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Everything posted by cocacolabottle

  1. Wow, took them long enough, someone must have finally talked some sense in their heads.
  2. Banned for having a drunken rabbit signature :wall:
  3. Wow that's just scary :o Mrmyk?
  4. The day my parents told me they were getting a divorce.. We just had a nice dinner and all of the sudden they just drop this freakin bomb on me and expect me to just be fine with it.. Oh the joy of packing all your stuff and moving every week again :? On top of that when we just arrived at my moms house and were unloading my stuff some sad person must have taken my 1 month old Fender Telecaster guitar out of the trunk, because it wasn't there when I came for the next load..
  5. Name - Stefan Age - 17 Country - Belgium City/Town - Katelijne Sports played/followed - Skateboard. Music Taste - Classic Rock 'n Roll Some favourite bands - Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Deep Purple, Metallica. Instruments played - Accoustic/Electric Guitar Belief Inclination - I believe in myself. Hobbies/Other Interests - Skateboard, guitar, designing anything. Ideal Travel Location - Barcelona. Future Aspirations/Career Aspirations - Have a succesfull band, bring back classic Rock, and tour around the world.
  6. Wake up at 10, eat some toast with eggsalad while watching a Led Zeppelin DVD, play a little accoustic guitar. Then at 1 pm take out my skateboard an magically teleport to the Marseille bowls in France and cruise there for a few hours. Then magically appear back in good Ol Belgium, pack my guitar and way too heavy amplifier, have a van pull up outside my door, drive me to my friends house and have a good jam session. Go back home, take a hot bath (preferably not alone). Then meet up with friends at the French fries place and eat till we can't eat no more, then have a late night skate session at the local miniramp and doze off under the clear sky that's filled with stars.. .
  7. Some easy songs to learn the basic chords are "Born In The Usa" by I don't know who, and "Hard Times" by The Scabs. If you're looking for easy songs to learn the notes try Smoke On The Water by Deep Purple, One by Metallica, Come As You Are by Nirvana, .. Those are the ones I started with back in the day :) Good luck with playing, maybe someday I'll see you play some Zeppelin songs on Youtube :P .
  8. They can get a Black Mark for misuse of Customer Service if they report you falsely.. So the jokes on them really.
  9. I am yeah, when I get on the computer I usually read the Achievements first, then General p2p for about 15 minutes, then I log on, play for 5 minutes, get bored, and read the rest of the categories :oops: .
  10. If you need this to make you feel famous, sure then.
  11. Not really, but I hardly even play anymore anyways.
  12. Collecting all the items is a pain, and quests itself are pretty much walking from one person to another all the time..
  13. Don't think they will ever be completely gone, but there will always be less and less of them. Lots of theories going on now that Jagex is banning all the huge partyhat stakers to get rid of the rares, allthough I personally believe that they got banned for the correct reason (IRL trading).
  14. If you're a real skateboarder, you don't give a [cabbage] about what other people think about you. Don't even have to skate tbh
  15. First day the new Treasure Trail items came out, I was doing my clue in the wilderness lvl 22 something, when all of the sudden I see 3 or 4 people come storming at me; I'm being DDS'ed, Barraged, Ranged, .. And couln't teleport because I was above lvl 20 wilderness.. Then before I know it I'm in Falador, but whaddaya know I still have all my items, good thing I wore a Ring of Life :P Guess that's one of the luckyest moments I've had.
  16. Page and Hendrix have 2 completely different styles of guitarplaying, Hendrix ' songs are always Bluesy and kinda always the same, while Page's were more warm and feel-good kinda stuff. There's really no comparing, allthough I know who's my favorite *points to sig* And btw there's more to Jimmy Page then just the STH solo #-o On a sidenote, remember that Hendrix busted 2 little girls heads before he died.. :shame: #-o
  17. Freaky story, but one time at my friends 18th birthday party at around 3am something, we were all beat and were sitting in the sofa staring at the ceiling. I could've sworn that I saw a black fog move from one end of the ceiling to the other, now I was pretty drunk and tired, and nobody else saw it, but still :-k Makes you wonder..
  18. Yeah, heard Boulala is in coma #-o Their own fault for driving without a helmet though.. Anyways yeah I've been skating for 7 years now, been sponsored a few times but didn't like entering contests so left.
  19. ROFLMAO :lol: :lol: I laughed sooo hard, man that sounds funny :lol: Anyways grats :(
  20. Nothing as relaxing as playing some clean guitarriffs.
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