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Everything posted by ilovecuttingyews

  1. Found this on the unofficial wiki. "In the same 'Around the Campfire' Q&A BTS Video Mod Mark states that Jagex plans to release a few weeks after RS3 but no confirmed date has been given." So I guess August would make sense.
  2. Does someone have a source on the claim that Divination is due out in August? All I remember hearing is "some time this summer" which, according to the astronomical seasons, only ends on September 21.
  3. The new Duke options. And last weeks winning option
  4. 2076 cows killed per minute. 2000 by bots. 76 by players. Only kinda joking, though botwatch has emptied the most botted spots I've found. I think he's sarcastically referring to how it cost them in excess of 42M GBP to create (floor value based on minimum wage).
  5. Maybe it's because I don't do combat and therefore don't have to switch tabs quickly, but I actually prefer the NIS. Though it is a tad annoying having to press [enter] every time I switch back to the chat tab. It's always quite the shock when I look up from typing to see half a dozen new interfaces open.
  6. I don't know about P2P but a huge xp lamp would take a good 6+ hours in F2P. At no level could that be considered anywhere worth it, even if you hate the skill.
  7. Yeah, this is just the first week of years worth of content. I fully expected this out of the first one. If you have a vision of what you would like to see out of a world event, hop on over to the suggestions subforum on the RSOF and make a thread. With likely years of war coming up, I'm sure jagex would be open to suggestions.
  8. Yes. Dragging the chat icon out of the all chat creates a new window. It's a bit too invasive since it has the full window design, but it works nonetheless.
  9. I bought all these a while ago to hold in hopes of a bot nuke. I got impatient and ended up selling them all for 116-118 each. Well, with RS3 coming up it seems Jagex has been going hard against bots lately. Went to buy a nat today to check the price and...imadbro.
  10. Oh wow, that really does suck. It is interesting to learn more about Chatwatch though. You could try emailing Jagex and explain to them the situation. A maxed account being muted as a spambot just doesn't sit right.
  11. Chat in my regular FCs. Chat with friends. Mute spambots. And more recently, wait for RS3 and the new skills.
  12. Enter all resource dungeons (hard). Defeat every boss (different tiers up to elite).
  13. Oh....I was using ' instead of `. It works now, thanks.
  14. It wasn't working for me earlier today either.
  15. Glad they made html5 open to free players as well. Looking forward to getting home from work to experience 5fps for the first time since I got my new PC a year ago.
  16. I keep my private chat open for a number of reasons and I can tell you that I've been called all sorts of nasty things by random people via PM. It could be called 'direct chat' in the sense that it's not always private conversations between friends.
  17. That comes from a jagex mod post a while back when they said essentially "we have methods to ensure the number of discontinued items remains constant" in a thread discussing banned accounts and rares on the rsof. I'll look for it once I get home but it is likely gone.
  18. They'd hardly be the first company to hire contract employees and then let them go when the project was finished. But doesn't Jagex use a proprietary coding language? I don't know how different RuneScript is from other languages, but training 20 contractors would be a significant investment in itself.
  19. Depends how you define wealth though. If it's by the GE value of all your items, then he's no better or worse off than before. If it's the street value of all your items, he's up ~4B. If you consider your wealth as the amount of capital you have in GP or items you're willing to sell for GP, then he's down ~2B.
  20. Sorry forgive my ignorance here but what are these scripts used for exactly and why do you feel the need to declare them as 'legal'? I have never used AHK (auto hotkeys) so I don't have first hand knowledge but from what I gather, it's a program that allows you to program different functions for any key on your keyboard. It can be as simple as "press-x to click" and as complex as "press-x to search the screen for npc's, look for available ones and attack" or beyond. Jagex has stated it's legal so long as you follow the 1 input = 1 output rule meaning is you click a key, it does 1 click ingame such as rightclick, and as long as you use relative movements (click x to move cursor down 10 pixils) rather than definite (click x to engage quickprayers, regardless of the cursor's starting point). In this way, it's essentially just a more useful form of mousekeys. Hedgehog can declare them as legal because she (she, right?) likely has access to the code for all of the official scripts offered on the XPW website and can verify that they don't break the 2 rules put forward by Jagex.
  21. I'm pretty sure it was removed from the report interface because there's no real way for a player ingame to tell someone is sharing accounts unless they openly admit to it, in which case a report under "encouraging rule breaking" or "disruptive behaviour" is more apt, depending on the context.
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