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Everything posted by ilovecuttingyews

  1. I don't care about the whole 'no gambling' thing as much as the social impacts it had on the game. It turned the W7 ge microcommunity I had spent years nurturing into rubble within weeks. If you want to gamble in a dark secluded corner of the internet be my guest, but gambling had destroyed enough of the community that an all out ban makes me very happy to reclaim the W7 ge as a social gathering place, not a gambling hotspot.
  2. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqAjqwBrJ8opdGRIWlh6SXRKclB3bEcwZFNyQTVMTkE&usp=sharing These figures are based on high levels, but should give you a general idea.
  3. I'm sure they have that sort of info already as they've posted unique logins before when talking about population numbers. What I see it as is a way of seeing the proportion of people that read the update and are willing to take part. They could have done the check on something like a quest but there are always requirements that prevent some people from bothering. So this way they can see just how many people are willing to put in nothing more than two seconds to take part.
  4. I've only ever trained through superheating, though I'm sure it's possible that with the changes from EOC, combat mage could be at least a little tempting.
  5. Cbb to read the whole thread, but if you like gambling go play online poker or something else designed with the sole purpose of giving you the gamblers rush you so desire. It gives me great pleasure to see gambling being systematically removed from the game.
  6. Jagex has been cracking down on non-game related spam including gambling spam. It may rustle a few feathers, but I much prefer not having my chat filled with "h/c - 2x" for hours a day.
  7. Most anoying part of the update is that all my P2P skills now say 5/80. Curse you Jagex! Don't you know some of us are OCD about our skills?!?!?
  8. Remember, this quest only had a 140 cb requirement. It was grandmaster for the lore, not necessarily for the difficulty. EDIT: sniped
  9. Honestly, Jagex isn't going to give F2P very much. They'll open Taverly / Burthorpe, make 1 or 2 training methods available and then make the rest into "Subscribe to members to access this feature". There's no reason for them to give us, say, Taverly dungeon which makes very little sense for them to do because of the number of P2P creatures within it.
  10. [nitpicking]: The thread was closed by a Fmod, Pmods can't close threads. [/nitpicking] Only thing I think of when I read this is just how few employees are shown on BTS videos compared to how many actually work at Jagex. Not a large enough sample to make claims such as that which you have made.
  11. As well, the reintroduction of video ads before login is something jagex said in the past makes far more money than static ads and that f2p wouldn't get them because the profit wasn't worth the annoyance. And we all know how that turned out... with world hopping I'm sure I've seen enough ads to make jagex at least a couple bucks profit. F2p may not add to jagexs coffers as much as p2p but to say we don't deserve at least the occasional piece of new content is silly.
  12. Very weird. Wonder what the pure f2p community will think of the p2p skills being opened up.
  13. Some nice changes there. Nice that f2p is getting some underused p2p content but not sure how I feel about opening p2p skills to f2p though.
  14. Once again Jagex shows that they will bend over backwards to whatever the loud, whiny people on the RSOF want. Not even 90% to the 500k goal and they still give them what they want. If they set a bar, they need to stick to it. I may not like the idea of two seperate games, but I was willing to accept that people were willing to play it, and pay for it if neccesary. To go back on their word regarding different levels of support is hundreds of times worse than any update they've ever released.
  15. I think Jagex could justify dropping a few things down from 500k to 250k assuming they don't make it. - Keep the extra fee, but lower it slightly. Perhaps $7.50 for the real game or $7.50 for 07, or $10.00 for both (IDK the exact current P2P prices, but scaling on that level). This gives the option to buy P2P for just one of the games, but makes the 'upgrade' to paying for both games cheap enough to be very worth it. - Small development team that would focus heavily on maintenence and bug fixes (including things like fixing the pathing system) eventually shifting to very rare new content - Bot-watch
  16. My guess is the first one will be late summer, shortly before school resumes and the second skill will come out a few months later, whenever Jagex sees memberships falling (presumably happens around Dec when people have finals?).
  17. I was away from the internet for nearly 2 weeks, and when I come back I keep hearing rumours that Jagex changed something about the numbers required for certain things or something? Anyone care to elaborate so I don't have to read 100 pages?
  18. As I just said. The real fanbase isn't the ones that yell and scream and quit after updates but the ones that play through them. There is no 'real' fan base. The group you side with doesn't become the 'real' fanbase by virtue of your presence. While I agree with that premise, I feel that having been called a jagex fanboy no less than 739 times in debates such as this (removal of free trade, induction if eoc, etc) by much the same type of person that caused this rethinking (the proverbial squeeky wheel) allows me to call myself a member of the true fanbase.
  19. Yeah. Few people I talk to in game know you start at 3. I can see that impacting the bot population heavily.
  20. As I just said. The real fanbase isn't the ones that yell and scream and quit after updates but the ones that play through them.
  21. We're bringing back 01scape? And who are these "real scapers"? The ones who whine and quit whenever there is a questionable update, or the ones that play through it?
  22. We all know EOC is based on well tested formulas employed by other MMOs, that's not where the risk comes in. The risk to implimenting EOC was alienating and driving away the long term players which at this point in RS's life, is the majority. They're simply not getting enough new players. So potentially reach into a more modern market at the chance of driving away long term players. Sounds like a risk to me.
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