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Everything posted by Stallion4589

  1. im f2p, and id spread it across all three combat classes: - a few sets of full rune (just in case) and a whole heap of lobsters - mith and steel arrows - loads of death and chaos runes
  2. feel free to add me. my private chat is always on. my timezone is australian east coast.
  3. most macroers get caught well before they get close to 99. so i dont really see macrocers as a valid argument.
  4. rather than seeing this as an update, see it as a reward for all those people who have managed to get 99 in a skill. now ask yourself, why should a f2per who has put in that much effort (with significantly limited training options) not receive the cape?
  5. of course they will be f2p. f2p 99 skill stats are just as worthy as p2p 99 skill stats... you also might wanna check out this thread...
  6. on top of that, i dont think pmods desire to have any more attention than we have now. i personally would not like to walk through a f2p world and take half of varrock with me.
  7. this is a very bad idea. we already have the crowns in the chat box, and there is no need to create a further split between player mods (who ARE normal players) and the rest of the community.
  8. I almost have 60 smithing, like 53 crafting, all on f2p. 97 isn't bad, 120 would be fun Great idea though i agree that some elements should be made a little bit harder. make this quest into one which the lower levels can train towards completing. personally i wouldnt mind the entire quest being a bit harder. the reward doesnt have to be expensive or powerful, just unique. and perhaps the focus on delrith isnt so good seeing as how it follows similar lines to a p2p quest. maybe just another demon, or a completely new creature? but definitely higher than 90. perhaps an 100+ final challenge? other than that, its nice to see a p2per suggesting a f2p quest. thankyou very much.
  9. i'd mine a whole heap of coal in the mining guild (i need to mine 300 more coal for 67 mining, but i'm too lazy), or go and train on the hill giants for some nice combat and prayer xp.
  10. the best f2p bankspace argument ive heard in a long time. i strongly support this.
  11. the dragons are metaphorical... clearly someone needs to reread the article... now why cant this be published in the tip.it times?
  12. did you honestly think AT ALL before posting any of your 5+ threads that contain ideas my 3 year old cousin could have come up with?
  13. like the other useless posts have highlighted, there really isnt much left to do... perhaps something like alchemy. not the spell, but medieval chemistry, trying to turn useless elements into valuable ones (for example, being able to turn a bronze bar into a gold bar). ... still trying to think. there honestly isnt much left. unless they make summoning a new skill (rather than a branch of magic as is expected).
  14. +1. the idea is pretty useless. and it sounds like a whole heap of effort just so some people can on on rs dates... on another note, i have this theory that people that include no flamming/no spamming in their posts either think that: a) tip.iters are fairly stupid and didnt know this already or B) have come up with a crappy suggestion and are trying to cover their behinds.
  15. if people want to have online relationships, then there is no problem. let them do what they want. what IS a problem is when someone stands in varrock square saying "need a rich bf/gf" repeatedly. that should not be allowed.
  16. and the most important thing: ALL jagex mods have gold crowns, and ALL player mods have silver crowns. if they dont then you have nothing to worry about, not matter how legitimate their names look.
  17. i had the exact same image when i read this. except no crazy attack helicopters...
  18. why would you want to smuggle camels to different cities? it just doesnt make sense. and it sounds like you are making a very similar members quest more simplistic. or just changing the name.
  19. how so? well, in terms of graphical updates, varrock is the only place left. but again, only time will tell if there will be future non-graphical updates.
  20. most i managed was 2.5k steel bars. i wasnt confident that my sanity could outlast any more clicking, so i took a break. that was just to make some money, nothing special.
  21. but how often would a f2per get a chance to do this, unless the person was an ex-member with p2p stuff in their bank? in which case, you would hope that they would know what the stuff in the former bank was...
  22. Ok, fine. Then tell me: 1. How is it defined? 2. How is it enforced? 3. What is the penalty? Is in-game harrassment as serious a crime as auto-ing? Or password scamming? These will get your account banned. Is it as serious as using foul language? This will get you muted for 3 days and put a black mark on your account. Ok, so maybe you can mute the offender. Doesn't keep them from following you. Simply speaking, the rules, as written, are sufficient. This is a freaking game, people! Get over it! There are people who think its fun to annoy other people and make them mad. By getting mad at them, you are doing exactly what they want and they are getting their way. When you get this through your head you'll realize that this rule is not needed at all because you realize that when you respond to the taunts, you are the one being the noob. Think about it. They follow you and beg from you. You decide to get mad at them and curse them. They report you. You end up with the black mark, not them. They have done nothing wrong. A review of the log has your name next to the curse words, not theirs. - Sligo +1. the current rules sufficiently protect people from serious harassment. this proposed rule is way too vague and would require excessive amounts of attention from the jagex mods. plus, if someone if following you, how do you prove that? the reporting system records text in the chat box and accepted trades. if you tell someone to stop following you, and there is no reply, is that sufficient evidence to warrant a report? this rule would be subject to way too much abuse. if you feel that harassment is someone following you around too much, then stop and take a break from runescape. there are annoying and immature people in it, but remember, its only a game.
  23. magic is pretty good in f2p. personally, i got into a 2 on 1 against 2 level 75 rangers. even though they were wearing dhide, i still managed to force one to tele and i killed the other. there are no problems with being limited to fire blast. however there are several key points that could be changed: the current "entangle" or whatever the f2p version is called is pretty useless. 5 seconds. even when i went out luring with my clan, and 2 people were entangling, it was such a waste of runes. if a mage gets piled, they might as well start saying hello to lumbridge. f2p does need some form of mage armour. the triangle is fairly imbalanced. rune armour is strong against range, and weak against mage. dhide is strong against magic, and alright against melee. mage robes suck against everything. something needs to be done to even this up.
  24. legend, the secret is out :wink: but on a serious note, whilst these glitches may not get you banned, if they are serious enough it is still a good idea to report these to jagex via the bug report option on the main page. better to be safe than sorry.
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