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Everything posted by zonda

  1. same read, diff site http://listvine.com/2006/10/25/9-reason ... irefox-20/ which is a dumb article imo because its all users fault / preference, but also like 10 people now have told me 2.1 is out... you sure cam?
  2. Okay, lets start out nice and slow... My computer has 6 USB slots, 4 in back and 2 in front. In the front I usually have my headphones plugged in, and then whenever I need it, my Jumpdrive goes to the other slot. In back I've got random stuff that doesn't matter. Okay, so the lower slot is where the cord for my headset is, and this morning I went to plug my jump drive into the top one... accept it didn't turn on at all, the computer didn't detect it and the little blue light didn't come on. I took the jumpdrive out and noticed that one of the gold prongs some how got bent out of its place, and despite me trying with all my might, there was no way I was going to fix it (though I'm shocked that it refuses to work with only ONE of the FOUR missing... I've seen much worse then that and they still work) Anyway, so I'm like wtfbbq this sucks, I unplugged my headset and tossed the jumpdrive in that slot, it worked fine and I got all the files I needed onto it, shutdown the comp, took my jumpdrive, and drove to UWWC. I come back home, and see the headset unplugged like "oops" and when I plug it in the bottom one, I get "POWER SURGE OMG!!!11" message... when I plug it in the top one I get "PWOER SUCRGG OMG!11" message... not cool. I plug it in the back slots, it works fine... so I run upstairs, grab my jump drive, toss it in the top slot (the broken one) Nothing happens. toss it in the bottom slot, works just fine... so I try again with the headset, "OMG SURGEE ERROR!11" so I turn the comp off, and try plugging it in whilst theres no power even running to the USB slot and when I turned the comp on, no luck. So summary: -The top slot obviously still has power, as I get an error message when I plug the headset into it, despite the [developmentally delayed]ed jumpdrive not wanting to work in it -The 2 front slots are pissing me off, but if I use the back slots for my headset, it works fine, meaning it isn't the headsets fault. Anyone have any ideas that don't involve gravity, fire, or sledgehammers? If this keeps up something is definitly going to be crushed, smashed, and blown up very soon. EDIT: Forgetteded that I tookeded a screen shoteded.
  3. Hmmm... never tried doing anything with flash, but if it's that easy I might as well get the 30 day trial and give it a shot. Sweet.
  4. Lol sup cam, not gonna lie, I didn't have time to read all of it this morning before school. I skimmed over a few things real quick and then posted the link. A different computer forum site was the origional source where I got the info, and someone (credible) said 2.1.0### was out, didn't do any super iverstigatory work though, forgive me.
  5. And Mcafee is just as bad as Norton. They've released more than a few updates that decide to wipe legitimate files that aren't infected because they didn't bother testing their update correctly. AVG Did that to my laptop - somehow it decided about half my critical files were viruses (despite the computer never being hooked up to the internet, and AVG was installed thru a CD) and took the liberty of, rather than asking what to do, automatically deleting them permadently. Luckily my laptop ran windows 2000, and luckily I don't have a windows 2000 CD.... so after being forced to install XP the hard drive died anyway. woot. - Oh, and I never used or even tried WGA, no sense in it when I already had plenty of other software that did the same thing, though I expect if I tried it I wouldn't like it. They tend to overcomplicate things and over-stupidfy them at the same time, all whilst giving you lots of bloatware and such.
  6. What on earth are you talking about? I did pay for XP. Now get lost and stop trolling. the only reason, I can imagine, as to running an outdated OS is because you can't update it because you don't actually own it, and in such a case I refuse to help said person - especially considering that tip.it does not condone or encourage any form of warez or piracy.
  7. read this: http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=0 ... 2&from=rss and anyway, firefox 2.1.0000000021812301938103810381 is out....
  8. What kind of internet are you using? DSL or cable? It could be that either they moved their servers, or someone else is hogging all the bandwidth with a torrent or P2P client... if your using wireless internet, make sure no jerk is connected to it. Otherwise, double check you have no spyware, your HJT files looks clean besides unnesesessaeries.... and the only other thing I could think of is if you downloaded too much your ISP may have put a cap on your download speed? Speedtest.net what are your results from there?
  9. errr I don't have a problem with mcafee + xp + safe mode.... maybe thats because I perchased my copies of both? You can't expect things to run as smoothly when your running a warez version, thats just common sense.
  10. ouch - well your computer should have come with one if thats what your talking about. I'm not going to lie, but all the 56k modems I've used have been, for the most part, exactly the same. The only difference you'll see between modems is like 28k or 56k now-a-days. The began making "gaming modems" in the mid to late 90's for gaming over 56k, but they didn't do too well because it was the same time that DSL and cable were coming out. I personally never used one, but I can't imagine what made them any faster / better then a normal modem. Might I ask what this it being used for? Just a quick note - I use to have a seperate phone line hooked up for my 56k internet, and I could keep uptimes close to 2 weeks. Also, if it's for gaming purposes and you notice you have high ping, theres not much you can do for that on 56k BUT if you get more RAM it could help beleive it or not... when I added another 128 stick to my older computer I could connect to battle.net servers about 200 ms faster then previously, and when I added another 512 stick to this computer my ping in BF2 servers dropped from 80-90 to about 30-40.
  11. Like the others said... basically it isn't an issue. Being able to 'bind' a keylogger / trojan - or any exe for that matter with a picture can still be done, but it's an exploit that only works on unsecured and out of date operating systems - so basically if your running windows 2000 without any updates, that would be the only time you would have to fret.
  12. Anytime bro, how about buying XP next time and you won't have to hear it.
  13. Everything vista is introducing GUI wise has already been done - whether it be with linux, programs offered by stardock, netscape, even the xbox has features being introduced into vista (admitedly though both are manufactureed under microsoft)
  14. Also worth it to compress and defrag all your files.
  15. OHHHH well sorry for trying to help mr smarty pants, but you regreted to inform me that windows wasn't starting up I assumed it was one of those errors messages that come up when windows is started and it had an "OK" button, but just continually popped up no matter how many times you clicked OK.... If you want, just try removing the network card physically. Just open the case and unscrew it and pop it out, not too difficult. I hope it sparks and fry's your mobo and every component connected to it, though the odds of that happening are 1 in 10000. Don't expect much help from me ever again, unappreciative swine
  16. lol WoW is an emergency? I guess that game really is like crack for some people lol. Anyway, are you talking about the windows firewall? Or a seperate firewall like zone alarm? Or a hardware firewall like on a router? If it's a hardware firewall, simply uncheck it.... also double check you have the correct ports open for any games your try to play and that your encryptions arn't messing anything up. If its software like zone alarm... just exit... I assume you mean windows though? Do this: Start > settings > Control panel > security center > windows firewall >> then just disable it. If it won't let you for some reason, do this.... start >> settings >> control panel >> administrative tools >> services >> scroll down to 'windows firewall/Internet connectio nsharing(ICS) and double click it. Choose 'startup type' disabled, and then click "STOP" to end the service. Now click ok and restart... it should be disabled now.
  17. Can't you just use GIF to have transparancy? To be honest, I always thought saving an image as a GIF was the only way to preserve transparancy on a picture.
  18. well... I don't have an answer - but if you want to try and uninstall your ethernet card go for it, theres no real harm in doing so. Go to your desktop >> right click 'my computer' >> properties >> 'hardware' tab >> click 'device manager' and look for your network adapters and simply right click it and say uninstall.
  19. careful with CCleaner, it can mess up your registry pretty good if you don't know what your doing. Same goes for anyone using TuneXP.
  20. k... heres some advice. I read the first line of your post at this point and nothing else as of yet (though I'll go back in a minute) GET SERVICE PACK 2.... WHY ARE YOU ON SP1???? they release updates for a reason... sp1 has a lot of vital security flaws and bugs. Theres no reason to be running outdated versions of windows, or anything for that matter, it takes all of 30 minutes to update them from the windows site. Would you use anti virus software thats 5 years old when theres new virus's coming out on a daily basis because you don't want to bother downloading updates / patchs that would take 5 minutes? A lot better then trying to rebuild your credit for the next 10 years because someone keylogged your credt card...
  21. darkrick almost wins an internet, however rule 3 should have been "????" not "...." nice try though. As far as the topic though - you don't really need to make sperate partitions, it kind of over complicates stuff. IMO just make one drive backup / movies / music / pictures and another your windows / games / ect. Its what I do... and it would work great if I actually organized it, but uh... theres 10000000 files unsorted all over the place. Fun fun.
  22. yea I didn't write it, I found it by chance, though it isn't the difficult if you read it.
  23. he said that he has a USB wireless card thats plug-and-play and he can wardrive with it...
  24. Don't waste time with that.... First off, go to the ATI website and get the most recent drivers for your specific card After it is finished downloading, uninstall your current ATI drivers, do this by going to your control panel and looking for an "ATI" icon (like ati control panel, or ati uninstall drivers) if you don't see it under there... go to your control panel again, and click add/remove programs and look for the ATI drivers if they are in there. Now once the driver is uninstalled, restart your comp... once it boots up, install the new drivers you downloaded, then restart again, and you should be good to go.
  25. stop bumping old topics for no reason, especially when they have been answered or you have nothing to actually contribute to them....
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