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Shey was here!

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You cast out your irresistably luring plead.


You catch a post from Sheynara!




The meaning : Post in my blog please?






Nice leveling! Keep going!




*licks shey*


Perv much? :uhh:




[Ex-Tha Familia3]

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You cast out your irresistably luring plead.


You catch a post from Sheynara!




The meaning : Post in my blog please?






Nice leveling! Keep going!




*licks shey*


Perv much? :uhh:




Noes, she started it.

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Good luck shey!!


Lovin' the bare handed shark fishing :shock:

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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I was trying to join the blogscape chat and it said my rank wasnt high enough to join :( :( :( :(


no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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Cya Lit have a nice holiday, you too Mc and everyone who are going on holidays! <3:




kohe there isn't a requirement set on the chat maybe you spelt it wrong? Its "Blogscape" one word.




Anyway update time.




Started off by going to Tears of Guthix and got myself some lovely Tears to go on Runecrafting! :XD:




Got 73 Thieving Last night, then went to Edgeville to hang out with the Blogscapers, and ended up dragging them all off to the kq. =D> ::'



Total 1932










Level 73 Thieving






Kqing with the Blogscapers




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Shey, I just wanted to say, if you think everyone hated the TET event, I just wanted to let you know that I liked. I mean, I didn't like getting piled but, I LOVED the story line, and I liked the idea.














And good luck!







I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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^My thoughts exactly on the event. My sympathies on the flaming (same to Oreo). :(




Anyways, keep up the skilling! I don't think I've seen anything on it here yet, but are you going for 85 mining? That seems to be where you're headed, and sounds like a fantastic way to wait out the dropping price of dragon bones. :)

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I own your thief kthxbai.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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:o BUMP!!! 8-)

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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