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RC pking a new sport now?


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The two times I have been pked have both been when I was watching tv or a movie, and come back either teleblocked + entangled or falling over dead. So, if you are alert, you probably won't die.








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I love rc pkers :) they make the prices of nats higher, making nat crafting worth it








RC pkers don't really even out nat prices. I am sorry to inform this. It is rare to be pked, and if you do get pked, it's only like 40 nats you lose. 40 Nats isn't going to bring down the price of nats drastically. Plus, nats are always being used. The prices will be steady for a LONG time whether or not pkers are there or not.

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I only PK RCers when I need a Glory. And I rarely fail PKing them. My view? RCers have an AWSOME advantage with the Abyss. It comes with a risk. PKers are that risk. Get over it, I'm 4 Defence and I Abyss RC and have never been PK'd. It's incredibly easy to escape them.

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Well it is a challenge to try and hit people when some wear loads of magic defense and could have a dds they could run at you any second if you try to attack.












Or they are trying to make it dangerous so that P ess wont go up in price.












Or they might just be plain noobs and want to ruin for others and almost nothing for them -.-








Or they are doing all three of the alternatives I just made now!

Give a man a lighter, and he will be warm for a while.

Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

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I haven't noticed an increase in the numbers of RC pkers, same as always really and most of them are so bad it's laughable. I usually have time to stop, flame them, then run on to the abyss.








In the last 2 months I've crafted in excess of 180k nats which has made me a profit (after cost of p ess) of just over 35million. Number of times I've been pk'd during that 2 months? 3.








Once as I lagged (still dropped my pouches)




Once as I was chatting to friend and didn't realise I was in wildy :oops: (still dropped my pouches)




and Once (yes once) because the pker was actually good. Sadly despite being a good pker, he was a poor specimen of humanity... Obviously I dropped my pouches, but when I returned to pick them up, despite not being skulled and not carrying anything anyway he killed me again.. Took me all of 10mins to get my pouches back and start rc'ing again :D








So to summarise: 3 glories and 3 sets of black d'hides lost at a total combined worth of 300k or put slightly differently less than 1% of the money i've made in that time. So to finish with a uniquely English quote from Catherine Tate: "Am I bovvered?" :XD:

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My friend is an abyssal crafter but is too cheap for glories, so he pks at the abyss as soon as he finds out someone is crafting. :shame:


Dragon Drops: D spear x 2, D skirt, D half-shield, D axe, D 2h

Barrows Rewards: Ahrims hood, Karil's Coif, half key x 6, D med, torags legs, veracs flail

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I love rc pkers :) they make the prices of nats higher, making nat crafting worth it








RC pkers don't really even out nat prices. I am sorry to inform this. It is rare to be pked, and if you do get pked, it's only like 40 nats you lose. 40 Nats isn't going to bring down the price of nats drastically. Plus, nats are always being used. The prices will be steady for a LONG time whether or not pkers are there or not.












They do make the prices go higher, as people know that they are there. Because of this they are a deterant not to rc through the abyss. They are the only reason that i would not want to use the abyss, and i'm sure that if they weren't there then a lot more people would abyss rc, which definatly would change the price of nats.

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I dont understand why rc pkers pk us rc's. Now first off most of the time We get away, only the dumb rc die. I can even escape teleblock and entangled easily. Now why do they do this I'v though about this the last few days and well heres what i think.








1)They think its an easy way to get fast cash. Well your wrong there as you will only get a pk if you see a dumb rc wearing nothing at all.








2) They got pked runecrafting and want to pk glorys's back. Well if they got pked they need to read some guides to know not to get pked by abyss.








3) Some people just do it for fun/annoy people. This is what really makes me mad. Were trying to make money and you stand out there trying to kill us for "pure enjoyment'. Truly if you do this you should be ashamed.








4)There in rc pk clans-now idk if there are clans like this,but im sure there is as sometimes theres a huge clan sitting there waiting for us.








5) They don't know how to pk. Yes i believe people stand out there and try to kill people becuase they dont know how to pk.








6) There too scared- Yes some abyss pkers are too scared to go deep so they go to lvl 5 and try to pk us, most of the time unsuccfully. Like i see them one iteming and even one wearing a steel dagger.








Now i want to give some props to the people who protect us rc's. I love you guys :)








Also to people who read this and abyss pk. I want to tell you two things.




1)I make more cash in 10mins then you will abyss pk in a hour(think about it)








2) Iv never been abyss rc only when i was dumb and didnt were dhides and bring the right stuff. Since i'v brought all this stuff I'v havent been pked. And ya i can even escape a teleblock with entangled with two potions. So ya I hope you guys stop since you guys are very annoying.If you do find me and try to pk gl becuase your going to have a hard time pk me








+1. I agree 110%.

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what most people over look and what i find most ironic is that the runes the abby pkers use are what the rcer's make. your intellgent pker will do a tele block, followed by a quick entangle then a dds specail and hope for some high numbers








the 3 most common things made at the abbys are nats for the entagle, laws for the tele block, and deaths for the teleblock.








pretty ironic if you ask me




















I also find it quite stupid.




I mean most of the times, all you have to do is attack back, and they run away scared.




I mean, they are little noobs.




I'm gonna wait til level 126 to go back to RC to see if anything changes. :twisted:


[Doomred8] People who point at their wrist while asking for the time really piss me off. I know where my watch is buddy, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is?

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lol, funny story.








me: [getting close to being k0ed] ha-ha. [when I reached abyss]








player1: can I buy bloods from u, 560gp ea








me: since you attacked me, I seriously doubt it.








player1: my frund (what's that?) waits for me to pk wit him.








me: [logs somewhere else as he may be using it as an excuse]
















so there you have it, wasting dds specs on rcers. Better hope I don't hid a dds somewhere =P~



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

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well for me its more of a sport being the rcer and having the pker waste runes on me and its really funny when they kill me and I drink a p pot and protect 1 item, so no glory for them :lol: when I get home (I'm on spring break ill post all my pictures of rc pkers and me anoying them

Getting another sig


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exactly, so far I only died once but the thing is that like other people say, it makes Rcing exciting and you won't get bored too easy with meleers (an ancient or a mage is when you have to tele no doubt)



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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hmm i just used my dueling ring so no glories for them hehehe... yeah and that 1 small pouch..So yeah i don't mind them pking me.




I think everyone shouldn't wear anything... i mean there might be a chance u get pked by a good pker so it's best to have nothing of value..which will make for less rc pker....if they get nothing worth 5k+

wanna play ??^_^ total=1650+ =)

time pass by so fast -_-

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I think they just like the thought of an easy kill and not a challenge. I personally think it's a waste of time for them. It's far more fun to pk the rc pkers.








Agreed. I find it very useful to be friends with lvl 90-100 pkers that like to pk rc pkers. :twisted:

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what most people over look and what i find most ironic is that the runes the abby pkers use are what the rcer's make. your intellgent pker will do a tele block, followed by a quick entangle then a dds specail and hope for some high numbers








the 3 most common things made at the abbys are nats for the entagle, laws for the tele block, and deaths for the teleblock.








pretty ironic if you ask me




















I also find it quite stupid.




I mean most of the times, all you have to do is attack back, and they run away scared.




I mean, they are little noobs.




I'm gonna wait til level 126 to go back to RC to see if anything changes. :twisted:




im 125 and have had 3 rc pk attempts vs me in 2 days... altho 2 of them where barragers, 1 of them was a ONE ITEMER, 2 of them ran on sight and one of the 2 barragers who fought ended up losing their fire cape XD . koed them, looted mystic and barraged them when they came back, its lame but they deserve to lose their cape for rc pking. (i only be lame to people when pking if they be lame first, and rc pking is 1 of the lame things.)

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well, Rose, that's not the only risk; the monsters in there have a risk, but a very small one.








Again. I'm 4 Def and I Abyss RC. They have never killed me so if someone dies to them they should just quit because they are too moronic to continue.

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well as rc pking is so popular...I really think they should make it a skill :P




























mmyhmmm <.< :-s


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Pking, along with the game itself, is made to create fun for us. if i like rc pking, why wouldnt i do it?








you say its waste of runes eh. how about castle wars using ancients?




you say its pathetic. why do you rant then?




you say its easy to escape, then do it!








i like casting spells on you rcers. I do it for FUN! \' \' \'

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I love rc pkers :) they make the prices of nats higher, making nat crafting worth it








RC pkers don't really even out nat prices. I am sorry to inform this. It is rare to be pked, and if you do get pked, it's only like 40 nats you lose. 40 Nats isn't going to bring down the price of nats drastically. Plus, nats are always being used. The prices will be steady for a LONG time whether or not pkers are there or not.

I believe he meant the purpose of the presence of rc pkers would "scare" some rcers into the non-abyss method hence resulting in slow nats productivity the price would not be lower than it is now if every rcer uses abyss without worrying about getting pked.

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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