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Everything posted by Stallion4589

  1. here is a thread that presents a slightly more balanced view on pmod. you shouldnt be scared of pmods. we arent there to harass players. we get harassed more than we harass. and you shouldnt be muted for anything that gets caught by the filter. i certainly dont. seeing as thats what the filter is there for. you should only be scared if you are really doing something wrong. otherwise, act normal and you will be fine.
  2. im sure someone like duke freedom could guesstimate a very rough number. i doubt its completely impossible...
  3. thats exactly how you should treat pmods. we are normal players, and certainly are not gods (even though alot of people seem to use "sir" when talking to me...). pmods are normal players, with a few extra powers to aid jagex in moderating the game. treat us as you would any other player (which i hope would be very well). elphinstone, thankyou for a discussion that takes into account both sides of the pmod argument. this is the first pmod-related thread that ive seen that hasnt been aimed at beating the crap out of pmods.
  4. why would you hope for that? they have as much right to the skill as you do. and seeing as how its a non-combat skill, im sure they will be able to raise hunter quite easily.
  5. go to "appeal an offence" and it shows all (if any) marks listed against your account
  6. The only sad part is, alot of player mods are bad people. (I've been threatened by several mods for telling them to get lost :-s ) no, actually its very few player mods that are bad people. please dont generalise. and by telling people to get lost, how good a player can you consider yourself? on topic, its good to see topics like these, where people actually praise others for trust, rather than seeing the threads where people got scammed by close friends. tif is unique in that way, i doubt that other forums have communities as close as ours.
  7. this really isnt a guide. and there are much better training places in f2p, such as moss giants or ice giants.
  8. perhaps it was the black mask, and the persons hair style gave the dreadlock effect? i dont think there is a mask that resembles the predator mask.
  9. +1. you feel honoured at first, then you have to get used to playing with the crown. it alters the way you play significantly. and i was modded at level 70. as a f2per. and ltfairy is the lowest mod ive met in game.
  10. combat - 84 total level - 920 for a rating of 10.95 so ~11. that aint too bad for f2p.
  11. i have to agree with this one. id love this update as well, but like someone else said, its just not practical. macroers would love it, and coal prices would drop.
  12. with the new format, its definitely more helpful. the pictures also make it look better.
  13. this really isnt a rant. its more of a discussion. i think that the runescape applet is fine the way it is. if it were sold to microsoft or sony, or god forbid, ea, or if jagex bought software from any of those companies, then the game wouldnt be what we have grown up with for all these years. ah, the memories...
  14. how about a guide that can be read easily? space it out, format it like the "guide to writing a guide" suggests. right now its hard to discern what is where, and the information is pretty vague. like i said before, very little information has been put into it. a bit more detail? some spelling? pictures?
  15. seems like rule 7 says you cant use programs to get a unfair advantage.. that would count as macroing and autoing and this program does neither and dosent give a unfair advantage because anyone could use it.. like devnull said, as long as it doesnt interact with the runescape client the program is perfectly legal. so any idea that have been discussed here would be fine.
  16. I've been looking into that as well, I'll be e-mailing him when I get back from school today. Heh and I'll only be missed in rs, I intend on haunting the rants board here for the rest of eternity :twisted: hehe as long as you promise to stick around. please let me know if you contact rai.
  17. please encourage the flamers to come to this thread... its been civilised so far. id like to think that jagex will give high leveled f2pers an update sometime soon. like the major update for next year could be a single quest. a SINGLE quest. just one. and i doubt that hunting will be f2p.
  18. sad to see you leave. make sure you stick around the forums though. good luck with whatever you choose to do with yourself.
  19. what you said pretty much covers it. im a payer mod as well, but i dont go out looking for trouble to deal with. i see myself as a normal player first, and a player mod second. i have the right to be a normal player and not help everyone that asks me the direction to varrock. i can use my discretion to help and report who i want. and to those that want to be a pmod: the crown isnt all its cracked up to be. its often a source of more problems than solutions. most veteran mods will tell you this (especially f2p mods).
  20. has anybody heard from rai in a while? apparently neogeo has some way to contact him. he never said goodbye :(
  21. ok so ill be the first to flame in a very mild manner. this really isnt a guide, more of an example of poor flaming. nothing is really highlighted, and the reader isnt "guided" towards anything. plus, this probably belongs in in a discussion forum or rants forum.
  22. 1) skill capes for f2p. theres no reason to deny someone that has a level 99 in f2p these. 2) a medium/high leveled quest for the long term p2pers.
  23. and now jagex just added another 6 items to f2p (full skeleton, 5 pieces, plus the jack-o-lantern).
  24. like dorkvader said, this is the most meaningful thread that has been in general f2p for a long, long time. i agree with what you said completely. high leveled pure f2pers deserve as much respect, if not more, than high leveled f2p. that is not to say that high leveled p2pers dont deserve respect. its a great shame that the skill capes arent f2p as well.
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