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Everything posted by pulli23

  1. uhm fore easiness sake I say you get 10 tablets/game: you might get a bit more actually (probably around 12..) but this is a "safe guess".. a game takes 30 mins so it's 20 tablits/hour, 900 tablets take thus 45 hours. The xp is "doubled": however it's still not really much.. Mostly I make around 10 pure essence on average/round. This gives you around 1200 xp/game. (maximum would be if you kept everything for the nature altar giving you 18*8*10 = 1440 xp.. However you probably get already too many pure essence during the air, water and fire parts, and you get least essence during the chaos part. So at max it would be 3k xp/hour
  2. Yea really hate that update: now the whole point of having an amazing dungeon is gone...
  3. uhm can't you always get a second 1 lol.. I own waaay to many hats/boots already (15 of each)
  4. What was the actual reward again? Well tipit's guide isn't really helpfull here: but didn't you get some xp reward for learning the ropes? - What was that reward again?
  5. There are said worlds? (besides the fletching and smithing ones.) Name them please :pray: :P Don't think there are actually worlds for summoning or runecrafting: it's not exactly a skill where you can be "social" (apart from the zmi world for rc)
  6. bs and silverbars? - always drop the bs lol! - Pess only makes me a neat 150k/hour :P But did you get it yourself (I'm hoping to hear some experiences from others who actually managed to get lumberjack).
  7. Well "best weapon" suits for slayer best: that's a whip... And since you might want to train strength eventually it's better to do it completely with a whip, then partly with a whip and a less efficient weapon..
  8. Just use a whip on controlled: is the fastest way to get all stats to 99 eventually!
  9. Well I'm "obsessed" with getting those "rare" outfits which help you slightly now: first thing I want is the lumberjack outfit.. I've been doing 200 runs already: and I own currently 10 boots, 12 helms and 3 legs.. Only missing part is the body.. Anybody got any experience with that body? - and can give a rouch estimate how long it would take?
  10. Ow btw a "funny" thing I discovered: Not all pouches are actually "good" to swap. Especially since nature runes are so low nowadays it's much cheaper to high alch certain pouches: all gold pouches, spirit dagganoth pouches and rune minotaur pouches are better to high alch (versus "trading for shards").
  11. I'm in a similar "case": there are a few cases where you can easily get somebodies account if you have the correct info: info that "changes" for most people: however for some of us it's "static" info: if you know it (IP address you log in from for example) you can forever use the same info to get the account.... There's nothing you can do other than hoping jagex changes the way recoveries are handled (my suggestion: use a system like paypal - where you actually have to make a phonecall to paypal in case you need to recover your account. Don't tell me that it's too much work: paypal can do it, and they even have a bigger consumer base than runescape). Also: create a bankpin with a 7 day delay.. Works good against crackers who use those static information. (it doesn't work against keyloggers though - that's a common misconception made by jagex to hide the fact that they know accounts can be recovered in 1% of the cases with only "static" data).
  12. Well choice is even easier in that case :lol:
  13. For metals/skelletal wyvern defense like monsters (I believe only metal dragons and skelletal wyverns fall in that category though.. Maybe black demons/dragons too?) Armadyl beats void a bit: anything else void beats armadyl thanks to it's sheer power!
  14. Get a rockshell plate to safe the 10k you need for the glory :P. Other than that you might want to go for a few other things: whip - SOOOOOO usefull fighter torso (only if you have high enough defense/easy healing methods like guthans though) barrow gloves - rfd needed though :/ D skirt: @300k it's well worth the extra defense! (I rather have rune boots + d skirt than rune legs + d boots) Also it very usefull to have range armor in stock: full black dhide + snakeskinn boots + archer helmet + rune crossbow + avas device + unholy book (though if you don't have 1 yet idk if it's worth the 2m it costs atm, use a guthix book instead). As arrows I would use broad bolts, or -if you're lower than 55 slayer- mithril bolts.
  15. just reinstal java... for windows xp: Go to control panel -> add or remove programs (open that and wait for a minute) locate all "java" stuff (Java 6 update 1-7 and maybe java 5 too): and start "removing" all those items (click on it and then click on "remove"): after having removed (and freed around 1 gb of harddisk space in my case lol).. Go to: java.com Click on the big blue "download" button and follow the instructions there (basically: download it and run it)...
  16. fighter torso from the ba? For legs there's nothing else apart from bandos tassets..
  17. Also if you know at least a bit about how pathfinding works you can easily make it so only 1 bloodveld attacks you at the same time: so no prayer needed at all!
  18. + fire cape, (maybe strength cape...), barrow gloves, dragon boots, bandos tassets
  19. Idiot. "Profit of it"? The people that profit from it are always a small minority, there are way more people that lose money from it. Buy armour low and sell high? That means some other people have to sell low and buy high. Patience has nothing to do with it, there will always be more people losing cash to this then people making cash from it. uhm as long as the average -longterm- price rises there are more people that 'profit' from it: if the price -longterm- drops people "loose" money on average (more losses than profits): why do you think a small inflation is always nice to have in real life? Problem is that in rs there is a general deflation with 99% of the items. And the problem is that unlike real life the 'average consumer' is directly influenced by small [bleep]es! But there's no way to solve it other than allowing "free trade" again: so speculators can stock up on something and sell it against the consumers for a stable price. Or they have to remove the GE altogether and set fixed prices on everything! The first will not happen, and the second thing I hope will not happen!
  20. Took me like 2k tokens for the first rune defender, but then I got the next 1 in 10 tokens (first kill!).. I think it averages around 200-300 tokens/defender (you need 8 defenders for your first rune defender)..
  21. That is a mean thing to do. Shame on you! *Slaps wrist* If you were going to invest in anything, I would go for: [*:14viw07u]High level food [*:14viw07u]Armour very risky, new armour that is supposed to come out might 'replace' the current armor [*:14viw07u]Weapons see above [*:14viw07u]Potions A rise in price of pots doesn't "stay": it will simply mean more people train herblore, so the rise is very small! [*:14viw07u]Runes
  22. Or you could of course buy a godsword with the intention of KEEPING it?
  23. As for f2p: ranged: 40 is really usefull for green dhide vambracers, any higher is pretty "useless". prayer: 43 for protect from melee, higher isn't really needed. magic: as high as possible, especially in pvp magic level really determines how well you do vs other magicians.. Else lv 55 is "enough".
  24. Uhm, I think that it's junk already (though it's hard to say atm - you can only see it after like 1-2months) with the current speed "summoners" could get it nobody with their right mind would actually buy it from the ge... This means that the GE price won't update untill jagex manually starts updating it, so it's worthless till that time! Now if the critical point at which summoners stop buying it won't be reached, I think it will fall to like 1/2 of the original price. Maybe even as low as 1/3 or 1/4.
  25. Why lessers lol - they have waaaay to strong defense.. My pure got 68 range atm: and I'm still using it with IRON arrows at the minotaurs at the security stronghold!
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