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Everything posted by Cruiser

  1. 1) Rencoding full DVDs to the iPod format will take quite a while to do (hours) 2) Ripping said DVDs is technically 'illegal' because you're cracking the encryption used to prevent copying.
  2. Have you actually run the virus scans suggested? Your replys make it sound like you havn't.
  3. I thought finding 2 links in a sticky was easy. :? Adaware's download page. Spybot's download page. Install both, reboot to safe mode (instructions from other reply), log into the admin account displayed, and run scans with *both* Adaware and Spybot. Removing what they come up with is generally a good idea. Both perform backups of things they remove so you can restore them if needed, but it shouldn't be needed. Just forget the hijack this log for now. :P
  4. Thank you for such insightful help. We shall promote you to head techie immediately. :wall: Having up to date java is worthless if you can't load the website to get to the game. He's also already using Firefox if you had bothered to look at the image for more than 2 seconds. ---------- The image looks like some kind of ISP proxy error. It isn't Jagex's 404 page either. :? Do you use some kind of dialup or web accelerator?
  5. Does this happen with any other graphically intensive game? Never had any other problems with the card? What kind of card is it? Latest drivers for said card?
  6. - Editted - Bad mood - Doing a little more than linking 'click here' would be nice... --------- Running Adaware and Spybot S&D in safe mode would be the first thing to try. One or both will most likely be able to remove it. Links are in the How to protect your computer sticky. To boot to safe mode, press and hold F8 before the windows loading screen appears, select an option to load (any will do if you install Adaware and Spybot before hand) and run the scans once you log in. Posting a hijack this log to look over would be useful too.
  7. If you'd bother loading it and looking at it, it also owned and run by Sun MicroSystems, who also happen to own and run http://java.sun.com. Java.com is no different. It's the exact same company (Sun), it hosts the exact same installers and more than likely runs out of the same set of racks as the http://java.sun.com website. Nitpicking the url to the exact same set of installers is a waste of time...
  8. mIRC is a client used to connect to an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server. The chat built into SS is an extremely basic IRC client, like mIRC, but without all the bells and whistles. The SS irc client does the same basic things though by connecting and letting you send messages. The Tip.It java chat is also the same basic idea, just built for use on websites instead of as a stand alone client. Connecting to an IRC server from mIRC, SS or a java chat makes no difference, you're still connecting to the same place, just with a different window in front of you. The server you connect to doesn't care as long as it can communicate with whatever program you're using.
  9. The discs themselves are unlimited, it's the keys that come with the disc/machine that have a limited number of uses (technically). After a certain number of installations with a key, you will have your activation rejected and will have to call up MS to explain the install and get activated. That usually just involves telling them you formatted and you'll get activated. You can use any XP disc with a matching XP key. Any home disc will let you install any home key and so on. It's the activation that matters.
  10. If people had common sense and you didn't get infected in the first place, you wouldn't need to be out advocating how great NOD32 is over the others. Running any of the mentioned AV programs in this thread (Avast, Nod32, Kaspersky, AVG) is a good start. Trying to change their mind for already make a decent choice doesn't help the problem.
  11. C:\recyclers is part of the recycling bin. Empty the recycling bin and it should clean them out. If you haven't already, you should run your virus scan and adware scans in safe mode (press F8 before windows starts loading). Using safe mode only loads essential windows processes so the virus/spyware doesn't start and can be removed.
  12. Booting from a liveCD is useless if he doesn't already know how to fix it. If he already knew how to fix it, he wouldn't be here asking. Your best bet if you're going back to running just windows (and this is only if you truly only want windows to boot) is to run fixboot and fixmbr from the Windows install disc (the recovery console). This will wipe whatever boot loader you had installed and will reinstall the default windows loader while not touching your actual Windows install and data. Edit: I guess I was too slow. :XD:
  13. Virus scan? Spyware scan (Adaware, Spybot S&D)? You should run both if you haven't already. :?
  14. If you navigated to it from the RuneScape home page, you will still have their stupid domain masking hiding the URL, so you bookmarked 'runescape.com' instead of the real URL of the guide. Here is the actual url: http://kbase.runescape.com/viewcategory.ws?cat_id=884 If you're using firefox, you can get these URLs by middle clicking links (clicking with the scroll wheel) or by right clicking, going to 'This Frame >' and selecting 'Open this from in new tab'. Either one will break you out of the stupid frames Jagex uses and will show you the real URLs of the pages you're on. I don't know of the equivalent of this in IE since I rarely use it anymore.
  15. We already went threw this with this thread, which is still on the top quarter of the front page...
  16. Java.com. The latest is version 5 update 10. You can usually find your current version in "Add/Remove Programs" in the control panel.
  17. You can't "uninstall" IE6 because it's so woven into the OS itself. You can remove the shortcuts and access to it, but it's still installed. Truly removing it will break a lot of things and is way too involved for most people around here. Why would you want multiple IE windows open in the first place? Using tabs in one window is much more organized. :? Opening several IE windows at once may be eating a lot or resources and made worse by whatever she is loading into them (Flash/Shockwave stuff, java, ect).
  18. Every router on the planet can run on it's own, without a cd. The CDs packaged with them are generally watered down tools for the people that have absolutely no clue what they are doing. Doing as parabola said and finding the default IP for the router to log into and configure things would be the best way to go about getting things set up. You'd probably be even better off calling up/asking the family or neighborhood geek to help you out. The CDs are generally worthless, I know the one that came with my Linksys WRT54GS was...
  19. 1) If the 2 sticks came in the same package, they will be the exact same type/brand/speed. 2) You need to know what kind of RAM your machine currently supports before adding more to it. 3) Dual-channel generally only works with matched sticks of RAM (Like the 2 that came in her package). Using 2 different brands/speeds will throttle both to the slowest of the 2.
  20. It isn't perfect, but it does the job rather well. Even if it can't correct your spelling it can at least point out that it doesn't know the word, leaving you to look it up as needed. Using the built in Firefox spell check also saves server resources since it doesn't have to run your text threw the server for spelling (or send you a huge dictionary script for checking). Changing 'layout.spellcheckDefault' to 2 in about:config will force spell checking of single line text fields too. :mrgreen: Said Firefox spell check corrected me 3 times during this reply. :lol:
  21. Coding to learn is definitely a good thing, there's just much easier ways to do what you did using other methods. :P
  22. If that's the case a simple switch or router would be much easier than trying to hack together a proxy on machines in the same house. If the two are already set up as a small network, throwing a router or switch in and dropping the proxy would save headaches all around.
  23. My first and only question, why are you connecting to your friends line to browse the net when you apparently have a working connection of your own? Creating a proxy to a friends house when you have a net connection of your own is a pointless waste of resources. :?
  24. The exact same thing can be done with Reload Every, a new Firefox tab and no annoying external files.
  25. Knowing the argumentative hell that the last attempt at removing it became, it wouldn't last long before Albosky started beating his head against the wall because of all the whining over that stupid number. As rick said, tryed and failed, not much has changed since that last attempt either.
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