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Everything posted by Stallion4589

  1. that would screw things up completely. think about things like essence pouches and the like. they will be useless. i think the inventory system will be staying like it is for a little while.
  2. wow. tip.it times pl0x. no offence to the editor, but this article is much better than an overview of the month's coming updates.
  3. actually, you would only be able to have 2.4 billion air runes. thats the maximum amount of any item you can have in the game.
  4. determination > :cry: i got hacked im quitting concert tickets > membership
  5. well the boots are a great improvement on the normal leather boots (which give minimal defence) or random event boots (which give nothing) so i wouldnt be complaining about that. its an extra couple of defence points which dont do anyone harm. just dont wear them when maging or ranging, simple solution.
  6. please search next time. your question could have been answered easily. you can only have one sceptre at a time, but you can have multiple individual pieces or rods/skulls in order to create another one when your original breaks.
  7. im currently 65 defence and i can easily survive at the fleshies. i have seen level 70s there dealing with the fleshies without too many problems. bring some food just in case.
  8. dude, please stop asking for more stuff for f2p. we just got a massive update. you could have waited at least another 6 months before annoying the heck out of everyone here. we dont pay, we dont get rcing updates, especially not nats. thats just way too much. and they arent gonna place second altars around the map, its just a stupid idea and looks messy. i dont think this is gonna happen.
  9. happy birthday to haaaaaaaaazzzzzaaaaaarrrrdddddddd, happy birthday to you. people in general p2p seem alot more mature than those in general.
  10. ok, hazard, you now have to stop continuting to be 12. same goes for everyone else that was 13 before rs was 13+........ unfortunately it doesnt work like that. the example that you gave is not what i was talking about with retrospective laws. ill re-explain my point with your example. in the past (ie before the law was created), you talked on the phone while driving. however, since the introduction of the law, you have never talked while driving. under the law, you cannot be guilty of the "crime" you committed before it was a "crime." that is, you cannot be found guilty of something that wasnt a crime at the time the action took place. my example fits the matter at hand. hazard was under thirteen before jagex made rs 13+, but his account, made and played on by a 12 year old, still exists. this new rule of jagexs cannot be retrospective. point proven?
  11. LMAO. Where the heck did you get that from? 1. Jagex are on the other side of the world from me 2. I have no fax machine EDIT: Oops, sorry for the double post. :oops: It is standard internet policy...it is not a Jagex policy, it is an actual law that has been put into effect by the government. And notice how i said MAY... I think you're talking out of your -------- :lol: It's NOT a standard internet policy, it's JAGEX POLICY. I joined BEFORE IT WAS ENFORCED. Laws are only in effect from WHEN THEY HAVE BEEN ENFORCED. I have a mod friend who has assured me this. i think there could be an international internet laws that has been adopted by several states regarding the sharing of information over the internet, but even with runescape i dont see how that can be applied here. no personal information is supplied to jagex, therefore you wouldnt need (written, or faxed from halfway across the globe) parental permission to give out the information that was never supplied. and i see that when you try to sign up as an under 13, all the information that yew74 blabbed on about is given to you... [/sarcasm] another basic legal concept can also be applied here: laws cannot be retrospective. that is, a law cannot be made and applied to something that happened in the past. in this case, the underage players were playing before jagex decided to enforce a 13+ age limit on runescape. those that joined before this are technically exempt through this nice little loophole. and if im wrong (which i dont think i am), this would make one hell of a ban appeal. ps. im hazards mod friend pps. GET ON TOPIC!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
  12. but rhetorical questions arent supposed to have an answer, so how would you answer it?
  13. wooooo happy birthday hazard. i thought you were waaayyyy older than 12. but congratulations anyway. ill be there if i can wake up at 6am... and to all those attempting to use sarcasm, give the guy a break and wish him a happy birthday already. happy birthday hazard!
  14. afk=away from keyboard ask hazard about all the good multi-combat areas he found on all of the levels...
  15. shhhh dont tell people about this. i have been training there all day. i seemed to hit the spiders faster than i hit the crawlers.
  16. and lost it after doing so :roll: i dont think that comment was neccesary. that subject is water under the bridge. i think ive acheived more than i ever thought i would in rs. given that, theres still alot to go, but thats what makes the game fun (and addictive). still trying to achieve several goals (that seem to be taking forever): 1) 80+ combat 2) 70 mining/smithing 3) a high rc lvl (id like to see if i can make it profitable)
  17. i guess everyone can be assured that this will be a glitch-free update. im glad jagex are taking the time to check this one out, so we dont get another 6/6/6 incident. personally, i dont care how long they take to test this one out, as long as the update is glitch-free.
  18. oh come on... at least half the people here are selfish whiny brats who cant deal with an update (which they wouldnt normally get) thats gonna be a bit late. if this update is sooooo important for you, someone needs to get you off runescape quick. be grateful that we are getting an update. or that we have a f2p version of the game. none of this "we havent had a serious update since rc" bs. the attitude everyone should be taking is "thankyou jagex for taking the time to make our UNDESERVED update bug-free." maybe then they might consider updating the game more often for us freeloaders.
  19. so, im standing here in a f2p world, and every low level and his (or her) dog has a battlestave (well i think its a battlestaff, it being the staff you hold at an angle rather than straight up). my staff still goes straight up, so im wondering, did battlestaves become f2p? if so, where can i get one? are there a whole heap of low levels that just quit members weilding battlestaves? or am i going crazy?
  20. i think runecrafting or crafting. probably crafting. prayer can still be bought, even with big bones. im stuck on 50 crafting. mainly cos i cant be bothered training it any further, but also because there isnt anything that gives good xp past this point.
  21. what about people that keep spamming and try to be smart :? 1: Don't start a fight with bubs 2: Rants in the rants section and 3: Don't start a fight with bubs lol, what are you? his right hand :? no, hes just right.
  22. seconded. theres no need to taunt the newbies like that, and you make like you are a step above those in the f2p worlds. you obviously have too much rs time on your hands.
  23. wow. another person who cant deal with never being able to own a party hat. rares are a central part of the economy, and are here to stay. the game you be extremely f*&$ed if rares were taken out. jagex will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever even consider taking rares out of the game. or try to fiddle with the amount in game. so, make like every other noob out there, and deal with the fact the in the near future, you wont be owning a rare.
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