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Everything posted by No_OnE

  1. But that's the key problem. Creationism and Intelligent Design are not theories. Once again, we return to people's ignorance of what the word theory means. Maybe I am ignorant of the definition but is the definition something along the lines of "explanation whose status is still debatable"? Isn't that what these are. The explanation of the beginning of the human race. None of it is proven so it is still debatable. Until an explanation is proven, it's theory. These are explanations. They aren't proven. They're theories. I will say that I might be missing something and I'll admit that I may be completely wrong, but until you kindly point out that key thing that I'm missing, I will stand by my opinion.
  2. All science is theory. They are "proven" based on what we know. Other factors that we don't know of can, one day, come into play and turn every theory we have upside down. For example, it's not possible for us to travel at the speed of light, right? Not necessarily. It's called Einstein's Theory[/] of Relativity for a reason. Also, to cut out all things that aren't 100% proven would eliminate almost all math and science classes. Even some history classes would be cut. In my opinion, both theories should taught with the side note that they are, in fact, theories. I have faith in God and I do believe in Heaven and life after death but I don't exactly agree with the creationist theory. I'm a logical thinker and I sort of believe in a mixture of the two. I won't go into detail or anything, though.
  3. It's just a simpler way of explaining it when getting into very small or very big numbers. It's kind of irrelevant to try and complicate things with pointless details when you can get the same point across just by talking in magnitudes of 10. I know that. I meant why does it have to go down like that. Why can't we just nip out the last 0.00001K? I can't really explain it. It's just that the way you cool something down is by introducing it to something colder than it is. For instance, in your house. When you turn the temperature down with the thermostat, you aren't really turning down the temperature. You're actually telling the system to add cold air to your home which mixes with the warmer air. The temperature then averages out to a cooler temperature. To reach absolute zero, you would have to introduce an object at 10 degrees kelvin to an object to an object of the same mass with a temperature of -10 degrees kelvin. But an object of that temperature doesn't exist (as far as we know). It would be pretty interesting if we could just get rid of that last .0001K but we just can't.
  4. No_OnE


    Seems the Windows version of the game isn't doing so well. I have the game for my 360 and I don't see too many flaws with the game. The graphics are pretty good and the gameplay is awesome. I got it two days ago and I've been playing it here and there. I haven't found time to sit down and play it for a long, uninterrupted period. Hopefully I'll beat it before school starts on Monday.
  5. It wouldn't matter. Take the 1K again and cool it by an order of 1,000. You have .001K now. You could take any number and reduce it based on that number and you would never reach zero. It would be different if we could directly subtract temperature but I'm fairly sure we can't.
  6. No_OnE


    Not sure how many people on TIF actually do sigs like this anymore but I decided to post anyway. It's my first in a long time. Note: There's a black border on the top and bottom so it may look weird to those of you with a black or dark background.
  7. I'd do it but only for two weeks. Another condition would be that the girl can't be obese. I don't care too much about looks because looking at my own, new body wouldn't hold my interest for too long. I just don't want to have to know how it feels to be fat. I'd want an athletic-ish girl. At least around the size I am. It would be interesting to experience life as a girl. See how they get treated differently for the better or worse.
  8. I agree. Global warming is happening right in front of us and people are too ignorant to accept it. As much as I never liked Al Gore, I watched his movie with an open mind and everything made sense. If everyone would just heed Gore's and other scientists'/environmentalists' warnings, we could possibly change the way things are going.
  9. Something people need to realize is that it's happening, and it's going to start happening faster. The average temperature may have only made a minor change in the past decade but that minor change is melting the ice caps. The more they melt, the faster the temperature goes up. The faster the temperature goes up, the faster the ice caps melt. It's a never ending circle. Sooner or later, the temperature will have changed the places where major crops can grow and that will start screwing with the economy of a lot of countries throughout the world. The only way we can delay this whole thing is buy changing the way we go about our everyday life. Another thing that should be pointed out is that people don't need to completely alter their way of lifestyle to help out. You drive an SUV and don't want to switch to a car? Ok. Just start using fluorescent bulbs in your home and crack down on recycling. It's not an all or nothing situation. Ever little thing counts.
  10. The LoZ series. I'm not a big fan of skill/stat raising RPGs but I did like Fable. I just wish the world was a bit bigger and the main story was a little longer.
  11. Though his parents are idiots and the names they've chosen are pretty pathetic, the kid won't necessarily have a hard time fitting in at school or anything. It depends on how he acts. For instance, if he's quiet or if he's ashamed of his name, then kids will make fun. On the other hand, if he's outgoing and lets kids know that he's proud of his name and that he's still just a normal kid, he'll be fine. Heck, with a name like Superman, he might end up being popular. It all depends on how he acts.
  12. I'm not going to reduce to the level of some by flaming you. I'd just like to point something out. You said that he made himself out to be some player in real life but I don't exactly see how. He's had 12 girlfriends before 15. It's a lot but for a lot of teens in school, now, it's fully possible. Secondly, he's stayed single for 5+ years for a girl he doesn't even know in real life. He could do all the cheating that he wants and she would never find out but he didn't. I wouldn't exactly call that a player. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, I just disagree with yours (and, for that matter, Beamo's. But I won't get into that. Other people are already playing that game). Edit: Almost forgot to say congrats, Tigra. Sounds like you'll have fun. Good luck to you and the girl you're meeting. You make its sound like you need 30 Girlfriends in 15 years to be a "player." It might be the Geographical difference and the difference in colloquial terms across the world but where I live, 12 Girlfriends before the age of 15 is a "player." By the way being a player isn't a bad thing at all, its actually quite good from a male's perspective - but talking yourself up over the internet, please...how ridiculously gay! :roll: I don't think he was talking himself up or bragging about having 12 girlfriends. He was just making a statement. There really would have been no need for him to have bragged about it. Honestly, Tigra seems intelligent enough to know that bragging about having had 12 girlfriends before 15 isn't going to impress any of us on these forums. He was just making a statement to prove a point. Also, I think you're right about the geographical difference. Where I live, you can go through girlfriends fast but still not be a player. It all depends on how you treat the girls you go out with. If you use them for sexual gain or just to have some girl at your side to make you look "cool", then you're considered a player.
  13. Failure pretty much sums my fears up. I fear failure in about everything I do. I don't fear it so much that it affects my life. If anything, it probably helps me succeed.
  14. I remember watching Captain Planet when I was younger. It was a pretty fun show to watch. Anyway, while we're on the subject:
  15. An odd topic. I don't exactly think butts should play a part in how you feel about someone. Beauty as a whole plays a part and I see nothing wrong with that as long as you don't judge a person by looks alone.
  16. I'm not going to reduce to the level of some by flaming you. I'd just like to point something out. You said that he made himself out to be some player in real life but I don't exactly see how. He's had 12 girlfriends before 15. It's a lot but for a lot of teens in school, now, it's fully possible. Secondly, he's stayed single for 5+ years for a girl he doesn't even know in real life. He could do all the cheating that he wants and she would never find out but he didn't. I wouldn't exactly call that a player. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, I just disagree with yours (and, for that matter, Beamo's. But I won't get into that. Other people are already playing that game). Edit: Almost forgot to say congrats, Tigra. Sounds like you'll have fun. Good luck to you and the girl you're meeting.
  17. I pretty much agree with Nadril. I'll add that I'd like a girl who's outgoing, fun, and sane.
  18. Well, I think it is quite relevant. What's the point of giving a punishment that can't be enforced? If it isn't enforced, the man would practically escape without punishment. Lol yeah. Bit of a silly point there insane. He is being thrown into a sex offender's program. The restriction on talking to women is in addition to that. He is being punished. I wouldn't consider the restriction of talking to women a punishment since it can't be enforced very well but you are right about the program. Though, is just a program and some silly restriction that is hard to enforce enough?
  19. I do. My two aunts and my grandparents used to live in a house that was supposedly haunted. When my grandpa first told me the stories about that house, I laughed and called him a liar. I only believed them when my grandma told me that he was telling the truth. I proceeded to ask my aunts and they both backed my grandparents up. Anyway, I do believe in ghosts. I believe in them far more than I believe that aliens have visited our planet.
  20. Man, you've really had a bad week. The only advice I can give you is to hang in there and try to make things better with your friend because you'll be needing someone to talk all this through with. Now would be the worst time to be mad at each other. Anyway, I hope things get better for you. Good luck.
  21. Go download a free program like GIMP and put a little more effort into these things. Follow tutorials which can easily be found on deviantArt. The things you made aren't good.
  22. No, see, even if he was the worst president ever we'd still be a stable country because of CHECKS AND BALANCES. Thank God for an inept Congress and a rigid Supreme Court (for the most part, although he's been manipulating both lately...) I understand that the media portrays Bush in a negative light all the time (although I don't recall them railing on Clinton every day, Monica scandal aside), but I have to ask what he's done that's positive in his presidency? You and bartoron have insisted that he's not that bad, but I have to ask, is he that good? No Child Left Behind Failed, PATRIOT Act nearly incited riots about our civil liberties, Abramoff pulled a fast one that has just recently been rectified (more Congress' issue I suppose), Bolton has raised cain at the UN, Social Security plan failed, guest worker plan died -- basically Bush has failed to bring about bipartisan legislation since the Iraq war. That's not the mark of a strong leader, or a good president. (Whatever, you've probably already picked a side) I'll just tell you right now that I'm not exactly sure of what he did that has benefited us. I'm 15 and though I'm old enough to find these things out, I really don't care. My family, however, talks about it and they talk about how they know he's done good. I trust my families' knowledge. Even my Grandma, who cannot stand Bush, admits that he's done a lot of good for this country. I also know that the media tends to point out everything bad because that's what America likes to hear about. I don't like Bush and, if I had the choice back in 2004, I would not have reelected him. Just because I don't like him, doesn't mean I'm going to allow myself to be so susceptible to what the media tells me that I only have one opinion; theirs. I think I'll withdraw myself from this argument as I've said everything I can. I've already stated that I don't care enough to get further involved to try and defend myself.
  23. [hide]I'm pretty sure it's because he loved all of the innocent people so much that he was willing to die for them. This in turn allowed Harry to die to get rid of the horcrux inside of him but still be able to return and finish Voldemort off.[/hide] I don't think that true. Dumbledore told him that it was Lily's blood that prevented Harry from dying. Thereofre, it was Lily's blood that prevented Harry from dying. Pretty simple. Rowling never followed up on what Dumbledore said...like "that may have made all the difference." Harry's willingness to sacrifice himself (aka love) really led to the protection of everyone against Hogwarts against Voldemort's spells, as Harry pointed out that they weren't binding anymore. I'm pretty sure it was actually stated in the book that Harry was able to return because he allowed himself to die. I though Dumbledore said it. I guess I'll just pay more attention to that part when I reread the book later.
  24. The Titan at Six Flags over Texas is pretty fun. I'm going to Disney World in April or May of next year so I'll be looking forward to riding some rides there.
  25. You could still have Harry Potter. You'd just have to listen to audio books instead of actually reading them.
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