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Everything posted by pulli23

  1. Wow way to ignore an opinion! -.- Well: if you like doing everything yourself: why are you still playing an MMOrpg? - If you like to do everything on your own and being selfsuffient a normal RPG would do the job won't it? I like the fact that in runescape you can specilize yourself into 1 thing: and let others do other things for you. With the trade restriction it's a bit removed/limited already (you can't say: hey I give you 1000 nature runes if you fetch full rune for me)... +having an altar & rune essence mine would greatly upset the balance of runecrafting: it would become very easy to powertrain!
  2. ^If it's going to remain their property, how can they sell it? :ohnoes: Did you pay for your ID card? - Well that stay property of the state! - You only pay so you can use/keep it!
  3. Wait: so we have to prove our innocence these days? Seems like the world is upside down! YOU ARE ALWAYS UNGUILTY FOR ANYTHING UNTILL PROVEN OTHERWISE! This is one of the most basic rules to a clean goverment: it prevents power abusal!
  4. While I'm all for better ai, but that "just" isn't really correct there! You know pathfinding is one of the hardest things/most processor heavy things in computer science (and especially gaming): I know for example that RA2 spend 60% of it's processing time on pathfinding, and AoE 1 even upto 80%! Given the most time went into "CAN_PATH" calls: just to check wether or not a unit could go somewhere at some time. But still: this gives you an idea of how much extra processing time RS would require at the server (of course pathfinding/ AI is all calculated at the server side, not at the client side. Sure 1 boss with AI doesn't really make the servers bad: however it does add up. At the moment if JAGEX would add an extra monster it doesn't really require more processing power: the graphical code is just transmitted/executed at the client side and the other things don't require much time. (most of RS processing time goes into player managing: not into the AI). The difference between 0 or 1 players logged in would be as much as like 0 or 1000 monsters with their current AI. (These are just educated guesses). However if one would add real, reacting AI to a boss it would be even more processor heavy than another human player: an intelligent AI player requires often around 10-100 times the amount of processing a normal human player requires! Sure it can be reduced by instantiating. Which currently already happens: if no one is in a certain area it gets "resetted" to the original settings for large parts, a good example are the godwars dungeon: If no ones there and you enter you will see the vampires always being aggressive. However after some time they turn into being non aggressive against the saradomin monsters. If the last person leaves they are "resetted" again and made aggressive. All AI could be disabled if no one is near... However still the main point is: if Runescape would start adding semirealistic AI the question is no longer "when does the game development team finally finishes the new boss", but the question would become: when do we get finally faster computers? @insanity: then what's the point of owning something? And in effect: what's the point of killing the boss for items? And what makes this hard? - It just requires high levels, but really, is click a rock hard?
  5. Or you know, add armour that lower the damage being done! :o
  6. Adults tend to have more expenses than kids, though; they need to decide whether to spend their hard-earned money on RS stuff, or things such as rent, food, and clothes that kids' parents would otherwise provide for them. Also, there are a lot more kids playing than adults, so it wouldn't really balance out. Regarding the topic at hand: for one, I think demand would be extremely elastic, and secondly this would open up a whole new front for gp selling. Think about it: "You transfer me a mil, and I'll buy you $5 worth of cash shop items". This already goes on with p2p pins, but those are more or less required as part of Jagex's myriad of ways to purchase p2p. I don't think Jagex would want to introduce a non-essential feature that would give people reason to conduct rl trades. To add to that: currently it's well known in the netherlands at least that people around the age of 16-18 years old make the most nett profit on average! - Yes more than the age group 24-65! - Simply because they don't have to spent a single coin, yet have more than enough spare time to do almost a fulltime job! My opinion on this is "no": I don't care about people buying decorative items.. (though it would be pretty stupid to see something like: you're fighting someone: he suddenly pulls out some flower and bam-bam-bam-bam-bam-bam dds specs you!) However I've been with a lot of games where they started adding such "cash shops": and well, it always means that more and more attention goes to the shop and updating the shop's items. And less and less attention goes to the actual game content!
  7. You want monsters that can 2hit you with a 90% certainity? What the fun of that? - It all starts to come down to luck in that case! BOOM-BOOM dead.. Wow that was fun :/ I rather have bosses like the saradomin godwars boss: deadly but not really a 2hit KO attack. Also at least the saradomin boss requires some tactics: I really hoped the new bosses would need that too.. But so far it seems the beast is pretty basic.. And about the different "parts": Well taht's actually what the GWD bosses are: you can just see the boss and it's sergeants as 1 monster: the sergeants will regrow if they're killed before the main part is killed!
  8. Why is there only one King Black Dragon spawn? Well A. He's a venerable boss monster and was once so powerful he needed a team to take him down during the days before lootshare, B. His drops today, frankly, suck. You can get the visage from black and, I believe, metal dragons. And 3. The Wraith requires FULL BLACK armor to fight. This makes him somewhat time consuming for even the most powerful of players to fight him. So when someone else show's up, you can't overpower them with better gear. You missed my point there with the KBD. The drops of the Tormented Wraith essentially suck, yes? With the exception of one rare item: the elixir. There is a low risk when fighting this monster, and the chance at a VERY valuable reward. Compare this to another boss monster--any of your choosing--and tell me if this seems fair. The Kalphite Queen has similar drops as well, yet is more hard than the KBD, let alone the Wraith. Yes, the gear thing is a complete equalizer across the combat levels, but prayer completely nullifies the risk. An inventory of prayer potions and one could stay there many hours and make a decent amount of money even WITHOUT an elixir drop. I tried my luck there, and I made 100k an hour. My friend tried his luck there and made 200k+ an hour. All with little risk. Even killing Green Dragons, which are a lower level and far more weak, are more dangerous simply because of it's environment. There is nothing, truly, that makes the Tormented Wraith particularly dangerous. He hits hard, but not fast enough to KO someone. All of these are beside the point, though. I'm sorry for getting off topic. My suggestion to add onto the OT's topic was that they should investigate ways to make this NPC a little more difficult, so people weren't able to camp there quite as long. Harder to camp = more of a chance you could find an open world. Crashers, however, can't be avoided. I won't even venture a guess at how to stop it. O_O Well why should they make it harder? - There are lots of bosses already that are very hard! I think JAGEX wanted to open a "boss" for the lower levels to being able to solo (lv 70-100): I spent a lot of time there: but franklyI wonder why all 130+ people come there, there's a lot more money soloing gwd or even the kbd earns more money/hour!
  9. I bet there are more out there. And who knows what other monsters and rewards could be found in those areas? The Wraith is already a wonderful reward for the castle. I was thinking that maybe the Ring of Visibility may help located that stuff, but I doubt it. Well I did walk around at quite a few spots: been around -and tested every square- from the demonic ruins, hillgiant/ghost place, lava maze center and around the statue with black unicorns.. none found there.. Also it seems reasonable that there are only 2: since there are also only 2 "visible" ones..
  10. Hahaha, yeh do that :) OFF TOPIC: Why do people say "barrow" isn't it borrow? Did you know it's spelled "armor" not armour and "defense" not defence, or that it's spelled "Ancient Magics", not Ancient magicks. Jagex spells things wrong, and people copy that. But in this case, Barrows is referring to... Barrows items. Kid's really don't know how to spell, so they just infer they are spelled the same. In my case, it's probably just because I'm used to saying Barrows. 3 years of runescape does that to you, lol. *sigh at americans trying to change the English language so much* Armour is indeed English, just like defence is English for american defense? Though I'm always wondering where magicks came from - anyone knows? Anyways back on topic: whips don't really loan for money: it's not that hard to get a whip yourself! So 5K seems like the max really..
  11. They are reaaaaally easy to kill as member: just wield full black dhide and start hitting them with your whip.. Once you get them down to around 1/8th of the original xp they start eating and you can hit as fast as they eat in those cases :). + they can't walk through walls (though they can through closed doors). However they can teleport short distances (they teleport in that case randomly, 4-5 times untill they have a clear line towards you again) if they get stuck AND are more than 1 space away from you. If you read my tormented wraith guide in the monster guides here you will see a technique you can also use to attack those revenants without getting hit at all! (they simply stop attacking around a corner). Halberding/ranging makes short work of them :). However simply meleeing works too: I often do my slayer task at greater demons and then encounter a few revenants: knights/dragons I evade.. HOwever orcs and lower I can easily beat without food. (if I need food I simply sidestep + put on guthans and attack a greater demon). 75% of the time they use a mage attack: which hardly hits through black dhide. They won't use their range attack (or well: they use a different, a range attack that only freezes but not actually hits).. Also if you pray: I recommend to use melee pray since that's the actual hitter! They can indeed hit pretty high (upto 30's) so be prepared to sidestep/eat.
  12. lol how? About arthas who turned into undead? - Arthas became corrupted because he let revenge control himself. It was his own "choice" to murder stratholm, go north, claim frostmourne etc. From what I understood of the lores arrav didn't really have any choices he made (wrongly).
  13. Wow: this isn't about BUGS - a bug is a mistake in the software, resulting into unexpected results. However these aren't really mistakes: if you make something weak it's expected to be defeated easily :roll: . These are just game design mistakes: and they make a lot bad decision lately about game design.. Makes you wonder if they actually have some people who studied game design there! - Don't think they have :| Ow and about testing: That quote dates from 1970 already: and it's still correct (and often forgotten lately).. If you want to show the absence of bugs you have to delve the actual code and explain WHY it works: not just jam in code and hope it works like magic! another quote
  14. I think mining is the way to go as far as easy/fast money.. 41+ mining earns around 300k/hour I believe: so once you got to that point (which should only take you like what - 5 hours?) you only need 5(fm)+8(cooking)+2(fletching) = 15M which is around 50 hours.. Adding to that the time it takes to do everything, I think it netts around 200 hours... Combat is a bit harder to calculate: it's hard to know how much money you actually made/hour: so when you can afford new better weaponry... PCing seems the way to go: only problem is that it's not really worth alot at lower levels (and that's when you need money the most).
  15. no matter how popular you are, you [bleep] up your maths buddy. think it over. You don't know the "maths" pal. You don't know Jagex's combat calculations. You don't know how attack and equipment are weighted in determining a hit or a miss or what that damage will be. You don't know if +20 in equipment stats will buy you some extra misses by your opponent which could have saved you more hitpoints than the measly amount that were shaved off by the shield. You don't know anything, you just run your mouth like fool calling everybody else one... What would you say if I say: I DO?
  16. Well I'd gladly accept this challenge.. Only if you're no lifing it's not really fair: can't we put a normal limit like max 2 hours/day playing?
  17. I'm wondering: but if you can do mulitple attacks at the same time on him with chins.... Wouldn't it work to take blood barrage there? Healing abilities while fighting....
  18. Wow herblore breaks even? - Did you count the fact you could actually sell the herbs, vials, waterfilled vials and seconds? Last time I checked (granted over a year ago) any decent method costed around 50-100M. And fast training would cost you around 200M. Construction costs between 90-100M (90.2M at 430 gp/oak plank, 10.5M at 500gp/oak plank), and crafting is also around the 50-75M boundary.. Actually the only cheaper skills I know about are cooking (20M I believe..), FM (5-10m) and fletching (depending on method 1-2M or 10-20M). So indeed: it isn't cheap, but still it isn't THAT expensive if you can get your charms easily. I would really pick up the charms: but then again I never understood why anyone would ever powertrain something.. I much rather have fun while training - and drops are the main "fun" i find in combat..
  19. well I tried ranging kurasks: while broad bolts are really nice and hit pretty much.. It's very hard to safespot: the kurasks are aggressive! The only safespot I found is at the entrance to the room. Stand to the north side so the kurask can't reach you..
  20. This shield is actually excellent for negating KO potentions from bosses/other monsters.. What I think most people fail to realise is that these shields actually allow jagex to implement more heavy hitters to the game: The KO potention of the current bosses was getting near the roof, any higher and it would just be "luck" wether a boss kills you or not (99+ damage in 1 hit possible?). Now with the new shields it allows jagex to once again "up" the maximum hit. Also since these shields are especially amazing against KOers, they will probably become more and more important as the strength limit increases... I can foresee many of these type of shields coming out with the pvp worlds: and they becomming vital for survival!
  21. Well if those are the only chioces: firecape -at least during busy periods doing damage is much more important than pray bonusses- scimitar -the str difference doesn't really do anything for the black long, the speed does- zerker/row -zerker is best since you need to get kills as fast as possible: the boss has little defense so a warrior is a bit "overkill"- Why did you even consider the explorer ring?
  22. [hide=big image][/hide] Is it just me or is that a 62?... :^o yes, but if you wield a devine shield it gets reduced (as shown above) to 43! - really can't you read? Still 42 is a lot: I think it's safe to say that with the current weaponry: even the shields it's impossible to solo! - We need some more damage reducing armour and some other ways of healing/hitting a lot! Also karambwans might be usefull to use as healing here? - since they heal 18 and can be eaten without delaying your weapn!
  23. Good effort, but no. The only acceptable pieces: Black med helm/full helm Black chain/plate black platelegs/plateskirt i would guess Black square/kiteshield Black weapons that aren't a crossbow And you're free to do whatever for the cape/gloves/boots/amulet. Nor do black spears, claws and darts work! ow and here is a very easy way to kill it using knifes!
  24. Also spear doesn't work (both plain, poisoned or kp) Another thing: the cannon can be set up, and will shoot.. HOwever after 90 balls I still hadn't hit a thing!
  25. Tried to set up a cannon: that worked... However all balls hitted 0.. After 90 balls i decided it was enough and stopped, so cannon: failure!
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