just in case you come back to read, and you are going to woodcut and burn for firemaking. Not sure what decision you are making, but I am glad I could be of help to you. The reason I say oaks is they are faster than willows and sell for more. I feel you will still get more maples by cutting oaks and selling them to get the maples than if you cut the maple themselves to burn because the maples are going to be that much slower to cut. Yews, because they sell for enough that even though they are slower you can buy a lot of maples with what you can sell the yews for. I wouldn't burn the yews, while they are better experience, the maples you could buy with the money made from them is going to be a lot more firemaking experience than if you burnt the yews. I suppose I should have clarified my reasoning a little more in previous posts. Either route you choose, good luck to you and have fun playing.
  6. From 92 to 99 fishing and not cooking and selling raw. What is gonna be the best mix between being profitable and quick. While I know fly fishing in shilo would be the quickest probably, I am pretty sure it is definitely the most profitable. I am looking for a mix of quick and good profit margin. Thinking sharks would be the best profit wise but maybe a little to slow over something else that would still be decent profit but quite a bit quicker. All sane and rational input is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  7. Yep. Remember wasting all that time maybe an hour to get something before you get it when you could have been doing something else? Remember trading with someone and then they want to haggle even after they stated the price they were selling for? Remember world 1 and 2 being so crowded you couldn't even find the person forever even though you could see them yelling out their wares. Remember them being so crowded you couldn't tell what the hell was going on! Good times indeed.
  8. Imamonkey


    Maybe I am misunderstanding, but I think some of those high leveled Ancient spells are pretty damn sweet! I don't think the problem here is that Magic is absurdly underpowered. I think you want it so overpowered that there is no competition for you. I think you don't want to have to adapt to the other people that are adapting. You are lazy and you don't want to have to worry about using anything but your robes and a staff. Good luck with that one. Adapt, take the advice given, or get over it.
  9. Whacka Noob That name makes me laugh. I think I have seen them around before!
  10. This user has made 54 posts <---- RSOF Pretty much all for either buying or selling items. Only time I ever really user their forums.
  11. I can't think of one particular spot at the moment. I am sure at one time I have been somewhere I have said "man, I just love this spot." But I do tend to favor any spots that are secluded or where I am by myself when I am training. I used to like being around people on the game, but not so much anymore.
  12. If I had every cape. I guess I would wear the one that looked best with the rest of my garb, regardless of which cape that would be. I am not real big on looks. But If I can match stuff up then all the better. Of course if one would give me an advantage to whatever I was doing I would go with that cape.
  13. I really don't know, but I would say as long as they are planted they should be working their magic? That would make sense to me. But that is just a guess.
  14. One of my level 3 skillers must control the Amulet of Accuracy market then. For whatever reason I started collecting them. I mean, what else is there to do for a level 3 skiller except collect something no one else does. I remember paying no more than 1k for all of them. All of the sudden I noticed them going up several months back. I did quit buying them because I thought they were getting a little to expensive. But I went from spending oh about 10 million to now having 50 million in Amulet of Accuracy. I by no means was trying to do this. Don't even know if I could sell them all. Kinda crazy knowing my level 3 has 50 million in a fairly unwanted item though. I know this is a bit off topic. Cheers. Edit: I actually have several accounts that I collected Amulets of Accuracy on besides the level 3 one too. It always made me wonder if I was single handedly responsible for the [bleep]e in price on them. Didn't do it intentionally, I just like them for whatever reason. Just one of those things. Some people like collecting certain things. For me it was always Amulets of Accuracy. I guess because to an extent, they were rare seeing as how you could only get one on any given account. Needless to say, I have stopped collecting them, but I have no intentions of selling the ones I have.
  15. If you go the woodcutting route, I am going to say that cutting oaks then selling them and buying maples with the money is a better route to go than cutting willows or maples. Or once you can cut yews reasonably to cut them and sell them for maples.
  16. To be called a SS nub or a whip nub because my weapons suck. What a glorious day that will be for RuneScape!
  17. I always just use full Torags, whip and rune defender. Been so long now since I have even trained combat, but I don't think I pray against them, but my combat stats are a bit higher than yours. I pretty sure I was using sharks though. I do remember them being pretty tough even with my higher combat stats, and the fact I was using no prayer. But I was getting a full inventory of drops. If I can get a full inventory of drops using sharks, it makes sense to me to just eat instead of praying. I suppose what you are doing at the moment is as good as any unless someone has good suggestions on ranging or maging them.
  18. Looking again at your skills it makes me wonder why you are going for a 99 Firemaking cape. The reason I ask is if it were me I would be more interested in being a more balanced player. If you are trying to get it just because you don't want to be called a noob for not having one, maybe you should rethink exactly why you are playing? I have right at 1900 skill total on my current account and not a single skill cape. I could care less what other people think. I play the way I want to play. If you really just want it then go for it by all means. But don't let others dictate how you play. It is sad. With the attitude of the general population of RuneScape players these days, it seems like people think they have to go out right away and get a skill cape because you are a noob or are not cool if you don't. Seems to me you have to many people playing for everyone else instead of just playing "your game". By the way, I have 72 firemaking and it is one of my lowest skills. I got it all from cooking and cremating corpses. I have never just went out and burned logs to train it. And I still have a somewhat decent firemaking level.
  19. I personally find firemaking for the most part a useless skill. It has some uses such as pyre logs for cremating corpses. Then there is the Adze, but isn't it just a tool to get firemaking experience. I wouldn't set a goal for 99 at your level either, unless you are really that dedicated. I couldn't train one skill from what your firemaking level is to 99. I am patient but not that patient. I see you don't have the woodcutting level to chop yews. I would cut oaks then sell them. With the money I got from oaks I would buy maples to train firemaking. You will have less maples then you had oaks, but you will still come out on top as far as the firemaking experience. Oaks sell for more than willow, maples are better firemaking experience than either. Personally at the level you have I would set my goal a little lower. But you do what you feel. Just because you set it at 99 and don't get it right away isn't bad. But it feels good when you set a goal and achieve it. Maybe set it at 72 so you can do beacon network and get the ring and gloves for more firemaking experience?
  20. It doesn't take a genious to see that pretty much the whole fiirst page of this board is nothing but bumped threads from several months ago. And to see that it is the same two or three people bumping them all. Sure, I could have my two cents to throw in about every thread on these forums. Funny how it is all old threads. How come these couple of people have nothing to say about the more current threads? Aren't we carrying nice a little to far by trying not to hurt a couple of peoples feelings here who are obviously doing this to be annoying?
  21. Have to go with Pirates. Your Ninjas fail. I saw them. Guess they don't make the cut. First you tell us they can't be seen, then they are clearly seen. It is a trick of the Ninja. For the easily swayed. Besides. I think the Pirate is kind of smashing myself!
  22. Wow A 12 year old called peace/chunked deuce/bowed out gracefully, and you still had to get the last word in and try and to debate/argue with them. Very interesting. I suck at grammar myself. So I guess it makes it easy for the argument I give. I can't stand l337 speak. I don't see what the hell is so lol about every dang thing. I don't like r for are u for you and so on. I feel is someone is obviously making a half decent attempt to spell correctly and can speak well enough to get their point across, then just let it slide. But yeah, all that plox and crap like that needs to go as far as I am concerned. I am kind of like someone else earlier mentioned. I will not even do business with people who talk like that. If it means losing out on a really good deal I still don't deal with them.
  23. Wow, you just now noticing the rants forum! Or as I would like to call it, "The Glorious Past"! Isn't it lovely!
  24. I usually try to beat them at their own game. I usually win. But if you don't you have to know when to leave or you just end up wasting your time. And don't let them draw you into their mindless arguments which this type of player is almost assuredly going to start with you. By the way. The amount of grave digging going on tonight is most refreshing and utterly thought provoking and most keen and really awakens the senses and.......... Edit: It's like I am reliving Tip.It from three months ago. Deja Vu, Am I in another demension? Freaky and awesome and all that weird stuff!
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