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Everything posted by ilovecuttingyews

  1. GP dupe would make phats rise. Phat dupe would make phat prices fall. Last large GP dupe, phats went up something like 40% in a day.
  2. Why would we be mad? That just makes you a pansy who doesn't stand up to the mods, and just lets them roll over you. I have no problem with being rolled over by Kim or Tripsis :wink: :wink: :wink: Maybe even Kaida on a good day <3:
  3. I'm actually slightly surprised that it's only 25%. I do welcome the weekend without bots.
  4. I once bought 5 Monopoly Dollars for $5CAD. Does that mean Monopoly money is worth real money? Just because someone spends money on something doesn't mean in inherently has a monetary value.
  5. I propose we call the modern game by the name of the last update. Who want's to go play "The Nexus" with me? Honestly though, the naming convention is fine as is - Runescape Classic, Old-School Runescape, and Runescape. Naming the entire game after one update just doesn't work in a game that includes weekly updates. Naming the three versions of the game on relative temporal differences makes more sense. Another thought I have is, why do we need to keep OSRS from dying? While I didn't especially like that Jagex created OSRS, I did acknowledge that if people wanted to play it, it could work. The big problem I have is how much effort Jagex put into pushing it through artificially (lowering number requirements, offering free access in exchange for "yes" votes, etc). If OSRS is dying now, let it die. There's no sense in pushing so hard to keep it on life support.
  6. I can see it now... Getting spammed by the world news with RWTing gamblers getting 99 Divination an hour after release.
  7. I got a diamond while mining a rune ore in F2P. Examine says something to the effect of "login in P2P to use this". Does anyone know if the ores come like gems (chance every swing) or if there is a chance every time you get an ore? And do better ores give higher chances (EDIT: just got 193 in one hour powermining ess)?
  8. Here's a copy of my spreadsheet I have for such questions. Obviously the tests were done as realistic maximums, so no bots (foreign language worlds) and at higher levels (level at the time of test in brackets) but it should hopefully give you an idea on where to start. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqAjqwBrJ8opdGRIWlh6SXRKclB3bEcwZFNyQTVMTkE&usp=sharing
  9. You also have to realize that the crew working on this are likely at home asleep. I don't know about Jagex's internal structure, but I would assume the night shift is more concerned with keeping the servers running than content development.
  10. Looks like Bob's island. I think you can get there via fairy rings with C-I-S. You could try it and see if you can see the altar.
  11. I know they asked you all to not show the interfaces, but I'm just SO curious about how the default settings look in comparison to now. EDIT: Sniped by Fallstar. Looks like the defaults are the same as they are now. Do the reflections off the water move naturally? Because the picture just looks a little silly with the random white patches on the water.
  12. It's not proof per se but I've seen a fairly reduced number in f2p with the exception of spambots which have increased a ton since there is no more trial p2p. But just skilling bots are down from my experience.
  13. The problem with that idea is that Runescape is 12 years old. Over the last few years Jagex has seen a steady decline in players which says to me (and probably them) that it's not so much individual updates that make players leave, but the game becoming more outdated every year thus gaining fewer and fewer new players. To keep up with the competition the NEED to have massive overhauls to avoid being left in 2007. I agree, small fixes are awesome, but that's not what lures in and keeps new players.
  14. Don't worry though. Thanks to the wonders of MS paint, my signature is now up to date.
  15. Yeah, the OCD in me was already going nuts seeing 5/80, let alone those randomly spaced yellow obstructions.
  16. When they first announced HTML5 someone here mentioned it would make catching bots easier. Any merit to this?
  17. Was this recently that you heard it? Because there have been rumours about this kind of things for years now. The only way I see it working would be limiting it to friends/clan chats. Public voice chat would be an absolute mess.
  18. Yes, a lot of people moved to OSRS, but to say that the majority moved there because of a dislike of EOC is not entirely true. Some did, but many also would have done so regardless of whether or not EOC was released. It all comes back to nostalgia being such a powerful driver of our choices. As well, momentum is not new. It was tweaked recently, yes, but it would have likely been tweaked regardless of OSRS being successful. Jagex knows they released EOC before it was done, and they're doing a lot of work listening to the community to find out how to improve it.
  19. To different extents though. Probably enough to run RS I would assume. http://html5test.com...ts/desktop.html
  20. I was brand new at the time, so I don't recall - did they call the first conversion 'RS2' in the beta? I highly doubt they'll end up calling it RS3. Likely just Runescape, old school Runescape, and Runescape classic. Looks awesome though.
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